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Inappropriate transmutation charge conversion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

What do I do with the Transmutation Stones, Transmutation Crystals, and Transmutation Splitters in my inventory?
You can convert your Transmutation Stones, Crystals, and Splitters into Transmutation Charges. Here is the formula:
3 Transmutation Stones = 1 Transmutation Charge
1 Transmutation Crystal = 1 Transmutation Charge
1 Transmutation Splitter = 5 Transmutation Charges

Double-clicking an item will convert it, and the charge will be added to your currency wallet. If you have multiple items, you will need to double-click each one until they all have been converted into charges.

There’s a 53.3% disparity between Stones/Splitters and Crystals.

So basically if you bought Splitters or Stones with real money/gems you’re getting screwed on this update/conversion.

Apparently, and I didn’t know this, they like to throw handfuls of stones at you constantly. Well, as someone who bought theirs, I really don’t care how often they’re throwing them at people or how many people have sitting in their bank, that’s their poor planning, not mine. Anything being converted should be converted based on the original price in gems, not on their desire to not give away too much free stuff to people who hoarded tons of free stones.

Stormbluff: LF large guild for casual play

in Looking for...

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

Full server name is Stormbluff Isle (wouldn’t fit in title, holy draconic title length rules batman) not sure if there were other similarly named servers so wanted to be safe and specify.

Looking for a large active guild for mostly casual play.

Returning player not presently interested in much structured or organized content. Mostly just leveling a new character and wanting some background noise/people to chat with/people to bother with dumb questions.

Please feel free to friend me in-game, reply here with contact details, or PM me.

Gem store sale is a joke.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

I’ve been on every day except maybe one day, specifically to check what’s on sale.

I found out while doing an random AC EXP that apparently there’s “Flash Sales” where keys HAVE gone on sale.

Arena Net, I’m supremely disappointed in your despicable business practices.

Do you know what that is?

It’s the picture from here:

Where you say:

Each day in March we’re putting a different item on sale in the Gem Store! Save from 15% to 40% on boosters, upgrades, consumables and more! Each sale begins and ends at midnight Pacific Standard Time, so make sure to check the Promotions tab in the Gem Store every day in March to see the daily savings!

There’s no nonsense about flash sales, and a KEY is clearly shown.

What, exactly, are we supposed to infer from this? Don’t play games, don’t play stupid. You want people online every day checking to see if keys are on sale to see if they’ll buy some of the other crap no one wants. Crafting boosters on sale today? I woulda got 20 more of them if keys ever went on sale.

You’ve got 4 more days to not end up as misleading jerks.

If I don’t see a key sale, legit, all day, by then, I’m probably not going to buy anything from the gem store for a long, long, long time. (And you probably wont put anything new in the store that isn’t stupid in that time, anyway)

New style items: Right idea. Wrong direction.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

Oh it is, is it? Then why is the guy posting directly below you threatening to quit over any more cleavage armor?

I can’t speak for others, can I?

I see you heard about the sale at the flawed analogy store where I purchased mine.


Furthermore can I just say how offensive it is that you call my analogy flawed and then proceed to make such a flagrantly kitten one yourself?


Certainly not when you used one planning specially to insult people later by calling them babies.

Do you have a single source to cite for what percentages of the GW2 playerbase want ThingA versus ThingB? Any poll, any statistics on armor usage, any… anything? Or like most people asserting fact online are you just making stuff up to support your argument?

Do you? I can make one if you like. I have my eyes. If most people wanted sexy outfits, there would be more of them wearing them.

You are not the armor gestapo. And this is exactly what I was talking about with my steak/salad analogy. It’s not about who orders the salad, it’s about two or more people going somewhere for food, and one person ordering one thing, and the other person for one reason or another taking exception to what that person ordered. But I chose steak and salad because I was going to follow it up with a “just because baby can’t chew steak doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to order it” comment later on.

Food is a wrong (not poor, wrong) comparison. Clothes are the right comparison.

That’s a valid concern, but, that’s why I say we need tons of volume, from multiple sources, so that they can safely add cool stuff to the store without that being an issue.

Art budget is an issue. More volume = less sales per item = less profit per item.

