Showing Posts For Tron.7639:
1. Increase Player Motivation with Short and Long Term Goals
2. Meaningful Player Ranking/Progression
3. Improvement of sPvP Infrastructure (eg. Automated Tournaments, Leagues/Divisions)
From the Twitch Channel:
“Tuesday’s Guild Wars 2 update will bring some balance changes, but you’ll get a peek at them on Monday! Karl McLain and Roy Cronacher will be livestreaming a first look at the balance changes beginning at noon PDT, right here on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel!”
Downed state is here to counter one-shot burst builds, and does its job quite well. You can spec yourself in managing it to help teammates, or stomp enemies – maybe even both. Having a dedicated “stomper” or a “medic” in your team gives you huge advantage.
Downed state isnt doing anything here, its just an annoyance players have to deal with to enjoy sPvP. I guess you would have to play without the Downed State to realize that.
I gave the solution in my previous post and if ANet insists on the concept then its the games loss and something i will have to continue dealing with.
The Downed State should just be removed from PvP, along with Rally. They are both bad concepts for PvP.
In PvP people should just die and the Rez Time should be adjusted to what it is now for a Downed player.
Anything other than this is a bad ideia, sorry.
They are addressing condition floaters in Tuesdays patch
There should be no Rank farm in Hot-Joins and its actually easy, just cap Rank gain to Level 10 in hot Joins and after that people just get Glory.
The 10+ rank should be left to SoloQ/TeamQ.
You are at equal footing with everyone in sPvP, you just have to visit the vendors to equip the Amulet/Runes/Sigils of your choice but everything is the same for everyone, aside from cosmetics but you unlock new skins with Glory as you play.
GvG is a reference to the competitive PvP that existed in GW1.
Regrettably ANet decided to slash the GvG concept from GW2 and instead came up with sPvP, a concept where individuals from one team fight with individuals from another team…
Also, who cares about lore, this is a PvP subforum.
1. Legacy of the Foefire
2. Temple of the Silent Storm
3. Battle of Khylo
4. Forest of Niflhel
5. Spirit Watch
6. Skyhammer
7. Raid on the Capricord
I talked about this in other posts and I have to agree, the sense of “Guild” doesnt exist in sPvP.
I miss the Guild Lord and thats why i think Foefire is the best Map in the game, though i actually think killing it should grant victory just like GW1, though they have to balance the current difficulty of killing him.
Also Guild Ladder, there is none. team ladder is individual and thats a shame.
There should also be a spectator just High Level Solo Q and Team Q just like the one we had in GW1.
Not sure about 8vs8, i think GW2 is centered around 5vs5 and i dont have a problem with that. Getting 8 players together in GW1 was a pain and i agree with the decision to make it 5vs5, especially since there are no Monks.
But mainly, and i cant say this enough, we need Daily/Weekly/Yearly Automated Tournaments, and thats what i REALLY miss.
From the Livestream: “the balance livestream preview is Monday at noon PDT”
Keep an eye out tomorrow! We will have a special guest joining us in the mists…
Ty very much for this
In my mind Warriors, like all other classes, are not perfectly balanced, although i think they are actually one of the best and kind of a reference to the balance other professions should have.
I agree HS need to be toned down (lower the base healing but upping the Healing Modifier) as i agree on a lot of other changes, but considering Unsuspecting Foe in itself i think its fine and probably just needs to be moved to Master.
On that subject, i think Traits like UF are beneficial to the game:, they are what i call “IF Traits”, traits that you have to actively meet a condition to make it trigger. That adds skill to the game and purpose to builds other than just putting the “best” passive traits.
ANet just needs to settle on what’s the role of a Warrior in a team, do that to all other professions, and just balance accordingly.
Getting more population is critical, but you need to have a functioning product first. There are reasons why the population in tPvP is down, so address those and get the population going in the right direction before you try to pull in a big slug of people. If you do some promotion and get 2 million people to play PvP in the short term it doesn’t have any value if they don’t have fun and don’t stay. The stuff that needs to be fixed as far as I can see is:
1) Solo-que matchmaking – Solo is the gateway drug to real tPvP (team que). Right now a new player hops into solo-que, plays a few matches against a team of top 100 players, gets stomped about 8 times per match and then never comes back. The implementation of putting closely ranked people all on the same team and then finding another team was a bad idea to begin with. Clearly everyone knows it. Fix it already, because this issue chokes out any chance you have of bringing new players into tPvP.
