Showing Posts For Tukor.7514:

Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Agree 100% with this post.

WvW is actually unplayable -and WvW is why i play this game-.

Converting karma into gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tukor.7514


I cant see it as an exploit, really…

Where do I start my Exotic Gear? Thief/Crit.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tukor.7514


I dont go for toughtness, i go for vitality. its better to have more hps, than more toughtness -at least for me-.

There is a set that has power precision and vit; its called valkyrie, and its crafted.

Fastest class/movement possible...?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tukor.7514


The rogue, with the 25% PERMA skill plus the heartseekers is the fastest.
I have some 80s, but the rogue is brillant in this, i usually must stop and wait for my friends, not matter if they are on a 33%.

By the way you cant stack more than a 33%. All classes can get that, thats why the rogue goes faster (by the Heartseekers, they are not “speed”)

Superior Rune of Vampirism Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tukor.7514


yep its bugged, no mist 8/

We are all kitties(hackz report)

in Thief

Posted by: Tukor.7514


hes clearly a hacker report him

Prime Time server rankings EU

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


This guy is clearly from Seafarer’s Rest.
its a relatively weak server, which always is stating that they are “the best”, but they lose the matches for night capping (and blah blah blah….)

This post does not make sense. Its a totally random list, whith your server as “the best” -as always… blahblahblah…Rofl!- and the sever we all know you hate (spanish people, you really sound racist about these people) as the worst (they are leading its current match at prime time, actually).

Worst post ever.

(edited by Tukor.7514)

Why is this happening? "Invulnerable" garrison boss

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Actually (they have been doing that from 2 days till now), the server with that Garrison (the one i explain in the OP post), is placing trebuchets in that garrison. They reach the walls and doors of Bahia (the left fort).

They know we cant take the garrison due the bug.
So we have to attack the garrison only to destroy those trebuchets (they place it where we have to destroy 2 doors); when we do it, as we cant take the garrison due the bug, they build new trebuchets and attack again and again….

It does not say much about that server, but anyway Anet should do something about this…

Why is this happening? "Invulnerable" garrison boss

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


When a player initiates a fight while being in an area that the mob cannot get to, it immediately goes invulnerable to prevent players from just standing there and killing it.

obviusly, its not what is happening….
i was thinking that they already fixed the lightings breaking the altars… or not? O_o

And there was no orb in that fortress

Why is this happening? "Invulnerable" garrison boss

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


If its a bug, then how is it possible than it happens 4 consecutive days? And alway to the same server garrison…?

Why is this happening? "Invulnerable" garrison boss

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


First of all, sorry about my poor english; ill try.

This match it has happened around 10 times, in 3 days.
We attack the main keep (garrison) of the enemy server (It only happens in the same server map, not the other or at our map). Then the boss is “invulnerable”; we just canT kill him, all the damage is denied.

if you see the screenshot below, it has the invulnerable buff. its impossible to us to take that fortress, making all our efforts a waste of time (and the enemy does not need to defend it)

As i said, it only happens in the same server map; we send tons of reports about this and sometimes it seems to be fixed; but when we lose it again, and we try to recapture, its usually bugged again.

before thinking that there is some type of exploit with this, i want to ask you if there is any mechanich making this happen; maybe its our fault. Or is it just a bug?
Why, or when, this boss can have that buff? its happening to you too?

Thank you!

mouse pointer hard to spot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tukor.7514


100% agree on this…

Preview Items on the Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tukor.7514


totally agree, it needs to be done 8/

WvWvW..and why I stopped playing it, and soon the game as well..

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


I am begining to think that the map is capped a certain number of players, but those players are not capped by side. So in turn, it is 300 vs 100 vs 100…when 500 is the max!

We are still waiting for ANET to speak about this.
They dont, so i should think that 500 witout limit for each team is how its working

For those that are complaining about long Queue times for WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Why are they doing that? Whats the point? O_o

i think we were exploited

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Well, i must admit that i didnt know about that.

I dont like the idea of altars being destroyed by the lightings…

But if its really working that way, (inteded or not), then i apologice. Sorry (devs can delete this post if they want) , i was really surprised by what happened to us, and i wqs convinced about it being a exploit O_o

i think we were exploited

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


First of all, excuseme about my poor english. ill try.
Ill will not give the names of the servers here (i will if a Dev asks for them)

We had our central keep (Garrison), totally upgraded. The walls, the guards, the port… all…
It was attacked only 2 times, weak attacks tons of hours ago and they were easily repelled. They never destroyed a cannon, a wall, a door or anything.
Its the only Full upgrade keep that we have in that map, so there are 2 full guilds taking care of it.

