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Open World 1vs1 dueling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


It’s always a challenge to kill the FoTM with a nerfed class

But anyone know any reaction on Anet’s stand on ever implementing 1vs1?
I couldn’t find any (though i’m lazy at searching )

i think they mentioned that it’s being implemented at some point even :P

The Top 10 Things GW2 Needs to Improve.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I’m astounded that the OP’s list does not contain ANY of the game’s biggest issues at this point. This is just a personal wish list, not a top 10 of things that needs improving.

Here are the actual top 10 things that need to be improved:

  • 1. An option to disable right click targeting.
  • 2. A fix for mouse targeting, so it properly selects what you click on.
  • 3. A fix for the camera so it doesn’t bounce around any more.
  • 4. A FOV slider for the camera, so we can see where we are going and don’t get sick.
  • 5. A fix to the chat window, so we don’t open up every panel on our screen by accident.
  • 6. An overhaul of the chat window so we can more easily select proper chat channels.
  • 7. A fix to dodging, so it doesn’t ignore dodge inputs, or dodge in the wrong direction.
  • 8. A fix to joining parties, so you can easily merge parties, and join any member of a team by simply right clicking their name.
  • 9. A fix to the auctionhouse, so we don’t need to restart GW2 every time we can’t access the darn thing. Also, make the auctionhouse remember the page we last visited.
  • 10. Removal of the slowdown while in combat. It makes jumping puzzles a living hell.

Pretty much all those things fall into the categories Kaboose already mentioned in the video. Wether it being User Friendliness or UI polishing. :P

By GEORGE, I think I've got it!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


The design team have mentioned that they want events to shape the larger world, however the effect of this is barely being felt by the community, and as a result they have been crying out for more instanced events. This is because “dynamic” content is problematic in that it needs to allow everybody the opportunity to play it, while also having a lasting impact which seems to counteract the first point because events are easily miss-able.

There is a solution to this however. If the team want to keep introducing major, landscape altering, one-time only events, then all they need to do is also add an npc in the form of some storyteller who retells the events of Tyria. Players who were unable to take part in the event (perhaps there were bugs, or they lost connection, or were otherwise preoccupied) would then be able to speak to the npc and be placed in an instance which begins before the event takes place, and allows them to replay through it (just like what is currently happening in the Rox and Braham events, or how missions worked in GW1). This also means that all that hard work and design that went into creating the events isn’t lost in just moments because they will be eternally re-playable. in fact, they could event be tweaked to add harder versions which players could play through like dungeons to gain extra rewards, meaning they also add to end-game content.

By doing this, we get the best of both worlds, and open the path to extra content and ideas.

What do you guys think?

My biggest problem has been right now that a-net focuses on these one-time instanced events which don’t affect the world, rather tell a story which some people don’t care about that much. I think it’s a waste of resource since they could be adding things that players actually want like dueling, more collectables, bug fixing, animations etc..

Altho with your idea, this could work and all the hard work A-net put into these events could be seen by everyone anytime. Not to mention it would make sense in way..

+1 from me. I’d like to see this implemented and as soon as possible. Right now this game is rather boring .. :|

Open World 1vs1 dueling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


imagine an arena where you can cue up to fight in.
and people can walk around and check from top view!


The arena would act like the mists, where you can look at the games which are on. So the system would look like this:

-2 modes, private & public.

- 1 on 1 between whoever wants to fight, no queue ability.
- Toggle if you want to let people watch you guys fight.

- Works the same way as Mortal Kombats system.

EXPLANATION: Players fight on 1 on 1. Winner and losers on get thrown into their own box. So later on losers fight each other and winners fight each other. Or something like that.

Queue 1:

- 1 on 1, other players wait in line and watch the fight.
- After match winner takes on the next one in line.
- Get some kind of points each concecutive win.

Queue 2:

- Same as Queue 1 except the next 2 in line fight and other watch.
- After each 1 on 1 fight, the group in that specific match would be randomized to eliminate same opponents.

Additional options:
- Toggle which class can and cannot fight
- Toggle which skills (eg, no healing)
- Bonus thingies like Poison the whole match, time limit etc..

The Top 10 Things GW2 Needs to Improve.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Wall Of Text

Kaimick, the problem with MF is that is ONLY benifits the player running it. You can say how player skill is more important than gear, and I certinly agree with you on this, but a skiled player running normal gear IS (statisiticly) going to benifit his team more then a skilled player in regular gear.
And comparing MF to non-zerker gear is not a good comaparison. A player running Apocracerys might be doing less dmg, but they’ll be offering more healing.
Same could be said for a player running soildeirs. Less dmg, but capable of taking more hits. (Which if he died, might be hits directed at you)
However a player running MF is offering nothing else to his group in place of the stats lost.
I stand my stance that players running MF are being selfish by putting their needs above the group.

