A big thank you to all the CD who created the Quaggan Squad on CDBL tonight. Seeing you guys ambush our Yak Parade all over the map was hilarious, and the terrible sacrificial loss of Quaggan life later in the evening was a class act.
Thank you for making WvW Fun.
~Nyari Cil, The Undying Moose.
Kaineng: You provided good, strong, co-ordinated competition in this tier until recently (and encouraged us to improve our meta game once again). Your problems coincided with TC finally acquiring some SEA/Oceanic coverage , and it is what it is. I enjoyed playing against you, and I believe that sentiment would be Ekoed (not a LOST reference, a filter necessity >.>) by most of TC.
To those of you who have been on Kaineng prior to the WM/transfer era, and are undoubtedly going to stick with Kaineng wherever ‘your’ server ends up landing, you are the example to which other servers aspire. We know how long you were dead last in the rankings, and we shared in your joy the first time you actually won tier 8 in a hard fought battle.
To those that joined KN in its rocketing up the ranks, I hope you enjoyed the ride, and best of luck to you should you decide to stay, or move on to whatever server best suits your purposes.
Mina Angwin, over on KN – feel free to keep whispering me
Good luck in your travels,
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
From TC’s perspective, I ran up to the vista to watch your trebs’ progress on the walls and to help TC continue their push into KN’s 3rd of the map while KN were occupied with SM. You were pushed out initially, but came back determinedly 10min or so later, and I was fleeing from my spotting position outside the lord room and over the outer wall as you capped it
Meanwhile TC had taken all of KN’s towers and had the outer keep gate at about 10% (although FA also had WC at one point).
I’m sure an FA-er can give you a better blow by blow
Was a great night for both servers in EB (and likely KN too – even though they were hard pressed, that has to be a refreshing change of pace from the usual scenario, although admittedly it came at a bad time PPT wise).
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
It’s a question ! Why would you build these for else then?
FA were outmanned at the time, so they built them for fun/amusement after successfully flipping a tier 3 SM from KN around an hour earlier.
Everyone in EB for the last 2 hours or so from TC has done really well. You should all be proud of yourselves
Likewise, I need to thank FA for flipping KN’s tier 3 SM while TC took all KN’s towers. I was willing you to succeed (I even said so in map chat as I watched you from inside SM >.>)
A rare instance of FA and TC leaving each other alone in EB to achieve a goal they should be invested in more often (the weakening of KN before their SEA primetime).
I apologise for the 10 or so TC who randomly decided to take OW. >.> We entirely deserved to have PRO and the rest of the FA zerg respond by taking Durios. Again, said so in chat :p
Was nice to see PRO again, though. Hi Maniac! ^^
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and Rank 6 Slayer of Nothing)
Very intense period of 5 hours or so in EB tonight with KN continually trying to take OL, and FA continually trying for VS. Even supply starved, it shows how strong that keep and tower are when you still have numbers on the map and correctly placed siege to defend.
Probably the longest period of 2v1 action I’ve experienced, and quite interesting to counter. Props to everyone from TC who was helping with the defense this evening, and to KN and FA for the continual pressure.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
The folks on FA and KN are no different to those on TC when it comes to playing GW2 for their own personal enjoyment. We ‘all’ do that. If we didn’t have fun, we wouldn’t be playing. How each person defines ‘fun’ however is left open to that individual’s interpretation. Some of us don’t care about the score. Some do. Some want to GvG, some want to maximise PPT, some want to spend all their time in the Jumping Puzzle >.> ^^
We’re all people playing a game for the same (and yet also vastly different) reasons, and the only thing that separates us is the fact that we’re all on different servers, and those servers all function slightly differently: we have different ‘known’ entities upon them, and we have different strong and weak timezones :p
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
He did ask that’s what the no offence just curious bit was because last thing we want is to have transferred to the same thing we had before on the last server. Transferred twelve hours ago was general curiosity and he’s already been labelled a troll and poser.
Edit- not saying we joined just to kill people I’ve done plenty of defending assaulting and empty capping as I play oceanic hours but I don’t enjoy bailing just because they have a zerg coming to assault or defend said place when we have a zerg too
I hate typing on my phone so slow
How one presents a post is critical to how a post is perceived. As the first post from someone new to the server, anything which instantly criticises any element of said server is unlikely to be taken well, regardless of genuine intent. Adding ‘no offense’ doesn’t particularly help as folks often add those innocuous two words despite intending to cause offense regardless ^^
As is often said, sarcasm doesn’t translate in text, and neither does the tone in which one makes an enquiry
I am certain anyone who transfers will find times when TC does not run away if you play within the US/Euro timezone. In SEA/oceanic, there will be times when we are on the offensive, but quite often we are outmanned, meaning we play the conservative defense game. Just like FA and KN, we have some large, organised guilds, and some smaller but just as critical ones who enjoy tangling with the opposition in open field combat. We also have a ‘lot’ of random, casual folks who aren’t really that organised and ‘will’ run when they see a zerg coming at them. Nature of the beast.
Personally, in regards to finding zergs that don’t necessarily run in oceanic, I would suggest finding Deyja or Jalen if they are on and following them around as they are both good commanders – there are others, but those two I know decently well and they play in that timezone. Of course, it all depends on what’s going on at the time on all four maps and what forces we are able to muster.
