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Cloack and Dagger BUG!!?

in Thief

Posted by: The Phoenix.4635

The Phoenix.4635

@Travlane: Sure, you can show me a vid where you play to perfection, just for the reason that I like seeing good thief vids. My point is that your vid doesn’t show anything. If you now show a vid where you take on 8 people flawlessly it would indeed be strange, but to me it seemed that the times you got immune were just played badly, since you also click your skills and didn’t use evade at the right times I concluded you were not as good as you said you were.

So basically: You can show me a vid where you play well, however, I will probably not immediately agree with you that there is a bug, just because in one vid you played well and in another you didn’t. Sometimes I mistime my CD as well and other fights I don’t so…

I would be up for a duel somewhere next weekend if you want. I will contact you in-game Note that I’m not dueling to show you that you’re not a good player, nor do I say I am one. I just like duels

Edit: Don’t reply so offended all the time because we don’t immediately believe something. I am just stating the facts as I see them, no reason to get all worked up.

(edited by The Phoenix.4635)

Cloack and Dagger BUG!!?

in Thief

Posted by: The Phoenix.4635

The Phoenix.4635

well i have prolly more hours than you on thieve and can play any build extremely well. the poitn is not that im better than you but im experienced enough to know when there is a problem vs player error. thats all i mean

I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that little video was everything but well played. You clicked your skills, you didn’t kite them at all, just stood there. You hardly evaded any attack and you mistimed your C&D twice.

This brings me to my next point: Where in your vid does it show the bug? The first immune you get is after you throw the gunk and try to stealth about 1.5 seconds after it, the second time you get immune is when you use C&D when you still have revealed on as well.

I haven’t had this bug happen to me once, only that since the patch I have noticed when I throw the skill the you steal from an engineer, it now has damage pulses which reveal you.

The bug might be there, but this vid doesn’t show it. And maybe you should not think so high of yourself.

Edit: I just saw it again, and the second immune is even worse than I thought: You use C&D just after you used the throw hairs skill…

(edited by The Phoenix.4635)

Thiefisms you might not know

in Thief

Posted by: The Phoenix.4635

The Phoenix.4635

In addition to the revive while in the shadow refuge: if you’re downed and stealthed you can use your number two downed ability to get out of any aoe and revive yourself without getting hit. It will not break your stealth (altough it seems to do so). so also if you are fighting a thief, remember to use cleave/auto attack in a bigger radius after the first 4 seconds

Sword/Pistol steal build (sPvP/solo que)

in Thief

Posted by: The Phoenix.4635

The Phoenix.4635

Hello everyone,

Since the new patch allows us to greatly reduce our steal cooldown I have come up with a new build. It’s mainly for spvp and solo que, I don’t do much high end tpvp so I cannot comment on that part.

What is the goal of the build:
Having a thief with a lot of boons, having the ability to lock a target down very fast (even bunkers) and kill them. Still being able to survive a lot, as well as high mobility as always.

Weapon set:
Main: Sword/Pistol, with sigil of superior fire and sigil of purity.
Second: Shortbow, with sigil of superior energy.

For your main I have chose for condi removal on crit and some extra damage, once you get into trouble you can switch to your shortbow, dodge another time and start using #5 to get away.

Runes: I have been trying out divinity for now, but this is a point for improvement.

For amulet I just use berserker’s.

With this and the traits I maintain a 17.5 CD on stealth, about 16k health and 2k power with 47% crit change (67% with fury, which is up almost all the time) and 52% crit damage.


Deadly arts: Mug, just for the extra stuff you get for stealing, really usefull little heal and some damage, as well as poison from your 5 point trait.

Critical strikes is mainly for the extra precision and crit damage
Critical strikes: Furious retaliation, the fury helps. Practiced tolerance, for some extra vitality.

Shadow arts: every 3 seconds condi removal. Obviously you don’t have stealth acces through your weapon set, which is why I use the utilities I’m naming in a second.

Trickery: Thrill of the crime, you don’t have to hit stealth for this. It gives you fury, might and swiftness. Bountiful theft: vigor and two boons. Sleight of hand, daze is another interrupt and it reduces the steal cooldown.

