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I played a few MMO’s, and as far as emotes go in game i don’t think any that i played beat City of Heroes
But i don’t really like to mention those that have passed away, just to get some of the GW1 emotes back would be a nice addition at first
But not as GEM STORE ITEMS…..sick of them puppies <(-.-)>
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I think as far as new playable races go, Tengu are probably next in line to the throne.
As for my guild, Quaggan Stole My [Bike], can you imagine the horror…
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I love the idea, everyone on my TS is always complaining about this.
Unfortunately this is like the “more filtering options in trading post” idea, will most likely be ignored by anyone that can make a difference. :’(
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I’ve seen this topic so many times.
Players fearing elitism in a game that already has it, and promotes it in many ways, is borderline babyish.
As for talking about about player privacy? Its not like the suggestion is the ability to undress your character and be able to take secret screenies. ^^
I’m all in for this, it helps promote being social(^^) in my honest opinion, but that’s from me to whoever i’m talking to, I can’t promise EVERYONE using this system will do so nicely, if i see another heavy armored human walking around in sick looking gear, chances are i know what it is just from looking at it, but that comes from playing the game for a year now and a variety of level 80’s in a game that promotes Aesthetic appearance of characters an important trait. Dyes obviously vary, but after a while you learn pretty quickly what armour is because one of the things we lack is variety a year on.
On the other side of the spectrum is using inspection to see traits, stats, etc. I’m all for this as well, purely because I would love to be able to troll around while AFK and just look, and if something looks anything different from mine, i’d sure as hell love to know the reasoning behind a different build, not because I’m elitist, despite the fact i do suffer from a varying degree of elitism, but just because it would enable us to start a conversation with someone.
If someone decides to harass you for your choice, there should be a report function for it and by all means get anti-social players out the game. Your doing the world a favour by antagonizing these people who cant mind their own business and feel the need to bully.
People are assuming inspection will bring in random conversations from strangers popping up “OMFG noob why you traited like that!??!?” and in all fairness, it probably still happens anyway, but i would rather ask someone “Do you have a moment to talk about your traits I’m kinda interested in the way your playing.”
Without sounding too ‘hippy’ i love the idea of a bit more social interactions. Let the Cof speed runners go and be kittens among themselves, running cof in a normal group isn’t that much slower, and if your in a guild, take your guildies for puppies sake its why your in that guild surely.
Not only that but if someone needs help with their traits and it doesn’t come natural making builds, the ability to inspect would make helping my guildies a lot easier.
I can genuinely see no harm come from this feature, as it already in sPvP, i can’t see the huge issue with not having it elsewhere. I played WoW right up to Mists of Pandaria, and i feel i made the right choice moving over to GW2 but in all my time playing, i never had a situation where i found myself scrutinized, and players tended to not want to talk to me about my build, because they didn’t wanna talk, addon let me know who was inspecting me and i personally was never harmed in any way from it.
I say bring it on.
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(edited by Taralom.9562)
And opponents that can teleport away? You would take your time to get to them would you?
Or if you aren’t intending on fighting something that manages to hit you and throw you into combat speed?
My issue isn’t with standing and fighting, my issue is pretty much with the logic of the situation.
And as far as “full-speed sprint” goes, isn’t that what you’d call swiftness? the characters don’t run fast enough to be considered a full speed sprint.
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Firstly, I should point out that I am primarily a PvE player, PvP just bores me, that’s just me, so mainly my point is for PvE as i can’t give a structured argument for the PvP side of it.
I know for a fact that this has come up before, and I probably commented on it too, but recently its been getting on my nerves.
I honestly don’t see the point of combat speed. I remember leveling on my thief at the beginning of the game and fighting risen enemies, only to have them unhindered by the combat speed, and to be honest fast running zombie enemies would scare the puppies out of me, and they aren’t the only ones.
Remembering to the last post i saw about this, players made a point of “Would you be able to run at full speed if you were hit around the head?”, and to that i can say no, if i was dazed I may suffer from some effect of slowed running. But all the time? Because something decides to look at me funny? Coming from a realistic point, surely adrenaline wouldn’t make you run slower? And from a gaming point of view, makes my game play seem slower because of it.
Or the ridiculously long time i seemingly suffer from this after taking very small fall damage?
I don’t know what my suggestion would be in all honesty, I’ve played games where there is no running speed hindrance during combat and it doesn’t seemingly effect anything.
Either removed or just an effect of dazed or something doesn’t seem unreasonable.
Maybe I’m wrong, what do you think?
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I like the idea very much. As far as stylish goes (Braham’s shorts/Heavy Aetherblade armour) Anet struggle but the principle of your idea is quite simply awesome
Expanding a bit and potentially less effort on Anet’s behalf, more titles could implemented on more achievements.
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Personally, Great Axe all the way, as every other weapon has a 2 handed variant, sword/great sword, pistol/rifle, Mace/Hammer, it only makes sense to include it.
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Well coming from a personal standpoint on capes, I like them, in GW1 it was a much better system of representing your guild than the guild weapons, and a much cooler item than the silly flag they gave us which is impaled into your back, talk about your dictatorship guilds…xD
If Anet wanted to keep us happy they’d give this more of a look over, if you don’t want to wear them, i don’t think they should be necessary, you should be allowed to hide them, but given their attention to simple guild management, i honestly can’t see anything guild orientated such as a cosmetic cape being a high priority.
