Showing Posts For TheTimelessShadow.2958:
From my general understanding, raid groups/ higher-end Fractal runners stopped taking Revenants when Herald F2 was nerfed from 50% increased boon duration to 33% boon duration. Other classes were found more worthwhile to take over Revenant for dealing more damage and providing more boons… which is all that most Revs brought to the table back then seeing as how inviable other builds like Ventari or Jalis were/ are still currently.
To sum up everything, Rev’s problem in both PvE and PvP atm is that there isn’t another class that can’t do what Rev can do better, with less effort.
(edited by TheTimelessShadow.2958)
So much meta cheese in general
Depends on what you wanna do. Sage definitely more for healing, but I use Carrion for Condi Chrono, and run Illusions and Chaos as my other two traitlines. Just does more damage over time.
If you run Inspiration instead, and use your healing well a lot, Sage could help. Personally I just find that Mesmer support is less about healing and more about Boons and CC.
The leaderboard is a joke. Quite funny. #1 player at one point had 9 wins and 0 loses. People below had similar stats. Gg?
Unfortunately no one is really going to listen. Team comps aren’t going to be fixed so long as we only have solo/duo queue. You’ve just been unlucky getting games where everyone’s a support class.
It’s fun tho turning pesky support into birds and blowing them out of the water.
not good. With no stab just constant stun stun stun from warriors, push pull+traps from DH.
no stab also means very hard to stomp
thiefs always go for you first cause you dont have invulnerability skills like the other melee class.
just not a class worth playing in pvp
I feel you. Mostly been playing Mesmer this season. Trialed a Mallyx/Glint condi build in a couple of unranked matches, but mace is finicky and too easy to side step.
I love pve players. I pve myself sometimes.
Just don’t kitten join ranked without training first
And please just don’t sit at spawn and wait for your pips.
Wow okay the censorship system is weird. What new <insert name for mixed drinks here> seem to work?
How is everyone fairing in the PvP season so far, out of curiosity? Who’s using the old Glint/Shiro build still? Who has created new kittentails that seem to work?
Will try this. Most of the time I find blink to be more useful for me though.
Just wished necros and DH’s stopped putting their traps atop my portals.
Don’t place your portal as obvious, there are places to hide the portals on nearly all maps, best so far – skyhammer – jump up
You’re assuming I don’t already. x_x;;
Just wished necros and DH’s stopped putting their traps atop my portals.
Revenants had VERY few things going from them. They’ve effectively been pushed out of the raiding scene. Now they’re being gutted in PVP.
Here’s an idea: How about changes that provide more viability for revenant builds across the board? How about making Ventari and Jalis worth running? How about fixing the current bugs to Sword? How about providing more than TWO out of our FIVE legends for underwater combat somehow? How about finishing the class before kicking it in the dirt? It’s already bad enough that the community only considers ONE possible build out of many to be remotely viable to run content (the one that’s getting nerfed. Again).
One stun-break and a slight reduction to a mace skill can hardly be considered to be a nice buff for condition builds btw.
BUMP because the hobosack has to be burned
I read nothing on the forums anywhere about a process that would be running outside of the GW2.exe client, yet I check my task manager and find something called an “Awesomium_Process” running on my computer and located within the GW2 cache? Can someone explain to me what exactly this process is before I delete it?
I don’t know why people dislike the Flamethrower.
I am running a 10/30/0/20/10 build. I enjoy it so much and it has very decent damage. I’m using Runes of Superior Battle and Paralyzation with Pistol/ Shield, respectively. I don’t use HGH.