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Downed system making it harder to 1v2?

in PvP

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094


Well if we want to talk about differences in skill, you should be skillful enough to realize the importance of bringing a stomp aid skill, or using a similar mechanic from skills you may already have to give you a stomping advantage.

Edit: are you a thief?

I agree you can take spells and abilities to help stomp people, all of which have cooldowns and differences between classes, but to me it makes it too much about what cards you’re holding and I find it forces you to play the way you don’t really want to. Like it may make someone pick haste who otherwise hates the skill, or someone pick pistol offhand for interrupts when they otherwise hate that playstyle. Why have downed state influence anything? It’s just a fun perk, I don’t see why it should have to change the game so much.

Downed system making it harder to 1v2?

in PvP

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094


Is it more difficult? Depends. You can often use your opponent’s corpse as bait. If you have a form of invulnerability then stomping can be an option, but for the most part it’s probably smarter to just use them as bait. It’s more then possible to 1v2, and even 1v3.

Use as bait? You mean leave them there to attract more players? Or rather, leave them there so they can throw stuff at you and possibly get a res in?

I don’t think I understand.

Downed system making it harder to 1v2?

in PvP

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094


I looked at this thread and wondered if I posted it at first glance. I agree 100%, downed state is a built in mechanic that serves three purposes:

1. It gives people this COD-quality epicness where you still have a chance to turn the fight around by clickin’ your bud.
+1 for being a somewhat cool idea.

2. It gives the outnumbering force the advantage, for they have more interrupts available, more bodies to res downed, and given the absurdly annoying abilities SOME classes have while downed, it just makes the situation a million times more annoying when 1v2ing, etc.

3. Making you rage if you’re a class with a crappy downed state mechanic. Constantly you might feel like asking, “Why is my mechanic worse? Was I not intended to die like the others?”

Possible counters:
- It’s more strategic, if you can’t adapt you suck! ((Strategic, in a sense. You can adapt. You can become ‘good’ at gaining synergy with following team mates and speccing yourself to interrupt folks who are ressing. Yes, there is skill in this downed system. But is it really fun enough to revamp a lot of what people already consider fun? To lots I’ve spoken to, it just makes them annoyed or angry, not satisfied when killing people. To me it’s a bad tradeoff, and there really isn’t enough strategy, since it takes from other elements I find strategic as it is. And it just ain’t fun.))

-This game isn’t balanced on 1v2, or 1v3. If you engage that means you’re a loser and you deserve to lose! ((Maybe on paper and in some circumstances, but I mean a lot of gw2 players have played other MMO’s. Other MMO’s where if you want to be that rogue player who goes off and kills 2 people guarding the flag because they suck and you don’t, you can. Easily. Of course they might be skilled players and stomp you. But in Gw2, it seems to modify it so 1v2 might as well be 1v4. To ME, I compare that to the click-to-run-to-and-complete-quest functions many childish free MMO’s have these days. Because it just does it for you. What I’m trying to say is it doesn’t IMMERSE you as well when the game holds your hand. I’ve played pvp in gw2 a good chunk but I just can’t see any epic moments happening like I did in other games. Maybe that time me and a thief threw crap at each other in downed state, but apart from that, it just doesn’t compare to those sniper moments in other games where you just barely kill that last guy before falling down yourself. You think: that was epic, I just managed to kill 2 players before dying. In this game they’d all be ressed by the cluster of buddies they have.))

And that brings me to wvwvw. Annoying when a group of players are being hailed on, all but one moves back. The dumb dude can stand there and die, but does that matter? Does his MISTAKE matter? Not really; his buds just come insta res him before anyone on the wall can do enough DPS to the downed player.

Anyway. My rambling opinion on downed state.

Do Guardians get kited due to lack of ranged

in Guardian

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094


“Learn to LOS like a boss.
I don’t go anywhere alone. Guards are designed to run with a pack. If you’re trying to run lone wolf you rolled the wrong class.”

Every class in this game is designed to roll with a pack. The downed state mechanic especially helps make sure a very skilled player will have, mechanically, a more difficult time against 2 moderate/bad players. Can he win? Depends on how kitten the two enemies are, but one thing is for certain—as long as the downed state persists, the game is helping whoever has the advantage. All classes seem to have a buddy-buddy skill, so guardians really aren’t specifically set out to be in a group, I believe that’s just how this game functions.

It rewards people for just forming a big group and stomping. In WoW you could have people going out solo, downing two players and creating epic moments; in this game fighting two players who are bad is more annoying than satisfying (that was WoW back in the day, I don’t know what kind of kitten fest it has turned into now).

