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How to Find Your Ideal Profession! (Guide)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


I dont get it, are you trying to say my longbow only warrior is trolling ?

No, you don’t have to take this to heart. I’m using a warrior right now because I was a noob and thought a warrior sounded cool in its description only. This is what I have learned to do from it.

I basically only use my warrior with a longbow too.

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


Mine is just weird. My cousin and I made it but it turned out to look sorta chinese, and I don’t mean this in any offensive way or anything but we named it: Shi Chang Wu
it sounded the most chinese at the time. My character still looks like it.

How to Find Your Ideal Profession! (Guide)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


Also, I didn’t include this but the post i made is already waaaay too big.
There are certain ranged and melee classes.
Engineer: Ranged (Sometimes Melee)
Elementalist: Ranged
Warrior: Melee
Mesmer: Ranged
Ranger Ranged (Occasional Melee)
Guardian: Ranged/Melee
Theif: Melee (Sometimes Ranged)
Necromancer: Ranged/Melee

How to Find Your Ideal Profession! (Guide)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


Ok, so I have already done one on races, which wasn’t a big hit since it is not as important to choose as professions. Professions do not exactly have to fit your character’s race.

For your professions, you should really choose these professions by the way you are. For example, I like to be more ranged and help out with AoE’s but I chose warrior in the beginning. I am still playing with him but when I make my next character I will be sure to choose either an elementalist or ranger.

Here is a list of 5 things you should do to pick your ideal profession.

1. Spend time on the descriptions by people on the internet/ GW2 book.
2. Choose what you first feel for, don’t second guess yourself.
3. Experiment before you keep going on the adventure with a character.
4. Look at the skills and weapons/things your weapons give and see if you like them.
5. Read what I think people pick most often due to personality.


Straight Forward People: Melee (Occasionally Ranged)
Improvisational People: Melee
Creative People: Melee/Ranged
Logical People: Ranged (Sometimes Melee)
Intellectual/Cognitive People: Ranged
Funny/Trolling People: Unpredictable (Mixed)

Lets start off with 1-4. If you are really worried, spend time on the internet to look at all the classes in play so you don’t enter the game right away because that’s just going to waste time. Spend a little time just looking at what they can do before you start to try ones out. Go with your first guess. If you keep second guessing yourself you probably will not choose the right class right away, which is alright, but usually your first guess is the best one. Including on tests anywhere. once you try your first character, try things out and look at weapons, buy them if you can or just get them from drops. I would not spend more than 10 lvls trying to experiment with this character unless you are sure you want this character. If not, try out another profession. Remember, you have at least five slots and you can always delete them.

Then come the personality part. I will go through these one by one to explain my reasoning. Before you read them CHOOSE WHAT TYPE OF PERSON YOU THINK YOU ARE and don’t pay any attention to what they equal, because you will be matching with the descriptions below to see if you fit with any of them.

Straight Forward People often decide to go in and don’t like to just sit around. They want to go do it instead of wasting their time. They would rather go in and deal with the challenges as they come and they are good at adapting. This is more of the characteristics for a Melee person.

Improvisational People are very good at adapting and like to take things on as they come. They don’t want to spend time debating how to attack or who will be defensive, and they know what they want. They usually have a main objective and don’t switch weapons around all the time.

Creative People I made a mix of melee and ranged weaponry because they figure out ways to be creative with everything, no matter if it is ranged or melee. Creative people tend to be mixed and don’t stay with one weapon long because they like to try everything out. They decide that its better to have a variety of things.

Logical People tend to use ranged weapons more because they feel like they can do more with it and its more of the “Logical” way to do it. They want to do more damage while being more safe doing it. They want to get to the point without the most hassle and time. If this requires melee they will use it.

Intellectual/Cognitive People like to think things through and don’t want to rush through things, they aren’t afraid to take time and they want to make sure they get through it. The safest way to get past something is with Ranged weaponry in most cases, but it will usually take more time.

Last but not least is Funny/Trolling People. These people try to do things that are very random and make people laugh, while others get very frustrated They don’t care as much about how they do as long as it’s fun. There aren’t so many in Guild Wars but there is an occasional one. They are mostly unpredictable because they will do the weirdest things to annoy you and make you laugh. Don’t always trust them

Please leave comments on what you think about this post and if it helped you. If you think the personality descriptions are weird or off please tell me how to make it better. All constructive criticism or nice comments are appreciated.

Also, I feel like if you include a person with each of these personalities (Funny/Trolling is optional) you will have a great mix for a dungeon. Try it out!

Legendaries...are they worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


No, I don’t expect to get one for a while. That’s why I asked. Is it worth the time and work to get it? I’m only at 56% map completion at the moment.

Legendaries...are they worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


I am about to become lvl 80 very soon. I want to know whether it is worth to craft legendaries or just buy them. I don’t know if I should just go for exotics.

It’s so hard to buy legendaries because they are so expensive, and it will be a while before I can afford it. So my question is…Are legendaries really worth all the work???

What do you find most fun on this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


Leveling up to 80 is the best for me. I’m at 78…so close. But i have to say, getting my first legendary will be awesome too.

