Showing Posts For Teriel.6379:

Exploit on Battle of Khylo

in PvP

Posted by: Teriel.6379


Fair enough, just wanted people to be aware of it if they weren’t already

Exploit on Battle of Khylo

in PvP

Posted by: Teriel.6379


Just had a match on this map and somehow someone had managed to get under the map as i was being attack from below and i couldn’t fight back. Strange thing was it seemed to be a harpoon gun that was attacking me (both noise and animation of projectiles tipped me off) so i’m guessing there is water under the map for some reason.

Unfortunately I didn’t get the name of the one doing it or took a screenshot (wasn’t thinking clearly at the time so just respawned straight away) but in my damage taken death screen I had taken damage from Deluge which means it was a thief that had done it which probably wouldn’t narrow it down at with the sheer number of them at the minute lol

Edit: Looked in Combat log and the thiefs name was ‘Hidden Memory’

(edited by Teriel.6379)

What's the reasoning for paying to switch crafts?

in Crafting

Posted by: Teriel.6379


What i find odd about it is that you can just have them spread out between toons so instead of paying to switch profs you just have to to go through a loading screen. hell you could just have toon that you don’t play but has two crafts at 400/400 since as far as i know there isn’t a level restriction on crafts like there is in other mmos, If i wanted a toon just for crafting in wow for example i would first have to level him up to 75 i think to access the highest level recipes.

New Mystic Forge sink for junk; anything yet?

in Crafting

Posted by: Teriel.6379


yeah i was kinda disappointed with it once i got it, i suppose it could be kinda useful when farming but I can’t see a great need for it though I did manage to sell one for 3 g on the trading post so someone must find it useful

Shaman's etched weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Teriel.6379


I’ve only found the spear so far and i got it as a reward for getting 100% in an area

New Mystic Forge sink for junk; anything yet?

in Crafting

Posted by: Teriel.6379


Mystic Tube x 1 + Mystic Core x 1 + Mystic Essence x 1 + Mystic Casing x 1 = Mystic Forge Node this lets you use the mystic forge anywhere once.

Mystic Forge Node x 1 + Mystic Coins x 50 + Mystic Frame x 1 + Mystic Nexus x 1 = Mystic Forge Conduit same as node but not consumable

Everything is gained from the chest except the coins

Friendly warning for beginner crafters

in Crafting

Posted by: Teriel.6379



I only said that you make it sound like knowing what you need increases the drop chance of items because of the way you worded your first post. By opening your post with ‘or’ implies that knowing what you need is an alternative method to only taking 1 crafting profession that uses fine items so as to not run out of crafting materials before out leveling the area that tier of items come from as the op suggested.

Also I said that 118 was an unrealistic number to gain without farming to which you said it isn’t a unrealisitic number if you farm leading me to believe you didn’t read my post correct. In regards to farming using the numbers you gave means that farming 118 venom sacks at 10 per half hour means you would have the required number in roughly 6 hours then there are the other 96 fine items that you suggest are needed to level both those crafting skills adding another 5 hours onto that time for a total of 11 hours of farming. Now i don’t know about you but I can 100% an area in roughly 2-3 hours (don’t actually know if this is fast/slow/average) while doing any DE that i come across. I for one aren’t a fan of grinding and i certainly wouldn’t want to spend four times the amount of time in an area collecting mats than i did actually doing the area.

Your points about the trading post are valid though the sheer number o f mats available and cheap prices on them can seriously reduce the amount of time needed to farm. But not everyone can spend 1g just on leveling 2 crafting professions from 0-75.

Friendly warning for beginner crafters

in Crafting

Posted by: Teriel.6379


You make it sound like once you know how much of each item you need the drop chances are gonna increase. 118 venom sacs is a bit unrealistic number to gain through leveling in the areas they drop in without some farming sessions which is the point the op was trying to make i think. If a new player is discovering the content they probs arent gonna want to stop to farm that many so they will probs start getting the next tier of drops before their crafting needs them