Yes someone with magic find offers less of statistical help, but so does certain classes, lets remove classes like Rangers from being able to enter dungeons because as we can already see, Warriors do everything better statistically.

Statistically certain builds are worse than other builds and offer less to the group in dungeons, we should also disallow them for being used in group play.
Statistically there are far worse problems then MF gear in dungeons.

But isn’t removing/balancing MF a good start? You cannot compare unbalance between classes to a completely useless stat which only affect the player.

The issue needs a fix and i think balancing MF is a really good start, considering balancing professions acquires a lot more… well… everything.

Also, you made my ranger cry, hope you are happy Altho i agree with you…

Signets could add effects to your weapon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Visual effects! Otherwise, the title says it all, while nothing groundbraking or huge i think it would fit the game quite nicely. I’m not saying they should be something along the legendaries but a nice little glow to otherwise an original sword would be awesome..

Also, this should include a toggle on/off effect for people that don’t want it.

NOTE! These effects would not work on/override the legendary weapon effects other other heavy animation weapons. (Unless you want to!)

Searched for a topic regarding this but couldn’t find. Hopefully people agree & thanks for reading!


(edited by Torguish.4786)

The Top 10 Things GW2 Needs to Improve.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Hey Kaboose saw you moved it here and to Guru2, will not use Guru2 anymore it’s a troll free for all over there anymore. I saw in fan generated there is the plea for steeds. Being from gw1 myself, I ran everywhere. There were no wp’s in PvE. I really do not want steeds, at least for a year or longer. Let them iron out other issues before they throw another wrench into the mix. Honestly if we never got steeds I’d still be OK. In my generation we walked a lot as kids in rl, the newest generations now wants to become virtually lazy.

While i agree that mounts shouldn’t be rushed and everything else should be ironed out before they get added, I have multiple good reasons for steeds or mounts and yes, i did walk too when i was younger.

1) Mostly cosmetic

And by the word ’’mostly’’ i mean it could give something like a 25 – 30% movement speed bonus. Think about how would things like legendary mounts look. Faction mounts, mounts recieved from instances etc.
This could be something really, really epic.

2) Something other to farm and achieve other than PRETTY gear.
Seriously now, i have achieved my epic level of coolness, not the only thing missing in my opinion is a motorcycle from my charr. I’m literally sick and tired of having nothing new to look forward to in… anything. Always gear, which in the end, looks the same and makes no difference what so ever.

I just want a really cool hard to get mount with what i can boast to other people and be all like ‘’look at my amazing steed, let your eyes feast on it.’’

Because that’s the only reason to farm in this game really. There’s just no variety in farming anything anymore. I’m bored.

3) I don’t have use up the kitten skill slot to run 25% faster outside of combat.

Covered in point 1. I seriously hate to run annoying short distances, specially on my newer characters.

4) No real reason not to have them.

It adds immersion
It fits the lore
It adds variety to the endless grinding
It creates life (Stables in the cities, guards patrolling on horses)
We already have cars and whatnot at the black citadel.
Some classes don’t have a passive running like rangers or thieves.
Cosmetics! Which the game is mostly about.

While i do agree that they should not add mounts before everything else is ironed out.

And if implemented in a bad way, it could be a bad influence in the game but it, in my opinion, it’s rather hard to get it wrong. Not to mention the reasons not have them which people have thrown around are really useless shouts which have no substance of facts, just their opinion based on something like ‘’some games did it first’’.

I mean, at the moment, the cities look really bland with everyone standing around and we have empty stable like areas which are not in any use in multiple areas. Not to mention not having mounts seems to me just a huge step backwards.

It doesn’t make SENSE.

They could add something like:
- Only usable mounts in areas where you fully explored everything.
- Shared on characters
- Because i’m sick of running some areas twice. It’s mind numbing and annoying.
- Drive your friends around!
- Not usable in PvP.

(edited by Moderator)

The Top 10 Things GW2 Needs to Improve.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Also funny how you talk about resources and developer time when they add things like 1 time events. Which, in the long term, don’t affect us as much as let’s say… bug fixes, UI additions and other smaller things they could focus on.

They are literally throwing away their resources away.

I like these story events but i’d rather have a polished game with awesome everything rather than a mediocre story which lasts for a couple of months and then forgotten about.

The Top 10 Things GW2 Needs to Improve.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Torguish.4786



Also 1 thing this game lacks is immersion that separates them from other classes.