To FA and KN, I apologise for repeatedly posting on what is arguably an internal TC conversation, but hopefully my posts at least contained something worth reading about WvW and forum etiquette in general
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Its a sad day for PvP when people would rather capture empty towers and raise a meaningless score than kill other players.
The meta game is wrong in WvW.
That’s a mentality issue
PvP is a ‘facet’ of WvW. WvW is not PvP. PvP is an entirely separate entity with its own tournaments and maps.
WvW entails the capturing of towers (be they empty or otherwise), camps, keeps, the killing of yaks, the defense of your holdings and the defeat of small and large groups of enemy players when they engage each other for various reasons.
Neither is the score meaningless, as it determines your colour position (very important for EB) and your overall ranking, which ‘most’ servers tend to take pride in. Not everyone will care about the score, and that’s no problem at all – but the meta of WvW is very much focused around maximising PPT gain, and if all you do is ‘fight’ all the time, your server won’t be succeeding in WvW as it stands.
I, personally, prefer defending in WvW, holding towers vs the ravenous hordes, and outplaying my enemies without ever needing to actually engage them in battle. I die far more than I kill, but I die performing critical tasks, like holding supply camps, or scouting. I receive few loot bags. I’m rank ‘4’ in the new ranking system compared to folks who are already high above that.
However much I prefer defending, it’s not my place to declare that those who prefer zerg vs zerg or roaming are ‘wrong’, or that it’s a sad day when people would rather run around and fight duels rather than defend their towers. Folks play WvW for different reasons, and expecting those reasons to align perfectly with yours is a mistake
I hope you enjoy your time on TC, and what fights you find, but also accept the fact that the WvW encompasses many things, and not just one preferred play style. This current match is the best match we have had in a long, long time.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and verbosity)
Contrary to popular belief, there is little point engaging in a fight unless you know you stand a chance of winning, or it serves an actual purpose.
If either are in question, whether via disproportionate numbers, or a guild zerg vs a zerg of random folks, or a fight that takes place in an area of no immediate strategic value, then fighting is pointless and a waste of time.
The smarter course of action is to get whatever numbers you have into whatever tower the enemy zerg is near and prepare to defend it as best you are able.
And if you’re on the offensive, there’s little shame in fleeing when (as is quite often the case once we move into the oceanic/SEA period) your disparate group of 20 is approached by a stronger, more numerous, more organised KN force.
All 3 servers in this match will ‘run away’ from fights at times because it’s the most strategic and logical thing to do. Each server will get squished when caught out by much larger numbers or superior organisation. Each server will have groups that scatter simply because they see another group rushing towards them (this happens when encounters take place between large groups which aren’t controlled or led by 50% or more players from one guild).
If you play in EB on TC when I’m around in the AM, you’ll see me telling people to flee and sit in and around towers because I’m not going to sit and wait for KN to roll over me when I don’t have the numbers. Common sense.. Understanding when to fight and when to use what you have to defend as best you can is a distinction a lot of folks struggle with.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and staying up too late)
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
My question is, what’s KN doing? Like…I KNOW that there’s no KN/TC alliance or anything of the sort, but TC’s creeping up on them in points and FA’s still getting hammered really hard by KN. Whenever I’m in EB/BL it feels like we’re madly dashing from defending against KN and TC one after another, several times even them hitting Durios and Bravost simultaneously….Our kitten is paper, so I understand it’s easier to take, but kitten Meanwhile, Anz, arguably the most vulnerable tower in EB, has been fully upgraded all day. Is KN just that confident in their SEA guilds to pull away in the mornings?
We tried ANZ about 3 times, testing it, and pulling down the cannon/oil. But decided many times to skip over to mendon’s (it was paper)…
eventually we got ANZ, but it was srs business. I mean it was like the chalice of a target, which if we took, we knew we could push the rest of the map, but it was not easy, and definitely not vulnerable. Ask TC, they usually raced in and holed up about 10-15 folks on siege. It wasn’t an easy take, and we tried it about half dozen times across the night.
We did however take mendons a few times during that span, which resulted in WC being flipped, tried OW a few times, but it wasn’t happening last I logged off (2pm pst).
In any event it was a lot of fun, and thank you for the battles, and ty to the kain commanders … you guys were great.
I think the most memorable time imho of last night, would have to be the Durios guild room ninja when FA did all the work. The timing was just impressive. The battles in QL and WC were also lots of fun.
Many thanks, and enjoy the fight. I finally got to poke around with my ele alt last night.
~X [RE], Kaineng
That was me calling the shots at Anz >.>
When you folks eventually took it our numbers were down, and your co-ordinated ele’s (and the siege cap within Anz) prevented us from doing anything to your catapults.
OW was me too. There was a lot of instruction calling and micromanagement in chat. I watched you stack up and hide behind the hill there after the 2nd attempt and just sat there patiently telling everyone to wait at OW until you went home
. I was following your zerg around for quite some time too, like when you were hiding in and around Anz waiting for us to recap it, and I was in turn telling the map to stay away from it until you all left.
