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Fixes for WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


While I see your point I will say this in response.

Imbalance , making and taking advantage has WvWvW into its current state. People are moving to the “better” side. At the end of the day this is leaving a lot of people either turned off or unable to play.

I was on HoD when the maps flipped last Friday and played for hours losing each match. The sheer numbers made it so now WvWvWv is total dead. BG controls everything of any value on the whole map against two other servers.

I don’t care that my side lost or BG has more numbers. I care that the fighting stopped all together. There has to be a close enough fight that people have enough hope to come out and try.

Having played and enjoyed PvP in games for a while I understand the idea of people having an edge but when you can’t even fight back its no longer a fight its just a slaughter. Which as a game makes it no fun for anyone.

Skipgeons and 80s

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


I’ll admit off the bat the idea of the type of dungeons Anet has used I like a lot. That being said I offer a few ideas for fixng them that I hope will be considered.

1) Go back to the idea of tokens off of each boss. This has turned a lot of runs into jump to the end and ignore everything thats not needed.

2) Make trash well trash.. Almost all the fightings including boss just take longer then need be.

3) I think the idea of 80s being down leveled to be able to work with and help others is great. However the current system is not cappng stats correctly. People “want all 80” groups for the reason or even perception that a 35 in good gear for AC as an example isn’t an equal. If a charcter is the max level or higher they need to be equal to that 80.

4) Rewards and drops need to be better for whatever level you are. The only current point for these now is tokens or exp. It makes speed running the normal way of doing them.

Fixes for WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


I wish to present the following ideas with the hope of getting some real changes into a game I like. I am a old DAoC and have played a lot of other MMOs until now. My ideas are based on the hope of having a fair enjoyable fight for all sides.

1) Fielded Population limits:
Being well out of release and with the amount of transfering going on this idea is needed. It also solves a problem that is auto fixed in sPvP by switching people into another team. A count start capping the number of people that can join. As an example as each side fields 20 people a “hold” is made on more people wanting to join. Until all sides match that number so 20v20v20 per map. Each group of 20 opens another slot for 20. So perhaps 100v115v120 on a map.
The limit address many current issues. Servers stacking for shear number. You can only field as many as your oppisition can. Also free transfer all you want. There still will be some limit encouraging players to transfer to a lower population server. This would also change te current zerg numbers game into a more quality verus sheer numbers.

2) Remove cost frim siege weapons and Commander:
Both of these aspects need to be “free”. A commander should be able to be voted on and based off the numbers in a battle . Like 1 per 50 , also be voted or demoted out of a position. Siege weapons themselves need to be supply cost only which could be raised. This adds to the idea of everyone being valuble if you run supplies your helping.

3) Remove repair cost:
If you want to remove the stigma of losing remove the realistic cost of it. sPvP has no negative effect for really face planting. If you want people to be out and involved giving them a bill for losing won’t help.

4) People can’t damage doors:
You want to know why there is a zerg? Its because numbers break down doors. Yes rams do more damage as do other siege weapons, but the more people the quicker it goes. If siege weapons are all that can damage a door multiple attack points will be tried more often. If there is no cost to it, then its just planning and tactics. Also sheer numbers won’t matter quite as much.

5) Reward Reward Reward!
There has to be a reason for players to be out in WvWvW. The little loot bags that drop at random times with junk in them isn’t it. While the events aren’t bad there not enough. Partipation needs to offer something good and tangable to all players. Tokens, armor expericance crafting mats etc.

6) Make all 80s the same:
Its amazing how well this is done in sPvP and how badly its done in WvWvW. It should be the same system. But the bare miniuim it should be closer then it is currently. As with dungeons etc there are really 80 and fake 80s and that should not be an issues.

Thank you for reading .

Are Pop Control Mechanisms Working?

in WvW

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


As far as I am aware. Its a 250 cap per side per battlefield.

This is where th main problem is. Its not you have 100 they have 100 and the others have 100 . Its as many as you can field up to 250 per map.

So unless all sides can field 250 per map its going to be uneven.

Anyone ever play Aion? They had timed one sider verse another events. Without a flexible limiting population cap on WvWvW it will be unbalanced same as Aion.

Google Authenticator - QR Code "Not a valid token"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


I really wish you guys or girls (Anet) woud explain these things better. This is almost the same as getting the codes in for account, but worse ….

I got an Authenticator up but it wasn’t terrible easy. I’m tech savey to a point but not a computer programmer or on the edge of the tech world. It just offers to click links. It doesn’t transfer over to the iphone (which I have).

Actually intrsuctions on what to do, where to go and what to get would help a lot.

Also I just entered the code given, scan wasn’t even needed which made it even more confusing .

"Please consider changing your password" ???

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


I think everyone is getting this. I just added mobile auth, because I had wanted to anyways and I am still getting this.

I understand being proactive but making people jumpy is a bit much can we get some kinda answer for this?

Condition removal ? And Pets ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


So I dipped my toe into WvWvW lately with my Warrior and my Ele. It reminds me a lot of Dark Age of Camelot warfare which I played a Ranger like class with . I have a Ranger in the 20s which I am taking out and one thing confuses me .

It seems like the Ranger has no active condition removal . There is the healing spring and the passive signet which when active removes conditions from allies . Do these work on the Ranger themselves also ? If not what do you do to get out of snares etc . Active condition removal seems to be a requirement for PvP .

Also what exactly are the pets for ? They remind me of the WoW style fire and forget pets which I dislike quite a bit . Is there more they can do besides that ?

Thanks for any help

Conjure Earth Shield

in Elementalist

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


I was going to ask this question, so I will post my thoughts and hope to see more.

The earth shield is an amazing version of the “tank” weapon skills a warrior or guardian would bring to the table. Which to me seems to be the main problem. It seems like an amazing close combat / control weapon except for two problems.

1) Its a melee weapon and your playing a Ele. Which makes melee dangerous.

2) As with a lot of Ele issues the damage is really sub par.

I am on the fence about thinking badly of conjured weapons. I like them personally but I see the problems others have with them. I wish they were a “toolkit” style utility like Engis. Without charges which would allow them to work better wih the proffesion.

A plea for communication from ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


I was going to make this thread till I just saw this so I am adding on. This company has been great about communication so as others I will just ask is there going to be some address to the problems of the proffession ?