You say 9 months, I say almost a year. But more importantly, I posted this because posting crap content instead of real content isn’t the direction they should be headed. I would rather wait 2 months at a time for something cool than get something once a month and have it be crap 9/10 times like these hoodies.

9 months is correct (Aug 28 2012), “almost a year” is wrong. So that’s silly. As for direction you praised a game so pervy it had to edit for the West so it didn’t get called a pedo game. So I am concerned as to what you think is a good direction.

There are so many logical fallacies in your arguments and responses that I frankly don’t know where to start. So I simply wont.

I made my point. Plenty of people have agreed and posted their agreeable two cents on the topic.

New style items: Right idea. Wrong direction.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

Nope. It’s the opposite way around. GW2 is, on the surface, a relatively serious game,

Oh it is, is it? Then why is the guy posting directly below you threatening to quit over any more cleavage armor?

A better analogy might be people who are demanding that they be allowed to dress in bondage fetish gear at a Civil War Re-enactment.

I see you heard about the sale at the flawed analogy store where I purchased mine.

A civil war re-enactment is a place where everyone has agreed to some exceedingly specific rules, regulations, and customs, regarding a specific era and type of content being portrayed. GW2 already breaks the 4th wall, and in addition GW2 has made no promise, to anyone, anywhere, to be portraying a specific type of content and to always and forever stick to that content without expansion or deviation. Furthermore can I just say how offensive it is that you call my analogy flawed and then proceed to make such a flagrantly kitten one yourself?

Stylish stuff, yes, cool stuff, yes, the odd anachronism that’s fun? Yes. Ridiculous sexist or perv-bait outfits? No. Too much TERA stuff, which you brand “cool” is the latter, not “cool” to most people, cool solely to hardcore fans of certain looks.

Do you have a single source to cite for what percentages of the GW2 playerbase want ThingA versus ThingB? Any poll, any statistics on armor usage, any… anything? Or like most people asserting fact online are you just making stuff up to support your argument?

You are not the armor gestapo. And this is exactly what I was talking about with my steak/salad analogy. It’s not about who orders the salad, it’s about two or more people going somewhere for food, and one person ordering one thing, and the other person for one reason or another taking exception to what that person ordered. But I chose steak and salad because I was going to follow it up with a “just because baby can’t chew steak doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to order it” comment later on.

There’s also the concern that GW2 will start keeping all the cool stuff for sale, and not from content. That would be sad.

That’s a valid concern, but, that’s why I say we need tons of volume, from multiple sources, so that they can safely add cool stuff to the store without that being an issue.

As for people complaining about limited looks, given that the game has only been out 9 months, I think that’s pretty unreasonable. If they haven’t added a bunch by two years in, sure, then it’s time to complain. I was surprised FotM didn’t really add any.

You say 9 months, I say almost a year. But more importantly, I posted this because posting crap content instead of real content isn’t the direction they should be headed. I would rather wait 2 months at a time for something cool than get something once a month and have it be crap 9/10 times like these hoodies.

New style items: Right idea. Wrong direction.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

People that want to veto certain types of content are like people ordering salads at a steakhouse and complaining that you’re ordering steak.

You have your salad. I’ll have my steak.

Granted I think we can all agree the hoodies are just a poor offering. I’m fine with almost everyone in this thread getting what they’re asking for, as long as it’s not asking for other people to not get what they’re asking for.

More. Just, more. More variety. More everything. I want swimsuits, I want uniforms. I want sexy outfits and full battle armor. (Well, I don’t -want- full battle armor. I want more Xena armor, but I’m happy to ask for both so that everyone has something)

The game already sells every type of boost imaginable, lets you exchange gems for gold, and has outfits and gear skins for sale… it can’t be a binary situation where either everything desirable is from playing the game only, or everything you want is only in the cash shop, we really need both, an overwhelming volume of variety that there’s something for everyone from every source.

I’m just singling out the cash shop because there’s a staggering lack of meaningful content in both gear skins and town clothes present.

Allow Town clothes/costumes over armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

You think the design intent backs your opinion.

What happens when the design intent changes? Or Anet changes their minds about “maintaining” it?

My point is that there’s tons of things you can do now that break from this “design intent”. We’ve got princess wands, chainsaw swords, severed hands with daggers dagger skins, and lots of other silly stuff that you’d expect on town gear that you can put right on a normal combat weapon.