Everything in our 3rd remained red for the next 2 to 3 hours after that. I’m sure most of it became a lovely shade of lime at some point after I went to bed. I am very good when it comes to knowing how to defend >.>
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
Congratulations to FA on securing 2nd place this week. It’s an important milestone for your server, and well deserved.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
alright may be a bit off topic,
on WvW EB map design, is blue generally perceived as the hardest to defend…..? ’cos i heard people said so….
The keep? Yes.
Overall, no.
Blue has a stronger, tighter layout than red. Left side red (Speld, Anz, Mend) is very weak compared to both green and blue positions. Right side red is very strong, and OL/Veloka are easy to defend for hours even when outmanned, so long as you have about 15 people on the map and someone who knows how to counter.
Blue keep is the weakest of the three keeps in EB, however. Its design just isn’t as defensible as OL or LLK. With numbers, it’s as strong as any of them. When you get outmanned, the weaknesses begin to show. The extensive tunnel network right outside the north gate is also quite a weakness if you know how to utilise it correctly.
Langor and Bravost are both solid towers, QL is fine so long as you protect it properly. Durios is weaker than both of green’s front towers, but not as weak as Anz (the weakest front 6 tower in EB, just as Mendon is the weakest of the back 6).
If green wasn’t the server that ‘usually’ holds SM the most in match ups (which is indeed the case), the case could be made for blue, as a whole, coming closer to green in terms of defensibility, but that’s not how it goes. Not owning SM, as blue, hurts you far more than not owning it as red or green. Not owning SM as red is almost entirely negligible – nearly all of KN’s flips of Anz have been due to ram rushes or moles assault. Trebs on Anz aren’t really an issue.
Someone mentioned something about few attempts on SM earlier in this thread – when you’re red, SM isn’t really a problem, and its points value is so tiny it’s irrelevant.. Makes far more sense to go after towers while the other servers are hanging on to their giant castle – they’ll generally defend that with more zeal than they will their own 3rd.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
People tend to forget that while 2nd place often doesn’t hold any tangible benefit in regards to the map, it can be a gigantic benefit in terms of morale, map presence, numbers etc.
More people play on ‘every’ server when their server is green, as green is ‘usually’ the server that is going to win. This encourages your casual players to join the fight.
Slightly more players will play when you are blue than will as red, for the same reason, in that blue is ‘usually’ slightly better off than red. In TC and FA’s case, we are relatively even in numbers, but our ebb and flow is determined by when those numbers do and don’t show up.
It makes total sense for TC to push for 2nd because should TC secure 2nd this week, they’ll almost certainly secure blue, and blue means a change of position in EB, and more players on the map, in addition to yet another morale boost.
It makes total sense for FA to try and hold on to 2nd because defeating TC for the first time ever will be a morale boost for them.
For KN, it makes sense to narrow the gap between 1st and 2nd, and then benefit from the battle to secure 2nd position.
Which server KN decides to focus every SEA period when both FA and TC are weak also goes a long way towards determining which server can gain points on the other in that crucial time period.
As some other folks have said above, the only way to end the status quo of KN winning each match (albeit only by a small margin) would be noticable transfers (which would either imbalance the match further in KN’s favour, or provide TC or FA an edge over each other, leaving one in a permanent third place), or for TC and FA to work together in their strong periods to minimise KN’s point gain.
Given history, that is very unlikely to happen
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
This is getting a bit too much we have green attking us from behind and red from the front i get we are in 2ed but we are not 2ed by much. One world cant take 2 on at once and that is what effect is going on this week and last week. This is getting silly at this point.
That’s pretty much how WvW goes. Ebb and flow. Some days are tough. Fri-Monday were no picnic for TC.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
I don’t know anything about Spring Breaks :p I wasn’t even aware students were on holidays >.>
What I do know is that comparative to last week, TC’s numbers are down (outmanned in US primetime last night, for example). That doesn’t prove anything other than the fact that we have less people playing this week than last – our more casual players haven’t shown up as they did the week prior. FA and KN may have less too. They may have more. They may have the same amount. They may be playing a smarter meta-game.
I’m also restricted to EB, and while I could easily point to several influences on that map thus far this week in regards to performance, it wouldn’t be fair to use that to paint a picture of the match as a whole.
The scores are still reasonably close, but I think it would be fair to say at this point that FA will likely secure 2nd this week, and if population demographics and meta-play don’t change over the next few days, they may end the match closer to KN than TC did the week before – which is great, as nobody wants the first placed server to forever be in first (except perhaps the first placed server >.>). Predictability leads to match stagnation, as FA and TC well know from our previous time together.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
EB has been odd.
In a first, for me, we had TC and KN practically standing side by side trebbing and catapulting Durios from ogres for a few minutes, before KN decided to take out our treb (which made no sense given that it was only helping take the walls down faster, and you outnumbered us and we were going to cede the tower to you anyway ^^).
Stranger still, I don’t understand why whoever was leading you didn’t just hit QL while TC was on Durios, almost ensuring yourselves an easy tower cap while FA wasted time with our treb.