Trickery gives you a lot of iniative regen, with which you can maintain your attacks.

Utilities: Like I said I need some stealth to have condi removal, it is also handy in saving your team. As I have teleport on sword #2 I can manage without a stunbreaker.
So: Blinding Powder and Shadow Refuge.
As the third utility I go for Scorpion Wire, with a 20 second cooldown it is amazing in giving you another interrupt with pull. This is easily avoided though, so don’t start a fight with this.
As elite I just go for basilisk venom, but you can use anything you like here.
As heal I use withdraw, but I think hide in shadows will work just as fine

So, for starting a fight, I usually shoot them a few times with my shortbow, if it is a bunker I start attacking once he has two or three boons up. I open with infiltrator’s strike for a immobilize, as I have already attacked with shortbow he will most likely have blown a dodge already. Next I use steal to get 4 boons + 2 stolen boons and I daze the target. Now I will use a pistol wip, maybe 2. After this it depends what the target is doing; is he kiting you, just use headshot followed by scorpion wire.

You can continue doing this, you have so much ini regen from traits + 3 from steal every 18 seconds that I haven’t found myself without any so far. Once your target is down, simply use Black Powder to secure the stomp.

You can easily roam around the map and help where needed, quickly securing a kill or keeping 2 guys up at some point.

What do you guys think? I have been having amazing fun using it, for me it is very effective so far. And a nice change from the meta.

Let me know!

Edit: I forgot to mention; Because you hardly use stealth, it is very effective in pvp as well, since you can keep nodes contested etc.

(edited by The Phoenix.4635)

Elementalists in WvW huge flaw.

in Elementalist

Posted by: The Phoenix.4635

The Phoenix.4635

Other classes have access to stealth and I have on more than one occasion stealth stomped people on my Elementalist and Engineer due to AE stealth spells.

So stealth doesn’t count because thieves can aoe stealth? You want elementalists to AoE vapor form then? Fair enough! ^^

Any class can stealth without a thief, mesmers because they have utilities for it, the other classes by using a leap finisher (stealth for only him) or blast finisher (ele has lots of those, area stealth) on a smoke field, which is not restricted to the thieves number 5 ability on its pistol.

Elementalists in WvW huge flaw.

in Elementalist

Posted by: The Phoenix.4635

The Phoenix.4635


Lol, thank you so much for this post. I had been thinking the exact same thing. Anyways, on topic: The whole argument is that vapor form is The only downed skill (that is ready as soon as you are down) that has the ability to port through doors
Keep vapor form exactly the same, just restrict it from bypassing doors, like thief or a mesmer by coincidence. That way everybody is happy, ele’s just cannot suicide in front of their tower or keep anymore. The mist form will still be able to bypass it, that is only fair. All the mobility issues have nothing to do with it. If you don’t want to have it changed, naturally I will assume this is because you actively use it. Also, the warrior ability is way different, firstly because the warrior has to stay alive untill his third ability pops up. Which he, if he is against a zerg, will never survive. And secondly, because even if he survives this time he will die once inside, and he is not invulnerable so he can be stunned, knocked back feared etc to stop him from reaching the door.
About thieves being able to shadowstep and immediatly stealth: all the CD’s for the third downed ability are the same. This is a dumb argument, if a thief goes down, start stomping him (you can also blink/teleport/lightning flash towards him when he shadowsteps) and if he shadowsteps just break it off and you are easily on time to secure the stomp.

Note: Yes, I do play an elementalist.

Will you Leave Ransackers Alone in JPs?

in WvW

Posted by: The Phoenix.4635

The Phoenix.4635

No, the opposite actually, I might think it will be a fun fight, so I will definitely attack you

T9 : Vabbi - FoW - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Phoenix.4635

The Phoenix.4635

We are actually for once having a que in our borderlands! We have more people on since like a month! I’m really having a blast against you guys, if we as FoW get a bit more organized we might be able to do some more backcapping as well.

Hopefully we can keep it up!

From a FoW-thief