Showing Posts For Thalfon.1269:

Authenticator Questions/Concerns [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


I’ve already managed to fix this, but I thought I should post it here in case others experience this problem.

I am visiting my parents in another city and was trying to log into the website in order to download the GW2 client. It accepted the user name and password, but then when I entered the code from Google Authenticator it returned the error that either the username or password was incorrect. (This was not the case, because if I intentionally entered the wrong password, it wouldn’t even ask about the authenticator.)

After trying several other things, I ended up hunting down a link to download the game client from without being logged in. The game client in fact did accept the code from Google Authenticator, and after that the website allowed me to log in (without asking for the code again).

It seems like there might be an issue with the website not accepting the code correctly. I was logging in from a 64-bit XP machine running FireFox that had just been factory reset a few days ago, no extensions or anything installed since. The phone with Google Authenticator is an old HTC Desire running dGB-mod (Android 2.3.5).

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

[merged] Level 20 Scroll --> +20 Level Scroll?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


They couldn’t do that and still have them be half as common as they are now. If you don’t need the scrolls for unlocking skills on characters, you can always use the skill points to buy stuff for forge recipes. Get crystals for upgrading mats, guides for upgrading siege equipment, an eldritch scroll to craft mystic forge exotics, or philosopher’s stones to work on clovers for a legendary.

You do get an “experience scroll” in the 5000 point achievement chest that jumps a character to level 20 as you wish.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

Someone bought a royal terrace pass?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


Yeah, that would actually help it out a lot. Bonus points if it worked like the mists, where you could exit back to wherever you were previously.

It definitely needs something to make up for its 300 gem cost. As it stands you’re either paying $3.75 worth of gems, or paying ~10.5g for a two week duration item that isn’t much more convenient than LA.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

Someone bought a royal terrace pass?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


They’d really have to put in something that wasn’t already available within the trading district in LA. Sure, it’s closer together in the royal terrace, but it’s already close enough together in LA that it’s just not going to interest people, especially since they then have to make their way to Divinity’s Reach in order to actually use it.

Maybe if it had access to some of the things you’d normally have to leave town to get it’d work. Mystic forge ingredients that require a temple open or cooking ingredients normally obtained from specific heart vendors only. Not sure if that would be giving too much or not though.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

So WvW Puzzles Don't Drop Badges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


For me the JP was a way to get a few badges when there was nothing else to do win WvW. (As an ET player, I’m rather used to our server being stomped over, so it’s not all that super uncommon to log on and see that there’s basically no even fights to be had.)

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

(lack of) waypoints in Queen's Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


Suffers from similar problems – if you lose, you find yourself on the upper walkway (weren’t you supposed to drop through the floor into the group event area, actually?!).

This is apparently only if you take too much time in the arena.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

survey: account bound gauntlet tickets

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


If duping the tickets with new characters is a problem, just put a minimum level on the mail that gives free tickets. It’s not like any character under 30 or whatever is going to stand a chance in there.

Edit: Changing wording so that the overzealous censor doesn’t reduce my post to nonsensical gibberish.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

Some cages are bugged - perma knocklock

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


Oh, this would’ve made life easier. I just went back and did it with absurd amounts of stability, and bleeds that would last beyond that lol. Yay for 10/0/30/0/30 ele builds. o_O

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

Is it safe to delete tokens already?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


We’ll see if they’re still dropped after the update. It’d really be nice to know if these are safe to delete though. I’ll be kind of glad if/when that chest that appears when a rare drops actually means I got a rare and not a kite fortune/support token.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

Will elementalists ever have to give WXP?

in WvW

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


Vapor Form has been acting strangely on and off for a long time. In spvp if an elementalist uses it, then the kill credit log thing on the side will show that the elementalist killed themselves with it rather than being killed by an opposing player.

I feel like maybe the best option would be to just throw out Vapor Form altogether, and replace it with something else decent. Aside from the plethora of bugs, the fact is that it’s only useful in a couple specific scenarios (if you can get into a tower — which many consider OP — or if you can get into water so that you have more useful downed abilities, or if you can get far enough behind allied lines). A lot of the time it’s just a slight delay on how long it takes to die and then respawn.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

Meta Achievment was poorly implemented...