Regardless, it was a surreal moment to see our 2 forces standing on opposite sides of ogres firing away at FA for a few minutes. You waved at us. We waved back at you. It was oh so friendly until that ballista went up
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
good morning TC and FA!
Its a terrible morning…lol. You guys should take a vacation, let TC and us flip coins for land claims…and come back to catch up on oh……Tues, or Wed. hehe
^^ Your post made me laugh.
Such is the nature of coverage gaps. At least we suffer relatively equally, my FA friend >.>
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Haha. Keep trying. We will have that OL! We like it, it seems cool to have. We neeed it. TC are bad decorators….TC needs to give it up to our superior Kaineng designs.
<stares hard at TC>
No >.>
Queen Nyari and Zebra Charr Odinzu and everyone else in EB for the past 2 hours likes the shoddy interior decorating job we have done on our own keep
Both you and FA hitting us constantly, and then both of you trying to take OL keep this evening was very…micro management intensive.
Good play
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and defense)
Tarnished Coast Field Medics !!! why do you exploit your way into Anzalias Post to flip it, I know it takes no skill to do it proper but at least try!!
I was I there for 5 minutes after it flipped so dont say you had someone in there stealthed the whole time.
Anz has plenty of places for a thief with a near perma-stealth build to hide, and a thief can solo a lord room.
Likewise, we’ve had mesmers hide there before and go undetected. So long as you use your stealth intelligently, you can evade half-hearted checks (and a lot of the time a zerg will take a tower and move on without paying attention).
Personally, I know at least one thief/mesmer team on TC that make stealth capping towers their goal in life
Like everyone else has said, send screenshots/video to the exploits@arenanet.com address, or contact the guild you think exploited.
I’m part of TCFM, and I despise exploiting, nor is the guild one to partake in it.
As with most claims, unless someone is actually seen flying under the ground or glitching up walls, it’s usually just a case of folks not sweeping properly (and repeatedly).
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
There have been plenty of KN and FA folks I’ve seen in EB that I’ve had admiration for – not necessarily for their combat prowess (and that’s not me saying they suck, as they don’t :p), but for little things – I was just sitting with a ranger from KN on the steps of Mendon a while back, before she was sadly killed by two other TC
I don’t know anyone on KN too well yet, but there are folks on FA I’ve known since our series of match ups during the TC 7 Weeks of Green period, and they are polite, courteous and wonderful people.
Likewise, there are a bunch of KN posters on these forums whom I also admire.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
I see the commanders chatter with them all them all the time. There’s a LOT of communication going on, and I have several times seen commanders lead whole huge groups over from various BLs to EB (or the like) to defend in a pinch, or for a particularly big push.
It’s weird because there’s a decent sized crew of people who like to defend keeps, etc, and then those who love to follow the commander on the offensive.
I can’t imagine sitting around a keep playing defense and stuff, but that’s apparently some people’s cup of tea…and I’m thankful for them.
Well, I know RET and the other big guilds are on the teamspeak server and the leaders try to communicate all the time, and we’ll switch BLs back and forth constantly to defend/attack. I’m more envisioning some General-type figure that overlooks the battlefield from on high and directs all the respective guilds and groups around. Because, like I said, we do have a tendency to tunnel vision.
Nyari is the closest thing you will find to a ‘general’ on TC.
I’m General(ly) DyingAtASupplyCamp ^^
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and being a pretty corpse)
So, do you guys literally have people who sit back in the keeps, receiving scouting reports, watching the maps and timers in all 4 BLs, keep tabs on which guild groups are active in what BLs, and are in charge of allocating and directing your forces from on high?
Cuz…that’d be pretty freaking amazing. Maybe boring, since you don’t get to fight, but incredibly effective in terms of PPT. I know we tend to tunnel vision on the field.
I can’t speak for the BL’s, but EB has its Queen.
EB has a core group of people who are willing to sit at our towers as early warning systems, who are willing to kite around supply camps and die just to hold up the cap so support can arrive, who pay attention to what I tell them in regards to siege placement and ensure that things are placed correctly.
Yesterday afternoon/evening, 3 of us performed three core tasks – one of us led the offensive zerg, one of us sat back in our 3rd of the map and handled defensive calls/siege, and 1 of us followed KN and FA’s zergs around for hours on end to report on their movements.
Of course, I’m not always on. Neither are the other defense minded folks. We lose towers just as much as any other server through poor play, or lack of response.
But when we’re playing at our ‘best’, EB’s crew is pretty amazing
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
I’m not really sure why folks get so riled up over the various facets of WvW.
It’s not difficult for me to admit that from 2am-5am EST last night I led TC in EB down into FA’s territory and flipped and held all their towers (vs an outmanned FA – not that much of an achievement) while utterly ignoring KN.
Both KN and FA were outmanned, but I was well aware KN would arrive in force at some point, and I didn’t want to risk kicking the hornets nest and having them turn up earlier. At the same time, I wanted to continue to limit FA’s point gain while bolstering TC’s against them, to ensure FA stayed in 3rd and TC stayed in 2nd.
So for 3 hours, other than some supply camps, not a hint of green was touched in EB.
