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I thought I was the only one who thought it looked absolutely kittened. I like to make fun of them in map chat every time I see it.
However, as long as they never put it on an NPC, I can accept its existence.
(edited by TheCelt.1394)
Same thing is happening to me right now. Is this fixed yet?
I have noticed that a large number of people on the forums talk about why they find this game boring (most people who arent bored spend their time actually playing the game). When they are saying things like “there is nothing to do at end game other than world bosses” etc, they seem to forget that you can do dungeons. Dungeons are a big part of this game. If you dont like dungeons, do PvP. If you don’t like either, why are you playing an MMO?
I find that there is plenty to do at endgame. Dungeons, Dailies, Fractals, PvP, WvW, exploration, achievements, events, world bosses, crafting. Why can’t other people find these activities? Or is it that they just don’t want to find them?
P.S, If you are one of the people who just doesn’t like the fact that there is no raids or higher tier dungeon, you are not one of the people i am talking about above.
This right here. Just like in most other MMOs, there is A LOT to do at all stages of the game, yet, just like in other MMOs, people either:
A.) Play the game way too kitten much; or
B.) Don’t like to do many of the activities available, in which case it’s a mystery as to why they play, or attempt to play MMOs in the first place.
I really doubt that’s the main reason, I find Divinity’s Reach and Rata Sum unbelievably hard to explore, however the Black Cit is as clear to me as the back of my hand, only because my first 2 toons were Charr.
Imo the real reason is, as unpopular as it is, people just want to look pretty, 80% of the population are human female.
Also: Charr armor clips everywhere.
83% of all statistics are made up on the spot. True story.
[Spoilers] ArenaNet "confirms" the fan theories about Elder Dragons?
in Lore
Posted by: TheCelt.1394
Dragon or not one thing is certain, The Sylvari are good because we can play them. So even going with the ED theory there are a variety of explanations as to why they might be good, a rogue lieutenant, corrupted for good, perhaps even an elder dragon that doesn’t want to destroy the world (there are an unknown number, whose to say they all have to be bad?). There is a lot of evidence however that connects them to the dragons. If the elder dragons are meant to represent natural forces in the world, a tsunami for example, you deal with it you can’t stop it and it does not think it just acts, then why can’t there be a force, like in nature, that is there to regrow from the destruction?
rogue lieutenant
All the ED lieutenants are powered by the dragons themselves, and are essentially extensions of the dragon themselves. I’m not sure they could even go rogue, and if they did, I imagine the Elder Dragon could just pull the plug. “WHOOPS NO MORE POWER.”
corrupted for good
Wouldn’t that be purified? Besides, the Sylvari show no signs of any kind of alteration by a dragon, corruption or not. The dragon corruption is distinctive, if nothing else.
perhaps even an elder dragon that doesn’t want to destroy the world (there are an unknown number, whose to say they all have to be bad?)
Except everything we know about Elder Dragons, and everything ANet has ever said about Elder Dragons, points out that they are in fact bent on the destruction and cleansing of anything that isn’t them or their minions, even each other. If left to their own devices they would fight until they’ve eaten everything on the planet, up to and including each other.
There is a lot of evidence however that connects them to the dragons.
Liiiike… what? Go on. I’m listening. Got anything that isn’t speculation?
… no?
Well, let me know if you find anything.
If the elder dragons are meant to represent natural forces in the world, a tsunami for example, you deal with it you can’t stop it and it does not think it just acts, then why can’t there be a force, like in nature, that is there to regrow from the destruction?
Because the Elder Dragons likened to destructive forces of nature. They’re -not- forces of nature. They’re not natural parts of the cycle of life and death.
ANet has never said they’re forces of nature, only that they ACT like them inasmuch as they do not think, they just do, and whenever they -do-, things die.
Someone named Glint would like to have a word with you.
I believe their names take inspiration from the Celtic families. They also don’t have last names unless emulating humans. This is only as I understand it though, and is not based on some grand knowledge. I chose Broin as it fits this theme.
<- – - ;-P
Maelcoluim Donnchad, Fearghus Dhommnuil, Seanna Brothaigh, and Rhianwynn Leodaich were the names I came up with for my Sylvari. I added last names because I wanted to.
Honestly, trying to compare fictional fantasy cultures to real life cultures is like comparing apples to ora-. . . socks. Sure, they may have had real life influences, but at the end of the day, it’s still a fictional culture, and can be made to be whatever it wants by the creator.
I agree with all the sentiments in this thread. I was greatly disappointed in the visual relationship between Charr and armors.
Guild Wars 2 has encountered an error/ invalid account name or password
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: TheCelt.1394
I’d recently been showing GW 2 to my brother, and today, he and I went to the store to buy it for him. After coming home, we decided to register an account for him. So he puts in all his details, we put in the serial code from the brand new copy of Guild Wars 2 we had just bought. That went seemingly well. However, my brother being rather absent-minded and hardcore ADD, he immediately forgot his password literally minutes after registering his account.
