Showing Posts For UltraTown.5683:

Sigil Update

in PvP

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Maybe this would be op and overly difficult to balance, but what about sigils that drop fields?
For example:
Nature’s sigil – create a small water field at your feet when health drops below 50%
____ sigil – create a small chaos/fire/dark/poison field at your feet on weapon swap

Additionally, perhaps adding combo finishers to sigils:
Blasting Sigil – Create an explosion that damages opponents and blasts fields on weapon swap
Cyclone Sigil – create a brief tornado that damages foes and reacts with fields as a whirl finisher.

I know these seem like they are adding to the damage sigil pile, but if the dmg from their proc is low perhaps they’d be desirable for their combo finisher.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Making Gyros Work

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


I didn’t say anything about how people should fare against a stronger engi/scrapper build. But if you’ll remember pre June 2015 the cele rifle engi was considered the best dueling build in the game by roamers and spvp players alike.
I think both of our stances are based on copious amounts of personal bias and I doubt that there could be a point of resolution. Either way, you are still misunderstanding me and I think I have been very clear but I will attempt to summarize this all for you very simply: I think gyros are bad. I think gyro focused builds are weaker then other engi builds.
I am fully aware of the quality of the fights in that video. I think I made it clear in my OP that I lost many fights while working with this build and those are the highlights. My video is a demonstration of what can be done with gyros, but I think it’s obvious that using them is like riding a struggle bus.
If you are willing to explore my YouTube channel i think you’ll find that i have videos featuring many quality fights.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Making Gyros Work

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Unless you got some magic glasses that instantly tell how skilled the enemy is compared to you, that can be said about every build on every class ever. The quality of players vary wildly.

Haha well “magic glasses” have nothing to do with being able to determine an opponents skill level with the class/build that they are playing. I am simply saying that a competent player on a solid dueling build should be able to beat a scrapper using a gyro focused build. Whether it takes 10 seconds or 10 minutes is not really relevant since there are many other factors to include (hp pool, toughness, dodges, stealth, etc.).

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Making Gyros Work

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


That is nowhere near a true gyro build.

Not all gyros on the skillbar and no final salvo. Not even close. Try again.

I think you misunderstand, which is likely my fault through wording and such. My goal was to make a functioning and viable pvp/wvw build with gyros as it’s foundation, not to make a “full gyro” build. Making a build and making a viable build are two very different things. In the past I have done kitless builds with full elixirs, but to use full gyro is simply not going to give you a functioning build. If you beat anyone with a “full gyro build”, it’s because they were either not very skilled or were goofing off and you got lucky.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Making Gyros Work

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


A full gyro build is unlikely to work well due to each of the gyro’s having a very different purpose.

However each fits quite well for a build that it was designed for, just mix it with other class skills that suit that role.

I can tell you from experience, the full gyro build is very unlikely to work well

I do agree that mixing is a much better build plan, but the gyros are a bit weak nonetheless. There are very rare circumstances in which anyone would want any of the gyros over some of the kits, elixirs, and gadgets available.
I am very optimistic about this upcoming balance patch though. I’d like to see gyros become a bit more viable and contribute to a better scrapper identity/feel.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Making Gyros Work

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys, I posted this on reddit the other day, but I thought I’d share it in here for my fellow engineer/scrapper enthusiasts:

The concept of gyros is pretty neat, but I think most of the community will agree that the implementation has been a bit lackluster. There is of course the exception of the Sneak Gyro, which is arguably overpowered (currently). I determined myself to create a Scrapper build utilizing gyros as its foundation. The results were messy. I lost many fights that I know I could have won (some by a considerable margin) with different tools. However, I did have some mild success and put some clips and thoughts together. Enjoy!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Server Connection Error Detected

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Same here, east coast.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Omni Scrapper for WvW zerging

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys,

I know scrapper isn’t entirely desirable for zergs in wvw but I’ve put together a build guide for a build I’ve been using in zergs lately. It’s fun to play since you can easily hop from range to frontline hammer-bashing-madness and I have found it to be effective as well.
The build draws heavily upon the common sPvP marauder scrapper build and I imagine that many of you dedicated engi players are probably using something like this, but I thought I’d make a guide vid anyways and post it up.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Master Race

in Community Creations

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


it’s called Hawken

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Master Race

in Community Creations

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


it’s pretty fun, if you can find a match

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Master Race

in Community Creations

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hey, here is a video with some thoughts on an Asuran elite racial skill. I made it just to be funny.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Stay Classy

in PvP

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys,

It’s easy to get upset when things are not going the way you want them to, but insulting your teammates is not an effective way of turning things around.
We’ve all been there, we’ve all been frustrated by something happening, but keep your chin up and don’t lower yourself by insulting someone.