That’s called tactics. You can call it ‘playing for 2nd’ if you wish, but while there is only a 20K gap between KN and TC currently, there is only a ‘10K’ gap between TC and FA. You have to hold on to 2nd and pull ‘away’ from 3rd before you can think about focusing on being 1st.
At around 5am EST, KN’s 40-50 folks rolled into EB, and do you know what KN did? They utterly ignored FA for 2 hours (FA regained all their territory and sat there quietly, outmanned) and rushed up into TC’s 3rd, taking 3 of 4 towers and trying very, very hard to take VS and OL vs 1/3rd their number. After approximately 2 hours of solely TC oriented offense, KN left the map – I assume to look for easier points elsewhere, as OL and VS were proving a massive time sink.
I’m reasonably sure KN spent 2 hours ignoring FA because suddenly, TC was within 20K of passing them. Suddenly, TC is more of a threat than FA. It makes sense for KN to try and prevent TC from pulling too far ahead of FA, as this threatens their own lead.
So, in the end, yes – FA is going to be focused to the exclusion of KN, sometimes. KN will focus TC to the exclusion of FA. And FA more than likely chooses to focus TC over KN at times. That’s how WvW works. There’s an entire meta game beneath the veneer of the things that folks like to talk about which don’t ‘really’ influence the outcome – open field combat, how many loot bags you gain, dueling etc.
Siege strategy (in defense and offense), knowledge of map movements and PPT awareness are what heavily influence a server’s performance in WvW, and the most influential aspect of all is coverage. KN has coverage when TC usually doesn’t, as does FA. TC has a stronger US timezone coverage than either server, when all of our casual players turn up.
Yesterday was a case of TC making a concerted effort to focus FA, keep them down, and pull ahead of them. We hit KN fairly hard also. We had more coverage than usual because people like me pulled 15 hour shifts. We kept things and we took things because we had ‘more’ numbers than usual, and our strategic minds were on hand for longer hours to ensure we ‘kept’ taking and keeping, and defending.
I’m not sure why this is a point of contention at all. It’s nothing to be upset about if you’re FA, and nothing to gloat about if you’re TC.
It’s WvW. It’s a server throwing all its weight into achieving a goal. It’s the desire to make and keep a match competitive.
20K between 1st and 2nd, 10K between 2nd and 3rd. To me, that’s the sign of a very exciting match, and I’d much rather have that than any server falling completely out of contention.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
I wanted to give a shout out to the two folks (one was a thief) from Rethesis on KN that tried to kill me outside Mend today – I leapt into the water and came back to exactly the same position I was before. When I saw you again, I thought ‘oh, time to do the same thing again’, but instead you didn’t attack me, and I didn’t attack you, and there was waving, and bowing and saluting
Not expected, but greatly appreciated. I was just…admiring what you had done to my poor Mendon >.>, and not interested in fighting. I rarely am. I have more important things to do!
So thank you. Made my night.
Also, to the chap from FA in (OP) with the boxing gloves outside OW tonight – also entirely unexpected, and hilarious. It’s always nice to see some frivolity and good nature in WvW. It’s not always about the killing
Finally, thank you to everyone who helped TC in EB gobble up FA’s holdings this morning, and then to those of you (and there were only 10 left on the map to begin with) who held out against KN’s 40+ who flipped all our towers but VS, and tried very hard for both that and the keep.
I’m certain you’d have had both if I wasn’t around. If it’s any consolation, I am now exhausted, and way past my bedtime >.>
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Hey Maniac…
We should meet up at Golanta some time this week for fun and frolicking >.>
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Haven’t seen you for a while.
Still holding hands in EB and running circles around camps?
My offer still stands .. warm spot for a brilliant strategist on Fort Aspenwood anytime!
Running around camps in circles is my stock and trade ^^
It’s certainly tougher to pull off as red than it is as green (or blue), but that doesn’t stop me >.>
I tried to hold hands with a lot of Kaineng at Speldan tonight but they wouldn’t oblige. Sometimes they chased me to my friend Mr Tree Champ, but then they ran away from him, leaving the two of us standing there alone. Mr Tree is sadly misunderstood.
Hopefully I’ll manage to see you on the field some time this week. I’ll be keeping an eye out a charr with your guild tag.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
Hey Maniac…
We should meet up at Golanta some time this week for fun and frolicking >.>
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Yah, grub to Bravost is another useful defensive tactic
I’ve dragged it to catapults and trebs over the gulch at Durios before too.
It’s not quite as reliable as that darn tree, but the lure of a giant chest with 7 whole badges is difficult for many to resist >.> ^^
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB.
Oh Nyari how you wound me, as I am the idiot commander that didn’t think of just hitting the trebs with AOE. I groaned on mumble when I saw that tree champ at Speldan, as I knew I had just lost control of my group for the next 10 minutes. Fun night though, pleasure fighting with you.
It’s all good I pointed it out to you at the time, and you recognised the mistake. Being tired does that to you.
As for the tree, it’s very difficult to get people to leave it alone unless they’re regular WvWers (which isn’t the case while we’re green). It’s great defensive tactics to drag it to Speld to slow down enemy zergs, another thing Mags did well.
Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Defense is the key to maintaining a map presence in WvW (more so in EB than the BL’s).