When we tried to login to the game using his newly registered account, we received an error message saying, “The account name or password you entered is invalid. Please check your information and try again.”, with the “Recover Account” link just below that. In the bottom righthand corner, it says, “Error Code: 11:0:2:1811”. This was today. Now, I’ve spent the last hour and a half trying to reset his password. Inputting the Email Address and Serial Code for the Account Recovery page isn’t the problem. The problem is the “Character Name” input. Since he’s never logged in, he has no character on the account, yet it requires a character’s name.
I would like to point out that while he did get the “Account Registered!” email, he never received the “Email Authentication” email that I remember getting when I registered my account. We’ve already opened a ticket, but are still waiting for a response. We’ve tried several different ways in which to verify his account, and to reset the password, but none were successful, and the game seems to act as though the account doesn’t even exist, even though he still got the email saying it was registered, and the Serial Code is now registered. Any help would be appreciated.
(edited by TheCelt.1394)
Aside from other bugs that make clones a joke to spot (spawning with full health when the mesmer isn’t at full health, not dodging, not showing offhand weapons), I just learned they also happen to “ignore” the explorer star, making the real player incredibly easy to spot if they want to be a completionist (actually PUNISHED for playing the game more)
Can we please have clones that are actually believable copies?
- Increase attack rate on clones to match that of the player. Lower damage/chance to apply effects to compensate if needed, but just make them LOOK the same.
- Make ALL clones perform a dodge at the same time as the player. This would also give us some modicum of control over their survivability since they INSIST in standing in every cleave/AoE imaginable.
- Make clones spawn with the same % of health as the player and continue to display this health; give them their own hidden health pool, since they can be one-shot by virtually anything this won’t be an issue.
- Make clones have the EXACT same appearance as the player; title, “explorer” star, ALL weapons (not just main hand). Ideally, have them swap weapons when the player does, as well, at least for appearance sake.
EDIT: So we are clear, I’m talking specifically about CLONES, not phantasms. These serve a different purpose entirely.
Because Mesmers need all the help they can get, amirite?
Probably a decent education.
Got the screen again. . . The frequency of occurence is absurd, it’s happening nearly once an hour.
Then I’ll chalk up your vague stance on the issue and illogical animosity as a possible mental disorder and leave you be. Goodday.
Your post clearly did not demonstrate poor character or rude behavior, not like mine did. Hypocrite.
P.S. You still haven’t stated whether or not you think this issue is acceptable or not.
(edited by TheCelt.1394)
“This is unacceptable”
I didn’t realize they made this game SOLELY for the purpose of pleasing you. How dare they anger you, your majesty! Insolent swine!!
So many self-entitled gamers in this generation. Anyone remember the days of just being happy a game you were looking forward to finally came out? You scum make me sick sometimes. Sumbit a support ticket and wait while the (incredibly busy) staff at Anet do their jobs. Thanks.
So what you’re saying is that a gamebreaking bug is acceptable? Since that’s the implication I’m getting from your unprovocatively crude insults and pretentious attitude.
Please fix the permanent loading screen that can occur during sPvP. It’s just happened to me for the THIRD time TODAY. This is unacceptable.
I thought the Charr smothered people like you shortly after post-birth inspection.
So, how is everyone enjoying the most OP faceroll class in the game atm?
I never played the original Guild Wars, and had never heard of the Charr. But when I first saw the Charr in the Tyria Races trailer in 2011, that was the first connection my brain made, and sold me immediately. It’s probably the most prominent basic root reason I became interested in GW II at all.
Toryk Steelflint, Engineer of Iron Legion.
Charr are 85% feline, 10% bovine, and 5% canine.
I’m trying to get my Charr the ‘Militant’ personality. Initially, I chose Dignity, and went full on ‘Noble’, until I found out you could combine the different personality traits to make sub-personalities, such as ‘Militant’. Woe is me.
Edit: Toryk Steelflint is an Engineer of the Iron Legion. He is loyal, intelligent, rational, and perceptive. He is a brilliant tactician. However, he has a very low tolerance for cowardice, stupidity, and insubordination. Despite this, he has a soft spot for the helpless and innocent, and will go out of his way to save or help those that cannot do so themselves. He is slow to trust, but once he has trust in something or someone, it’s very strong.
(edited by TheCelt.1394)
I’d recently applied the Superior Rune of Dolyak on my PvP Gear, all 6 pieces. When I mouseover my gear, it claims that I have the bonuses from all the runes, but nowhere else does the UI indicate that I have Health Regeneration, nor have I even noticed any Health Regeneration after participating in PvP Combat.