Showing Posts For Thorin.9624:
My goodness lol the sad state of forums when people cant get sarcasm. And yes melee attacks can get obstructed.
Lol you missed the post but it is ok. Must have had your vision obstructed by Guild Wars op stems of grass and massively tough air that cant be cut through.
Can we get a boost to power on thieves? I ask this because anymore even a blade of grass or just air seems to be strong enough to obstruct all our attacks . Maybe we need more power to actually be able to get our daggers, swords and pistols to go through the grass and air and reach the person in front of us.
In reply to XTR, Who are you to tell someone to go play pve? WvWvW is over glorified pve with the opportunity to fight against real players when you want to. Also a lot of people had pride in their servers and didn’t hop around from server to server they actually tried to help their server earn its spot for better or for worse. The people who took pride in their servers were the ones that were hurt by the linking not the bandwagon guilds who wanted to be in higher tiers but didn’t want to work for it. And back to the pve there are camps, towers and keeps meant to be taken and defended so if some want to do just that its their right to. WvWvW was never meant to be purely guild versus guild or player versus player only. The only thing accomplished with server linking was a particular company took the easy road disregarding a good portion of its player base who are no longer around to vote in the polls. Bandwagon servers benefited and everyone else got the shaft.
And another post about DH lol if you really die to one you need to find a different game. I main thief and yes thief isn’t in the best of spots but DH are not difficult to take down if you don’t numbskull button mash into their traps. My god most dragon hunter players you can keep shut down with interrupts. I can tell more people are having to go into pvp to try to get their stuff for legendary crafting. Let the real thief problems be addressed and hope anet mods are smart enough not to listen to the 1 mashers. Dragon Hunters are good at killing bad players and can hold their own against some classes while getting destroyed by others. Thief has issues in its current state, but just because it does doesn’t mean we as a thief community need to stoop down to the please nerf everyone else level that most classes forums are. Btw thief main since release and sin main on original gw.
I read these posts and instantly think of Charlie Browns mom ’’wha wa wa wa wha wa wa".
For them to notice would mean that they would actually have to know what goes on in WvW and as we all can tell from the state of it they are clueless. I used to roam everyday but since Hot dropped and I checked out the new map I have gone into WvW 2 times both of which were just to use it as a free travel to Lions Arch. And Mortifier the pve crap in the new map is not what was asked for. And even coming from a lower population server I hate the auto upgrade bs as a lot of other people do also.
The idea of the scaling difficulty on the hero points is a very good idea and should be looked at by anet. And btw it is since not signs
Someone always use to say crap in crap out. Looks like ncsoft crap came in and now all that gets put out is crap.
What everyone fails to see is anet really did not care about event taggers, all they care about is their gem store and by limiting the amount of events people hit they reduce the gold earned and force people to either mindlessly grind more or purchase gems to convert to gold. Look at it this way, If you were running to assist one event in a map and came across another one that had part of its path where you could help on your way to where you were going why should you not get rewarded for helping where you could while playing how and where you wanted to play. Go ahead and keep buying the bs though, personally I would rather the developers to worry about the broken skills, achievements and balance than spending their time on something trivial like event tagging.
Ok funny story time, I was playing my thief in Silverwaste trying to build up some gold. I was running events and had popped the birthday booster after 2 hours of playing about 4 rares and 0 exotics. I decided I wanted to play my guardian for a bit in 30 minutes running events I had 12 rares and 4 exotics drop with 2 of the exotics back to back. Looks like they managed to even nerf my thiefs drop rate. I know it was just a random chance of fate that things fell the way they did but it just makes you want to bang your head on your desk as a long time thief player. Anyone else have an stories like this ?
Take the stupid things off the dailies then. Aware and in no hurry to fix typical anet method of operation.
Oh sorry you know how to nerf things you just haven’t managed to figure out fixing!!
Nerfing something to the ground doesn’t mean “know how to nerf things”.
Lets see nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf. Gate old stuff behind HoT content. Yes pretty much hate that I gave anet money
Not at all!!