And honestly if you can sell me on the difference between most of the human female starter gear and their town gear, I’m all ears. It’s all the same. It’s an effing dress. The pirate outfit shares elements with existing leather gear. They’re all just outfits.

Now, I would support blatantly joke items like boxing gloves not being combat items, but, only grudgingly, and only to placate people who think like you so that the overall change could take place.

Anet will never implement a feature that hides other player’s aesthetic changes to their characters, I’d explain why, but there’s a lot to it, but needless to say it’s part design intent, and part player reaction, and part logistics. But I’m sure they’d never do it. Which is why I’m against that concept being a rallying cry. “Just as long as I don’t have to look at it” can’t be the battle cry of people who think they know the game’s design intent better than the development team, or be slung against them like a weapon when the decide to be flexible and work with player requests for change.

A game doesn’t lose it’s artistic integrity over stuff like this. In fact I’m not sure where it’s written what their design intent is, or anything that causes a loss of any type of integrity over a change like this. You’re essentially asserting that your impression of their artistic vision is an intentional conveyance of their intent and that deviance from it would somehow lessen them. I happen to disagree.

New style items: Right idea. Wrong direction.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

The new items in the store are


Just saying.

And that’s exactly what I’m talking about.

It’s a crap item with 3 crap retextures.

They could, and should, do much better.

And if it’s true that gw1 didn’t have this town versus combat equipment issue, then gw2 is clearly a case of two steps forward one step back.

Allow Town clothes/costumes over armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

I have to admit, I’m not a fan of seeing people running around in a costume while adventuring. And the more silly the costumes get, the less I’ll like it. I just have this idea that heroes should like heroes and not clowns.

My apologies to any clowns reading this that are also heroes.

Anyway, if a change like this were to happen, I would appreciate having an option on my client to disable costume visuals from my perspective. I don’t care if you look like a clown, so long as I can’t see it.

I have nothing against clowns.

That’s like saying that I don’t like seeing females all bundled up, or all skimpy, so the the world should revolve around my preferences and stop anyone from offending my sensibilities or provide me with an option to see the world how I want.

Sorry you don’t like the idea, but, your preference of how you want to see other players should not supersede their right to appear how they want while playing.

What you’re essentially saying is that you should be in control of what I see, rather than me being in control of what I see, and I just don’t agree with that. It’s kind of why options like the profanity filter allow me to filter the comments of others no matter how much they might want to get their complete message across to me.

If you want to run around in town clothing while you fight, I’m cool with that. However, you should not be opposed to me choosing to not see characters around me fighting in town clothing.

Or would you rather I just drone on about how town clothing is supposed to be for non-combat use and designed with that intention, and stand by that?

Frankly I’d rather you support bad game design by insisting townclothes remain non-combat rather than allow you to assert some nonsensical doublestandard that it’s ok if I control what you see, as long as you like what you see, but when you don’t like what you see, you want the option to turn off what you’re seeing.

You have no control now over what you see other people wear, why should that change now? Not sure if you’re aware, but, you can wear townclothes out in the world, now, and if some random asura wants to grab an afro, some boxing gloves, and some shades, and run laps around you while you kill stuff, nothing is stopping him.

You don’t control what anyone else wears, now, or what you see them wear, now. So no, it shouldn’t change.

Allow Town clothes/costumes over armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

I have to admit, I’m not a fan of seeing people running around in a costume while adventuring. And the more silly the costumes get, the less I’ll like it. I just have this idea that heroes should like heroes and not clowns.

My apologies to any clowns reading this that are also heroes.

Anyway, if a change like this were to happen, I would appreciate having an option on my client to disable costume visuals from my perspective. I don’t care if you look like a clown, so long as I can’t see it.

I have nothing against clowns.

That’s like saying that I don’t like seeing females all bundled up, or all skimpy, so the the world should revolve around my preferences and stop anyone from offending my sensibilities or provide me with an option to see the world how I want.

Sorry you don’t like the idea, but, your preference of how you want to see other players should not supersede their right to appear how they want while playing.

New style items: Right idea. Wrong direction.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

I’m excited to see some new style items in the shop!

But they’re wholeheartedly unimpressive.