What i mean by this is:

Considering the holy trinity is gone and pretty much every class can do anything (almost) and it’s more of all for all, the classes don’t stand apart from each other. Aside from flashy moves, means of dealing damage/healing and equipment style, they all feel pretty bland.

What would be cool if some skills (only some) would be acquired through challenges made specifically for these classes and something like Ranger would have some ’’unique’’ pet taming pets with special skins and lower rates of respawning, pretty much like WoW (blergh.. again) has with elite pets like Spirit pets, unique skinned pets (Lion cat pet, Ghost owl or Purple lava spider) which don’t drop really anything but are just minor, fun challenges.

Let me put some examples:

Warrior – Unique skill testing challenges, achieve some unique clothing for armor pieces. Eg, hold off X amount of enemies by not dying for X time period. Would get something like shiny ‘’gold plates’’ like Sergeant or whatever.

Ranger – Unique pet taming system. Like a heavily scarred bear or even evil version of sylvari hounds. Purely cosmetic reasons, the pets would stay the same as for base stats etc.

Elementalist – Considering they have spells which utilize movement like Ride the Ligtning, gauntlet style obsatcle course.

Guardian – Protect people in various ways etc..

I don’t have a lot of ideas for these but i just feel the classes, while being fun to play and the playstyle IS quite different, they can still pretty much do anything the next one can. Some are just more efficient than others in particular roles.

This would not only increase immersion immensly, but also your characters own personality, which we mmorpg players are so fond of. I mean, i like to generate a quick backstory for my character while i create him but the fact that every lion, every bear and every pet like that is the same in every way, you just have no way to really stand out from the crowd AS THE SPECIFIC CLASS. (Aside from shiny gear).

ALSO! Titles! :P

Obtain X amount of pets as ranger/Tame X amount of ’’special’’ pets? Beastmaster!
Defeat X amount of enemies as Warrior? Warmonger!
Protect X amount of whatever as Guardian? Savior!
Repair X amount of whatever as Engineer? Tinkerer! …you get the point. :P

Just food for thought…

(edited by Torguish.4786)

The Top 10 Things GW2 Needs to Improve.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Ah, and also,
They should add more variety to what you are grinding.

Now i’m not saying they should add mounts or anything but these small cosmetic items which could make the world glow of life and more things to do. I’m pretty much tired of farming gear etc (Only want a legendary for my ranger) and after that i literally have nothing to do. Other than Super Adventure Box now (LOVE IT!).

But things like mounts could be added in a way that they would only be things that we could brag with (Like legendaries, those things are pretty and that’s pretty much the only reason why they are wanted). Not to mention the fact that my Signet of Speed or whatever on my ranger continuously takes 1 slot from my skill tree only for the reason of running faster from A to B.

A mount with let’s say 30% movement bonus would eliminate my need to use this only because i want running to be less of chore is just stupid.

Not to mention, charr making techical race with engines and industrial type machienery.. tell me you wouldn’t like your charr cruise around in a chopper type motorcycle…

Or something of some sort of a heavy machinery vehicle with huge metal plums hanging about…

All i’m asking for more carrots on a stick. Maybe an apple on a stick. This gear grinding without any specific reason (other than looking pretty and i consider my charr really pretty) and leveling another character (which i’m doing, it also feels dull sometimes.)

Sorry for posting another reply, wouldn’t let me edit my previous one for unknown reasons…. :P


The Top 10 Things GW2 Needs to Improve.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I pretty much fully agree on this video.

The fact alone that a-net puts so much resources into making these 1-time events rather than fixing the issues the game already has is just a bugger.

Not to mention these story events would not nearly keep me playing as along a something like dueling etc. It’s literally just more of the same. A proper dueling tool of ANY KIND would be fine. But much rather away from the PvE content (eg mists only)

Seriously, they should fix their priorities in my opinion. I find the balancing and fixes in these huge patches much more satisfying than F&F for example.

But aye, user friendlyness and polishing badly needed, that’s my biggest gripe also. The reason why i left GW2 for some time was because nothing was done for these problems.

Ps. Can’t this post go under ’’Suggestion’’? Just an idea, might get more votes and comments from there!

I will make sure this is heard +1.

Please make SAB permanent [Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Torguish.4786



I LOVE the content update, playing it and I plan to do all the achievements connected to the SAB. But (IF) it’s meant to be a temporary thing it should remain a temporary thing.
I don’t like “One Time Only” events but I like events like this because I know it will be back after some time. Having it all the time will just “spoil” some fun for new upcoming players, and will make the content “old” in a few weeks.
Just re insert it during festivities or other events and you’ll play it enough to be bored by it.

