Showing Posts For Trini.3576:

ATs and Untimly Patch updates

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


There system administrators and could easily pause the automated tournament for patching.

Patching holding up At tournament?

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Not even participation for my team.

Patching holding up At tournament?

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Got kicked out of tournament because of patch. This is frustrating. Why weren’t there a stop to the at tournament when patching was going on?

Patching holding up At tournament?

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Got kicked out of tournament because of patch. This is frustrating. Why weren’t there a stop to the at tournament when patching was going on?

Patching holding up At tournament?

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Did this current patch mess up the at tournament? Currently no eliminations are showing.

Me and duo partner kept dcing all match

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


I lost rating because of this and its not a coincidence

Guild wars 2 down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trini.3576


Is gw2 down? All of a sudden i cant get into gw2. Just stuck on downloading.


in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Why am i as a none 250 ranked necro playing constantly vs top 30 players? It is very unmotivating.

Please make match making better

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Please beeak up barely top 250 vs top 3 on leaderboard.

Most stupid error ever...

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


I am stuck as well

[PVP BUG] queues are bugged:

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Yes i am but im just stuck in loading screen

NL Weekly 5v5

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Going to he hard to play with all this lag going on

massive lag in pvp match

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Please fix this horrible lag

NL Weekly 5v5

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Team CM will be there. Good luck all ????

Pvp concerns

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Help me answer a question arenanet. Why am i loosing ratings in 4v5s when the player has even been in the entire match????

Also why as someone thats.not in the top 250 anymore still getting placed up against top 10 players. Your opinion and answers are greatly appreciated. Thank you.

What is it with these small cap circles?

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Makes it easier for druids or long ramger skills to go off imo

Helseth Vs Anet LOL

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


I can’t stop laughing!!!!!

Cant exit pvp matches

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Cool while I guess I shall wait

Cant exit pvp matches

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Also cant pick a character to play with

Need some necro advice

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Can someone please explain to me the best way to fight a warrior on a condi necro if ever caught in a 1 v 1? Thank you in advanced

Necro the forgotten build pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Trini.3576


Please help. I honestly feel like everything around necro has gotten buffed. I feel useless in a team comp. I love the class but this build is starting to become frustrating. Any good pvp builds out there that can sustain alittle bit better than the typical “meta”? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

HRT- No Namers with heart

in Looking for...

Posted by: Trini.3576



This for any NA player who wants to collaborate and play with a small group of people ,do some ag weeklies and consistently get better at pvp. If your looking for a decent and competitive pvp guild to join hit me up in game or reply to this post. Lastly we dont rage we just work on mistakes. Thankyou. Trini out!

(edited by Trini.3576)

saltiness in unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Someone just went from 1 —-—→ 100 . I agree with you Lord Hammer Hand

AFK Elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Id like to know his name if you find out what it is.

44 Win Streak ended due to disconnection :/

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


This post just went on a whole new level. I think he was putting his accomplishment out there because he was proud. A 44 win game streak is awesome IMO. Great job man!

Join our pvp team

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Cool I appreciate the response.

Join our pvp team

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Hi all,

I’m currently looking for a good warrior, druid and or a engineer to join our pvp team. Currently there is myself on necro, and good elementalist and a good Mesmer. overall the team has a total of 3 years pvping experience together and our success comes from good constructive criticism. Regarding myself I understand that I’m not the best but I believe I am one of the better necros in the game. with that being said I’m always looking to improve myself any way possibly. The team is North America and if you are interested please send me a ingame email. We will except anyone just have the drive to be better and please limit the arguing. Thank you!

Battle of Kyhlo

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Honestly, For me I love it when the other team trebs let alone have two people sitting at the treb. The treb is very easy to dodge. Lastly, this is perfect opportunity to push for the third point. I don’t understand why people don’t get that.

Why not a fractal reward track?

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


yes I agree crise. I just wish we had special pvp tracks for pvpers only. Based off of pvp stats or something.

Why not a fractal reward track?