It is just another way for Anet to ensure that only the tp players make money in the game. Play how they want you to not how you want, the vision for this game went out the window years ago. Hey anet try fixing the broken and bugged c r a p in the game instead of nerfing stuff. Oh sorry you know how to nerf things you just haven’t managed to figure out fixing!!
Buffed my thief put it in its underwear weaponless at a crafting station!!! I better watch the multiple crafting masteries on it though or thief crafting will get shafted.
Lol if you can find someone in WvW to fight you might be at a disadvantage. If your on a lower server don’t try the border lands you will only get bored to death from the sounds of your footsteps.
If you want to waste time trying to defend over-tuned skills then go play ele. No-one “fought” for anything, we gave feedback and they slapped numbers on our skills that they are now fixing. And your slippery slope argument is severely lacking as they have never continuously nerfed a class.
Guess you haven’t played Thief class since launch huh?
Small guilds should be able to do this fairly easily. Our guild only has around 20 members total and we went through and did the mission with 6 online. 3 guardians 2 rangers and an elementalist no elite specs in the lot. If you only have 2 or 3 people in your guild give a shout out and hire some mercenaries to help you out. The scaling works very good on this mission so have fun and good luck!
It would be hilariously funny!!
Before the days of mega-servers our guild would find deserted world bosses and strip of all armor and do underwear world boss fights. Actually kind of fun. Another fun thing is start a new toon get just enough levels usually 20 before the npe and run from the home city to arah in underwear. Things like this make you learn to time skills very quickly. And actually I guess I was wrong about the passives because come to think about it there is a lot of goofy fun things you can manage to do with them.
You really can tell the players requiring crutches. Getting people to blow their defensive skills is probably the easiest thing to do in wvw besides stopping to grab a rich iron node. And just so you know stealthers are easy targets if you time their attacks. I just laugh at all the thieves and mesmers who crutch on stealth. PVT gear lol who cares, I don’t care if you run through wvw in your underwear. Auto attacks lol press1 and carry on because autos are the easiest thing in the game to dodge or block. Blocks hey the ones that require you to actually use timing are nice and when I have someone negate a burst through the good use and timing of a block I always smile and think well done. I really started the post to see what others think of the route the game has gone with the easy mode skills and traits.
I do wvw and no I don’t get wrecked by the lazy builds. I just think that they are boring as hell and take no skill to play. But hey you sure can tell the people who need crutches.
And people fell for it anet sort of gave you and old build back and you act like you got something really worthwhile. Roll what anet wants you to play Mesmer, elementalist or warrior.
Anet mods play eles, mesmers and warriors any other questions?
Have at it everyone make a list of things in game that absolutely take no brains or skill to use or are absolutely broken in current state. Like some classes having passives that cause burning whenever you attack them or block hits without having to do anything besides the toon standing with its thumb up its rear. Or the take no damage for so many seconds skills and traits that can be stacked for lengthy periods of time. Or the overabundance of stealth which causes classes to rely on stealth rather than having viable survival skills. I am sure that the list could be rather lengthy if everyone pitches a couple thoughts in on it. Have fun and see you in game.
I have had enemy players log before but I have also had them dc and their toon be stuck against a wall or other obstruction running. When they are a victim of lag or dc I will not kill their toon, rather unsportsman like if you ask me, but I am sure their are a bunch that complain about the loggers that will stake an enemy when they are lagged without a second thought. If they log big deal you won the fight and its one less freaking junk drop that you have to dispose of. Laugh to yourself and move along to another fight. And if you have them down and stand back and laugh or dance well you are just a kitten player and you deserve to not get a drop.
From the sounds of it the idea is not working right and testing was pretty much a failure from all the bugs found so far Vayne.
In light of all the confusion, anger and discontent associated with the new leveling system ,which is supposed to be set up to ease new players into the game, maybe a tutorial that shows how to do the different features found in the game should have been made. The opening garrison could have been expanded and the story line could be modified to include a trainer that showed different weapons, combat movements, targeting, etc. Anet has done this before in Factions and it worked well for showing how to do things without level gating skills and such. This idea could be polished with input from the community and improved upon. Please note this is not a gripe post I would like to see other players honest input.