I’m sorry but i have to disagree…

Here are the reasons:

1) This has room to expand in multiple directions.
2) Everybody loves this and they should never reuse same old stuff in events.
3) This isn’t an event based event. It’s just for april.
4) The game has too little to do as it is. Giving a possibility like this is just pure awesome.
5) More ways to play the game and recieve epic skins. Casual gamers need more content like this.
6) You shouldn’t play the same thing so much you get bored by it. I’m getting bored of Guild Wars 2 because i can’t seem to find anything new to do.. until now.

This needs to stay. People play this and like i said, this has potential to grow in many ways. This was extremely fun and considering how talented the team behind this was, think of what they can do when they wish to expand this particular thing.

The content we how right now is old already, i got bored of F&F before it even began. Just sayin’

Oh well, piece out.

''Out of range''. Seriously? Still?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torguish.4786


This out of range should’ve been fixed ages ago. :S


Please make SAB permanent [Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I absolutely love this event. When I discovered you could break pots in the shops I just about died laughing because it reminded me of playing Ocarina of Time. Well done, Anet.

Indeed… it’s small things like these that really make you respect the devs..

Some general questions about the SAB.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Torguish.4786


1) No, you will be scaled up and skills are the items you get in the game so even if you are level 1 it won’t matter in any way.

2) need a group.

Please make SAB permanent [Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I mean really, this is the most fun i’ve had in a long time in any mmorpg. I don’t see a reason this event should be taking away but multiple reasons and ways for it to expand and be apart of the Guild Wars 2 world.

People love this, the skins are awesome and you’ve spent quite a lot of work behind this event i reckon. After 2 months of taking a brake due to excessive grinding in either pvp or pve, i came back to see whats new.

Flame and Frost wasn’t interesting in any way in my opinion, just another away going event with some mediocre story events and more grinding with pretty much old characters and enemies. I pretty much just ignored the whole thing and went to explore more Tyria for my legendaries.

Actually i was mad in away, that while a-net could add something we could actually do more like focusing on the parts people are already wanting to be fixed, they add events that just come and go and maybe leave a rather unnoticable mark, if a mark at all.

Then this appeared and i was in awe. I mean my respect for A-net grew immensly. It gave me a breath of fresh air and i loved and still love every minute of it. Everything from skins to the cheesy old school text and stories, this is just pure awesome. And it’s taken away for no apparent reason other than ’’it’s an event’’.

You’d have a chance to grow this specific idea and it’s more content for people. More reasons to play even after April. Literally after this month, the game is pretty much the same old GW2 it was half a year ago aside from some balancing, bug fixing and rather small addition here and there like daily quests etc…

I mean really, what’s new in this game after this month and i mean NEW that’s been added to this game aside from fractals and daily questing fixes? Something that really changed the face of this game or has added a new, unique way of playing the game?

I know for a fact that my old guild hasn’t come back because there hasn’t been really any change in this game. Not enough to keep some people interested for a long time at least…

While some people might disagree with me on some parts, i do think that this event needs to be a permanent thing in this world. I love it and i’m not the only one. Don’t put something this awesome on a shelf to collect dust.

This is just something too awesome to be shelved. LEAVE THIS IN THE GAME!

Cannot log into my ranger

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Torguish.4786


So yeah,

I can’t seem to log onto my ranger but every other characters works fine.
Any ideas?

Filed a support ticked but it seems they can’t look into the problem without you doing 95% of the job yourself. (Game advisor)

The Problem with Attacking on top of Walls

in Ranger

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Give bird pets the ability to fly up to those enemies. THEY ARE BIRDS kitten

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Cacadu that starts moshing when you /dance.

CoF Chestpiece = No shoulderpads bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Read the disclaimer on the chestpiece.

It is intended.

Oh bum. Thanks anyways.

Update on pet traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Might from rampage as one probably.

and 25 stacks of vuln, my wolfs leap dealt a 5k crit :P

Holy crap wintersday scout!

in Ranger

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I agree with the stow pet being continous as in the pet doesn’t come out until wanted.


I think the ranger is a pet class and there shouldn’t be a buff for using a pet. They should rather buff pets for something like 30 – 50% less damage from AoE effects and give a little more survivability and the ability for us to actually control the pet. With this, i mean when i first saw ’’Guard’’ and ‘’Search and Rescue’’ i was a bit caught off guard.

This has been done before and given rangers dps with a pet it’s not that big of deal. Not to mention if pets were to be given this AoE resistance, they would be much more useful in not only PvE but also PvP.