No server can hold out forever against another when they’re outmanned, and no server can take towers that ‘should’ be theirs when the enemy is still out in force on the map and paying attention.
However, once you’re able to upgrade any tower to tier 2 gates, you possess the ability to break a wide variety of siege attempts with numbers as low as 5 defenders.
It’s all a matter of having people who know and understand tower layout, where to place your defensive siege, and predicting and reacting swiftly to expected scenarios.
I’ve held Klovan in EB for almost 2 hours against continual attempts with less than 10 people. I’ve predicted where DB would be this week, and prevented them from taking towers during their surge in the SEA period.
I’ve also seen towers lost due to TC ‘not’ responding quickly enough, and ‘not’ undertaking basic defensive tactics.
Last night, Mags took Mendon and built trebs to knock down the wall of OL keep – this shouldn’t have worked. There are so many ways to counter those trebs, the simplest of which was our 30 person zerg turning up to AoE them, but TC was busy killing the tree champ >.>, and then went to the wrong side of Mendon, focusing on the gate when they should have just blasted some trebs
Excepting when you are drastically outnumbered, the reason most towers and holdings are lost is because folks don’t defend them properly. They’re lost due to poor play, poor decisions, ignorance, innocence and what I like to call gawping fish syndrome – when players would rather stand on walls staring than take the initiative and ‘act’.
Neither Maguuma or DB have much of a chance of defending anything in EB when TC is out in numbers and they are not, and everything you do manage to take ‘will’ be taken away again, but that doesn’t mean you don’t take the opportunity to start to stymie some of TC’s less than stellar tower captures.
Playing as red and blue in tier 2, TC would lose all their holdings in EB each and every night to BG or SoR. And each and every day we’d begin the slow process of returning our keep to 1700/1700, and upgrading each tower as best we could. We’d force BG, SoR, KN, all of them to leave Mendon or OW with their 30ish or so players who thought that some swiftly built and well executed siege would result in a swift tower cap, because I know how to counter everything you can throw at a tower, and while I’m doing that, our icons/zerg are arriving to flank and force the enemy to break.
Which is all a long and convoluted way of saying that while entering a map and seeing that you own nothing is extremely frustrating, you’re not going to be able to change that without people being willing to stay back and defend what you take (like Mags did with Mendon and its trebs last night).
As far as roaming and fair fights go…WvW isn’t the place for fair. Given the choice of fighting 2 people at, say, Speldan, and possibly losing, allowing the enemy to flip the camp, I’m always going to elect to run over those 2 enemy invaders with more people if I have them available. I’m not out to test my skill, I’m not interested in open field combat – I’m interested in defending what my server owns. And most of the time, that doesn’t require me fighting out in the open. Instead, I’m sitting on the siege I built, knowing exactly what I can do with it.
I rack up more deaths than kills each week in WvW. WvW isn’t about how many loot bags you gain, or how easily you can defeat people in small, scattered encounters. WvW is about fighting, doggedly, to take towers, keeps and camps, and then fighting all the more stubbornly to hold on to them.
Mags and DB, you’ve both killed me dozens of times this week as I kite around Golanta or Rogues, trying to hold up your caps. Sometimes I die, and you get the cap. I am sad. Sometimes, I die, but you don’t get the cap, because I lived long enough for reinforcements to arrive (it’s what I do). I am happy. Sometimes, I don’t die at all and the zerg arrives and there is much death and running away. I am pleased.
But this is what I do. This is how I contribute. I make taking ‘my’ towers difficult. ‘My’ camps. ‘My’ stuff. You’ll still take my things, sometimes, especially camps, but that won’t stop me from building them back up and being there again, next time. And maybe next time, because I’m there, you don’t get my stuff.
This is why I WvW. This is what I do for TC. I am the blood that bleeds for EB (and I bleed oh so well!)
I’m certain both Mags and DB have players just like me, and I hope that whatever holdings you do manage to grasp this week, you’re gaining as much pride and enjoyment from keeping them out of TC’s hands as I do keeping your eager hands off my property.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Pride and Nightlight, you both did a good job running your zergs in EB tonight – the combination of you two was what allowed us to hold our own offensively.
All the folks who undertook their usual defense/siege building duties, the first 6 hours of tonight relied as much on you as it did our two icons
BG, I thought you played well. Every server was losing towers, but yours held up longer initially.
Kaineng, I’m not really sure what you were doing strategy wise (losing your keep in the first 20min among other decisions), and you lost a lot of towers, but your (WM mostly) field combat is the strongest/most organised I’ve seen thus far.
The 6 hour lag was something of a pain, but it was an enjoyable evening.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Actually, I think green is our colour. TC was green for 7 weeks straight.
But BG was also green for a long time, and after much contractual wrangling, we decided to allow BG to remain green in all matches involving TC.
But SoR was jealous of our shared love for green, and cast BG out into the upper tiers, stealing green in the middle of the night.
BG returned to mop up SoR’s slimy green remains, and TC and BG rejoiced in their mutual love of green once more.
Alas, Kaineng grew (almost green) with envy and attempted to annex the colour from the TC/BG alliance, but failed and were left with blue.