Here’s some adjectives I would love to apply to future style items:


And since you have actual armor skins in the style section, let me underscore sexy about 50 times for you. I spend redonculous amounts of time and money, including real life money, making my characters pretty so please, take my money! Just give me something worth a crap to spend it on.

The only head item you have that even shows hair are the bunny ears.

And honestly, while we’re talking about style, lets get real on the non-combat thing. Is there really a reason I would ever show off any of the current town clothes versus my uberawesome actual gear? Ever? I can’t think of one.

TERA is a terrible game, at least it was when I played it before it went F2P, but, they DID know how to release costumes and vanity items. All of their vanity and costumes stuff, for the most part, was just downright cool, in fact it was a huge part of the appeal.

So, GW2 dev guys, marketing guys, forum-idea-suggestion-feedback-critique-taking-and-giving-to-those-guys-guys, can ya do that for me? Can we add a little polish and pizazz to the style items, and the costumes, and the skins? You guys make one hell of a game, and I’ll probably keep playing it for a long time regardless, but I think you’d like more of my money, and I’d like to give you more of it, so give me something more my speed to spend it on.

To all the PvE exclusive players...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

on any server.
1.) what made you choose and stay on the server you’re on?(guilds and friends aren’t a valid reason since transfers were free for four months)
2.) what will it take for the wvw players to get you into wvw?
3.) wvw benefits your dungeon runs, do you not agree that helping us get the buffs you benefit from is the right thing to do?
4.)is it the repair bill that scares you out?(i know pve players with upwards of 200g, so the fact that they’re scared of a 10s repair bill is confusing)
5.) why would a risen priestess of milandru be impressed with your Sunrise?
6.) to my GOM bros specifically, some of the PvE guilds on our server are upwards of 300+(and active), can you grasp how much of a difference just 1/10 of your guild members would make if they were active in wvw daily?
k, gripe over.

1: Because I chose this game based on the PVE content, PVP is irrelevant and trivial to me. It’s something I do when bored or when I run out of PVE content.
2: Better/faster rewards than PVE with less headache/hassle/effort than PVE. And not being the type of person to whine and kitten on someone else’s gameplay choices by posting stupid threads like this.
3: I don’t care. If you need special buffs to do dungeons you’re probably terrible at games in general.
4: What kinda strawmanning is this? If someone said “Nah, cuz repairs” they’re probably just being polite and don’t want to argue.
5: Wut.
6: It takes me a really long time to find an AC group sometimes. Can you graps how much of a difference it would make in my gameplay experience if more of your WvW buddies were on GW2 LFG filling out AC groups?

Invisible walls make it hard to explore...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

Yea, for a game so focused on free roaming exploration it’s really disruptive to have ledges that are clearly able to be climbed on blocked by invisible walls.

I really expect better from my games nowadays, like, put hard barriers where you need them, but don’t give me a playground and then tell me I can’t climb on the junglegym.

Why do you refuse to take my money?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

It’s intermittent, and as much as I would like to be helpful in adding additional info that might help troubleshoot the overall issue, it’s much easier to just wait for the problem to go away and then make the purchase, but I do know that from a business standpoint the more people the company is aware of having the issue the more of a priority it becomes to fix, hence my post. Thank you for the response thought, it’s good to know it’s not just me.

Why do you refuse to take my money?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

On numerous occasions the ingame currency purchasing system refuses to proceed with the final payment options, the button to continue with both a CC purchase and a paypal purchase remain greyed out.

I don’t think I need to elaborate on how thoroughly unimpressed I am that the company can’t even manage to accept my money when I’m trying to literally throw it at you.

Roles: Design intent doesn't match gameplay

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

My point wasn’t about the ability to do those things, it’s that the change in setup isn’t facilitated. If I Want to do a dungeon, then solo for a bit, then do a dungeon, I’m bogged down with unnecessary tedium that could easily be alleviated by adding features common to a lot of other games.

GW2 F2P model

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

This is an absolutely abysmal concept. Too much basic functionality is already hidden behind purchasable currency. I’d rather be paying a sub than get nickled and dimed to death for features that should be baseline.

Roles: Design intent doesn't match gameplay

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

As far as I can tell, and from what I’ve heard and read, the design intent with GW2 is that there are no healers, no tanks, no dps, etc, everyone can kinda do everything.