Rangers, as for the lore etc, have always had their ’’loyal’’ pets as far as i’m concerned. If rangers wouldn’t have to use their pets, the class from the point of lore/idea would be violently violated. I can be wrong tho, englighten me if possible.

I just feel like Anet gives, us, rangers way too little freedom to use their pets in ways the want. Shouts like Guard or whatever should be something you could do without wasting a skill slot. Also i’d like my pets to use f2 ability sometimes automatically.

I’ll just put a closure of what i want from our fellow companions.



  • F2 automated if wanted.
  • Ability to control the use of other skills also. (I have when my bird buffs me with speed when i don’t need it.)
  • Some shouts without skill slot. (Like Guard)
  • Stowed until we actually want them to come out.
  • Better pathing and AI. They have to learn to run and attack at the same time. Even tho they can hit moving targets now, i still feel this is an issue.

Misc These are here for fun..

  • So called ’’Challenge’’ tames for special and unique pet skins.
  • When you name a pet, the name stays even when you swap your pets around.

CoF Chestpiece = No shoulderpads bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torguish.4786


So yeah, while using the medium chestpiece (Shaman Reward Chestpiece), it doesn’t show any kind of shoulderpads.

Is this a bug?

I really like that chestpiece but without the shoulderpads i find my Charr ranger looks weird.. :/

Didn’t know where else should i put this, thanks in advance!

Mail wonkyness.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Just tried this, no problem.

Altho i did have some connection problems about 2 days ago which came with the same problem but i also some other issues like huge delay and skills not working correctly. Guild mates didn’t seem to be having any problems.

Fixed this by relogging. ^^

Remove Magic Find % Stat?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


How long does it take you do dps down a mob in full MF gear compared to Full Heal or Full Bezerk with no skills in play? I have seen some people test dps or rotations on some golems. I would be keen to see your video.

There are also other threads on this exact issue.

Just because you don’t like something or you cannot see the point doesn’t mean it should be removed fromt the game. No one has to convince you why, its already in the game. You just have to find a way to console yourself to that fact.

I’m not leet enough to need MF armor btw. I am very curious about seeing some cold hard facts in the form of a semi decent test to back up the claims that MF gear has a significant impact on the performance of a group.

Point me to someone that actually ’’wants’’ to use MF gear.

You fail to see the point of this article or any article on the forums regarding removing something. When something is useless, it should be removed. In this case, this stat is useless.

  • I’m not saying it’s giving people an ’’unfair’’ advantage, i’m saying people that use gear that has MF lose their effectivness while gaining potentially nothing.
  • Hence: Useless, waste of stat, why is still here?

This, i feed, needs to be fixed.

If someone can give me a good reason why this stat should exist in this game, i will eat my words. A logical answer. Because i bet i can list multiple things that outweigh the fact that it shouldn’t.

Why was armor preview disabled?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Let me clarify a few things, as there is some confusion arising from these threads:

As part of an overall improvement to armor previewing we have had to temporarily disable the ability to see armors outside your class. We are working towards updating the system as whole.

We did intend to remove the armor preview temporarily in order to fix issues and improve functionality. So currently, yes, you cannot preview armors outside your own profession—this is only a temporary situation while we work on updates to this system.

We’re sorry about all the confusion in the previous threads.

We sincerely appreciate and thank you for your patience while the team works on this feature.

You should promote this in a huge way since people are pretty mad, including me. Now i’m not tho. Thank you for the explanation.

Now change the warning circles so our guildmate can see them since he is colorblind.

Guild wars 2 Into the competitive scene

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Dear Arenanet,

After playing several competitive games, i’m wondering why Guild Wars 2 is not doing the same? Games like LoL became huge in the competitive scene because they were build to be a good competitive game. And I think that Guild Wars 2 has a good potential in becoming more competitive aswell. Arenanet has been working on a sPvP which makes it possible for teams to play 5vs5 matches against each other. Why not make it possible to decide against which team you want to play? If this is possible (which I havent checked yet), then it would be perfect to play real matches. What I want is that Guild Wars 2 becomes big with a lot of different teams from all kinds of nations and play in a big tournament where you can win real money or nice hardware and mayby Guild Wars 2 expansions? It all depends on what Arenanet can offer and what is enough to promote the tournament and the game in a certain way that people want to buy Guild Wars 2. See it like an investment to get people to buy the game.
I hope that enough people will support this idea and that Arenanet sees a popential investment in this.

Kind regards,

Degray Gamerplant

They have mentioned this multiple times in interviews etc:
They will try to make PvP an e-sport.

new heavy armor class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Paragon type class.

And don’t even mention the kitten guardian on this one. It would be a heavy-ranged-combat-based class.

With spear throwing and damage buffs for the party. I dunno, something like that.

