Showing Highly Rated Posts By Tera GX.8149:
titanlectro hit it on the spot. You’re not supposed to “lock-down” a borderland. It is originally designed that the neutral state of it be that each server own one keep and all have a similar share of territory across all borderlands. In the new form of play, the event doesn’t disrupt your gains particularly.
If a breakout event happens, you STILL have the greater quantity of territory, and the event only gets the enemy one single outpost. Also I’ve fought and held off the breakout event, and found it wasn’t as hard as holding off a zerg-scale assault under the same circumstances. The NPC commander is tough, but balanced by the lack of intelligence.
I think it’s balanced, and with it at least I know what I’m watching for from the enemy (though I wish I could approach enemy spawn and see an event marker since I can’t really look in).
Frankly, when it comes to “zerg” movements, those assaults simply stand out more than any other type of attack. Also you’re more likely to be more “acquainted” with enemy zergs than ally zergs.
My point being I think all servers have a pretty equal quantity of zerging. Also I think all servers peak their zerging during afternoon hours, the period of time with highest GW2 population throughout which correlates to the highest raw probability of untactical players gathering together.
Things get more tactically escalated as those types of people conclude their session or go to sleep. So my favorite hours are night, when I cease referring to them as a “zerg” and conferring the term “army”. But you are right about the borderlands populations, the commanders of [PRO] are good at rallying players and bringing players with them across maps. But I’m hoping this week population will be better, and all borderlands may become more exciting.
I must note that there’s been an increase in commanders lately (again during the noon to afternoon hours), and that’s not helping strategy during those times. I saw 6 commanders at one peak, and 4 of them failed to earn any of my respect. I imagine that’s happening on all servers, as I’ve also killed players with the commander tag that were hardly coordinating strategy. But I don’t hold high expectations during those hours, WvW is still fun outside of those bits.
I loved last week, scores that close equal a good match. Especially that climax in SMC. I do hope for higher population this week and more excitement.
(edited by Tera GX.8149)
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I’m grateful for the honest and open communication.
In a sense, it doesn’t really affect me, but the reason it doesn’t affect me would have been “solved” by completing a full series of new legendaries.
I often joke with my friends about how bad thieves have it when it comes to the first legendaries. I’ve mained Thief since 2012 and have never once taken an interest in the hard work needed for legendaries. I’ve always incorporated Pistols in my builds, but it doesn’t get more “joke weapon” than something named “The Quip”. I want my character to be cool and impressive, not pierce the heart of my enemies with sharp confetti. The shotbow has always been decent in WvW, but that route means shooting freaking unicorns and rainbows. The Incinerator is a genuinely cool weapon, but it is fire themed, and guess who absolutely never inflicts Burning? The sword has never been satisfactorily Thief-like for me and not enjoyable, so I don’t use it. I don’t remember what the underwater legendaries are, of course everyone wants water combat to be reworked, but that probably can’t be much of a priority until 2020 or so.
I don’t mind joke weapons being made, but Thieves have it too rough. But I’ll gladly sacrifice plenty of interesting content if it means any better progress for WvW. Cosmetics don’t mean a thing if I’m not playing.
1) That is already available. They’re classified as “Game Messages” in chat, so enable that if you want it (I don’t know about going-offline notifications though). Loot is the main thing that you’ll also get with enabling that category.
2) I agree
3) Ooh, didn’t know that about double tapping F. But if you enable the “Autoloot” option, everything everywhere automatically goes to your inventory. While you mine a node, straight to your inventory. With Autoloot on, you still know what you’re looting because you get icons and names that show up for a while on the right side.
4) That’s not a small thing >_>
I generally make money I dont need in every MMO i’ve ever played, usually because i play too much. But GW2 is slightly different as theres not really that much you can buy with your wealth after a certain point. Eve there were always bigger and better ships, WoW there were elusive mounts and pets, but here after gear and a legendary on every character what does actually motivate people ?
ps you could of answered my question about the gold cap
The game’s age plays a role in this. Of course a game that’s been around way longer is going to have more content for you to spend on. Currently there’s only one generation of legendary weapons, there will be more to work for in the future.
The addition of more Karka Shell recipes and my disinterest in collecting them myself has highlighted one newly appeared monetary burden. Though all in all I’m not on the same page with this topic, as all the towers I upgrade and siege I place in WvW has me wondering how people can have trouble with too much money.
I’m not sure I personally understand the problem. Why do you want the difficulty of an achievement toned down? If you get it from … doing nothing specific, it’s hardly interesting. An achievement you have to actively focus on and carefully pursue makes for a more genuine and literal “achievment” in my opinion.
I personally liked it when it was a monthly achievement after I “understood” it (minus it not scaling to level, making the difficulty relative to player level). Though the end result of the long-term one is that I still wound up completing it without focusing on it. I believe I got it in Straits of Devastation no less, not even a full lv80 zone (if not, then it was Malchor’s Leap).