As far as capes on rangers, with your trench/long coats, i never showed my cape in gw1 on my ancient armour on my ranger, it looks silly having a cape and long coat together.
If they were to implement them, we are probably looking more realistically, at future armour sets having a cape as part of the armour itself.
It would make the game just a little more entertaining for me at least as appearance is such a massive aspect of the game.
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I agree, this would be pretty cool, dripping tea from it as you run like the krait/orrian weapons
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G’day, I have a few suggestions for the preview window that may be pretty cool if implemented.
1) You are only able to preview one weapon at a time, this seems a bit redundant, playing a warrior, i have lots of different weapon combinations available to me, but i can only preview one weapon at a time, i cannot view my axe and shield simultaneously, which seems a bit silly in my opinion.
2) This may or may not bug other players, but when you do the ‘wield’ option when previewing weapons, i would like my character to enter their fighting pose, as currently the weapons just fall into the characters hand in their normal standing position, and it is not only a position which you will never see your character in, but it is hard to judge whether certain things will clip.
3) When wielding a greatsword, a particular large one, it just jumps off the preview window. Perhaps making the preview window re-sizable would solve this issue at least.
They are quality of life improvements, but it is something that has annoyed a few people that I at least speak to.
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+1 from me
If it was set out the way you did it, i’d not make any complaints, its fun to read this stuff for me at least.
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The problem with this function is it makes our lives as officers/leader of guilds a lot easier… and Anet aren’t too responsive with ideas that do that.
+1 from me though
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Your complaining about 30 frames per second? In my opinion, this seems more of a high class problem
I think a simpler solution would be to turn down a couple of graphical options that make little difference, most effect your fps without giving a real difference.
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In all perfect honesty, i see no downside to inspecting. I am sorry if i offend anyone with this opinion, but i genuinely couldn’t care less.
An example of how it could have been made easier if inspecting players was possible.
A while back we recruited a new guy into the guild, been playing warrior for a couple of months and thought he was on a good build, with the right gear for damage dealing. I took his word for it, and we did our dungeons, he did make mistakes and when corrected he did fine, fair enough, but later when discussing things like damage he mentioned that he wasn’t hitting nearly as hard as i was.
we had to go through a whole thing of me being on my warrior telling him my traits, gear, etc. it would have been easier for me to inspect him straight away and just ask him why he’d traited the way he had, without a decent enough response i could have directed him straight away to the correct stats for what he was wanting to play.
I can however see points of view for not being able to get into the “super elitist speed run groups”….No i can’t tbh any speed run groups I’ve seen require a certain build, certain gear for a reason, because if you don’t have that gear or build it wont be as speedy as it could be which could stop a boss from dying quickly which slows the runs down a lot.
This being said it doesn’t stop me from taking someone into a group if i don’t know their build, usually asking them what kind of stats they run i can assume, and hey, if they tell me they’re new or haven’t done a specific path before i don’t mind, but why would these people even want to throw themselves in the deep end.
Besides, afk’ing and just inspecting random people would just make the game a lot more interesting at least.
The elitism that you accuse this of aiding or doing, is already in game. If a group cares enough to discriminate, that will happen regardless.
If there is a better build out there for your class, surely you want to know?
Gear and build… No. Simply put, gear and build doesn’t necessarily make players good or bad. Knowing what to do, when to do it, and how to do it is much more important, and gear/traits wont show you this.
This makes no sense whatsoever, its invalid. if i can see someone has the right gear/traits, i can assume they have done half the job at getting to know what to do, it is then their job to respond to my question “do you know what to do?” if they say yes and they haven’t it will become obvious very quickly, but that is then a communication issue and has nothing to do with the ability to inspect.
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Well, discrimination against classes etc is going to happen regardless, until the game is 100% perfectly balanced to the point we are all sat on a needle point together, you can’t avoid it.
And in all fairness, if i ask for a guardian and a ranger pops into my group, the first thing i ask is “are you switching over?” and if the response is no, he clearly took a ballsy move that will inevitably end with him being kicked.
The argument against this option is non existent imo. It won’t promote discrimination, as the player base that does this will continue to do so, the ones that don’t will not.
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of the above suggestions Rush is the one I really feel needs to be fixed.
I play warrior main and the amount of time my Rush ability gets caught on something on the floor or i just run continuously into the mobs particularly large collision box makes me wanna punch my monitor, making the ability a AoE hitting ability might not be the way to go in improving it.
I personally think if the ability was similar to the elementalist fiery elite Greatsword rush, in which the warrior leaps towards his target when he gets within a certain range of the targeted enemy, it would fix the ability’s main issue
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This should have been in from the get go.
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Quite frankly, I’m one of those people that looks for the perfect sets that look awesome, I pride my characters on the idea of making my character look good. but it bugs the hell out of me if my weapon looks nothing like my set.
The pirate weapons for instance, awesome idea, the rusty appearance kills the weapons for me. Just kills it dead, I’m like rust in peace, Motherkittener
The dye system in this game is just impeccable, but only for armour? I know Anet could do us proud for a weapon dye system
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