But the gating is not denied and unfortunately the gating is whats hated the most.
Gating for new characters is really the leveling part that is trash.
Vayne quit playing the game just after launch and plays forum warrior . Good evening Vayne! But in all seriousness there are a few that like the leveling system, only the 6 know why they like it, but they do. It would be nice if there was an explanation given on why they changed things as much as they did and just who they were trying to satisfy. It would also be nice if the company will take the negative feedback that is spreading rapidly throughout the gaming world and do something constructive with it like fix their mistakes.
We will tell you when we are through swinging our swords.
We have the update we all should have the junk mastery accomplishment!!
Next patch foward movement unlocked at level 25. Until then the enemies will come to you, limit 10 enemies per reset. They will do this to save server capacity.
I step out into the world and look around for an enemy, to my astonishment there in front of me is a centaur warrior. I prepare to attack and go into combat and swing my sword and swing my sword and swing my sword. Yes really livens the combat up tremedously.
I prepare to venture through the lands surrounding me and thank the six for the direction arrow guiding me. So much for immersion.
I run into a group of enemies and suddenly realise I cant dodge I should just swing my sword and follow the magical arrow. All hail stepping backwards in game play.
About the PVP the balance for that portion of the game does not fit into portions like World Vs World or PVE very well. I know it would take some work but it should be balanced different then the rest of the game. This used to be a company that went as far as placing a mod in Lions arch from time to time to hold open discussions with and now you are lucky to get a reply in the forums unless its a shame on you and infraction for stepping on toes. I myself do not have all the answers but there are many avid players who have invested considerable time and energy into the game and the forums who could really help the development team.
The main thing we as players want is to be listened to replied to and see the game succeed. People who raise their voices and stand up for what they think is right are usually very passionate about what they are fighting for. I have played since early in GW1 and would like to see GW2 have that kind of longevity. Dont take me wrong when I get going I want to see the game succeed and get better. I am sorry if at times Im about like a sledge hamer to the forehead.
What most would like is for them to fix what is broken, not break what is working. Small maps are nice but after 2 years open up some major area. Balance is an area needing work by a balance team that actually knows the classes. Dont dumb the game down its already easy enough. People have been looking for more skills or useless skills fixed lets see them work on things like this not giving a little direction arrow for people who cant read a map. To name just a few off the topof my dead tired and needing sleep head.
Ok they listen to what they want to hear, does that make you feel better? They have taken the core game that people have been playing for 2 years and changed things that few if any actually wanted changed. They throw in a few tidbits to give the sheeple a rah rah we got this, yet they ignore key things repeatedly asked for over the course of 2 years and change things that probably would have been better left alone.
You have to love the dumbing down of the game now we can all just press 1 together!! Instead of world boss train 1 spamming and WvW zerg 1 spamming everyone can. ALL HAIL THE 1 BUTTON. The one thing anet accomplished with this update is 1 is no longer the lonliest number!! Well played anet well played you have done the impossible
Many times players have tried being respectful and the developers constantly ignore the posts and proceed with updates such as this one. After constantly being ignored by the company the consumers are now tired of being patient and are starting to let the company know that they the consumer pay the bills.
If a company constantly ignores its consumer base and fails to provide the services or product desired the consumers will move on to a company that can provide what they are looking for.
Anet clearly disregarded what the consumers have been requesting and changed portions of the game that should have been left alone and did not change things people actually complained about.
Oh Naus I hope you actually managed to read the books and not just watch the very inaccurate movies but I am really not expecting it from your post. To the other posters Im really not worried so much about best and worse because for one Im just not the chest thumping type. What I dont like seeing is the current direction things with balance and skills are going, for instance saying lets give this class great condition damage capabilities and the class only having access reliably to 1 easy to clear condition. Also ln no way should a class be clearly capable of doing things that the balancers punish another class for doing. And Miku in no way am I saying the all purpose setup should be ended rather I would like to see more classes able to use an all purpose setup effectively. Labjax you got the point when you talked about the classes being shoehorned into gimmicky builds. Is any class really any good when there is just 1 build that is effective or when said class has to rely on gimmicks because they arent competitive any other way?