Everybody has bad games
Everybody makes mistakes
Everybody loses

The pip ladder is a tough climb, and we’re all doing it. You’ll have a better climb if you are patient with your team, communicate respectfully, and offer advice where you can.

TLDR: Stay Classy.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Bunker mesmer - not ideal for solo queue

in PvP

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


I agree with Laserbolt. Nice post, gives some nice food for thought. Thank you!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Winters day pvp track

in PvP

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


I think a specific skin would be nice, one that can only be obtained via the pvp track. I know they already have similar rewards (glorious armor) but I think it would be nice to have something winter-themed. The finisher was nice to get last year, but I think an outfit or armor skins would be groovy.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Scrapper

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Nice video. As someone who’s just recently leveled her Engi, I’ll have to give hammer a go now I think!

Didn’t really appeal to me at first but after seeing the numbers it can pound out I’m officially interested.

See ya out there, fellow DH’er (:

Just remember this is a pvp/wvw build, you definitely will fall short in pve with this. Especially in raids lol.

Gives secret DH fist bump

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Scrapper

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys,
I posted this in the build thread, but I thought I’d drop a line in here as well. Here is a guide video for the Kitless Scrapper build I’ve been using in pvp and wvw for roaming:

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys!
I made a goal about 5 months ago to successfully create and use and engi build without kits. The Kitless Rifle build guide can be found on my youtube channel at:

Now that HoT has been released, I’ve created a Kitless Scrapper build guide that can be found at:

I hope you enjoy, these builds are fun to use in a pvp or wvw setting. These are not designed for pve however.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

PvP builds

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Or… *squints furtively left then right… you could go with a kitless build.

*Flashes maniacal smile
*Tosses Elixir S at feet
*Disappears in a cloud of broken glass.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Scrapper

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Good fights!

Thanks for the build. I tried it tonight and it’s really fun. I tried replacing the blast gyro with Slick Shoes, and it also works (the stun-breaker is better), but it means you have even less skills you can use to actually deal damage. I even killed a few DH with it :P

Hahaha I’m glad you enjoyed it! Keep serving out beatings on us DH’ers!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Scrapper

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


like :P
why giro for 3rd spot?

Glad you like
I had Elixir U equipped instead of the Blast Gyro and I noticed that I struggled against some opponents (Eles, Mes). Adding the Blast Gyro gives the build a little bit of range functionality as well as even more burst.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Scrapper

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys!
Here’s a link to a montage of some Kitless Scrapper wvw roaming fights. I understand this isn’t a top tier build, but, it is very fun to play and I hope you enjoy!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Also worth noting: sometimes people just have bad games. Even on class builds they are comfortable with, people can just execute it poorly. You should never assume that someone’s capabilities are inferior to yours based on one match. The best players understand this, the toxic mid-range players do not. Typically.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683



Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Thanks Zera!
Honestly, I have not invested any thought into altering the build. I was away the last half of September and first week of October so I missed the chance to tinker during the beta weekend. I think a kitless drone build would be a fun challenge to tackle. I like your thoughts on a potential set up. I guess we’ll be able to experiment all we want in a week. Definitely looking forward to the launch Glad you enjoyed the video!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys! Long time since I’ve put anything up but here is a second montage featuring this kitless engi build. Enjoy

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer Build Guide

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Thank you all for the positive feedback! Really great to hear that you’ve been having success with it and are experimenting with variations of it! Just switched some gear around myself ankitten ow running higher crit chance so I swapped to my rifle with sigils of air and fire.
Should have put a disclaimer stating that this build falls way behind in pve, but is still fun to play for mapping and bosses and such. Thanks again!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engi Build Guide

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys, not sure if this is the appropriate place for video guide posting but I thought I’d drop a link in.
I’ve been playing with a kitless engi build that focuses on setting up burst with the rifle through elixirs. Posted a montage a couple weeks ago and received a lot of positive feedback so I created a build guide for it. So if you’re an engi player or simply interested in some of the engi traits, you might like this. Thanks!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer Build Guide

