Showing Posts For Tyr.2469:
Hi everyone,
I just finished my 4th daily for this month and got the normal reward. The Monthly popup came up but I didn’t get the 100% Monthly Completionist. Anyone else experiencing this?
And yes I am sure that I have done all 4 dailies in May!
On Drakkar-Lake the Behemot event seems to be bugged again. The Oakheart does not spawn. I think it might have something to do with the brew shipment not triggering. Meaning the lady stands there but the event to protect the shipment does not start. So whatever you did on the march update seems not to cover the whole problem.
Ok it seems as if it is working again. See you in-game. :-)
As there are quite a lot of people in different region experiencing the same problem the source of that problem is clearly not at the user. I would imagine that Anet is either doing a – planned or unplanned – update on their servers or they are just having some trouble with them.
I love that message as if the problem would always be the users fault. :-D
That is clearly not normal. It was working for me though.
I’ve massive lags which even cause disconnects.
I do have the same problem with a greatswort and dual axe. Any chance of getting a fix on that ANet?
Why do we get discriminated? Just because we’re smaller and smarter? That is insulting! :-D
Seriously: please fix this issue. :-)
I recently found an Armor/clothing art issues (textures, placement, clipping…) with the “Heavenly Medium Bracers” on my Norn Ranger. This issue is to be found on the character selection screen as well as in the Heroes Menu (H) (see pic3) and in game (see pic 4).
Take a screenshot of your equipment on the Hero Panel (H)
Please find the following picture in the attachment:
— pic1.png: find issue as marked in red circle
— pic2.png: issue is gone when not wearing the “Heavenly Medium Bracers” (as per pic1)
— pic3.png: issue in the character selection screen
— pic4.png: issue in the game
Race: Norn
Sex: Male
Class: Ranger
Client: Mac Beta
For more information feel free to contact me and thanks for solving this issue.
(edited by Tyr.2469)
Ups, got you wrong, sorry. That is only opened when the 3 Melandru events have successfully been finished. Only then the karma merchant appears there (from what I know).
You will find more information about the events here in the events section.
(edited by Tyr.2469)
That’s a bug. Seems to be on every server. “Drakkar Lake [DE]” is the same.
Hi everybody,
I have recently experienced two strange appearances of the zone rewards. I mean thank you for the Sword, which is very useful for my ele, but twice? (See pic. 1 and 2)
Then just before I completed Sparkfly-Fenn I found a yellow mask, which is absolutely awesome according to the current drop rate of those, but that is another topic. Anyway for completing the zone I got – guess what? yes you’re right! – exactly the same yellow mask again.
I am now wondering whether that is a very strange contingency or something else. Did someone experienced the same thing or is it just me?
Sorry for the german text in the pictures, forgot to switch to english text before taking the screens.
When you wield a Charrzooka and jump into the water it just disappears. Is that working as intended or a Bug?
[…]I am not sure why but i think that it was my internet, […]
In the attachment of his post he showed a pic with his download speed. It’s at 1.89MB/sec so I don’t think that the internet is the problem here.
Thank you for posting, but what I meant was that I takes very long until the Launcher is up. So I do not have an issue with downloading stuff but with the Launcher itself.
You could check with what speed you are downloading. Is the download speed for other downloads faster? [EDIT]I just saw that your download speed is incredible fast. So that shouldn’t be the problem.[/EDIT]
You should consider, that it will take a wee while to download GW2 as the application is around 13gb. ;-)
Since the update for the wintersday content my Launcher is loading up very slow. Before that it was nearly instantly in the “Login”-screen but now it takes at least one minute to get to the screen. The loading screen is shown in the attachment.
I am using Mac OSX Lion (10.7.5) as shown in the second attachment.
Is that a bug? If you have the same problem please let me know because I would like to know whether that is an issue of just my computer or a problem with the Launcher.
Kind regards,
@Digital Dragon:
It sometimes happens, that dyes get a new name once they have been used. So you got the dye in your character dye menu but with another name. This has been like that since the release so I’m not sure whether this is a bug or a feature.
gems are getting really expensive lately. :-D
This is to say the x-axis of the graph is bugged. It shows gold instead of silver, the problem is probably that the graph cannot handle the break from silver to gold.
Its still happening. No progress because the researchers do not follow. It’s frustrating because it’s such a long quest.
there seems to be an issue with the depth blur. If you tick the option everything is “blured” not only the things which are far away.
Even the menu is “blured”.
This occured only since after the last patch …
Please see the pic in the attachment.
German layout works to. EDIT: Have you tried copy & paste the char?
Yeah a Mac Client? You guys are AWESOME!
Now I can get rid of my Windows partition with only GW2 and TS on it :-D
Just one question: Do I have to download everything or can I port the gw2.dat from my windows? EDIT: Ja man kann, siehe post weiter oben! (Which is german for: Yes you can, see post further upwards! Sorry for that, I’m tired from working)
Thank you soooooo much!
(edited by Tyr.2469)
The Guild Bank in Hoelbrak doesn’t seem to work how it should. When I talk to the Bank-NPC he says that the guild would not have build any sort of storage yet but in Lions Arch everything works fine.
I hope there will be any official possibility to restore the hood as this solution mentioned is clearly a bug. You can give the hood to any of your character with a medium armor like a ranger for example. This can not be intended.
(edited by Tyr.2469)
I’m using it to put damage + bleeding on groups and find it quite useful. But I must admitt that the evading with this skill doesn’t work very well. I sometimes get even hit while jumping.
Hello everybody!
I destroyed my Anonymity Hood and was wondering if there is any possibility of getting it back. I didn’t know that there is no similar or even comparable skin later on in the game. Now I am running around with this awful leather masks …
As I am now lvl 50 I do not want to recreate my character. Does anyone has a suggestion how to get a Hood skin?
Creating a new character does not solve the problem either due to the soulbound on the starting equipment.
Hi all!
When I use the Hide in the Shadows skill with my thief it starts with 2s then counting up to 10s (2s, 4s, ….). After that it counts down normaly from 10. In the description is stated it should last for 3s so I guess it is a bug.