Showing Posts For Terensz.5324:

Can't login after aug 23 patch

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Thanks guys. I hope they will find the solution fast.

Can't login after aug 23 patch

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Arenanet: did I made a mistake that I couldn’t log in, or its normal?

- Game erases password in spite of Remember box checked
- “The game client was unable to connect to the log-in server… bla bla”

Someone else also experiences this?

The unbound BUGardian

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terensz.5324


I have defeated the new “Unbound Guardian”, and didn’t got the achievement.

Anet, please point me, where did I spoil this, what should I do and don’t do next time to get the achi. I have partcipated from 80%, and made dps, got the end chest, etc.
Next time should I do some pray, incatation or something, or just forget to get the achi, I haven’t deserve this.

Correct would be if you would make that achi valid on my account.

LFG announces the previous text

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terensz.5324


- You are done with p1, some player left, you start a new LFG.
- You type the text: P2, level 80
- you realize that the game announced the previous LFG text: P1.
- 2 seconds after you realized this: 2 more members in for P1.

Its so annyoying that
- Arenanet is unable to mend this bug since half a year!
- when someone finds a loophole, you can kill Mossman from the roof – so-so interesting but arenanet will fix it instantly, but they wont fix the real bugs! Why????

64 bit client question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Thanks for the quick solution. It works :-) 30 fps again!

64 bit client question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Since the phenomenal patch of today, my game speed decreased from 30 fps to 8, the game became unplayable.

I know the reason, the game automatically decided that i want to use the 64 bit edition.

How can I switch back to 32 bit?

Deleted gemstore item, no support answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terensz.5324


That was the way I did: Esc (game menu) / Support / (ladybird tab) / “Area” rolldown menu: “Black Lion Trading”, “Sub-area”: “Gem store”, filled and submitted the form, wrote a letter to the “Description of the issue” input field.

Did I do something wrong with this method?

Deleted gemstore item, no support answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terensz.5324


I deleted accidentally a musical lute (800 gem) last autumn, as I carelessly deleted a character. It was all my fault, but it would be nice if I could get that back.

First time I wrote an in-game ticket immediately when the “accident” happened, on 22th of October, last year. Next time I wrote another about 1 month ago.

I didn’t get an answer, even a “grab my ear” from the support.

What do you suggest? Let this go, and live together with the fact, there is no support at all?

Changed Aetherized warhorn voice

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terensz.5324


TSeems to be a bug. Sound normal warhorn (like a fart) on my warrior, and sounds fine (aetherblade warhorn) on my ele. I’m afraid sending a ticket is a waste of time. Anet never handles individual problems. I hope it’s a mass bug, and it will be mended in the near (kidding) future.

Changed Aetherized warhorn voice

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Changed Aetherized warhorn voice, or: borders of unabashedness

Now the prices are low, so its time to buy the old coveted warhorn voice for around 100 gold. Yes, its mine! And than the jaw drop: Arenanet has changed the voice to the general warhorn one. Thanks for pulling out 100 golds of my pocket! How did you imagine this??? Yes, the game experience maybe rose higher of changing that beautiful warhorn voice… I regret that some incompetent works there for tons of money :-(

Dry top map reward lottery

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Another thing: I previously – about a year ago – also maxed this with one of my characters. It’s strange that you punish those players who already maxed the area. What is the reason?

Dry top map reward lottery

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Dear Arenanet,
I’m okay, if you say, that no reward for maxing dry top. But it you say so, please don’t miss to give it to me!! It’s ot the easiest map, so one will spend a hour or so to max it. But I feel a bit frustrated when I dont get my reward :-(

What can I do? I wont get it in my life? Dont waste my time to send a ticket?

Heart and Minds [Final Story Step Bugs]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Not this bug is what is frustrating like hell. You are in a personal story in another story. What is I try again? After a hard 15 minutes Eir fight Canach-bug happens again? What is if I just WP out the story instance with that rotating spiral tree seasick thing? Can I ever go back there? Just leave this (main) char inside and watch the forum when they fixed the bug?

Chak killer?? Forgot that, m8 :-(

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Sigh… yes :-( After a hour of dieing and killing those insects, the reward is missing :-(


Achi point puzzle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terensz.5324


If I have less achi points than 15500, than where is the 15500 reward chest? Or: if I already obtained the chest: where are my achievement points? I did something wrong?


Restoring a deleted guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terensz.5324


About half a year ago we made a guild with 2 friends. The guild had 3 leaders, with the same rights. We made a decision in the beginning: once we want to delete the guild, there should be the 3 leaders’ congurent vote to make this.

In spite of this rule, one friend got angry 2 days ago and deleted the guild we were build for half a year, which we developed, and which we collected our influence for.


Do you think, is there a chance to get back the deleted guild?

1000 gem bug-o-tron pick VS ruined chunks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terensz.5324


I mine with this gemstore pick ruined chunks, when out of combat. But just underwater. (i know the game very well, i know that if you got hit while mining, it can result chunks)

1000 gem bug-o-tron pick VS ruined chunks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terensz.5324


When you use the mine-r-tron (unlimited use mining pick, equals orichalcum) mines ruines ore chunks when you use underwater.

1000 gem bug-o-tron pick VS ruined chunks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Why, and why you cannot repair this bug?

Mount Maelstrom won't load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Now one char is stucked to Wayfarer Foothills also.

Mount Maelstrom won't load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Not all players, I met exceptions.

Mount Maelstrom won't load

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Since the today’s downloadable bug-pack all players are unable to load the map: Mount Maelstrom.