2) Hot Join must die. Que times for tPvP suffer because Hot Join exists. Sitting in que is not fun, so it costs you players in tPvP. Having a limited number of custom arenas is one thing, but the huge number of hot join servers just pilfers the population from real matches and rewards bad play more than competitive play. You don’t want to split up the population between ques for different game modes, and yet you allow the hot join crowd to continue to handicap the tourney game. Silly.
3) Major overhaul to combat systems and balance. Sorry, but stun locks and condition overloads are not fun. They never were in any other game, and they aren’t in this one either. On top of that there is far too much passive, far too much RNG and far too little skill based play. If you want a game that has a healthy PvP population that is sustainable, then you need to make the combat deeper, more engaging and more fun than paper-rock-scissors. There needs to be more build diversity and a higher skill cap. This is a whole topikitteno itself, but unfortunately the state of the game has come to a point that this issue makes the game un-fun.
4) More than Conquest. Don’t split the ques. For clarity, DO NOT SPLIT THE QUES. When you join a tourney match it should be either Conquest or (insert other mode(s) here). Having more modes than Conquest would contribute more to build diversity than you might think all by itself, because what good is a Bunker in, for instance, Capture the Flag? A number of strong (but not viable) builds that just can’t assault or defend a node would instantly be viable if other types of games took place where they could shine.
If you get all of these things licked, then MAYBE you can get people back, and MAYBE you can get new people in. The population is low because the game is not as fun as it should be in its current incarnation, but if you build it they will come.
As always your posts are full of win.
Very good post Adian, hope ANet takes notice of it.
1. Automated Tournaments (Daily and Monthly)
Single best thing that could happen to sPvP.
2. Guild Leaderboards (with ELO system)
You already talked about it but its that important.
3. A Guild Lord in every Map
Foefire is, IMO, the best sPvP map not only because of Graveyard but also because of the Guild Lord. Need more maps like that.
4. Points with different sizes and shapes
Right now, with the exception of Graveyard, all points have the same size and shape. Graveyard showed that having a bigger point rewards skilled play, not just AOE spam.
Also, not all of them need to be round.
All the other important stuff like progression, templates, screen clutter, etc. are at least on the teams radar.
(edited by Tron.7639)
Ty for the heads up Harbinger.
I said it before and i say it again, GvG would be one of the best things that could happen to the game.
Right now there is no sense of “Guilds” at war, just individual players. There is no Guild ladder and no Guild Progression, not to mention Guild Halls.
I actually think a ELO Guild Leaderboard would bring back a lot of people into the game, since IMO the mechanics and potential exist, and even the balance is not that far off.
With Guild competing they could bring back ATs, the best thing that happened to GW1 in terms of competition.
TL;DR Give us GvG Leaderboards and AT/MAT
(edited by Tron.7639)
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Any update on this? I just got back to the game and have 70 tickets on my locker. Would really appreciate a Dev reply.
With this post I will share my insight on what I think ANet could do to improve the sPvP side of GW2 and hopefully start a constructive debate on the subject.
First of all, let me just say that, as a GW1 veteran, im a bit surprised with the approach they took in GW2 since they did a lot of things right in GW1.
Having said that, I will post the Top 3 changes ANet could make to improve sPvP: (Keep in mind these are only my opinions but feel free to discuss them and your own)
1. GvG (Guild versus Guild)
This is without a doubt the most important feature ANet could implement in the game, after all, the game is called “Guild Wars”. Sadly, there are no Guilds at war, no Guild Halls, no Guild ladder, (…). There is no real sense of you and your Guild mates being united in efforts to bring your Guilds name higher in the Guild Ladder, showing others who’s boss.
2. Automated Tournaments
This comes in line with the previous point of no GvG and what I said before about GW1 having a lot of great ideas that didn’t translate to GW2. Having a Daily tournament gives the Guild something to hope for every day, a reason to login, makes them want to improve to get a better result in the next tournament, basically a short term goal that keeps players wanting more.
Then, at the end of the Month, the prized Monthly that puts together the best Guilds of the moment, giving the participants bragging right but also showing other players what they can hope for if they work hard every month, just a great way to promote the game competitively.
3. Maps with varied objectives
First of all I must admit im not a particular fan of conquest mode in its current iteration, but im also against having many different game “modes”.
Looking at the maps available today, its safe to say there are 3 competitive sPvP Maps: Forest, Foefire and Kyhlo. I think all 3 have a couple of very good concepts individually but are just too attached to the idea of“Conquest Mode”, limiting their potential.
What I would like to see changed, first and foremost, is a Guild Lord in every Map. Having him there makes for some interesting dynamics in every game and the possibility for some unexpected plays and strategy calls on the fly. Then it would just be a question of balancing how hard it is to kill him, probably having different setups for different Maps, making killing him easier on some maps and harder on others.
