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Revisiting The Wizard's Tower Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Temujin.7356


The Wizard’s Tower Lore Speculation Revisited

I just have this notion that the developers (like us) still don’t know what to make of the lore surrounding the Wizard’s Tower. So I’ve come up with what I believe is the real story.
Back in the very beginning of Guild Wars there were no such thing as a second profession but then all of the sudden, the player character had the use of skill sets not natural to their primary profession with a secondary profession. How was this possible? Well, around that time, there were two people who situated themselves around the tower which may have the answer. A White Mantle officer named Galrath and a strange-looking necromancer named Verata.
Galrath, if you remember, wielded an axe but had a unique skill you could “cap” known as Galrath Slash which was a sword technique. Did Isgarren teach him this technique? Was Isgarren related to Galrath? And what of Verata whose physical appearance changed and showed new skills named after him? It would explain why they wanted entrance into the tower. Perhaps Isgarren only gave them a taste and now they wanted more. Perhaps they helped in an experiment and succeeded but Isgarren kicked them out.
I believe Isgarren is the original skill creator who is responsible for the duo professions of Guild Wars and probably the founder of elite specialization 250 years in the future. He’s probably a Chronomancer, a time-traveller plucking the likes of Durmand and Jurah the Master of Whispers out from time and imprisoning them within the tower. I would be cool to see the henchies like Cynn and Devona again as well.
So that’s my theory based on what little we could dig up but I hope the devs come up with something because the Wizard’s Tower has so much potential like jumping puzzles, gliding puzzles and fractal-like mini dungeons players could explore. Perhaps, if we ask very nicely, Isgarren would bless us with a unique elite specialization that all 9 professions could use……….

Durmand Sadhu Outfit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Hey Anet! How about a Durmand Outfit like the concept art pictured? As far as calling him a sadhu, he sure does look the part even though he’s a scholar.


Bonus Mission Pack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temujin.7356


I was wondering if we could have playable races (Tengu, Centaur, Kodan, Hylek, Ogre, Grawl) with unlockable (Quaggan, Skritt) via a bonus mission pack type content. It would not require Anet to incorporate them in the regular game or HoT. No cinematics to add no voiceover to add since they won’t be in the normal game. That way, we who love these “lesser” races can play as them with new cinematics and explorable areas and storylines. I would love an adventure as a Tengu in a Bazaar of the Four Winds style where you are way up in the clouds. Wizard’s Tower anyone? Living World stuff is fine but please bring back the BMP. What do you guys think? Let’s start a petition. By the way, how about giving us that Norn Boar like in the pic.


Question on bloodstone / magic potential

in Lore

Posted by: Temujin.7356


WHAT IF…..the White Mantle were under orders from the Mursaat to gather as much bloodstones as possible to use as soul batteries? What if the Mursaat used these batteries to fully charge their powers? What if they needed said powers to turn on their true boss….a Bloodstone Dragon! And the body of Saul D’Alessio was the fully charged soul battery keeping said dragon locked up? Just saying…..

Idea For White Mantle Story Progression

in Lore

Posted by: Temujin.7356


WHAT IF…..the White Mantle were under orders from the Mursaat to gather as much bloodstones as possible to use as soul batteries? What if the Mursaat used these batteries to fully charge their powers? What if they needed said powers to turn on their true boss….a Bloodstone Dragon! And the body of Saul D’Alessio was the fully charged soul battery keeping said dragon locked up? Just saying…..

wings wings and more wings?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temujin.7356


I was thinking about guild gliders as well, Glass Hand. If they can give us the HoT logo glider, certainly they can put a guild emblem on a glider.

Slayers Outfit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Why didn’t they release Melandru’s Regalia Outfit? Perfect for Heart of Thorns, right? Keep the Slayer Outfit stuff and give us a Paragon and Dervish Outfit. Oh, and that Melandru thing too. Also want a pteradactyl glider and a wingsuit. And a pony…..a fire truck….let’s see….what else….