Killing off too many characters (spoilers inc.)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I was expecting Tybalt to be back as the converted super undead soldier that tries to get you to join them and tells you how awesome it is to be an Orrian because power.

You know the type :|

BUG! Story mode tanks

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torguish.4786


While doing the story mission where in ORR i shot the undead with a tank, i noticed my character was outside the tank AND when i aimed (with 1 & 3) my character move left or right until disconnected from the tank. This would also result the tanks cannon going as much in that direction as possible. So when i targeted left with the key one, i moved left, got disconnected from the tank and the cannon was facing to the left.

And i made a thread before, the animations considering mounting cannons and tanks are so so underdeveloped..

A community worker/helper for A-net?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I’ll start off by saying this is not a rant, just a suggestions that would bring ease to the
community and probably to A-net. This can even start as a voluntary project.

(*CD = Community Developer/Helper)

1. How?

-Lets the community choose who would represent them and of course a-net needs to see that this person is fit for the job.

The community helper will be the one that would actually take things worth mentioning and bring the word to A-net itself, if they have the time to listen of course. This would also be monitored and if a ‘’community worker’’ would get a rapid increase in unhappiness of your customers, this position and the power granted by it could be easily removed.

2. Why?

I have this feeling that the community is left out and should be informed more of what a-net is planning. There are also things that we really want to know what are you planning to do with current problems of the game the effect the majority and/or the minority of us?

So in a way, this could the middle man that decides what thing should be discussed about Guild Wars 2 developers. CD would provide info to the Devs from the community and vice versa. Of course these things the CD would have to monitor and see which would be accepted into the game that would make everyone happy, or as much as possible people happy.

Here are some examples are that people are not sure a-net will address and some feel should be addressed quickly.:

  • Colorblind people cannot see the red circles because the poor choice of the type of colors or the palette of colors. The only reply so far has been ‘’we will look into it’’
  • Some people want more emotes, fixed and added animations etc.
  • Dynamic events and instances suffer from bugs or too high difficulty or annoying tactics like in CoF; Mass suicide where 2 run and and 3 stay out only to wait to run into their death.
  • Reasons behind weird updates such as: unableness to preview armor sets you cannot use. (If medium, cannot preview Light/Heavy)
  • In case of emergencies (hacking, server crash or other such incidents) this person could keep up in track and the rest of the group can focus on fixing the problem itself.

Also this can be an easy way to make community competitions and other fun stuff that would keep the community happy. I mean it would be cool if devs would comment on players ideas for new potential professions, maybe not add them just add but just comment what do they think and such.

Of course this can all be easily done if the dear devs would simply give this job to someone that could actually work with them. This would be awesome since then the CD could provide us with information quickly and with the limits they want to of course.

This would result in a much more happy community since the suggestions on this forums feel like they are been done for nothing.

Also i do not promote myself for this position but if there is a possibility, i will put myself out there.

(edited by Torguish.4786)

Show important forum posts on the launcher

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I’d like to see Patch Notes on the actual launcher.

Honor of the Waves - good job anet

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Also in CoF where you go an a suicide spree with you whole group. :P That was really. REALLY. stupid.

Put Makeover Kits on a Timer?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786



Things like these should not be taken lightly. Just like serverjump, this should have like a 1 month timer in my opinion.

Then again.. when someone changes their appearence all the time, i don’t care really. But yeah, i support this.

What if I don't want a pet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Agreed, since this game the “bow class” is a Ranger and not a Hunter, you should have to had an option to go with or without pets. That was one of the reasons why I didn’t choose the ranger, I hate the pets but i love the ranged bow class and it’s optional melee fighting style.

I find this comment here funny because rangers in games like these are actually a more appropriate calling for a class that has an animal friend. Since you know.. a hunger hunts them.

Rangers are meant to be in the wild, utilizing the wilds and befriending animals. Not hunters.

Ps. Roll a thief.

Outmanned Buff in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


1 vs 10 is suppost to be a desperate thing :|

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


GIVE ME MOUNTS! 35% move speed for everyone with mounts = more collectables! EVERYONE HAPPI! :>

What if I don't want a pet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786



As i read your posts through again i realised you just want to stow the pet. This i approve but this class will always be pet-dependent DPS and survival-wise. :|

Also, try a ranged pet and put the pet into passive, the mobs wont attack him then since he isn’t doing anything.. :P

(edited by Torguish.4786)

Why sell legendaries? I'm disappointed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I am not a fan of the B2P or F2P model for exactly this reason. In a subscription MMO you can say, with a fair amount of certainty at least assuming they’re not a blatant gold buyer, that if someone has a rare or otherwise prestigious item, they earned it. Because you can basically just buy anything you want in GW2, my first assumption upon seeing someone with a legendary isn’t “wow, he’s really dedicated to the game and put a lot of effort into that, cool!” and is instead “this guy spent waaaaay too much money on gems, feh”.