Our orb was stoled by the Blue team hours a go, and they placed it at Bahia.
Then we went there, killed them and we took the Orb and we transported it to the central keep (Garrison).

For the rest of the day, it has been there. Nobody attacked the keep.

Suddenly, one of our patrols says that the orb is at the floor and the altar is broken. Wtf?
When he take it and try to place it at the altar, he cant. i try but i cant. others try but they cant.
The message says the we must place the orb at an altar.. but the altar is broken, and the blue team controll the right fort, and they are attacking the left fort so we dont want to place it there.

The question is.. How is it possible that they break the altar if they didnt enter the fortress? Every wall, every door, every cannon, every.. all.. was 100% ok.
The last time they attacked the fortress was like 10 hours ago, so a guy would have to hide 10 hours -and no afk- to steal it (and why he would wait 10 hours to only broke the altar? and by the way, they didnt steal the orb, they just brokened the altar… )

More on that, in fact they were not be able to hide inside, because they never entered the fortress…

So then, we were thinking… Bug? Exploit?
We discovered that a little group of enemys was wandering around our orb altar in the north. Why they didnt take the camp near it? they were simply.. waiting…
So we realice that they knew that the orb was going to reset in that place, and we went in mass; and yes, when the orb resetted, in that exact same minute they fully attacked the orb npcs, but we manage to repel them.

So we had the Orb at a safe place (if they wanted it, they first had to take the fortress or at least break the walls/doors to enter inside).
But they managed to break the altar without attacking the fortress, so the Orb was reseted, and then they only had to wait fo it at the north orb altar.
The altar at our keep was bugged or someting and we could use it to place the Orb again (and it still seems to be bugged).

In fact, some team mates said 30 min later that it happened to the 3rd team too, at their map; but cant asure it as i was not there.

i have some screenshots about the guys waiting for the orb, they were like 5-6 and they were members of the same Guild.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


I really would love if Mike has the time to explain this to us, as i see that there are more people questioning this.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Every world has the same population cap

After reading again this (and because my english is bad and maybe im not understanding it well)…:

“every world has the same population cap”…. for each team?
I mean, each team has reserved 1/3 of the slots? So the other teams cant get my server slots?

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


If I understand the situation correctly, this should not be happening. Every world has the same population cap and outmanned only activates when your team has significantly less people on the map as another team, so you shouldn’t be getting the buff if your map is full.
What world and map are you on when this happens?

Baruch Bay.

Its not happening always, for example tonight we started the new match (the 1 week one) and it seems to work well.
But we had the issues in the last 2 matchs. It happened in at least 2 borderlands maps; i dont know if its happening in eternal battlegrounds, as we did not investigated there (we usually play any of the borderlands).

Anyway, i had a 2 hours cap today, while some of my friends were getting into the map in 5 minutes (and i was waiting before them, but they went in before).

Im happy to read that every world has the same population cap, and i thank you for your response Mike. I can asure you that we are really having these issues, but i dont know why. Next time ill try to make a video or something.

Thank you.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Again, today, we are being outnumbered by the enemy, specially by one of the teams.

While we have the CAP, we are just like 30-40 guys.
that enemy team well.. there are hundred of them, everywhere.
Each time we attck something, a BIG TERRIBLE zerg comes and rushes us:
If we attack 3 different points at the same time, tree BIG TERRIBLE zergs come after us.

We did not have any tower or point, we were around 3 hours being killed by the enemy at our gates (at the spwan point) and there were so many of them, than our elite guards killed them slowlier than their teammates resucited them.

Of course, we tryied to attack by leaving the initial area for the other 2 ways, but if we got something, then simply an outstanding zerg came and wiped us (while they were already killing our people at the initial point). Unbeliable.

This cant be working they way it should. Having around 40-50 people in a map, and a 30min (at least) CAP.. well it discourgaes to play the game.

How the hell is it posible that u finally enter the map, and get the “outnumbered” buff… when you have a 30min CAP?

Something is not working, and we are waiting a response by Anet, seriously.

Excuseme for my poor english.

(edited by Tukor.7514)

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Well I can tell with your generalizations, and false assumptions that you just aren’t going to agree with anything I say because you kitten gold nuggets, and therefore are perfect.