I like the current implementation (though I do agree with taking it off the Monthly despite me having liked it).
So much for a fair fight. Fort Aspenwood was using a hack elementalist. 6 of us were hitting her and she wasn’t going down. In addition, she had pretty much every buff in the game (regen was stacked 10 times) when no one else was near enough to buff her.
I think FA should be disqualified this round for cheating.
Did you get any clues about identity? Was there a clan tag? The weapon of choice even helps for keeping an eye out.
We all take hacking seriously. We on Fort Aspenwood would quickly decry and report any hacker on our server. The fun lies in opposition, hacking destroys the experience for everyone involved.
6v1 and being unable to kill a player however is not in itself evidence of hacking. There are some very strong routes to survival. I don’t know the elementalist’s options however. I’ve won 4v1 myself, though I’m not enthusiastic taking on such numbers (mind I’ve lost 4v1 too, of course).
There are some rune sets that also have influence that is harder to track. For example, Rune of Lyssa tier 6 effect is “lose all conditions and gain all boons when you use an Elite skill”.
Use Blinding Powder when your health reaches 25%.
The idea of it is great, but with the way it’s implemented, far more than half the time it ends up being “When your health reaches 25%, receive the Revealed penalty and waste your next Stealth skill.”
While all the stuff revealed in the stream of the upcoming specializations is a work in progress, the Shadow Arts Adept minor trait is still previewed to be an unchanged Last Refuge. This has long needed a change, and now seems to be a really active time for changing such things.
Blinding Powder itself can sometimes be difficult to not wastefully trigger Revealed on, but that can completely be trained and controlled. The single moment of hitting 25% health is an uncontrollable event, and exactly the time you don’t want a self-inflicted penalty and when you most want to reliably land a Stealth.
Lets hear some ideas about either reworking it or what to swap it with, and what ideas work or don’t work.
The smallest change that comes to my mind for preserving its naturally powerful effect is to append “and you cannot be Revealed for the next 1 second”. Mechanically, you still will break stealth if you land an attack. But disabling the Revealed debuff enables your next stealth to activate normally (this may also imply removing an existing Revealed debuff obstructing the trait). It will have no suicidally consequential penalty, but it’ll also have no penalty at all for what is arguably one of the best minor traits (most minor traits are not about penalizing). Don’t forget it has a cooldown that can be increased if deemed relevant.
I like the idea of “Hard to Catch”, but that too doesn’t work as a minor trait for potentially being a source of death instead of helping. So automated shadowsteps aren’t quite an alternative. I’d say “gain vigor and swiftness at 25% health” to turn it into a repositioning thing works. It’s less exciting, but thematically decent and useful.
It doesn’t have to be a trait for survivability, though that is what Shadow Arts is most focused on.
On that note, in my opinion it’s really enjoyable to see peace in passing. Just today while passing through one of the borderlands, I was on a newer character of mine and was headed for one of the combat skill challenges. No allies were near, but an “enemy” happened to be near, who I ran up and stood next to then headed forward to engage peace mode. Our teamup made getting the skill point much easier.
There are plenty of situations where there is more to gain from instances of peace like that than what could be gained doing the opposite. In particular, “time” is the main reason I ever engage in peace. It’s pretty wasteful spending time in a battle that’s not going to lead up to your world gaining more points. I wish to be fast to get back to the real battle, and peace does achieve that speed.
I imagine my thoughts have already been said, so feel free to skip over me.
Personally, I do feel that this choice for Ascended gear contradicts some of the core design choices. Literally just yesterday, I finally gathered most of my final armor. What was most exciting about it to me was that it would mean that I could then stop caring about armore, something I’ve been looking forward to (unless I change my playstyle and need to change stats). I did not like the article saying, “look, a new goal!”. I do not need that type of expansion of goals. Then again, I think why I’m able to enjoy this game more than some others is I know how to not rely on tangible goals (Minecraft was very educational in “setting your own goals”). “Endgame” doesn’t mean you achieve it then stop playing, so I don’t like the logic behind this.
That being said, while my initial reaction was “wtf, I just bought my final Exotics yesterday!”, since the difference doesn’t seem too great, my immediate goals are unaffected. I’ll finish up my current Exotic goals, and still move on to my next goals (probably not the new dungeon). I’ve been able to handle everything just fine regardless of my stats.
So basically the addition of Ascended gear itself doesn’t bother me, it’s the fact that Arenanet seems to have betrayed their core designs.
On a less related note, Legendaries need to be harder to get (not measured in gold), and Dynamic Events need to not be on completely short timers. Arenanet needs to keep close in mind what the core designs were that they said this game would be all about.
There is no manner of abuse or exploitation in this, so I agree 100%.
I’m stressed, but my situation is not at all unique or rare so no use in me ranting.