Next week:
Red and green combine to make…
Together, we shall drag Kaineng through the mud!
Or something. >.>
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Nyari Cil, you still lurking EB?
You know, I’m keeping a spot warm for you on FA
I’ve been in there each night this week, though after midnight EST this weekend
Basically making sure Umber and the towers it feeds are taken care of while our zerg is attending to other matters, though sometimes I have to swap to my beloved QL. If you’ve been around when FA has sent thief groups or medium sized parties (20 or less) to take Umber and been repeatedly repelled, that was me and my staunch defense team. I’m also the red haired engineer who dies there a lot, and runs back to keep hold up the cap. It’s not quite as satisfying as Golanta >.>, but I need a new way to martyr myself, you know?
FA (and your guild specifically ^^) helped me learn correct SM treb placement to counter Durios trebs during our matches together 3 months back, so I will forever be appreciative of that, even if it took me 5 wasted trebs to find the right spot to wipe them
And now ‘we’ can utilise Durios to treb SM. The joy!
Hope all is well with you, and you’re enjoying the match!
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and treb placement >.>)
We’re getting Mendon’s one way or another. If we can’t take it by force, we’ll just lose to you until we start with it.
Adding to the litany of folks who have commented on this being one of the funniest posts of the week. Great stuff ^^
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB.
Without fail, TC has filled IOJ’s shoes well in that they focus their entire day crew on attacking SoR BL rather than the point leader. When is Red going to realize the key to second place isn’t by attacking second place?
Just once it would be nice if it wasn’t Green + Red vs Blue. SBI has been completely unchallenged by TC in thier BL all weekend.
When you play probably skews your viewpoint.
In US primetime, TC has been in SBI’s BL. They’ve been in SoR’s BL. They’ve been under assault in their own BL.
Perhaps it is different in Euro time period, but I don’t play then. We certainly won’t have the same numbers we do in US primetime, so I imagine the choice is made to focus TCBL/EB and ‘one’ of the other two BL’s when able.
In any case, broad, sweeping statements remain, and always will be entirely incorrect, do an injustice to any and all servers and their players, and are based upon personal bias.
For example, my opinion of SoR in EB for the last 3 weeks (not this week thus far) would be vastly at odds with those of TC who play in the BL’s – EB SoR and BL SoR are two vastly different things.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and sanity)
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
Assuming TC wanted it would be an error. >.>
We kept putting holes in it to wipe your trebs. That’s about it. We’ll leave the fighting over the castle to SBI and SoR
First 6 hours: SoR loses every single tower. And eventually SM. SBI loses WC 3 times. And SM.
TC loses Anzalia once, in the first 30min.
I’ve appreciated SoR actually being on the map tonight. Longest lasting presence I’ve seen in 3 weeks. Well done. It makes the map a lot more fun and balanced than what was essentially 1v1 vs BG, with an occasional brief spurt of SoR activity.
Hopefully you’ll keep it up all week long
SBI, enjoying having you in EB too. It’s been a great night.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
yeah EB is the red headed step child that all of our big guilds hate. So our biggest organised group last night was SPQR with about 15 ppl the rest were the rallian militia.
and last week the biggest organised group was ME XD. i was pretty much the only commander for most of the night last week on reset. I had some help every once in a while but most people wouldnt listen to my orders XD
I had to get off early last night though so it looks like i misssed most of the fun! got off around 1030 pm eastern because of a dc
I do truly appreciate you folks fighting for as long as you did last night. Thank you!
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
We took it once it made tactical sense, and we knew we could hold it for a time >.>
No point taking it before that.
Too many people dazzled by the fancy castle.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Assuming TC wanted it would be an error. >.>
We kept putting holes in it to wipe your trebs. That’s about it. We’ll leave the fighting over the castle to SBI and SoR
First 6 hours: SoR loses every single tower. And eventually SM. SBI loses WC 3 times. And SM.
TC loses Anzalia once, in the first 30min.
I’ve appreciated SoR actually being on the map tonight. Longest lasting presence I’ve seen in 3 weeks. Well done. It makes the map a lot more fun and balanced than what was essentially 1v1 vs BG, with an occasional brief spurt of SoR activity.
Hopefully you’ll keep it up all week long
SBI, enjoying having you in EB too. It’s been a great night.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
That was a lot of siege we killed at OL keep in EB tonight >.>
6 golems, 5 vista trebs, 5 wall cats, some undergate rams, some west gate rams, some SM trebs, and some arrow carts! ^^
A very long, extended defensive hold out by TC – I’m very proud of all those who played in EB tonight between 11pm-7am EST.
A solid improvement of 4 extra hours without losing our keep and Veloka over Friday night.
BG, I hope you enjoyed us putting up a bit more of a fight tonight than last night. Personally, I find it both depressing and boring when things are so very easy to take/very easily taken. If you saw someone spamming /wave every time we wiped your various siege attempts, that was me!
Eventually, you starved us out of supply, as expected, and we had about 15 people left on the map when the keep went kersplat. It was still a lot of fun. Nights like this are what I live for in WvW.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and trebuchets)
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
I learned something new today!
There are jellyfish in EB! ^^
4 months of playing that map and I never knew that. Astounding!
