Showing Posts For The LORD God.5102:

How can this be fun? Legendary grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The LORD God.5102

The LORD God.5102

All items in the game, including Ascended and Legendary, should be acquirable based on skill, and not based on amount of time spent grinding.

If many people will be able to acquire those items because they can successfully complete in-game tests that will have proven their skill, then let that be so. If skillful players are common in number, then Legendary items should also be common in number too. There is nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

Putting skill-earned Legendary items in the hands of many players will always be a much better design choice than putting Legendary items only into the hands of a few players because they invested an absurd amount of grinding-time in order to get them.

If Anet revokes their current choice to make grinding be the basis by which a player can get a Legendary item, then each Legendary item that will be acquired based on skill, even if a multitude of players end up getting one (or more) in that way, will remain far more meaningful than would any Legendary items in acquired via the grind-based design plan.

TL;DR: Anet should make Legendary items be acquirable based on skill rather than grind, and if many skillful players get them, so what? – that’s fine, they deserve them.

Required minimum lvl for FoTM

in Suggestions

Posted by: The LORD God.5102

The LORD God.5102

The minimum level for FOTM should definitely be 80, since the upscale feature does not adequately account for gear, traits, runes, skills, etc.

It’s not about elitism. It’s about the fact that the upscale feature does not do everything that it should do, which therefore makes a playing a sub-80 in FOTM unviable.

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The LORD God.5102

The LORD God.5102

2. That’s reason enough, why should someone that does less be paid more? It’s the single stat that contributes nothing to a party…

Under the the logic of the MF system, the MF-using player who does less should be paid more because he or she has had to weaken himself or herself in comparison to players who do not use MF. Therefore, the MF user has a harder time fighting and surviving vs. mobs than does the non-MF user. That harder time should be compensated via increased rewards for the player who bears the burden of taking it on .

Having said that, removing MF from the game would be much better than keeping MF in the game.

MF should not be required to get good loot on a regular basis. Rather, everyone should get good loot on a regular basis by default.

Toxic vote kick ruins GW2's cooperation ideal

in Suggestions

Posted by: The LORD God.5102

The LORD God.5102

Now if we did not have the vote kick option, the grp would basically be down 1 man for the entire dungeon, at least by kicking the offensive player the toxic environment he was creating can be remedied.

I agree that is a problem, but leaving the vote kick option in the game is not the best solution. The best solution is to allow players to report the leecher in-game for the reason of leeching. Once that option is in place, any player who leeches wouldn’t be around very long, hence the problem would not be widespread.

Raising the vote kick number to 3 would not solve the problem of rampant vote kick abuse. All that would do is decrease the problem slightly.

Having 3 players concur to abuse the vote kick feature together would not be rare. It would still happen – and victimize innocent players – all the time, just like it now does when 2 players do it.

Maybe raising the number of votes needed to 3 and ensuring that the victims have ways to ensure that all abusive vote kickers get reported and punished accordingly would work.

Toxic vote kick ruins GW2's cooperation ideal

in Suggestions

Posted by: The LORD God.5102

The LORD God.5102

Hello everyone. GW2 is a good game, but it has a tragic flaw. That tragic flaw is the focus of this post.

GW2 devs always promote the main philosophy for the game experience as a community of players who cooperate, help and support each other as friends. That is all great.

Yet at the same time, the game includes an extremely toxic feature that is antithetical to that philosophy, a feature that can and does (at least in some cases) make the player’s actual experience become the opposite of that philosophy. This feature pits abusive players against innocent players – as enemies – and gives all the power to the abusive players. Yes, I am talking about the vote kick feature.

The vote kick feature gives any two players the power to kick anyone else from their party, at any time. No reason is required for any player to be kicked. Abusive players are given free reign to ruin the experience of any other player just because they feel like it.

From the perspective of a vote kick abuser, typical motivations which result in an innocent player getting kicked might include: the innocent is using a weapon, skill, or armor set that the abusers do not like, or the innocent is fighting or retreating in places where the abusers do not want him or her to, or the innocent is not killing mobs as fast as the abusers think he or she should be.

When an innocent player gets kicked out of a party, he or she loses all the time spent making the party (if the maker of the party is the one who is the victim of vote kick abuse), waiting for the party to be able to enter the dungeon (entrance events need to be done, etc.), and progressing through the dungeon. In addition, the victim of vote kick abuse also loses out on the rewards of the dungeon that he or she should be entitled to receive based on the work that he or she did prior to being victimized. Needless to say, the innocent player is robbed and therefore is left feeling terrible.

What I have just said is not theoretical. I have personally seen abuses such as this occur two nights in a row.

Meanwhile, after the innocent victim gets kicked, the abusive players – who have completely ruined the experience of other players – will go on to reap all the dungeon rewards, because they can simply replace their victims by inviting new players into the party.

While the innocent player is feeling terrible after being cheated, the abusive players have no reason to feel anything but delight, because as far the game knows, they have done nothing wrong, and they will never be held to account for their toxic behaviors.

To add insult to injury, the game does not even tell the innocent player which players abused him or her. In other words, abusive vote kickers remain anonymous, free to continue their reign of terror against and potentially make additional victims out of all other players they ever meet.

Even if the abusive players were not anonymous to their victims, they would probably get off scot-free anyway, because the reasons to submit a report in-game do not give the victim of vote kick abuse an option to report for that reason.

What ever benefit including a vote kick feature might have in being potentially useful on an very rare basis is far outweighed by the extreme toxicity that its presence causes far more often on a regular basis.

In order to take away from abusive players the power to create a toxic environment – and to be rewarded for it too – and to stop innocent players from becoming the victims of toxic players, I ask Anet to please to remove the vote kick feature from the game.

If Anet will not, I ask if they will please at least drastically alter how the vote kick feature works.

If vote kick stays in the game, it should require a minimum of four votes to go through. The in-game names of the people who vote to kick another player should be made known to the player who is kicked. The player who is kicked should have the ability to report everyone who voted to kick him or her, unless they had a legitimate reason (like AFKing) to do so. And Anet should post an in-game message every time a vote kick is about to be started, a message that says that abuse of the vote kick feature may result in account bans.

If the vote kick feature remains in the game and unchanged, then GW2 will never be a game about cooperation and friendship between players. Rather, it will remain a game that empowers toxic players viciously to grief innocent players with impunity.

Thank you to everyone who has read my post.

(edited by The LORD God.5102)