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


Some of the jumping puzzle achievements (the kite-finding ones) don’t actually require you to do the jumping puzzle fully (or “properly”), it’s worth noting. In particular that one puzzle that sends you hopping about around eagle griffons carrying a bomb that explodes if you’re hit once; you do not need to carry the bomb to get the kite achievement (or the JP achievement for that matter — the bomb gets you the better chest, and nothing else).

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

Thanks to fellow Sprinters!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


For me, I did want to earn it myself. When someone stopped at the finish line and I got the title like that, I felt like I couldn’t warrant actually using the title since I hadn’t actually earned it.

However, several races later when I had gotten better at the game (using Grounded well, not using #3 skill when about to be shocked, knowing the route better, etc.), I finally managed to just pull ahead and arrived at the finish line first. I decided, since some people care about things in different ways, I didn’t mind stopping, and I let others take the top 3. I mostly just wanted to prove to myself that I could earn it, so that it’d be fair for me to actually use the title I’d been awarded.

I feel like the game is a little too luck-heavy to be stressing too much over competitiveness of the game. It’s just meant as a fun mini-game, not something to stress over. I don’t mean Time Warp so much, since it mostly shows up when you’re hopelessly far behind anyway, but it’s not hard for a small error, a(n unintentionally) well-timed lightning bolt or so forth to knock you onto a cliff, costing you seconds to respawn and putting you as much as 15-20 seconds back from where you fell off the course.

I agree that those who don’t want to stop at the finish line shouldn’t be overly hounded about it. There’s no obligation. However, to get in a big fight about those who do wish to stop for others strikes me as needlessly petty. As titles go, it’s not one that was going to shock and awe anyone to see it on another character. And as far as I’ve been able to tell, the reward at the end of the race doesn’t scale to placing, so they’re getting nothing else out of it. Let them play as they wish to play.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

D/D Builds??? (Sky Pirates Patch)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


I find staying D/D a fair bit works for me, but that’s because I play on ET, and if anything more than like 10 people happen to be in a group then that’s enough to be called a zerg on our server lol. So even in the course of standard wvw play, you’re likely to find small 3v3 or 5v5 types of fights where D/D can still be decent. But if it’s much more than that, well, that’s why I keep a staff in my bags.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


I wish Mos was up so that we could see the exact ratings at the moment. But from what I can recall, I feel like this is a chance for us (ET) to actually boost our rating a bit if we don’t do terribly, since I believe both IoJ and DR have significantly higher ratings than us.

There was some really fun combat against both sides around an hour after the reset or so. QL had two walls down at one point (due to an IoJ treb) without it being taken. I think IoJ and DR were both too busy with each other to actually walk in and take it lol.

Aside from that some nice large-scale fights that actually were close rather than one-sided pouncings.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

6/21: HoD/SF/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


I still think it’s kind of fun playing WvW on ET’s side. It’s certainly more challenging, and with the lower numbers, you’re more likely to end up 1v1 or 3v3 or something like that rather than 50v50, so there’s a bit more actual PvP style play as opposed to en masse tactics. Well, sometimes, anyway.

But yeah, it does suck knowing that basically no matter what you do or how good your little group is, it is a little group, and you’re going to lose in the long run.

I’ve got a few PoIs in the blue corner of the eternal battlegrounds that are the only ones left before WvW map completion, and I wonder if I will eventually have to shell out $10 to bail server if I want those completed. I’d really rather not. (Especially since I want to make a solo guild for the bank.) I’m not super close to Tyria completion yet anyway (wasn’t playing for a while), but still.

Ah well. At least we gave SM a run for its money. Probably not the smartest thing the server could’ve done, but if you’re going to lose anyway, why not?

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist

I don't get daggers on an Elementalist at all.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Thalfon.1269


I enjoy D/D as well. It’s effective if you get used to the various rotations you have and play a dancing style with it. Air4 > Air5 > Earth5 > Earth4 > Earth2 > Water3 > Water2 against 1-3 closely positioned enemies, for instance. In WvW I sometimes switch to D/F though; it provides a bit better survivability with the Earth5 skill when harassing in my experience. You do lose Ride the Lightning though, which sucks, and there are no heals on the water attunement, so if you’re +Heal specced, D/F would be a bad idea.

Eredon Terrace – Elementalist