To a certain degree that’s true, and to a certain degree that’s patently false.

Having now run a few dungeons as a “zerker” which I presume just means purely focused on DPS, warrior, and then building a set entirely of “tanky” items and redoing all my talents to take “tanky” stats, and swapping all my abilities to be more focused on survival, and then running the same content… the difference is night and day. Even with another “tank” performing the same “role” as me, two of us with stuns and the HP/defense to stand up to a bit of a beating made all the difference in the world. When I ran with all squishies, we got pounded into the dirt and wiped repeatedly. When I ran with 2 DPS, someone who had a lot of heals, and 2 “tanks” things went faster and smoother. Content that was near impossible for 5 “dps” was trivial for a group that more closely resembled the holy trinity of other MMOs.

So for all the work to depart from that paradigm, in my personal experience and estimation of the content so far, the game has been designed to some degree require, or at least compel or endorse returning to that tired old tank, healer, and some people who do damage formula. I’m still new to the game, and I have a lot of content left to experience, but thus far those are my impressions. I still find the game extremely enjoyable, but I have many concerns and complaints despite that.

For one, I resent a bit having to buy two sets of gear, and to have to support the additional bag space burdens just to feel viable and useful in dungeons where there’s not already a tank, or not enough hard-CC with just one tank. (Go put all your points in defense and HP and buy “hearty” gear and try soloing sometime, it’s like cutting lumber with a butter knife, with one hand tied behind your back) And worse you have to constantly be swapping around your points and skills between dungeons and soloing, because there’s no “dual spec” support.

Sometimes I feel like designers refuse to implement tried and true features from games like WoW for fear of being called a “WoW clone” or accused of “ripping off” ideas.

Well, this is the suggestion forum, so, I humbly suggest getting over that concern, and adding in the appropriate features to properly facilitate the reality of the situation for players. You’re not adding any gameplay depth by making it tedious for me to perform different roles depending on my dungeon comp. Making it a chore to be competent and be a team player isn’t what should be happening, someone being willing to swap gear and stats around for group content should be celebrated and embraced, and more importantly facilitated. And while we’re talking about dungeons, just get on with it and add LFG queues for content… you shouldn’t crowdsource intentionally or by inaction an entire featureset people have come to expect to a third party website. For a game with so much polish I’m really dumbstruck by the absence of certain core functionality that’s common to pretty much every successful MMO.

Also, unrelated, but, WRT the UI … lighten up, Francis. Either let people create aesthetic mods for the UI or give players more options. I’m not suggesting UI bloat like WoW, but, I should have the freedom to resize, spin, rotate, and move, every single UI element, in addition to changing it’s alpha and/or hiding it completely.

Two PCs side by side, one lags, one doesn't

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

I never change anything on my PCs, ever.

If it works now, then it will work tomorrow. Why update things that will only potentially break something?

So I know for an absolute certainty that nothing on either machine changed in the slightest.

Two PCs side by side, one lags, one doesn't

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

Nevermind. Both PCs are doing it separately now. Like they’re taking turns.

It’s blatantly obvious that something changed on -their- side, and I’m going to be annoyed when invariably someone comes to post to ask me to post a diagnostic that will tell them nothing useful when one of their network guys is likely already aware of and working on the issue. I just wish they’d actually pass THAT on to us.

Two PCs side by side, one lags, one doesn't

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

I have two machines on the same network both wired, previously both could play simultaneously without issue, suddenly today one of them will lag, bad, and either DC or eventually “play” everything that was happening while lagged in a fast-forwarded manner.

Error attempting to sell

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

Every time I start doing mass-listings on AH I get this error.

It’s clearly an anti-botting thing, and it’s also infuriating.

GW2 clearly has a fanservice T&A factor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

As the title says, Guild Wars 2 clearly has an element of fanservice/T&A in it’s appeal.

All except a few facial options are attractive in the typical ways one would expect an attractive female to look, the vast majority of the armor is clearly more aesthetically appealing than it is functional or practical, and the body types available are all of a barbie doll persuasion. And I’m glad for this.