Outfit Bundles... Please Split them up.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Good points. HEY ANET! Wintersday is a perfect time to sell ALL outfits for 50% off and throw in a Paragon & Dervish Outfit as well. I don’t like the way we are forced to pay 2000 gems for a bundle with an outfit I really want but with the glider makeover kit and skins I really don’t want. Are we changing the gaming experience Guild Wars 1 was based on? We had bonus mission packs, outfits & box sets that cost less. And then you make it unavailable for sale at times? I think people are starting to get annoyed or maybe even upset.

my wishlist for guild war 3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Why make Guild Wars 3? Guild Wars 2 is very good although graphically it could use some 3D elements like in the cinematics. Like everyone says, Guild Wars 2 will milk the expansion per dragon thing if and when the time comes. Let’s hope they stay true to that free to play AND make a great game theory GW1 had in place. Maybe it needs work on tapping into the lore that GW1 players want (Wizard’s Tower, Livia’s Scepter, Dominion of Winds, Isle of Janthir/Mursaat, heroes & henchmen from GW1) but it’s been overall fun even if prices at the merchant store is ridiculous.

Future Elite Specs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Saturn I already posted a suggestion for the next Thief Elite Specialization called ….. “Commando” (thief+rifle). Sniping is something these custard-filled mordrem have that can knock you for a loop so why not have the thief specialize in headshoting (to daze) arm-popping (to interrupt) leg-pegging (to cripple) and chest-thumping (err…stun?). I like this idea better than daredevil anyways. Rangers should have scepters and use totemic powers much like spirit summoning Ritualists and we could call them the “Shaman” (ranger+scepter or focus). And I’ve always felt that there should be a Dervish type in the game (warrior+staff) while the Paragon (guardian+dual daggers) gets tweeked for the new age. Just a thought……just a thought……..

Keep items in the gem store please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Margonite outfit…..just saying.


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temujin.7356


oh and tonics since people want to play as tengu or kodan. we have kodan tonics so tengu tonics, margonite tonics, mursaat tonics…..some of the old favorites.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temujin.7356


How about a wing suit glider, a pteradactyl as a glider and a guild glider with your guild emblem. How about letting us use gliders in the core game. I can’t count the number of times I jumped off the top of a mountain and…….splat! Gliders with updrafts so we can reach the Wizard’s Tower would be nice. Just saying….

Is Saul D'Alessio still alive?

in Lore

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Spoiler Alert! Saul was taken to be transformed into a Mursaat. Yes that’s right.
Ha! I don’t have any actual proof but it’s what sounds like you all were pointing to. Would make sense too, specrtal agony and all.

Historic Villains & Henchmen

in Lore

Posted by: Temujin.7356


So far the elder dragons (and their minions) are the main villains other than Scarlet Briar who was sorta……blah… The gigantic watchknight was wicked fun but beating Scarlet wasn’t as satisfying.
Give me Varesh Ossa, Shiro Tagachi, Vizier Kilbron, Kannaxi, Urgoz, Mallax, Bonfazz Burntfur & Lazarus the Dire any day. There was depth in character & story on a few of them not to mention it took a nice size party to take a few of the others down. We deserve a historic villain worthy of original guild wars.
And btw, no love for heroes & henchmen of old? Will we visit them via a time loop (chronomancer…cough…cough) and will their ghost aid us in defeating Kralkatorrik since no living being could remain within the brand for a period of time?
Anyone else feeling nogstalgia for GW1?

Scrapper - Really bad name

in Lore

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Well it was gonna be “forge” but I think “forgemaster” would be better. Give the engineer a broadsword and call him “sunderer” makes sense too. Although there already are blacksmith/swordmaker npcs around.


in Thief

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Ha! Developers should have went rifle and called him a Commando. That way, this april fool thread would work better.

The mysterious Exalted & Mastery UI

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Temujin.7356


SPOILER ALERT!!! The venerable Exalted will be…….you! Or rather your character from GW1 who ascended during the battle with your doppleganger. On the cutscene after, there was a statue of the very same creature you see during your ascension. Sorry GW2 player who do not have a Hall Of Monuments (i.e. did not play GW1) won’t be Exalted.
Ha! I’m just speculating. It will be Mursaat. GW1 was notorious for having our characters help the enemy and battle the good guys only to switch sides later. We fought the Charr, now look at us. We helped the White Mantle fight the Shining Blade only to change sides but only to learn that they held closed the Door Of Komalie. We were sons (and daughters) of Ascalon now we fight the ghosts of our friends. So Mursaat? Absolutely, yes. Maybe Lazarus the Dire will pop up and say hi.
BTW, I forsee the Ghosts of Ascalon helping us (even the Charr) destroy Kralkatorrik to vindicate themselves and be released from the curse since no living being remain in the Brand without becoming Branded. I suspect our old henchmen (and heroes) may make an appearance as well and wouldn’t that be cool?