Legendary items in this game are pointless as they are now. Why go through the effort when some kitten can just buy one.

This is my exact thought too.. :/ But since gw2 is kinda doing what it promised with these..

Got kick out of Trixx Workshop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Its because you didn’t accept the guild invite.

…just kidding, can’t help. Just wanted to be witty

GW2 Rubbish Servers that LAG Non Stop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of the GW2 servers lagging so bad that you get literally a 6 minute lag and latency then it disconnects. Start charging ppl every month a small fee if it will speed up things and upgrade your servers. At this rate I am welcoming the World of Warcraft monthly subs because they never lag, never update a thousand times a month especially after a large update, the next day is another update, I mean WTF. Sort your kitten out because even though it’s free, its not worth the frustration sometimes and people are getting kitten off. Me being one of them.


I never had a problem with gw2 server except at launch.

Remove town clothes, create costume panel!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786



Sugestion for ANET to make more money

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


If i understood correctly:

You want people to pay for WvW.


Remove Magic Find % Stat?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I don’t see any point in having this stat in game since it overrides useful stats, especially when the developers don’t tell players what do these do.

So what i’ve figured is it does this:

Something has a 1% drop chance. + You have magic find +100%. = Now the drop chance is 2%. Because 100% added to the number 1 is 2.

Okay so the point here is when players use magic find gear in dungeon they potentially lose 1/3 of the benefits they would usually get from gear for nothing pretty much. This effect the whole group in dungeons AND makes you less efficient in farming and doing something else a lot useful.

I mean, i don’t think magic find will shave off that 2 months when getting a legendary, i’m just saying.

So i’ll list here why this is bad thing (feel free to add stuff here):

-Less efficient players in dungeon resulting in even more frustrating instance runs.
-Less efficient characters because people use this practically useless stat.
-All this confusion on Magic Find % would end.
-Game would be more enjoyable this way. At least i think so :|
-Have you seen anyone especially in love with this stat?
-No matter how you look at it, MF is a bad misuse of a stat resource, may it be food, drink or gear.

If someone can convince my why this stat should exist in this game, i will gladly admit my mistake. But until then, i see this stat being more of an issue than a positive things in this game, specially when thinking long-term.

(edited by Torguish.4786)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


1. Cannons/Tanks: Will A-net EVER fix the broken animation for things like tanks in story mode? I mean, i couldn’t aim without my character moving and later on actually getting ’’disconnected’’ from that tank. Not to mention cannons etc are broken too.

Guild Wars 2 being a modern game i expect it to have modern animation. Characters could mount the cannons with actually effects to fit everything else quality-wise in this game. Not that you character just stands idle, staring into the void while arrows fly from your arrow cart or your TANK (which should be enterable, COME ON!).

You seriously need to add some more animation to this, this makes the game just seem broken and unfinished. It’s a damn 2012 game, it should have animation for every damn occasion. I can’t stand HUGE things like this in a game of this caliber.

2. Forms (Tonics etc..):
First of all, a jaguar can’t strike while running or even JUMP? Pouncing disturbs your movement? Animation are stiff as hell? The ’’dodge’’ effect is a quick sprint to that direction? THE BACKWARDS ANIMATION IS SLOW ’’FORWARD’’ ANIMATION? WHAT IS THIS IS DON’T EVEN!?!

Okay, i’m not raging but these things should not exist. Ever. Maybe in alpha. These things are bad even in beta and people did tell you this but there has been NO comments on these what so ever by the devs. Ofc if some of you seen, please enter them here, i’d like to read them.

But in my opinion, these forms and whatnot need some unique animation for these things. The basic race skins are so pure and beatifully animated. Everything is fluid.

I mean look at the Asura, when you start running you can see them shifting they gravity because they ran rather fast for their size. Or when changing directions/stopping suddenly. This is something i really, really respect. But this game has original mob-npc animations from 2003.

3. Immersion adding animations (which is not so important, i just think without these the game looks dull and boring.):

-Interaction with the enviroment. And this brings me to a rather funny thing. There are chairs in Tyria but no1 uses them. Ever. Everyone is standing. We have tables, which again, no1 ever use. We have beds, which seem to be pointless.

-Hand movement while people talk. I know there is some but more is needed. Specially for normal players.