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


I feel as though any type of rewards tracks that aren’t affiliated with pvp should be deleted and only create special reward tracks specifically for pvp. EX…. create a pvp reward track that you only gain progress is through wins and at the end as well as make it to how many ranked or unranked games you have played and won within that track honor players with a precursor or something. for me i literally have 3k in dungeon tokens for each dungeon and I don’t need them for anything.

18 losses should never happen

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


To be honest, I find more success playing with a premade team vs premade teams. Even though its harder my win rate is a lot better. Currently ranked in top 10 “Chyna Numba One” Last season I solo qued all the way to tier 7 Diamond and that was the most frustrating experience ever. I would suggest getting a team and practicing with them. but that’s my opinion.

Teach me how to stream please

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


yo check this program out, mostly used by streamers, its free and easy to use

there are also a ton of tutorials on youtube

Thank you,

I will try that

Lost a PIP after teammate disconnected

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Anet please help,

So are we loosing a pip regardless even if the 4v5 occurs? If so the other night the same thing happened and i didn’t loose a pip. Please explain.

Teach me how to stream please

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Hi all,

I’m new to streaming. I want to know how to stream pvp matches. Can anyone help me please?

Creating a pvp team

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Hi all I’m in the process of creating a pvp team. Currently I have a druid and a revanet . I main necro. I consider myself to be very good but of course there’s always room for improvement. Honestly I’m just looking for two or 3 more people to run with and win some stuff. Hit me up. My name is Put da Paws on u.

Looking to join or create a pvp team

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Also I am NA. You can in game email me at anytime. I will respond.

Looking to join or create a pvp team

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Hi all.

I’m looking to join or create a pvp. I would like to be apart of something more formal. Meaning we hold practices at least once or twice a week. I currently play necro. I have over 5k games with him. I also play elementalist as a alt. I am very flexible to cater to the team. I also want to start entering the battlefy weekly tournaments so that I can grow with the team. Please let me know if you are interested. Serious inquires only. Thank you!

Legendary Players please care more in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


i hope anet figure out a way so that u can go back into diamond. i think that would be ideal

Legendary Players please care more in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Hi all, Can we please put something in place. When a character gets legendary he or she doesn’t seem to care anymore. Not saying there afk or throwing games but 80% of them time as a diamond player in my experience it feel like that. theirs often been times i have been whispered and or offered gold to throw games for there friends so they can get to legendary. The pvp world is becoming less and less fun to play. Not complaining but something has to change.

Win = 0 PIP [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


i’m still missing pips from yesterday. Are we getting those back?

Stuck in PvP / 0 Pips gained

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


was Stuck in a pvp match and received 0 pips for win.

4v5's or worse

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Please fix this Anet.****************

looking to joined a organized pvp team

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


You guys know there’s a whole forum for this, right?

yes i read it but I am at a point to where someone can accept me on there team and on the other side looking for a organized play style

looking to joined a organized pvp team

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Hey i dont have a team but ill join ya if your looking to make one. Im NA though

Look me up or send me a in game email.. once you create the team count me in!

looking to joined a organized pvp team

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Yes of course, I’m sorry. i am from NA on yaks bend

looking to joined a organized pvp team

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Hey all,

The subject line really speaks for itself. Also I would like to get into some tournaments and have weekly practice. Please feel free to hit me up in game so we can discuss. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Lastly, I am a Terrormancer and i have been playing him for about 2 years now (very addicting….lol)


Ranked PVP and People not knowing what to do

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Thank you all for the responses. look me up sometime in pvp .My name is Put the Paws on u

Ranked PVP and People not knowing what to do

in PvP

Posted by: Trini.3576


Hi all,

What do you think guys about letting new people that has never pvped before jumped right to ranked? I know it gets frustrating when u have new people who have never did a ranked match come and pretty much doesn’t know what they are doing. I believe that this happens quite often. I was thinking, before letting someone new into as well as to incorporate some of the practice ques or unranked matches a way should be created that a character or account should reach a certain amount of experience points or something of that nature before being allowed to enter ranked matches. Please comment and or feel make suggestions on this forum. Thank you all!!!!!

(edited by Trini.3576)