But I’d really like to see it embraced more in variety of gear, town gear, and transmog option. During the leveling process there’s no way to acquire gear that isn’t frankly “ugly” on a number of race/class combinations, and during certain leveling ranges. And as I discussed with someone recently, the endgame options of transmog simply don’t suffice… I don’t want to go through the entire leveling process just for the eventual payoff of being able to transmog an attractive gear replacement, and the while-leveling options just aren’t realistic if you don’t have gold/cash to burn on re-transmogging gear on top of the gear you’re replacing every few levels.

I’d also vastly prefer that towngear be able to be used in combat or replace the premise entirely with costume gear slots.

I’m sure there’s reasons for why everything is how it is right now but this is one opinion on what one person would like to see.

Bad Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

You’re saying you prefer market failures because it adds a sense of opportunity?

In a way that is exactly what im saying, a healthy game market should in my opinion have a sense of opportunity, I rarely get that feeling at all in the current market, even when I do find a item with high return rates, it always ends up as a boring 1cp up pricing war.

Not fun at all.

One example of this is d3, It was a absoluty HORRIBLE game, and the amount of inflation in the ah made it progressivly worse.

But the sense of opportunity was great, It actually felt worthwhile to sit down and watch the prices of items for hours upon hours, actually getting rewarded for learning the actual value and demand of a item, rather then having the game tell you the demand etc.

The current TP works great for high quantity items like crafting mats etc, but for higher value items I don’t like it at all.

Infact chances are precursors would go down naturally in price if players wernt instantly informed that they can get 500g for them trough tp.

That said, I am not a very articulate man, nor am I a econmics wizards, So I am prob not the best person to explain how to do this or come up with how it should be done.

I do how ever know what I like in Mmos after 15+ years of playing them, and being able to get deals is one of the major draws for me, and it is something that has been possible in almost every single mmo up to date, with the exception of gw2.

Gw2 tp just seems to end up as a cold number crunching game to me, and I can’t find the fun in it.

and im gueesing im not the only one.

Edit: Dan, that is kinda my point, I feel allowing access to that info outside of game is a mistake.

I have to make the argument that your deals are coming at the expense of another player. You are arguing against market efficiency because you want to exploit other people easier, I don’t agree that’s a positive goal for the game overall (though I make no judgement about personal goals).

From my perspective there’s something very big and very wrong with the economy, vendor prices, market prices, drop rates, crafting materials, etc.

Food that’s useful might cost 5copper because it’s a skillup recipe one level range, and the same type/stat of food might cost 15silver the next level range (like 5-10 levels higher) because it’s now using rare less-available materials.

Why do my weapons cost as much as a rune/sigil that adds an intestinal amount of power to my weapon?

Big huge hammer of face smashing! Smashes faces! Want to add a tiny bit of power to it? Go pay x20 the cost of the hammer for a tiny little thingy to insert! lol

The comparison to WoW, while tired and overplayed, is apt. In WoW you would never see an enchant for a weapon cost x20 the price of the weapon. That’s just a random example off the top of my head…

Everything sells for vendor prices… it really trivializes the acquisition of, well, -anything- at all, when you know 9/10 times it vendors for as much as you can AH it for. And with your stupid bot throttling nonsense where I get an “error” if I try to sell too much too fast, it’d actually be a profitability increase to just vendor anything that vendors for anywhere near its market price.

Your market is saturated with too many goods and not enough gold. Monsters and quests need to give less items and more gold. You have too many goldsinks and not enough gold-generating activities.

Am I missing something?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

I love GW2 so far.

The combat is great, the gameplay is great.

I just feel like… idk, I go through a “hub” so to speak, and I don’t feel like I’ve progressed as far as I should have.

If I do the main story, I can do like, 3-4 quests before the quest has outleveled me and I have to go do general world questing.

When I’m doing general world questing, I feel like… I feel like I’m being forced to grind “EXP profitable” events. And I feel like I’m being forced to explore -everything- and fill in every heart. And even when I do that, I feel like I have to do multiple zones of this to get anywhere.

And even then it just feels like it’s slow going.

I want to keep enjoying the game, so I’m just wondering, what am I missing? What things that maybe I should be doing, am I not? Or what features or content did I not realize where available that I should go check out?

[Stormbluff Isle] LF leveling guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Trendy Ideology.1034

Trendy Ideology.1034

Not looking for anything specific, just a place with a decently sized roster so I’m not alone all day while I’m learning the game and leveling.

Ingame name is Ichatsuku