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


I played a build very similar to your and it worked really well in 1 vs 1. The only miss is the lack of aoe . I suggest you to trade inventions for tool line . The reason is quite obviouse : with tool you get 15% reduction of your toolbet skills …. they are all elixir so you have stability and stealth more often … and you have also more migt and condi removal . other than that you can have vigor which is really handy .
So try to take reactive lenses, lock on ( can help a lot ) and adrenal implant. You lose the benefit of bunker down and of Automatic medical response , yes , but you gain vigor, lower 15% on toolbet elixirs ( which means more might and more condi remove ) and in my opinion is it stronger than invention . Try it and tell me it is a great build in my opinion heavily underrated . you lose also swiftness ok .. but you can rely on elixir B in pvp … it is different for wvw on which i trade streamlined kits for lockon

Thank you for the reply! I have actually already tried this build with the tools line instead of inventions while I was experimenting with earlier iterations. I do like the vigor, toolbelt cooldown reduction, and reactive lenses that you mentioned; however, I have settled on inventions because with my play style I value the mecha legs, amr, and bunker down much more. But, you’ve prompted my curiosity so I’m going to experiment with that traitline and tinker with my engi play a bit more today
When using a variation of this build with the flamekit and juggernaut trait, I use the tools line to take advantage of streamlined kits. Another variation I use is swapping elixir x for the mortar kit for fire support in larger fights. I use the tools line then as well.
I agree, this build is very strong for 1v1s. Thanks again for your comment!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer Build Guide

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys,
I got a lot of positive feedback about a build I showed off in a montage a few weeks ago so I made a build guide for it. You can check it out at:

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Thank you for your reply.
Couple of more questions: what’s your primary focus when you open on someone? I tried out the build with gear variant and it did extremely well, and I suck at the game hard. I used the elixir throw for stability, jump shotted to the target, did rifle 3, then overcharge shot. After that it’s situational, but that opening remained the same for the most part for me.

Also, what runes and sigils were you using? I was using the 7% crit chance with chance of might on crit, to help stack it with hgh(or whichever adds might for elixirs)

And lastly any tips you can provide would be awesome. I’m digging this build and it’s probably what I’m gonna run with. Unfortunately I don’t anyone will let me run it in pve, though.

Thank you for your interest!

First, as Mnemesis pointed out, this build is good for skirmishing and roaming but for dungeon speed runs, fractals, and other structured group content (for pve) this build will not provide near the dps that other builds provide.

I am using runes of the Hoelbrak but honestly, I think strength runes would be better because of the high amount of condi clears. But any high dps runes will probably do well, no need to break the bank for one build.
weapon sigils that I am currently using are accuracy and force. I have sigils of fire and air on another rifle for a static discharge build but I found that I like accuracy and force for this because I am running 4/6 pieces as soldier’s gear.

When I open up a fight, whether they see me or I see them it is usually the same opening:
toss elixir S for stealth and might
drink elixir B for all the boons and might
toss elixir B for stability
Rifle 4
Rifle 3 (or 5)
Rifle 5 (or 3)
Rifle 2
Drink elixir U for quickness
DPS with rifle auto and avoid damage while you set up your next burst rotation.

Hope this helps!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Wonderful! I thinking of the viability on sPvP env.
Might try it later and let you know!

Have fun with it! I’ve used it a bit in sPvP and have found that the marauder’s amulet seems to be the way to go. Seems to be best for quick decaps and harass. Have found it difficult to hold points very well in 1vX situations.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys!

Lots of requests about gear and traits so here goes:
Firearms: 2,2,3
Alchemy: 2,2,1
Inventions: 2,3,2

4/6 armor pieces are soldier’s (for sustain in 1vX fights, lots of fury from Elixer
All trinkets are Zerker stats
Backpiece and rifle are Zerker as well.

Thanks for the compliments and the interest in this build. Have fun!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


How do you handle the mesmer is the question?

To handle a mesmer with this build is a very simple, 3 step process:
1) see the mesmer
2) turn around

Haha in all seriousness though, this build does not do too well against mesmers. It’s primarily single target and lacks blocks so I’ve found that I’m unable to quickly clear clones and it is difficult to avoid shatters as well. I have found that using Elixer S optimally can really help in those fights, but that is the keyword…OPTIMALLY.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


nice how you dodged that stealth entangle at 7:06. I didn’t knew before that you could see a white circle on the ground when its used. Do you pay extra attention for necro attacks that you definitely want to dodge? if yes, which?

