Showing Posts For TommyProvolone.3715:
The Burger King Kids Club Rejects.
I regard this whole thread as opinion because it’s been an established idea, notion, that GW2 is destined to fail if ANet does not take proper measures in the next few months.
you mean it will fail if Anet does not cater to your demands, right?
So I’m getting met now by the crowd that enjoys ascended gear and the grind. Full moon is out I think.
I don’t want a flame war gezz because I forgot my flame armor so I’d die and I don’t want to die.
My points are valid, the video is really misleading. How can you feel like a hero? In what part of the game do you feel like one?
I agree leveling to 80 was great, not fantastic. It was at 80 that I saw the game for what it is.
youre misinterpreting the video as an oath to you personally rather than a statement of intentions.
Hahaha your posts are all great lololol!
There wouldn’t be a need for a thread like this if they didn’t lie to all of us. Look at world events, or even the centuars. Nothing is permenent, the mmo world doesn’t change and you don’t feel like the hero.
I’m just bringing up this issue because its clear they lied to us to the point where its almost laughable not one delevelper has commented on these kinds of threads. They ignore them and really really REALLY hope they go away like an annoying cold.
dude you dont really know what a manifesto is do you?
its not a promise, its a declaration of intentions. they didnt lie to you, they just said what they wanted to do for the game. quit sperging man.
Well it is, because what is said in that trailer simply is not the game.
I don’t hate the game, I just don’t being told I’m getting a banana cream pie to be suddently given a hershy’s kiss instead.
Yeah, that’s reaching with that analogy.
Didn’t this post already come around before? I mean, I even left messages on it any everything. Please tell me it’s not the meds again.
No you arnt nuts i posted in the last one too, they keep deleting them though. Apparantly they cant live with the fact that they lied in the video and its being brought up on the forums. Easy solution would be not to have lied in the first place.
. . . “lied” is what went on with WarZ. This is more “making promises they didn’t keep”, if you choose to see it that way. I saw it as ambitious, but ultimately doomed to fall short.
But then, I also like the game so I’m not qualified to talk about it
To tell you the truth ill give colin a pass for that video as he explained later the grind he was talking about was the combat mechanics. So most of what he said in that context was mostly correct, perhaps the game fell short of what he was talking about but in that context i can give out a pass.
But the chick talking about permanent changes to the world, people remembering your character etc, is just outright lies. When was the last time you did a event and saved a town then came back a hour later and someone remembered you? After you come back a hour later its going to be on its third or fourth re-take town event by then.
And obviously the artowrk is downright amazing so that part was also true.
you should keep in mind that the video is quite a few years old, and sometimes things the developers want in the game don’t always end up in the final product.
Last I checked if I’m given a sub-par product it is within my right to let the creator know he did a bad job and needs to improve.
That only requires one well thought out constructive post detailing the pros and cons of the game and saying what could be done better. It does not require you to shout your opinion and attempt to present it as fact everywhere on this forum.
“People who hate the game yet post the most on the forums”
In all honesty, I see the people complaining about this to be more childish than the bow itself. The fact that people are using this bow as an example that the game is now going to turn into a more childish, gay, and apparently, “Mentally Challenged” direction is pretty immature, not to mention jumping off the slippery slope.
Hmm. I’m guessing the forums have run out of complaints if we have resorted to complaining about a rare bow that only 2 classes can use that fires magical unicorns.
It is a shame indeed that ANET is not allowed to have one silly, fun item in its grand arsenal. They should probably change it so that each time you fire it, a disembodied head fires out with a trail of blood while a woman screams.
I would be fine with nudity in the game provided it only happens to NPCs. Giving the players control over the nudity of their characters is not a good idea.
For kittens sake stop turning this thread into a whine there’s enough. If you don’t like chance boxes you might as well quit all MMO’s as they are fast becoming industry standard.
Yes it sucks for mini pet collectors but just be thankful that its not statistically superior weapons and armor in there like half the other korean mmos out there. Id take a mini gamble over a weapon gamble anyday.
OP: I also loved the event, even the toypocalypse. Fantastic
If you have to use whine as an excuse, please do explain to me why it is whine. For me it is as bad as superior weapons and armor.
Really? You think that pets that provide no in-game advantage over other players and do not divide playerbase between those that pay and those that don’t, is just as bad as weapons and armor that provide an in-game advantage and divide the playerbase between those that pay and those that don’t?
Okay then.
People will always complain, no matter how ridiculous it is. Once Wintersday ends, people will forget about it and move on to another issue, and continue to believe that ANET is out to steal their parent’s credi-.. I mean wallet.
I’m fine with grinding so long as it is not required in order to access the endgame.
I had figured that with a name like “Toypocalypse” there would have been hordes of malfunctioning toys invading Lion’s Arch in wave after wave that we as players would have to fight through in a DE-type event. This, of course, would have ended with a holiday chest filled with a few fabulous rewards for us all saving LA.
Oh, well. Never mind my overactive imagination and unrealistic wish list. hehe
In reality, everyone would just get disconnected and complain on the forums about how ANET is an evil force set out to get them.
There’s no way that’s true. It must be an ancient conspiracy created by ArenaNet to continue to oppress us!
Nah, its not solid until anet gives me full exotic gear and 8000 gold. Until then the gaeme is dieing. 600 of my friends left aat once thats clear proof.
All adding a subscription would do is increase the self-entitlement of players. That, and making a lot of people angry.
People tend to exaggerate changes made to the game to ridiculous proportions. It happens all the time in MMOs. Once the herd find something new to complain and write rants about being betrayed, this issue will be long forgotten(Like the mad kings chests).
I agree with the problems of the gear treadmill. Whenever I log onto the game now, I feel a sudden force of energy pushing me to Fractal of the mists and forcing me to do a small part of the game I don’t want to do even though I don’t have to do it.
Well, it didn’t take these forums long to suffer from, “WoW syndrome”, where the game is ruined forever and that the end times have come, only for everyone to completely forget about the issue and move onto something else to complain about.
For the next few days, this event will be considered the final nail to the coffin for Guild Wars 2 until the herd find something new to complain about.
Was it a failure? Depends on what ANET were trying to accomplish, but I think most people on here just wanted phat new loot.
I only like boss battles if I get orange pants in the end, so this boss was a complete waste of my hard-earned time.
What endgame?
Ohh, you mean playing Dress-up with your pixels?
Yeah, I tried to get into it, I couldn’t.
I agree. I find killing the same monster 800 times in a row for a set of shoulders that will give me a +1 increase in Precision to be a much more satisfying process.
People tend to complain whenever something new comes out. Once something newer comes out, people will forget about the thing they were complaining and move on.
You just can’t please everyone.
Cry more you entitled losers at anything not handed to you in a gift wrapped box..
No one is asking it to be handed to them, they just want it to be a fair challenge.
I’m fine with the difficulty of the clock tower. I just want to be able to do it without 5 big shirtless Norn obstructing my view.
I agree. Aside from the clock tower, I’ve been enjoying every bit of this Holiday. And the best part is that we’re only in act 2.
Here’s the logic of the complainers asking for to be easier:
“Hey, I don’t have the endurance or skill to compete in the Olympics so you should make the events easier so everyone can do them.”
No, sorry, that’s not how the world works when it comes to challenges and accomplishments, people.
Most people complaining aren’t whining about not being able to make a specific jump. They’re complaining about the camera screw and large player models hiding their character. It’s difficult, but for all the wrong reasons.
If you enjoy a false sense of difficulty combined with staring at half-naked Charrs for 5 hours, then sure.