Ok with way too much time invseted in the game on multiple classes I want to pick apart “Play How You Want” If you want to play condition builds hey looks like you are good to go at least on certain classes that have more than 1 or 2 viable conditions. If you want to play high risk high reward looks like you might want to listen to anet and play condition build because someone will complain that you pick them apart with ease if they dont realise your actually easy to kill if they are familiar with their class. If you want to play ranged well you might not want to play certain classes because you will be range limited but they dont tell that to new players do they?
I know people will chime in and say you can play any any way you want and yes its almost true keep convincing yourselves that guys!! But heres the catch your going to get creamed in WvW, SPVP, if you dont stick to a couple meta builds for certain classes and the sole meta for others. Balancing a game around a couple of builds when there could be much more build diversity is not a good thing for the longetivity of a game. I know you say well with more builds available people will pick wrong builds for certain areas of the game and this general statement is what you get when you settle for the status quo. Im not the best at WvW and Im not the best at Dungeons or SPVP but Im by far not the worst and I get tired of seeing classes that could be intersting shoehorned into 1 or 2 useful builds. More skills more weapon sets and choices allows for build diversity. A company directing players into what builds to run to have a chance at anything is not play how you want. It is we want you to play how we want you to play.
I know this post will probably start a chest thumping I am uber, the games uber, from some and I dont really care. Dont take me wrong I still play and I still theory craft and take the time to know my classes inside and out but it gets discouraging when you look at the trends in recent updates of shoehorning certain classes into 1 or 2 viable builds. Please dont give me the arguement well it stops players from making bad build choices. Its not play how you want if you cant give players more choices of builds that can work because you are unable to balance a game around skills, foods sigils runes and weapons you created in the first place. We are the customers we pay salaries and keep the company operating by buying the game and purchasing gems.. By limiting the possibility of builds you run the risk of boring players and losing profits due to the players we your customers moving to games from other companies that will actually listen to the player base and not to just a limited few. Remember the days of the frog asking questions and taking feed back? During those times there were many more viable builds and diversity in the game.
I apologize in advace to those that this post offends and hope the forum frequenters can turn this into an honest discussion and that the forum moderators will chime in and with some company responses for the betterment of the game. Im not trying to belittle anyone or any play style I just want to see the game get better and more balanced as a whole.
Ticket 605312 regarding account was hacked and items and armor sold/salvaged from lvl 80s. Ticket is now 4 days old and yet to hear anything other than the original got your ticket reply.
The megaserver is a disaster for the larger guilds that hold guild events for their members. These players and guilds are being punished even if it is not on purpose for having a good community due to the megaserver spreading them out and away from one another. This system also punishes players who cannot afford high end gaming systems due to lag, skill lag, crashes etc. I am sorry but in no way is the mega server a good way to deal with low population servers. As a company you don’t punish your 80% customers to please the 20% doing so is financial suicide. If you need to cut server space you close the smaller under populated servers and give them the option for free transfers to the higher populated server of their choice. Or you implement the mega server to combine the low populated servers only. Also don’t ignore your customers by not answering questions about your companies decisions. When as a business you start doing what has been done with this update you become a company like sears or kmart and head toward bankruptcy.
The mega server will be very bad for WvW due to the same reason it is bad for PVE lag. You all know that right now if maps start filling up people that don’t have high end systems suffer skill lag, frame rate loss, character freezes and other game ruining items. Well just wait till every map is running the huge zerg balls lol have fun playing and mashing buttons and watching skill icons flash due to lag. I run a high end system so it wont bother me as much but people with systems that are not pure gaming rigs are going to suffer.
Lol Op does not play perma stealth thief, warrior, or Mesmer, but did manage to troll on this post!! I hope everyone is having a good weekend and please feed me more of the disposable blobbers!!
Enough said lol should start a great we have skills thread. But really when it takes 5 0r 6 of the bigger servers players to get 1 person down you probably don’t want to laugh. On the other hand I do want to give a hats off to some of the roamers I have seen so far in this tourney though, some of you have some awesome skills and builds.