Running with the pack is just how to play here. Makes things simple, nicer, easier, casual, successful.

Downed State.

in PvP

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094



a) Get rid of Downed State in PVP. Yay.
b) Balance class interruption abilities (are they trying to say classes should or shouldn’t die more than others…? If so, wtf is up with the ele class)
c) Modify the Downed State hp pool to be much, much, lower.

Example as a solo player in… wvwvwvw:
atop a roof, you snipe someone who doesn’t move away when getting struck. All his friends move away because they are not baboons. He falls down, dead (almost…?), his friends res him near instantly as you can’t do anything and the game forces you to get interruption-based weapons / skillsets for the mechanic, and boom the baboon is back up and running to be stupid again. It really makes it so a punishment system is quite unnoticeable.

Can’t 1v2 people in Spvp very well unless extremely broken. The whole mechanic tells me it’s just there to help noobs and inspire people to cluster together. It rewards being in a giant group and makes people numbers instead of individuals.

All in all, I don’t see the company removing this horrible COD mechanic anytime soon, so I’d be happy if they just reduced the hp and made it so they are not in tank-mode as they are downed. Or balanced the interrupts… either way, it’s not like I can’t adapt to it, but it makes pvp less fun. It is not satisfying tearing through people when they turn into an annoying fly in your hair afterwards, and the annoyance is only exponentially higher when they are 2+ in number.

Thief class mechanic: Spamming

in Thief

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094



It has made me reroll a few times, more interested in the diverse playstyles i see in other classes. I both love and hate initiative — I feel like I’m not mashing because I’m ‘picking’ my abilities, not just mashing what’s off cooldown, but at the same time I’m just mashing whatever is the best option… over, and over, and over. HS. Pistol Whip. Unload. You use a few here and there, situationally, but I don’t like the spammy, boring playstyle.

I’m just sticking to the class because of its mobility.

(edited by Teaturtle.2094)

Does no one use PP?

in Thief

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094


I just pp to look cool. It’s bland in the sense you just keep unloading… and Unload is a very boring skill. The visual appeal is there, sure. Improving its damage might be good, but lazy; it would just make a thief use Unload even more. It needs to have some diversity.

Couldn’t we use 5 and then Unload? Sure, shoot some short-lasting blinds repeatedly for an absurd cost of initiative. No, it needs to be something much more fun than that. Maybe they should add a perk or secondary effect to Unload or an ability that will have good synergy with it.

Idk. Either way, pp looks like a kitten, but short bow owns it hands down. Again this game makes me pick a weapon I don’t want to pick to be effective.

Using numbers and facts to show why Heart Seeker is OP (long)

in Thief

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094


I hope they nerf until it’s completely removed and replaced with something funner than flipping over and over as a short-ranged gap closer. Then remove Pistol Whip and replace with something less clunky and more thief-like. And the 3 skill from Sword/Dagger needs to go to, it’s stupid and random. Oh and let’s improve Unload too, since it’s easy to dodge 60% of it, it does very little damage, and it’s kind of boring and pistol/pistol gives up so much versatility for so little.

Okay, maybe HS should be higher damage scaling at lower health, and low-low-low scaling at high health. So it’s actually a loss for the thief to use it at high hp, and instead would be a gap closer. But at low hp, it’d be a perfectly non-qq-worthy execute.


The long lockout when you switch attunements is puzzling as a design choice

in Elementalist

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094


why is there a cooldown for any kind of swapping?

to punish someone for being good? O.o

if you could swap… means the other guy can too.

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094


I keep wanting to try another class and this thread (as well the many others that clog up the forum) remind me to look elsewhere. v.v

80 guardian. . . should I reroll engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094


I’m just going off what others say, but they seem to be the laughing stock of all classes at the moment. But I mean the game’s still fresh; whatever abilities and mechanics appeal to you are certainly valid, and may very well be overpowered in the near-future.

Using numbers and facts to show why Heart Seeker is OP (long)

in Thief

Posted by: Teaturtle.2094


I hope they flat out remove the abilities, not because they’re good or bad, but because they’re so unfun. Pistol whip—stationary, delayed evasion… not what I want on my sword/pistol thief. Heartseeker is just boring to me unless they change it up to make it a long-ranged gap closer or something actually interesting, not a spammable flip that you do in someone’s face over and over. Doesn’t feel like an execute, it just feels annoying to both use and experience. I don’t really get any satisfaction mashing it.