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GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Traldera.5120


Ticket 561888:Boxing Gloves Refund Request (April Patch)

This has been resolved incorrectly and there is no way for me to reply to the message.

GM Kalameet states that “Please note that any item of town clothing that became an armor skin is not eligible for a refund. We are not able to offer gems in exchange for this particular type of item.”

The gloves did NOT become an armour item. They have been turned into a usable ‘item’ or ‘toy’ that must be kept in the inventory, they also have uncustomisable clothing that is unattractive.

The implementation post patch is EXACTLY the same as an item tonic, except it has a different picture and lack of the word ‘tonic’

I feel like my original message wasn’t even read as I did explain this – pretty sure it was a case of looking at the title then closing the ticket.

Please review the ticket


Edit: Have just seen that I should respond to the email directly – I will do this now but if you could look at this when you get to it please to check that it has been resolved

Edit 2: My ticket has once again been rejected. This is rediculous, how are the changes to the gloves any different to the town cloth tonics?!?! Its exactly the same! I can’t make custom outfits with it and it requires an inventory space.

Gaile, can you please provide an answer to this question directly, I would like to know how Anet are justifying the changes to the gloves. I purchased them at launch, the functionality was changed once for the worse, and now again. This is terrible for an item purchased with “real money”

(edited by Traldera.5120)

An Ingame Represantation of WoodenPotatoes

in Community Creations

Posted by: Traldera.5120


I like the idea posted on reddit of his character updating you on the current lore. Would be an ideal way to implement the “whats happened so far”, perhaps with cutscenes, for those that have missed portions of the living world story

Blazing Gun Champion broken?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Traldera.5120


The Champion of the Blazing Gun in Lornar’s Pass, Vanjir’s Stead Waypoint, appears to be broken:
1)The event shows as level 32, but the NPC is level 40.
2)The knockdown ability of the NPC is ranged, has instant cast (no dodge), and a 3 second cooldown.

That second one really kills the fight – i know its probably meant to be hard but unless you cast stability (of which the boons probably wouldnt last the required fight time) it is near impossible to kill it solo.

[Achievements] Clear Watch Items @ 100%

in Suggestions

Posted by: Traldera.5120


Oh god please can we have this (as an option though dont force it on people). I genuinely thought achievements not clearing was a glitch for quite a while before i realised it was intentional. Its so annoying for dailies cos you select 5 then the next day you have like 2 on the watch list because the other 3 arent on that day.

The puzzle was way too easy

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Traldera.5120


Nobody else concerned about the stupid decision to add a random factor to the upward thrust thingies……i dont fail this puzzle ever due to my own fault. Only due to those stupid things throwing me into the big blue wall thingies that stun me mid air and cause me to fall to my death…..NOT COOL to have death by RNG in a game, ever.

Hammer Profession - Guardian or Warrior

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Traldera.5120


I must admit I havent tried with the warrior but do see a fair share of them walking around. Guardian hammer however I’ve played a lot and its never seemed too good for PvE solo, it seems geared more towards a semi-support role

Remove PVP status from Obsidian Sanctum

in Suggestions

Posted by: Traldera.5120


The pvp/dualing bit can be solved by actually adding that mechanic to the mists lobby (where it should be regardless of this thread).

As for the farming – I agree yes the blueprints should be removed, although not the badges, all they really provide is armour, and you can get that from timed gameplay in all aspects of gw2

the traps – yes, that would be ‘wasted’. unavoidable. Either way, I doubt anet intended the area to be used so that groups of 3 people can stand in bottlenecks hammering 1 to catch stealthed players for hours on end. Its just not fun.

Remove PVP status from Obsidian Sanctum

in Suggestions

Posted by: Traldera.5120


Now the OS puzzle has been removed from the WvW instance as a whole, can we please go the extra step and get rid of this stupid pvp mechanic in it.

The puzzle is there for 1) fun, and 2) farming. It is NOT a pvp zone. Most players in OS go about the puzzle and do not attack each other, showing that we are indeed there for the puzzle. However you then get this group of horrible players, that spend their entire day sitting in the puzzle for no reason other than to grief other players. Please dont try and make excuses here – the amount of players running OS is nowhere near enough to justify ‘hunting’, a player can get many more kills per unit time in WvW.