Umm, I am an Elementalist, I play the class. I WvW for hours on end, days in a row, win or lose. I watch where good and bad places are to put things. So no, I wouldn’t know what I am talking about by any means.(299hours counting since character creation and 200+ of them have been in WvW. And you?)

The same for chain lighting.
Thats all, there cant be any discussion about this.

And yes, it hits for tons of damage per tick (or per hit).
Please, fix that.

I really think that there is some type of bug or exploit people is using, as i see all the days people killing people with 1, 2 or 3 hits (hits form the same skill, no with the entire skill).

Thank you.

Now screen shot your level, and your gear. Then find the Ele who hit you and get their lvl and gear. Thanks. (By the way, Gear does effect WvW, unlike sPvP.)

Im lvl 80 rogue with a normal gear (3 pieces of wvw gear -the ones you get with honor badges-) and the rest are yellow things; not a bad equipment, not the best.

Anyway, this guy was hitting for around 5000 (per hit) more or less, with his aoe, to all the people around.

Meteor shower is overpowered.

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


The same for chain lighting.
Thats all, there cant be any discussion about this.

And yes, it hits for tons of damage per tick (or per hit).
Please, fix that.

I really think that there is some type of bug or exploit people is using, as i see all the days people killing people with 1, 2 or 3 hits (hits from the same skill, no with the entire skill).

Thank you.

(edited by Tukor.7514)

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Anyone knows how is this actually working please?

6 -15ish WvW group UI support? Commander lite?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


There needs to be something more to help WvW groupings of 6 -15 players. 100 gold for commander is too much and inappropriate. We don’t want to command the masses just some assistance in knowing where the other 5 person group is. Right now it’s Zerg guild/group of over 60 players to afford and appropriately use the commander or 5 people. Just give us something . Right now it’s mandatory voice comm usage with constantly having to give location updates at best.
Ideas for a solution:
20 person max commander lite system. 10 gold for book. Can keep private. Only map icon for squad members.
Guild waypoints/markets shows to all guild members in WvW map.

a big…. YES!

Rerolling, and this is why. [constructive thread]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tukor.7514


I agree with everything you mentioned.

I agree with everything you agree with him

Almost ready to give up

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tukor.7514


i agree with the OP

I leveled my necro to 80, and 30min after leveling it, i was playing a thief.

And more fun with the thief in 20 levels than with necro in 80 (and much more kills in WvW)

Give us raid/warband option as a default.

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


I totally support this. It needs to be done 8/

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


First of all, sorry about my poor english.. ill try.

We win some matches and we lose others… its ok, im not here to cry about anything. I only want to ask if this is working as intended. or if our perception on it is wrong.

Its happening in some matches; yesterday we decided to take numbers. We asked for everyone in a zone (from our team) to say “im here”; got around 30 responses.
Of course, we looked for our people in each tower or keep on our side. We only had 2 towers and one keep anyway.
We searched for people in the wild, puzzles etc ; we looked for everyone from our team.

We were around 40 guys; finally all the people went to the same tower, and we sent some guys to see if in the rest of the fortifications had more of our people -but there was no one-.

So we were around 40 guys, but we still had a 1 hour cap.

Then, the enemy;
One of the enemy teams was attacking 3 things at the same time.
They were attacking a fortress (from the 3rd team) with around 40-50 guys
They were attacking our tower with a incredible zerg with so many people that i dont know how much they were; for sure much more than the first zerg.
They were attacking other tower from the 3rd team (around 20 guys).

More on that, they had a group of people defending 2 suply camps, around 10 guys in total. And random people around all the map (they were taking the Npc camps too, but we could not go to investigate).

My question is.. is this normal? is it working as intended?
I was thinking that if there are 500 players per map (for example), 1/3 of that should be always reserved for each team.
How is it possible that we had a cap with 40 guys inside, and they were like 150 playing?

Or is it 500 players for all the team? and one team can get the places of the others?
If its working that way, its ok, but i want to know about it. Today we are having the same issue.

Thank you.

(edited by Tukor.7514)

WvWvW: my feedback

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


1) They need to fix that ASAP
2) PVE mobs are fine, but they should remove some bosses like the giant worm.
3) I actually hate the mesmers and the mages. They can easily destroy your cannons with their overpowered Aoes or phantams, and you cant do anything.
A mage simply goes near the wall, click one button, and leaves. And there you have, an 5000 per tick AOE that destroys everything…
4) Not sure about this one.
5) yeah, having to walk and walk (and walk), is enough penalty for me
6) Not sure about this one