In regards to EB (and my opinion in no way represents the myriad of opinions that combine to create ‘the rest of the server’), I have little interest in attacking SoR. From my observations, SoR is nearly always understaffed in there, and just not a challenge. Even on the very first Friday…other than a brief surge of double teaming, there was nothing of note all night long.
I like a challenge, and I enjoy combating BG in EB because they provide that. I’m well aware we’ll never take first place. That doesn’t really concern me. What does concern me is a) improving, b) how the glicko system works ((which very few people understand)), and what is best for my server, on my map.
Obviously, that’s focusing BG, because they’re going to take all our stuff every night, and the weaker you leave them in US primetime, the longer it will take. I feel for our oceanic players, and I’d not be a very good strategist if I didn’t at least try to pass on to them something other than an entirely green map. Even if I fail
Finally, SoR just kept attacking TC in EB tonight, from the start of the match Again and again, leading to an almost successful attempt on our keep by BG while SoR hit OW. Anyone who plays regularly on EB, or was on tonight would verify that I have zero interest in making life on my map harder by focusing SoR instead of BG. But it’s like pulling teeth to get SoR to attack BG, or sometimes do anything at all due to their relatively tiny participation in EB.
The end result was the one of our icons went down into SoR territory, double teamed SoR with BG and took their keep.
Not really at all helpful to either of us :p, even if it was cathartic after the initial pushes from SoR.
That’s how it goes, though! ^^
None of this is a complaint, or an accusation, or whining. It’s my opinion, and an explanation for observed behaviour. Well done to BG on your claiming of OL 30min ago, you deserved it – we didn’t have defensive countermeasures in place that we should have had all night, and our defense in general was substandard.
On the upside, I have a new phrase to repeat every single time I’m in EB and we’re red. Learning is wonderful (and not just when you discover jellyfish!)
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (even when it’s all green!)
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
There are no alliances, nor will there ever likely be.
There is, however, strategy. People have a hard time separating the two.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB.
We let SoR in SM when they were trebbing Durios to clear some useless siege some sabotager built and now everything has gone to hell. Stop double teaming us poor folk. :[
I (and most of TC-EB) had to sit on rogues and treb WC to make sure SoR took SM off you. Sorry.
Never let anyone in your castle! They just refuse to act courteously and partake of the traditional tea and crumpets before politely exiting the premises!
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB.
Speaking of dumb things, why was BG attacking Durios in EB last night, where the entire maps population was, when they could take 3-4 towers or a keep that were paper and undefended? Same thing for TC. Why catapult the wall when the doors down? Why treb Durios from stone mist and take down walls allowing TC to rush in and take the tower from SOR, then treb the wall down AGAIN, and allow SOr to rush in and take it back?
Nothing wrong with BG attacking Durios repeatedly, especially when you own SM and can treb. Were I BG, I’d be hitting Durios and Quentin Lake repeatedly, as well as Anzalia. So as far as I’m concerned, that’s viable play.
For TC, it was poor play, for reasons I won’t go in to here. You might have to wait until the next Fri reset for me to re-establish my reign as Queen of EB and ensure folks are playing tactically again. Taking time off means people tend to fall back into old habits.
I received enough whispers when I logged in for the first time in over a week last night to understand the frustration of folks at the backwards slide. Rest assured, one day Durios won’t be treated as the only tower on the map :p
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB.
Hum. I’m looking forward to being back in EB on Sunday after this winter vacation.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Merry Xmas to all the folks from CD and FA whom I have played against over the past 2 months, and good luck to IoJ
~Nyari Cil, TC’s Queen of EB
Merry Xmas to all those on BG, SoR and TC
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and pointless presents)
All the ‘he said, she said’ histrionics aside…
EB was a blast last night. 10 hours of play before I had to sleep, and some great work by most of TC.
Surprisingly minimal map presence from SoR all night, other than the hour or so where SoR and BG both double teamed 3 of our towers into oblivion. This was brought about by certain folks on TC not following the plan that had worked well all night, and I commend SoR for suddenly swelling their numbers in EB, and BG for taking advantage of SoR’s retaliatory press after we sat on Durios for 30min.
I like to think we did a reasonable job defending Anz/OW/Mendon/VS against a 2 pronged, prolonged assault, but we certainly could have done better. I hope those involved on SoR and BG at least found claiming those towers wasn’t easy.
A strong rally and hold of VS + OL and the prolonged assault broke, and eventually we were able to hit BG and flip most of their towers, with some early assistance from SoR.
I would rate TC’s play in EB at around 75% last night. Very proud of most of the folks who were in the map in the first 10 hours last night. There’s still massive room for improvement in several areas, especially that which I had to repeat over 10 times over the course of the night.
I’d like to thank Housin, Rose, Pride, Karreck, and all the people who escorted dolyaks for hours, all the people who sat in camps for hours, all the dolyak snipers, all the treb shot blocking ele’s, all the folks who listened when I repeatedly explained the strategy (and reasoning behind said strategy).
You all made my night.
Thank you also to SoR and BG for making WvW exciting, and a challenge once more.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB, Scourge of the Eternal Beastgate. >.>
(edited by Vagrant.1094)