In short – the OS puzzle has now become little more than a failed mechanic. When the game was new and the puzzle was frequented, pvp in the puzzle lead to genuine fun – frustration, but still fun. Now all it does is allow the horrible members of the community to grief other players without fear of consequence from Anet. This really needs to be addressed.

I think my message to Anet is to learn from this. OS was far from a failure. As I said at launch, even for a few months, it was excellent. But a game feature such as this should not be permanent. You might think from this post that I dont want another – wrong – I think such things would be excellent in temporary puzzles. But if these puzzles are to be made permanent the pvp aspect should be removed (no need to waste the dev time that went into the puzzle content itself).

Boxing gloves, no "POW" Animations

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Traldera.5120


Be nice if this was fixed given the only people affected are those nice enough to support Anet with gem purchases….

Client crashing constantly

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Traldera.5120


Kyllaa – yeah i got that thanks :P

Ashley – thanks for the reply. Any chance you could expand a little on that? Or if anyone else could? I’ve never had to repair CRCs before, and its on my OS drive so cant really move it elsewhere, at least not easily

Bring back old boxing gloves?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Traldera.5120


nah mate re-read my post – they can add a mode switch the utility slots, they are doing nothing at the moment. Unfortunately its this which is stopping me buying more off the store, and im sure im not the only one.

Bring back old boxing gloves?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Traldera.5120


I’ve just come back from a long break, im just wondering why the boxing gloves i bought at launch no longer do what they were advertised to do at the time? I baught them as a costume that lets be pound comic book style words into the air at my leisure. Now I can only do that in brawls and then promptly start a fight….i just want to do it for fun?

Why did Anet feel they have the right to change a PAID product AFTER purchase…..Can you put a number 7 option to revert the gloves back to how they were? It wouldnt exactly take a lot of programming you guys must have the file in a database somewhere, you just need to implement a switch

Client crashing constantly

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Traldera.5120


Still getting the problem today after patch

Shattered Dragon Wings animation bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Traldera.5120


Id like it if the animation was changed to the other wing’s animation

Opening 1000 Dragon Coffers

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Traldera.5120


I cant help but appreciate the irony that on day 1 within our first 10 coffers, my friend got the mini and i got the ticket, and i got annoyed cos i wanted the pet. I did of course get the pet soon after and now he is the annoyed one

Client crashing constantly

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Traldera.5120


It seems its not just LA, its happening everywhere.

One strange symptom is that the client only appears to ‘half crash’ in that the client window is still open, usually just a black screen, and is not properly closed when the error report pop up is generated. Also the client seems to ‘stay on top’ of all other windows, so i can open task manager but the cursor is still the client cursor and clicks do nothing to other windows (the Windows taskbar is usable as normal with normal desktop cursor).

Be nice if one of the tech gurus at least let me know this has been notices

Client crashing constantly

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Traldera.5120


Since this afternoon (when the event was supposed to start) I have been unable to stay in the game long enough to see the show as the client is just crashing constantly, either on character creation or after a few minutes of standing in lions arch.

Im not sure where the error codes are but its saying its a disk read error 23.

Anyone else getting this? Any solutions?

Account Restorations - Update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Traldera.5120


Although I understand the reason behind it, I suggest you slightly revise this once per account policy. GW2 is no doubt designed to be a long term product, with paid for expansions extending the lifetime of an account for many years. Whilst getting hacked twice in a relatively short period of time is unlikely, if is possible that it may happen more than once over long periods of time, particularly if there is a spike in player activity. Such an occurrence would make the accounts very attractive to hackers, much like they were at launch.
For this reason I seriously urge you to consider changing the policy to a once per term policy, such as once per year or 18 months. If not horror stories could emerge down the line and damage the public view of ArenaNet.

Karka Chest Distribution [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Traldera.5120


May I make a suggestion to the dev team for an additional filter. Scan the account for the presence of one of the 20 slot karka bags. You’ve already said that those that looted the chest twice ‘exploited’ the event, therefore by extension just one of these bags across the entire account means that account is not eligable for any additional loot. Of course this wont help people like myself but it should stop this mess becoming even more tragic.

Cannot change password?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Traldera.5120


The password changer is having problems it seems.

When i go into account to change it, i click save changes, the page flashes back to the top, there is no ‘failed’ or ‘successful’ notification, and the new password field’s box is red?

Any ideas?