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Experience booster August 11, 2015

in WvW

Posted by: Thel.9087


Thanks for confirming, I won’t be wasting my gold for no changes lol

Experience booster August 11, 2015

in WvW

Posted by: Thel.9087


Hi, I just want to know if the experience booster from August 2015 introduced in Black Lion company really now affects World experience (both kills and events)? Wikia seems to confirm it but I saw some people stating the opposite.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Thel.9087


If bg is better why do they need to team up with tc and double team YB ?

when you see 50 tc to your left and 50 bg to your right and they don’t fight each other
but only fight YB that don’t make anyone think bg have what it takes !

Call bg better then YB, and then they need to team up and double team to face YB,
what is that for an IQ ?
Truth is, they are just not men enough to face YB without double teaming !

And when they do that, They are what everyone know they are – a kitten server.

So I don’t think you can compare a real wvw server like YB with a kitten servers
that needs to team and double team against YB before they can face YB.

So bg is only on the top do to who BG decides to side with =/

men without balls vs Men with balls don’t compare !

What is hilarious is the total lack of impartiality in what you’re saying, maybe you and other people should stop trash-talking first, calm yourselves and truly think about what you’re posting don’t you think?

I don’t know about TC, but as for YB there was already a topic complaining about it and it got locked, you should check some of the posts there:

ANET How many more posts do you need?

in PvP

Posted by: Thel.9087


- Premades exploiting/grinding, no skills in solo. Queued vs them x times in a row, the same ones which lead to delusional guys thinking they’re skilled themselves
- GW2 first game where elo boost is being “legalized” (some ppl who are in a division they shouldn’t be)
- Unskilled premades from that same case in your division making you queued vs full premade/3-4 man, gj. Same consequence as first case.
- Anet unable to do changes during a season, only at the end of each one. Forgot ppl are idling.
That’s all there is to it.

P.S: Grind + Elo boost more pls. I’d like to add that I was being queued 7 times in a row vs the same pres, if that’s not grinding. Either put separate queues Anet or don’t ever put league again.

(edited by Thel.9087)

Surprisingly not another MMR thread

in PvP

Posted by: Thel.9087


its imposable! win 1, lose 4, win 2, lose 1, win 1, lose 1, win 1 ,lose 8, win 2, lose 4, win 1, lose 3, win 1, lose 3, win 1, lose 2, win 2 , lose 2, win 1 lose 3, win 2 lose 5. and so on and so on. been in the same tire for days. all solo.

But there is no solo Q, we are in with all the other premades, who the hell thought this was a good idea?

Grinding skills, not individual skills

Surprisingly not another MMR thread

in PvP

Posted by: Thel.9087


Reality is: – Pres are still farming your kitten , because they can’t do stuff alone (solo q which can also include amber boosted/carried in higher division, talking about ruby+ here)
- Loses are mostly due to feeders (instant dying even with auramancer and such), throws (less but still) because of mid zerging or another point (still few diamond guys like that crying for it, pathetic), and the remaining few close games.
- Gaining MMR for winning, not from your individual stats, number of deaths etc… so obviously division doesn’t necessarily reflect your skill even this season.

There are no 36k reasons for that, I’m just being realist.

Stuck at Log-In

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thel.9087


" The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. […]"
But “:4419” instead of “:4418”
It’s been happening after a crash, for 1 hour and half now.


(edited by Thel.9087)