Thanks! That entangle dodge was partially prediction. I saw the white circle blip but I didn’t know that entangle was what was being casted but I knew that I didn’t want to get hit by whatever the ranger was throwing at me from stealth.
With necros I mostly just try to avoid the marks, wells, and throw moa potion at lich forms, plagues, and sometimes deathshrouds. I wish I could give you a better answer but that is all I can offer.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Guild Recruitment Video Opportunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


This is great! Put this together for my guild a while back!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


i d say that it is far not best gameplay, that can be played.

you have to learn that riftle#4 can be used on downstate rangers to prevent their pet from resing.
and to to tank guardian scepter#5 shield

Thank you for your insights! I thought much in the same as I watched myself shoot that ranger in the 2nd clip. “Why didn’t I just knock back the Drake?”. Haha that’s the main reason I record game play though, to review and improve.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Really nice, thank you for the share !

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed! I’ve had a lot of fun with this.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Kitless Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys,

So I’ve been experimenting with playing engi without kits. Of course I recognize the significance and benefits of kits, I just thought I’d try something outside of what I normally play. Here is a video showing some of the highlights. It is a montage, so of course it doesn’t show the times I got shut down, but, I found this to be a very fun and effective roaming build. I hope you enjoy.

EDIT: Here is a link to second montage:

Here is a link to the guide:

If you have any questions about the build or gear please ask away

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

(edited by UltraTown.5683)

Cele Rifle Engi, still viable?

in WvW

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Hi guys, long time engi player of pretty much all the different engi builds. I’ve had a lot of fun this week with all the engi changes, especially since the condi bomb/nade build became so much stronger. Curious though, I’m not seeing any Cele Rifle engis roaming and I haven’t tried it myself because it doesn’t seem nearly as strong as some of the other options. Has anybody had success with it since the traits update? Thanks!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Guardian: Symbolic Avenger Trait bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Chaos City Saints [CCS]

WTH? WvW Guardian zerg exploit

in WvW

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Update: Symbolic Avenger Trait

in Guardian

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Due to its current unintended behavior, the Symbolic Avenger trait has been temporarily disabled until the next scheduled release. If you were using this trait, we suggest you select a different one until the trait is re-enabled.

Thanks for you attention to all our rumblings!

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Guardian: Symbolic Avenger Trait bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


No, running it for hours is abusing an exploit for own purposes, in this case even if you “don’t care about ppt” that’s a lot of champ bags from the lords, that’s a lot of people’s time and money wasted in seconds from an exploit. WvW is not PvE.

Show how it was done once, don’t cap what you take the gate down to show, Send it to Anet, and you DO NOT use it again. Otherwise you really aren’t any better than those ‘hacking’ the client.

And to be honest, abusing an exploit in this manner can result in bans, and situations like this truly do warrant them.

Thank you for clearly stating regulations for exposing bugs via video. I’ll be sure to make sure that everyone in Ferguson’s Crossing follows them to the finest detail in the future. We shall not have fun in the game anymore either. Strictly business from now on.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Guardian: Symbolic Avenger Trait bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Here is a demonstration of how badly this bug harms the wvw environment.

Abusing it is what harms WvW environment.
Doing it for hours is what harms WvW.
Making excuses to justify ktraining everything for hours is what harms WvW.

It’s honestly disgusting. Knowing about it does not prevent them from doing it normally, you know, with siege and without a bugged trait. It’s worse because not only did the people involved know about it, they continued to exploit it for hours.

I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t think you understand the context. This is the guild that I’m in, I was running in this too. Our commander had us do this for the sole purpose of collecting footage to report to Anet. This exploit has been used by small groups all week, and we wanted to demonstrate how unfortunate this bug is. The run lasted for 2 hours and did not have any impact on the standings for this week. I had hoped that I made this all clear in the video. But there you go

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

Guardian: Symbolic Avenger Trait bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


Here is a demonstration of how badly this bug harms the wvw environment.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]

[NA] Ferguson's Crossing is Now Recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: UltraTown.5683


I have really enjoyed my time on FC since transferring a few months ago. Very flexible WvW environment . I’ve learned a lot from some great commanders and players.

Chaos City Saints [CCS]