Showing Posts For Tdawg.8309:

Events blocking dungeons, why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


After having spent time finding a nice main for dungeons and my insane high amount of wvw hours I only recently got into dungeons. Yesterday me and 2 friends wanted to do cof p1 and 2 quickly for some tokens, we found 2 pugs and were good to go. We had to do some event to enter the dungeon cause it was blocked, nothing much just holding back some waves. We did p1 quickly and got out for p2, only to find out we had to do some chain of events to even get in. Of course both pugs instantly left and the 3 of us just ran some fractals instead.

In short: why are there big chain events blocking dungeons? I could understand that you would have to do it once to begin with the dungeon, but were months into the story an game now and it stops making sense and breaks up groups who want to do some fast runs.

Q: How do you get "Gift Stopper"

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


This does indeed seem to be bugged. I just downed a player, was the only one near him even and I didn’t get anything.

Please can we get an update about this. I’m stuck on 4/5.

Toymaker Tixx - Dungeon?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Where is this dungeon anyway

Q: How do you get "Gift Stopper"

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


In my humble opinion a few things need changing:

1: players that pick up presents cannot drop them untill downed, of obvious reasons.

2: players should get credit for doing a certain amount of damage instead of just for the downed shot. Just like with loot drops.

These 2 small changes will ensure people actually get this achievement.

SOS/JQ/SBI-Week of 12/7 NonScore Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Now just all look at the screenshot and please just be silent forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and always.

SOS/JQ/SBI-Week of 12/7 NonScore Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Please do explain, Cause if you say you had ppl in the keep the whole time, that i know for a fact is false. 1 dead mes doesn’t go from dead, to disappearing to portaling folks in. right in front of about 5-6 of us.

So wait….

We didn’t just hack into the keep? We hacked into the keep to ress our mesmer to portal the rest in? Also this voodoo operation was done in full hacked stealth mode?

This is getting rich.

SOS/JQ/SBI-Week of 12/7 NonScore Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


As soon as Arenanet fixes the portal stuff so that it can’t be made through walls of towers and keeps again I will gladly come back here and explain how we did it.


So by your own admission you didn’t have a mes inside the hills. You ported thru the walls? Thanks bro. Glad someone on DiE is fessing up to using exploits and not pretending to hide inside while 6 people watched.

I think you misunderstood…………

no I understand perfectly…………… they weren’t inside. there is no way a mes got past 6 people standing watch without someone seeing a glimpse of them……………..

as far as I’m concerned the issue is over. Everyone knows DiE now.. and will be watching for them and their behavior. No further discussion is needed as the Mod’s will be closing the thread down soon probably.

So the screenshot of your guys standing guard on a death mesmers body proves that we used black magic to get into the keep?

Please just think. If I would tell you how we laughed our behinds off at something you guys did to make it even easier for us I’m sure even you could laugh about it.

SOS/JQ/SBI-Week of 12/7 NonScore Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


As soon as Arenanet fixes the portal stuff so that it can’t be made through walls of towers and keeps again I will gladly come back here and explain how we did it.


So by your own admission you didn’t have a mes inside the hills. You ported thru the walls? Thanks bro. Glad someone on DiE is fessing up to using exploits and not pretending to hide inside while 6 people watched.

Nice try Cover girl, every mesmer can portal through walls as long as he is inside. I’m not gonna go in detail and explain the method to you. I know you want me to, but I’m just not going to. I asked Arenanet to contact you and explain the method is 100% valid and use of game mechanics. I hope they do.

But do I think mesmer portals should not work through walls? Yes. So when they hopefully fix this one day and portals will only work to portal golems around I will contact you and explain it.

EDIT: and as this post below me clearly expressed, he just wants to learn the way to do it. Nobody can be this dumb.

(edited by Tdawg.8309)

SOS/JQ/SBI-Week of 12/7 NonScore Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Ok the accusations in this thread are getting absolutely out of hand. Before I begin my story I’d like to add that I’m a DiE recruit, not even a member, let alone an officer. My views dont represent DiE in any way, but I feel obligated to defend the guild tag that I wear proudly. I will also in no way go into details about the method used to ninja hills.

First off – the forum cries are out of control, but that now a respected WvW focused guild get accused of exploiting is beyond words. DiE brings the good fights, we play to have fun and yes when the fun stops we have transferred in the past. Calling us bandwagoners for that is just sadness. Now even a respected member of the forums and from an opponent we have always respected started a tirade on the forums. I can’t explain how angry this makes me, although most of us just laugh about it, my inner sense of justice just makes me angry about it. I would like to add to this that I have put in an official complaint to Arenanet about getting called exploiters, when this is not the case. I have in detail explained to Arenanet how we took that keep. I can vouch that absolutely no case of exploiting was used. I know several other servers have used this method. I hope that Arenanet contacts you to explain that no cheat whatsoever was used.

I also remember that when I saw LOD members exploiting the water exploit to attack trebs in garrison NO people contacted me for screenshots. Just now when we took Sunny I saw 3 cata’s and 2 balistas up in the hills at SBI spawnpoint. A location that siege should not be placed in, yet it was. Exploit. Did we cry about it? No, we just moved on. Left the tower and ninjad hills for the second time.