How to Find Your Ideal Character! (Races)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


First of all, I am not an expert. I’m just going to be using logic on this, so I would follow what the game developers and staff tell you. I am no trying to change their opinions in any way, but this is what I’ve found by playing GW2 from personal experience.

These are 5 STEPS to choosing the best race for you!

1. Do NOT pick only by, or mostly by the descriptions of each race.
2. Do NOT decide solely, or mostly by the look of a race/race with the profession.
3. Look at the elite skills that each race gives you. (Internet or Book)
4. Think about each race and what each has to offer. (Which skills you will use the most)
5. Search the internet for the skills you are interested in and watch them in play before choosing a race.

I think that these are the best ways to find out which race is best for you. The description of your character will not make people think of you like that in game, because its how you act and play in-game that will make people find their impression of you. For example, the charr is fierce and always goes in first without thinking much based off the game developers decisions. You could be the nicest and most generous person in the game, giving everyone in the game 1 gold for helping you with a small task. That doesn’t reflect your default racial personality at all. You can make it how you want.

The second way is to not base it on the first looks and color that the developers change your character to look like. This is just the default look. You can make it look however you want just like your racial personality. You could even make it look just like your other character that has a mohawk, or you could just make him/her bald. It’s up to you and you shouldn’t think that this one looks ugly with this profession so I just don’t think I should do it, which is what I did as a beginner.

Look at all the elite skills and decide by those. This is where your race actually does have an effect on you. It takes a lot of work before you can use these, especially if you’ve never played before. If you do not like these skills, you have picked a basically useless race for you. Make sure to spend at least a little time thinking about it.

Find the skills you are most interested in and pick out a class that you think has the most that you are interested in. Make sure to write down a list on a sheet of paper or something and then, lastly, look each skill up and watch at least a few videos of the skill in use and decide which ones you are most interested in, and the one/s that you think are the best and useful, pick the race containing it. This is the most important thing in a race that I can think of.

These steps will allow you to feel confident in your race and will most likely be happy with it. Remember this is just from personal experience. However, I do have one more step that I would like to share. Note thats your profession DOES HAVE an effect on those skills. For example, If you are ranger and a human, the hounds may not be the best thing because you have a pet, and it might have been better if you were a warrior and did not have any pets to aid you in the first place. It can effect the difference it makes depending on your profession. So if you already know what you want for a profession, remember to pick your race according to your profession as well.

Feedback is appreciated and tell me what you think. Thanks!

Can you Transfer Gw2 from Pc to other laptop?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


Thanks for the information, I’ll try it.

Can you Transfer Gw2 from Pc to other laptop?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


Hello everyone, my current computer just broke and I’m going to use another one. The first one broke from a screen crack and I’m going to turn it in to best buy or some electronics place, because it’s not good just throw it out.

I have some games on my first computer, and some of them are fine redownloading on a different computer, but for GW2 I had to use a code to even access guild wars. Because this is not file sharing or giving files to someone else, will I be able to transfer the download?

I have not tried because I am not sure if this will get me in any trouble from GW2 tech or have it turn out to be illegal. I have kept the disks, the sheet, and the main package. Please respond if you have knowledge on this topic or if you know something about it that will help. Thanks!

Best Weapons For Warrior???

in Warrior

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


What is the best weapon to use with your warrior?

I am not new, but not a veteran at this game, and I am looking to eventually make a legendary. I am a lvl 70 Norn Warrior, and I have used every single weapon, but I constantly feel like I need different weapons for different areas. I think that it depends, and most of the weapons are good to use.

For example, my favorite secondary weapon is a Long Bow, because it is ranged and has AoE damage included. I am constantly changing my opinions on a primary one. These are the combinations and things I have done that I remember well.

1. Main Hand: Axe Off Hand: Mace
2. Main Hand: Sword Off Hand: Sword
3. Main Hand: Sword Off Hand: WarHorn
4. Two-Handed: Greatsword
5. Two-Handed: Hammer

I have seen the weapons guide, and yes it is helpful, but I wanted to see what actual player opinions were on what they use, because I feel like warrior isn’t my strong suit and something like elementalist or ranger is more or the thing for me, but I want to control my warrior as best as possible.

I am currently using a hammer, but I feel like I shouldn’t use it into Orr, since I have not completed that area yet. Please post your opinions on what you think is the best weapon!

(edited by TheBurrito.9314)

How many legendaries do you plan on making?

in Crafting

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


To be honest, I would love to make 8….All armor pieces and at least a primary weapon. I would have a set where I am completely legendary. The bad part is, I would have to make a map completion 4 times, which I haven’t even finished my first one. If anything, I will probably sell them and just use exotic ones.

My reason is, I would rather have lots of money and have someone else be pleased, with good quality armor. What I would keep, would be one legendary for all my characters. Probably some weapon.

Personel Story "Air Drop"

in Personal Story

Posted by: TheBurrito.9314


I am a lvl 77 Norn. Since I haven’t completed any of the Orr things yet I don’t think I have a favorite yet, since most of the other ones are easy and boring. My goal is to finish all the areas and then go for Orr last. I’ll comment on my favorite mission when I get there, but I am only 56% Map completion there!