Then, I would suggest a further rework of the 3 Maps above, so that the “Conquest Mode” stops being the center of the strategy.
Just an example: Forest could have only 1 Conquest Point and and 1 Treb (probably indestructible), so people would be split fighting for Treb control, protecting Guild Lord, killing Forest Creatures and also the Point, prob increasing the point reward for killing a player.
And these Maps would just rotate with each other, so there wouldn’t be a “Conquest Mode” and a “Deathmatch Mode”, just different Maps with different objectives, all of them offering different playstiles.
Other Improvements
I could talk about adding a Game Mode similar to Tombs in GW1, reworking progression (already ongoing thankfully), adding Build Templates (really need this), balancing the classes so that degenerative builds are no encouraged (Ranger Spirits for eg.), and so on, but I would be happy with just the Top 3 ones and I think a lot of the competitive players that since left would be happy to come back if the game had them to offer.
Tell me what you think and voice your own opinions so that we can try to improve the game we all love.
@Jonathan Sharp
Thank you for informing us on the current state of things regarding new modes and progression.
Im also not a particular fan of conquest in its current iteration and Map Objectives in general.
Personally i think competitive sPvP has 3 viable Maps: Forest, Foefire and Khylo.
What i also think is that all 3 have good concepts but all of them fall a bit short because the concepts are “split” between them, in the sense as they all have good ideas but isolated ones.
In that sense, i also think the Guild Lord should be present in all Maps, and not because im a GW1 veteran but because i think it makes for an interesting dynamic to the game, it adds the possibility of an unexpected shift in power in every game and makes people have strategies to fight that possibility.
My suggestion to you would be to try and incorporate more or all of current good ideas in the same map. Something like:
Map A: Central conquest point | 2x Trebs | Guild Lord.
You would have a fight for the center, a fight for the trebs targeting (mainly) the center and also the possibility of a Lord attack.
Map B: Forest Creatures | 2 Control Points | 1x Treb | Guild Lord
2 Secondary objectives, a battle for the single treb (indestructible), only 2 control points not that far from each other.
Map 3: etc.
And these Maps would just rotate with each other, so there wouldn’t be a “Conquest Mode” and a “Deathmatch Mode”, just different Maps with different objectives, all of them offering different playstiles. You could even rework some of the current Maps to fit your ideas.
Anyway, just my 2cents.
Big thanks to you JSharp for your love for the game, a game we all love aswell.
Interested in the warrior spot, depending our your play schedule.
My details:
Quickness should be removed from the game. There.
Here are a few things that i think are needed for the game to be better.
1. “Secondary objectives” being more meaningful.
- 1.1 – Forest: More points for killing Svanir|Chieftain (like 50) would benefit the game flow (less about bunkers|points) and cause uncertainty until a team actually gets to 500 (and yes, i will talk about thiefs). Also, they should only spawn at like 1 minute into the game.
- 1.2 – Foefire: Have the Lord respawn after like 8 minutes for the same reasons above.
- 1.3 – Khylo: Treb is ok (except Portal Mesmers).
2. Tournaments
- 2.1 – In Free, Premades shouldn’t be queued with solos. Full 5s should only play with full 5s.
- 2.2 – Players should be paired for tournaments based on their rank level. If a level 20 player queues, he should only be able to get in a tournament with players rank 15 to 25. If the queue would take too long, then it would look for ranks 10 to 30. More than a 10 point difference is just an unsatisfying experience for both the low level and for the high level.
- 2.3 – The character you are in and the weapons you are equipping should be Locked the moment you accept a Tournament invite. After accepting the invite you should only be able to change Traits and Utilities.
- 2.4 – Does 8v8 hot-join makes sense, even if you make it 5vs5 (which u should) ? Not sure about this one.
3. Game Balance
- 3.1 – For balance reasons there should only be 1 competitive mode and i actually don’t mind conquest.
- 3.2 – Spikers and bunkers need to be toned down, and frankly Quickness has no place in the game, its fast enough as it is.
- 3.3 – Stealth should be capped at 3 seconds. You shouldn’t be able to stack it so the revealed should be mandatory. Shadow Refuge is just a completely broken skill and only fun to the person who uses it.
- 3.4 – Rally should be banished from sPvP. It makes for some seriously unfair situations. Downed state is fine and should be maintained else spikers would be even more OP.
- 3.5 – All the trait bugs really need to be fixed.
That’s it for now. I will try to think of more later.
(edited by Tron.7639)