Next elite spec point of interest? When?

in Engineer

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Still don’t like the name “forge”. Prefer “sunderer”. Just saying……

[Daredevil] - Feedback

in Thief

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Ok so the Daredevil as of today does weak damage with staff but has poison and bleeding conditions. Wow the suvivability is lame. If I’m gonna use a staff, I would like the condition damage to be stun, daze & confusion instead of bleeding, poison & cripple. If you are not gonna raise the damage of the staff at least give me those conditions so I could survive better. Staff conditions with stun/daze/confuse sounds right as well. Blocking 3 attacks when you twirl the staff would be helpful too.

Thief Elite Specialization "The Commando"

in Thief

Posted by: Temujin.7356


How about the thief getting a Commando name for it’s elite specialization since the Rifle and Hammer only has two professions using it and the Hammer is reserved for the Engineer or “Forgeman” (I like Sunderer better). With the rifle, a thief would sneak up and using “snipe-ing” hit a target spot such as legs (to cripple), hands (to interrupt), head (to stun) or chest (to knock back) / back (to knockdown). Add that to the rifle’s condition damage like torment, bleeding, confusion, etc and the thief’s sneaky skills and you got a great secret agent. The Commando would make a nice homage to the GW1 gag everybody loved. Heck I’d love for the elite skill to be “Hit Squad” where a dozen red laser get pinned on the target like a squad of marines on a night raid.

So wha’cha think peeps? Vote or we will get that god-awful “Dare Devil” name for the elite special.

With HoT coming i would like to...

in Engineer

Posted by: Temujin.7356


Yeah Hammer for the Forgeman!! Hey ANET!! Make the Thief a Commando as well. (see the thief specialization forum for my comment and suggestion.)
Throwing Hammer like Thor? If you do please add that lightning effect that shocks the ones taking damage. Hehehe…..

Dare Devil: a silly name for Thief Elite

in Thief

Posted by: Temujin.7356


The more I think about it the more “Commando” makes sense for the thief. Espionage with a “sniper” Rifle hitting legs (cripple) arms (to disable attack) , head (to stun) or chest (to knock back) / back (to knockdown). Adding torment, bleeding, poison to rifle attacks mixed with thief sneaky skills and you got a perfect secret agent.

P.S.—The Forgeman for the Engineer wielding a hammer is cool too.

Isgarren's Flying Castle

in Lore

Posted by: Temujin.7356


What would be fascinating is if we could hang-glide up there. I believe its an enchanted place removed from time, perhaps the abandoned chronomancer storyline? Those are now called aetherblades so who knows what the Wizard’s Tower is (Guild Hall cough cough).

Gw2 Lore So Far, Recap?

in Lore

Posted by: Temujin.7356


HEY GUILD WARS 2 !! Hi guys, so much to cover as GW1 had an overwhelming spillage of lore but I think some easy fixes are: 1) TONICS yes those wonderful tonics everyone had in gw1 would fix that carving people have of wanting to play as a Tengu, Kodan, Largos, Dredge etc… 2)WIZARD’S TOWER A GUILD HALL OR DUNGEON now that we have hang-gliders….. 3)BONUS MISSION PACK for the not-so big expansion and back stories such as LIVIA’S DISCOVERY OF THE STAFF OF MISTS or stories about our beloved henchmen/heroes 4)AN EXPANSION PACK FOR EVERY DRAGON where we can play as a new race or class (paragon cough cough) exclusively for that area of the map. Hey thanks for reading and pass it along. ARENANET I HOPE YOU ARE LISTENING!!! —Brigid Brigantia, uncorrupted Sylvari Warrior and fan since GW1 day 1. p.s.-- make wooden potatoes a kodan tonic trader and matt visual (ma’at vizu al) an largos tonic trader. They both have alot of guild wars 2 videos on you tube. respect.