-When you craft something, like in aion i think you spawned an anvil or whatever when blacksmithing, altho i might be wrong. It’s been a while. I mean, it would fit if you make a bow or something like that, your character would check out stuff like bow strings while you are at the huntsman table or whatever.

-Off-hand attack animation (Purely cosmetic). This is just so that the second axe/sword/dagger wouldn’t just sit in your hand. You would actually strike with it while using the main attack skill.

-Emotes. We need more emotes.

I bet the forums have a thread like this but i also have NO idea where should i actually post this :| Other than discussion board, suggestions? Enlighten me if needed.

Ps. Those that use ‘’BUT ITS F2P!’’ as an excuse. NOT A GOOD EXCUSE. Gw1 had had better animation in some parts than this game not to mention they asked even less money for that game and they kept it up beautifully.

Not to mention there are games that actually have interactive animations like sitting on a chair or something.

Why sell legendaries? I'm disappointed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


So basically what you are saying here is that: ‘’Maybe i don’t want to work for the things i want? Specially if i have the money.’’ Some people work for these things. If you want it the do something.

I guess you built your own house, built your own car, designed your own CPU, coded your own operating system, and so on.


Or did you just use (pfah!) money earned by doing something else to buy them from other people?

This actually made so much sense my head exploded and i’m not even kidding :| I’ll choose this as my answer.. I convinced me..

Have Tonics/Mini-Pets Survive Through Portals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Pets also need a screen of their own. Like the tab in the bank but that you could open anywhere so you can make people drool with your pet anywhere. You know, that would be awesome.

Dead Dogs :(

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I actually support this. It does add a certain level of depression to this game

Why sell legendaries? I'm disappointed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


The problem is not the challenge to get these things, there is no challenge. The only thing these take is time, and if you can make more money in real life in a shorter amount of time then just buy the gems to convert into gold it becomes pointless to do otherwise, you’d be asking him to “work” in a game longer than he needed to in real life to obtain something only useful in this game. If you could make 30 dollars an hour why are you going to put in 60 hours at a job making 7.50 an hour? Are you just that dull?

They won’t change this and they won’t remove this because no matter how much you try to cover it up Anet wants you to spend real cash on these things if they didn’t this game wouldn’t be in the state it is, mark my words things will only get worse.

You gave me the shivers..
I hope you are wrong but my gut tells me you are right..

But bear in mind tho; more time in game, better items. It’s always been like this :|

(edited by Torguish.4786)

Suggestions for A-net itself.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Hey A-net.

I’ll start of by saying that it’s a fine world you made in Guild Wars 2. But the direction i’m seeing right is not good. Specially considering you have no contact with the community what so ever.

You leave players out, do some ’’fixes’’ which seem to bring more problems. By ’’fixes’’ i mean stuff like this:

-Equipment preview will no longer display the two armor classes unavailable to your character.

-Map completion and world completion bars on the map were changed from orange to blue.

-Legendary weapons sellable at TP?

The first one right there is something no-one ever asked. Maybe some, and i bet this was the ‘’loud minority’’ because people that are happy are quiet.

All i’m asking right now is that you tell people what you are upto and why are some of these changes made. This leaving us, the community, out completely is just bad. I’m getting mad because i don’t know whats going on with the game and frankly, i’m scared to buy gems or stuff from the Gem Shop only because i don’t know what direction you are going. Is it going to fit me?

Not to mention, these unnecessary changes are seriously irrelevant specially when theres so much you could do. Here’s a list of some examples:

-Orr needs fixing, these constant group quests is driving people insane and there is NO diversity to these what so ever.

-Animations are still broken, as i said before: The graphics are modern but the animation are from 2003. In a game like this characters should mount cannons and tank. I got disconnected from a tank at the story mode when i tried to aim because my character moved too far from it.

-Dynamic Event bug fixes have been a problem since launch, you should adress these.

-Instance revamps and fixes. Some are more frustrating than challenging/fun. Bosses deal too much/too little damage and have too much/too little hp. And these are not ‘’little problems’‘. Killing the same boss for 20 mins or running back because of dying, hoping the boss doesn’t reset is not my definition of fun.

These are just SOME examples, yet you make some so random, irrelevant changes without any kind of explanation what so ever. It’s starting to feel like i don’t know who i’m giving my money to when i buy games or support you in some other way and as a consumer/customer this worries me.

Altho i am happy you keep people occupied with things like Wintersday but this doesn’t mean you should not focus on things like these, not to mention this preview thing is just so unnecessary and stupid.

All i’m asking, listen to the community but draw a line where majority wants it and where the ‘’Loud Minority’’ wants it. Explain these changes, why do they happen and what do you hope to achieve with them.