Get off your high horse and think for more then 5 seconds. From the events alone you should know what happened. As soon as Arenanet fixes the portal stuff so that it can’t be made through walls of towers and keeps again I will gladly come back here and explain how we did it.

Week of 11/16: SBI vs JQ vs SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Just a quick heads up for you SBI commanders who post here:

There is an LOD elementalist on SoS borderlands using the water exploit to hit our trebs at Garrison from the water way below. Can provide screenshots via mail if neccesary, just mail me on here and I will provide.

Week of 11/16: SBI vs JQ vs SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Pat themselves on the back? I’m sorry but we’re just having fun and try to be as organised as possible. On our server to our commanders are spamming LA chat for people to get into wvw, we too have a lot of people who prefer some pve this weekend. Maybe less then you, who knows. All I know is we’re new into wvw tier 1 and probably have a little more dedication, so that might explain why we are winning this pve week….but patting ourselves on the back for winning a pve week with halloween? No. I doubt any of our organised guilds are like that. We’re having fun and trying to be at our best, nothing more, nothing less.

But hey, seeing your Crystal Desert tag…if things get worse you can always just transfer right?

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Same here. Dced at the reinforcement phase, took forever to get back in only to end up stuck in an overflow that was done. Tried rejoining several times, done done done and done. A friend of mine got to open 3 chests and got 2 precursors.

Who at arenanet thought it was a good idea to drop such good rewards (20 slot bags, 3 exotics and some other stuff) on a one time event anyway?

Anways it should be easy to check who got medals (I got gold ones) to prove part taking in the event and all those people need to be send the same rewards as others. Seeing as there’s hundreds of people having this problem there’s no asking for compensation, we deserve it. Check for medals in the event and if they got the loot chest, if not then send them one. The server made us all dc…I’m sure it’s not the unstable internet for hundreds of people at the same time.

Week of 11/16: SBI vs JQ vs SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Atm in JQ borderlands we have a player building rams on the supply camp ruining our supplies on purpose and yesterday we had another player jumping off hills with an omega golem on SoS border, killing our golems.

Just trying to mention that portal bombing doesn’t seem like such a dirty tactic to me when that happends.

26/10 SBI/JQ/BG Point Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


SBI Borderlands – 12 golem army (most Omega) just sliced up Garrison.

In before hack accusations.

Orb hacking?

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Chuck stop blaming an entire server for a few hacking people. Other people attacking towers probably didn’t even know and as far as I know HoD reported their own players for doing it. Just stop it.

Sea Of Sorrows advanced tactics for capturing without breaking into Forts/Keeps/Stonemist.

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Small bump, Optimushaxx is (while at the same account) now hacking orbs from HoD. Arenanet? Why?

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Ok I got it a little bit mixed up, apparently the hackers were on SoS server.

Here is the topic:

Optimushaxx, same guy that is doing the hacks now and in that case it’s also a party of people doing it. Small guess is that it’s even the same party.

I want an explanation from Arenanet why these people are still playing this game. The accountname is the same as far as I see.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


People in our chat are saying that SoS reported one of the hackers before for doing the same thing, I have the name available if any moderators are interested. Can we get an explanation as to why this guy is still playing this game? I hope to update with the forum thread from SoS soon.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


I doubt anybody meant to do that Guru, heat of the moment and all. Thanks for being so fair as to report the hackers.

Fly hackers prints and name tags (orb on minimap)

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


C’mon guys, PARTIES!!! of flyhackers that take towers and orbs? I have never complained over the bugs, broken skillpoints, broken events and all other broken things, it’s a new game afterall and we don’t even have a monthly fee. But this is just ridiculous beyond words. Now we are winning with ease, but let’s stop to think for a second what impact this stuff could have on close call matches, imagine working hard for a full week and then losing to something like this.

Arenanet please, Halloween is gonna be epic, we all know that, but can there PLEASE get some people focused on banning these people 24/7 and fixing this?

Who is the best "commander" on your server?

in WvW

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Definately Ursa Cleavage on HoD, not only a great commander, but he actually makes time to answer all your questions and not ignore you.

WvW issue

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tdawg.8309


Hi all, I’ve got some (hopefully valid) concerns about the current WvW system.

I’m a serious player on Far Shiverpeak and I like my WvW. Ofcourse you have karma farmers ruining part of that, but what are you going to do about that? Nothing. Every server will have to deal with that.

Now we are matched up against Vizunah Square and Desolation, I’m guessing the current three best performing WvW servers in Europe. However every morning the Europeans wake up Vizunah Square has recaptured the entire battleground, except for maybe our main keep close to the spawn portal. Yet during the day we are a good match for eachother. I’ve stayed up last night and saw with my own eyes that the French server outnumbers us at least 6-1 during nighttime. During the day they work together well and I have no problem with losing against them during that time, but every night we just get owned because of their large player base that plays at night. Now I’ve played MMO’s for years and I encountered my portion of Frencies on servers that I played, but they were never so extremely large in group that they could fairly outnumber us during their nighttime that 6-1 seem even odds (France is a big country). So my guess is that Canadian French people are playing on European servers, that HAS to be the reason why they would outnumber us during nighttime in such extreme numbers. Right now the score is 70k – 12k – 10k and it is impossible to make up for that score.

What are your thoughts about this? Again this is not about winning or losing, but it just seems unfair that they have 2 groups of people in diffirent timezones. It clearly works in their favour.