Showing Posts For Tyrael.7410:
I am also extremely disappointed, and it is not the kind of disappointment that you will forget in time. Especially if you have waited a whole month, checking black lion trading everyday, and pre-purchasing gems … all of that are just to be ready to buy it. Today is the last day; so far, there is no grenth hood.
I reply to this post just to let people know that a poor decision has been made because there is another level after “being extremely disappointed”. It is called “you don’t care anymore” and i can guarantee you that few “don’t care anymore” about a game is enough to make people to find something else that does not disappoint.
Same – Crashing on WvW map at least Once Every hour.
i7 2.6k – OC 4.5
8Gig Ram
gtx 580 Sli
Window Home 7
120 Gig Ssd
Comcast 50 Mb
Before: Ok. Now: Crashing happens after this recent Escape from LA patch. This is getting really frustrating. Please fix.
I really really like the designs of the light and medium. As a matter of fact, i do not mind wearing the light set for heavy armor. Too bad that the heavy does not grab me as such. The reason is because the body proportion looks fairly off in male human style. My human warrior looks like a pole with arms and legs sticking out, there is no curve to show that masculine you know. (I’m staring at you now the 3D guy(s)!!!)
Nevertheless I like the direction you are taking this time. It allows for creativity to gloom and i know i only need to wait then something great will come along.
Downloading the patch but I love you! This is so convenient… good thinking there Anet!!! I’m praying its somewhat affordable in gems. LoL
i think shout + meat shield build = a must for you. Since many of your team mates are squishy, you will find yourself alone front line a lot of time. Shout build heals. Hammer is a must i say because with a tanky build you wont dish out a lot of dmg but the stuns can help. GS is only great if you have the dmg to support it or you use it to run.
Same here. It seems to be getting worse. Went from being able to log in and play in unpopulated areas to crippling skill delay in busy places like LA/DR or WvW. Now I’m lucky if I can even get a character to log in past the loading screen.
I’ve had no issues like this in the past (playing since launch) and can play any other game at prime time without the slightest hint of lag. Would really like to see this ISP throttling sorted out. We would all appreciate an update as to what Anet are doing to fix this.
I am having the same issue with input lag. The problem is nothing has been changed with my computer set up. It is just suddenly for the last two days, I have major input lags in WvW map. It usually takes like half a second to initiate a skill. I have never had this problem before.
I find off hand mace fairly lame in pvp. Well, the reason is “the men” (Yes, U!) decide to nerf the speed of the casting and animation. It is too slow so people can dodge it easily. Plus, the cool down is too long. Pve, those factors do not matter so that’s fine.
I think axe off hand is at the right place since the burst spin lets you have energy to spam Eviscerate.
Aye, warrior down state = a joke. I wish we could at least access Vengeance earlier. I don’t mind they give us less time to kill.
What bothers me the most is thief down state, it’s way too op… U finally caught the guy out of stealth which only the thief could decide when he wanted to be caught. You poked him, he was near dead, he popped Shadow Refuse and if u managed to get him in it, he’s still stealthy. He teleported away and rest himself back up.
Berserker all the way for pve. Less toughness is better, you don’t take any agro while doing MAD dmg to mobs. WvW, zerker = free res from down state for your enermy.
I’ll try to be informative, do correct me if I’m wrong. Pve – Guardian, WvW – Guardian. That is the answer if you are looking for the most well rounded class. Even if you spec your guardian for tanking, his healing support and condition removal to party still excels him in Pve; in WvW, its godly.
In case of warrior tho, if you spec for tanking, you will suffer pve a lot because your dmg is a joke. You will be hard to die but that is just you. All warrior party buffs are not as significant as Guardian’s. WvW, you will be fine. (In Pvp, you can specifically build a toon for that so that does not count)
It is the play style that you should look at when comparing the two. If you wanting to dish out some dmg while having decent defend stats for WvW – Warrior. However, if you just wanna tank it all and still matter to party in pve – Guardian.
People still defending warriors?
It’s easiest class to play in pvp by far, best survivability, amazing spike damage, amazing mobility. It towers above anything else.
I can’t believe I used to play one so much in pvp and thought I was pretty good at this game, this was before the buffs and healing signet changes.
The guy who just said he put out 23k damage and is whining… get to put out that sort of damage whilst still retaining 3k armour and 20k hp. An ele can’t even get close to achieving that sort of output, yet to even try would have 12k hp and 1850 armour, with 0 escapes and 0 defensive traits.
This is why there is an issue with warriors at the moment.
Issue? LOL. Yes Arenanet, please give Ele 3k armor and 20k health and see what kind of response you will get within 30 minutes after the change. I have a better idea, give Thief 3k armor and 20k health as well. People tend to grief after 1 vs 1 counter and class like thief is just too weak at it, they need a boost. Make sure you don’t nerf them while boost their armor and health otherwise they come back here and call us op again.
Tired of reading these kinds of post.
Desperate man face* – Grenth Hood!!!
I can use some more armor skins, specifically heavy armor skins. With much respect to the art design team but the heavy armor skins are not very appealing (especially on human). In many cases, one has to use a look for so long because only few of them are amazing, it gets boring quickly.
I would like to see some heavy armor skins that can overcome the norm of “cyborg” looking (generic games do this a lot). I really prefer something dark and mysterious. After all, Tyria is at war all fronts here! Lastly, a hood for helmet please?
(edited by Tyrael.7410)
I don’t know what else to do and I’m very desperate. I missed the chance to buy this hood when it was out. I did not play then. Can you please bring this back in the gem store?
Warning: Wall of text.
I remember the GS in beta. It was horrible. Worst, 100B was a burst skill that meant u needed adrenaline to execute. Before any magic could happen, you had to gather the “magic” energy to perform it. Once you had it, you would be in a big disappointment because 100B was too easily countered (dodge, stun etc). Wake up! There is a reason Arenanet has to make it is what it is now.
Without GS, War will have to put up war horn to play cat and mouse with range and kiting or no chance. Rifle is great but using it against classes that are specialized in range attack, you’ll only end up as a corpse.
At this point, GS – 100B is still UP. I’ll explain. 100B is only effective when it hits, but the skill can be countered so easily, GS War will have to put pressure on you so you waste your dodge and cc. It is a game of endurance management, cc control, and timing. With Bull Rush + GS skills, War has a chance to make that “can’t counter” happen but until that moment, War will have to endure the opponent’s cc and dmg. So really, if you got poked by 100B and there was nothing you could do but to eat it, it is because the War’s efforts + your failure in cc, kiting. GS is still UP because there is a great chance at failing it, one bad timing and all efforts can be for nothing. Failing often leaves the War at an extremely vulnerable stage because the War has suffered often serious dmg while trying to burn your cc skills and dodge. Plus, War needs to spec in dmg dealing gears and stats to make 100B dmg decent. That means they are a lot more squishy than they are meant to be.
For those who cried – Stop crying about a class that if you asked me, I would response that War can rate from mediocre to weak at 1 vs 1 in comparing which what Arenanet has given to other classes. Many of us still play War because we enjoy being dump brutes that love to chase people around town. But please, being dump is one thing; but being incapable of doing anything meaningful in pvp because you keep asking to nerf this and nerf that, it can ruin the game.
Sorry for the text wall, i could not help it.