Showing Posts For UndeadCreepshow.5316:

Where to get Level 80 Assassin's set?

in Thief

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Yes i want it for the stats. where can i buy it with karma instead of gold?

Where to get Level 80 Assassin's set?

in Thief

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


I know you can get the Assassin’s set from Firenzia in Divinity’s Reach for 119 Gold but i was watching a video on youtube of a guy playing his thief and he mentioned you can buy the set with Karma points. Any truth to this? If so where can i get it?

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Bump! Still recruiting for our CGU family! If you don’t have a clan and you like the same stuff we like there is no reason not to join! Come on over!!

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Around what time do you get on the game Butch? I can’t ever catch you online lol

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


If you have Ventrilo we prefer you to be on it at the times you are playing Guild Wars 2. That way our other clan leaders who don’t play Guild Wars 2 can see that you are an active player. Plus we do dungeons all the time so there is never really a point where you wouldn’t be on Ventrilo anyways lol. And even if we were just messing around it saves you from having to minimize game and start up Ventrilo and get on the server as you will already be on

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Well Butch, my game is updating at the moment so i’m not in game. If you go back to our original post you should see our Ventrilo information. I’m not sure how familiar you are with Ventrilo but if you can come on here i will gladly get you set up

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Still looking for members. Trying to get an event together for gem giveaways but we need more members and more ideas. Come join us!!

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


I wish my hard work was awarded with new members lol. We would love to have anybody who hasn’t found a home on Jade Quarry yet. Dungeon runs, events and lots of other stuff. Guild Missions as soon as we get enough members. Contact info is still the same. If you can’t reach us in-game please join our Ventrilo, we would love to have you

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Seeking members for dungeon running and events. Gem giveaways. hit us up if your interested in joining

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Doing Gem Giveaways as soon as we get enough members. Join up with us for the most fun you will have on Guild Wars. Check out our recent Harlem Shake video

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


brotha from anotha motha lol

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Bump, we are still recruiting

[JadeQuarry] Crimson Guards United Gaming recruiting !

in Guilds

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Good evening everyone. Looking for members still, let us know if your interested

Guild Missions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


I am just curious as to how you start these missions? I haven’t seen anything on the map or anything under the guild tab as to where you start Guild Missions. Any help is appreciated, thanks

(edited by UndeadCreepshow.5316)

new mouse and keyboard. suggestions please?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


I’m looking to buy a good mouse and keyboard for playing Guild Wars 2 and just gaming in general. Looking for something that is good on the less expensive side as i am not the richest person in the world and am limited to what i can buy.

WvW terrible performance issues, please help!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Would setting priority to high under task manager have any affect on it? I also read on one of ArenaNets optimization threads to make sure your PCI-e is running @ x16 and not x8. Whats a way to know for sure if it is?

(edited by UndeadCreepshow.5316)

WvW terrible performance issues, please help!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


As stated in my first post, i have set everything to the possible lowest settings and still no improvement in WvW gameplay. Thanks for the input though. Nice to know ArenaNet doesn’t want anyone playing WvW but millionaires who can afford crazy overclocked machines lol

WvW terrible performance issues, please help!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Well no WvW for me then. They should optimize this crap before they even release the game. How are you going to release a game and the funnest part not even be barely playable with an overclocked high end cpu? WvW is also the quickest way to earn guild influence which sucks because i really need to earn as much as i can. I’m not saying GW2 is a bad game. This game definitely beats out any new gen mmo that has come out in at least the past 3 or 4 years to my standards at least. To me mmo’s have been pretty stale lately and GW2 has actually kept me interested for months unlike other ones. It just sucks i won’t be able to enjoy the WvW part of it unless they optimize it better. Well thank you guys for replying and helping, it is greatly appreciated

WvW terrible performance issues, please help!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Windows 7 Professional 64bit
AMD Radeon HD 6870
AMD Phenom 2 x4 @ 3.4 Ghz.
8Gigs Gskill Ripjaws
2 1TB HDD @ 7200rpm’s

This easily passes what ArenaNet said would be good to run GW2

WvW terrible performance issues, please help!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


I usually get around 80 FPS when i’m playing GW2, My computer specs are twice as much as the recommended specs. However, as soon as i enter WvW my fps drops to 30 and when i’m in big battles its like 9- 15 fps. This is terrible optimization if i can get 80+ everywhere else. Even in SPvP i maintain between 70 and 80 frames its only in WvW. I have even set everything to possible lowest settings and still no performance increase in WvW. Any tips on how i can fix this? Any help is appreciated, thanks

Need help with my thief

in Thief

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


I am just curious what are some good weapon combos for solo survivability? I am currently using Dagger/Dagger as main and Pistol/Pistol as secondary but i seem to die quite a bit. I am just basically looking for good weapon combos for solo’ing, as most of my guild is level 80 and always doing Dungeons and stuff i am left to solo lol. Any help is appreciated, thanks

Some tips to help with the FPS problem.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Why tell someone to use a program you have to pay $35 for? Stupid

Weird flickering at game startup

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Nope, the cd drivers were some generic drivers so i installed the drivers straight from AMD’s website with no problems

Weird flickering at game startup

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Graphics card has always been the same, i put this computer together myself. Vsync is on, Frame limiter is 60 and Refresh Rate is at 60

Weird flickering at game startup

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Haha yeah my name is pretty unique i have never seen it used before and i thought it was pretty awesome myself when it first came into my head, but onto the questions and statements. You said the flickering is caused by the game switching resolutions set to my game options. First of all it should have to switch resolutions because i’m running the game at the same resolution as my desktop 1920×1080. And Guild Wars 2 is the only game that the flickering happens on. If it was in more games than just this i would of course look to something graphic related. Example i play Battlefield 3 at a resolution of 1600×900 just to get a few more frames because it’s an FPS. If what you say is true then Battlefield 3 definitely should flicker because its a lower resolution than my desktop but it doesn’t. The game starts up just fine and i go on about playing as normal. And on your question yes i am sure i am using the latest version of my video drivers. i have the latest drivers released on AMD’s website which is 12.8. I don’t mess with the CAPs since that is only for multi-GPU setups.

Weird flickering at game startup

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


Well i can’t update my video card drivers as i am already using the latest ATI drivers so that wouldn’t be a fix for me

Weird flickering at game startup

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UndeadCreepshow.5316


From the launcher whenever i click the Play button the launcher goes away and then my desktop will flicker about 5 or 6 times and then the game will finally start up. Is there a known issue that could be causing this because it gets kind of annoying. Any help is appreciated, thanks