Showing Posts For Varuuth.1834:
Or a command that recalls the suit to you. Imagine you steal a suit and suddenly it starts moving by itself. :-)
I second this. World of Tanks has this feature built in, given in World of Tanks it is disabled by default, but simply going to options you can enable it. So I agree Guild Wars 2 needs this feature.
Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
sorry couldn’t resist :-)
I definitely second this, jumping puzzles suck in 3rd person view
Very good guide for those that want a quick way to get to 400. Me I want to bake/cook everything but that’s me. Very nicely done.
here’s a dumb question, how do i bug report it in the game?
In the Harathi Hinterlands there is a waypoint called Wynchona Rally Point Waypoint, just to the west of it is a small lake, on the west side of that lake is a small tunnel that is accessible if you fight 3 bandits and then click F to interact with the door. The door opens and you can see a cabbage patch on the other side. The problem is that no matter what I do I can’t go through the door. Is there another way in through to this cabbage patch, or is this a bug?
I’m glad I found this thread. I had tried 2 times and never even got up the stairs between Compass Plaza and Promenade of the Gods, more correctly I’d fight to the top of the stairs but couldn’t get past that. I even brought a friend with me and we couldn’t get past the top of the stairs. I thought what am I doing wrong. Well now I know. It won’t do me any good to even go further .. Ok I get some things should be a group event. but the end of the game?
I remember Thunderhead Keep back when Guild Wars 1 came out. Monks were paid to join groups to help people through, and the groups would fail and fail and fail. Then I figured out that oh I don’t need a group at all. I could just take NPC’s and fight at the top of the stairs. I probably wasn’t the first one, but I was definitely one of the first ones, because of the insane number of people that I would say, just join my group and I’ll take NPC’s and they wouldn’t believe that it could be done lol (at least until I helped them beet the mission). my point is this, even in guild wars 1 there was a way to get past Thunderhead Keep when that mission was the bane of people’s existence. Guild Wars 2 needs that kind of thing for the end of the game so we can actually complete it.
(edited by Varuuth.1834)
Either the chat log should stay or it should log who you partied with.
How about we just carry ALL town clothes on us at all times? And just have it take no space. It isn’t like having unlimited weapons or consumables or armor. It is like a dye, it’s just for show.
Personal housing. i wonder if they will create shelves that will show what you have, but only you can take down.. like sword racks and stuff
my character is already level 80 :-) .. wait maybe i shouldn’t be smiling about that lol .. to many hours already on this game. but yeah i know it is a complex crafting line. hopefully the devs will make it a little easier once a person has discovered the item.
I think that crafting should be made more simple.
What I mean is look at the recipe for Bowl of Hearty Red Meat Stew, there are several things you have to craft to make an item then turn that item into another item, just to get the 1st item needed to craft the Bowl of Hearty Red Meat Stew. A better way is if you want to make Bowl of Hearty Red Meat Stew (this is on the basis that you have already discovered it), you click on Bowl of Hearty Red Meat Stew in your production window and the right side shows not only the components needed but all the sub components needed (and what they will be made into. Then with a single click of Craft it crafts each sub item needed and then crafts the Bowl of Hearty Red Meat Stew.
Robin. you more or less saw inside your head? lol haven’t seen that since guild wars 1, and had to work to attain that.
and yes I agree. first person mode would be the best way to fix this problem. why the devs thought first person mode is bad is beyond me. especially in jumping puzzles in cramped quarters or fighting in cramped quarters. or walking in cramped quarters or moving your camera view to see who you are trying to click on … in .. wait for it.. in cramped quarters. ..
i agree with the original poster .. fix this asap
or even a better idea, have the name underlined… because maybe it is already colored for a different reason.
I agree with Tott, screen shakes give me a headache.
I would like on the world map (when you press M), if you have 100% completion of that area, have the name of that map (example: Gendarran Fields) be wrote in a unique color. At the moment I have to zone to each given map to figure out that I have 100% completion in that area, and at level 80 that is expensive.
lol oh . that. lol i missed that one . yeah he be raging. .. sorry about about.
Echelon, this isn’t raging this is just people trying to understand what is going on and why it is happening. there is nothing wrong with asking questions.
Monthly/Daily reward shouldn't be based on level (I got a whopping 4 copper for a monthly)
Posted by: Varuuth.1834
i agree it is a bit overzealous (the anti-swear code) I’m curious what word did you try to use? put spaces between each letter so i can read it :-)
blueraja, i agree unending waves is silly, but sadly on that particular mission there is an easier way. Instead of going down the ramp through the enemies, go left along the wall and then jump over the short wall behind the enemies. you basically don’t have to deal with any of them. I am a ranger so just before I jumped over the wall.. to go down to mira, i stowed my pet, and then made sure that when i jumped my agro circle wasn’t close to the enemies. then ran rezzed her and ran back away from the enemies and then up a short hill. then turn and ran back towards the door and just made a made dash for the green star. didn’t die once
Like Discroll I have had the same problem. Although I am not sure if it is always Risen Grubs. I think it is also for other creatures. I see it in story mode, which is weird since you can’t farm the personal story line. I have the feeling that what it is really telling me is that Hey you couldn’t have had a drop but guess what, you get nothing. I understand they had to stop the speed farming.. but .. maybe I should stop doing the story line for now and just explore the open world area or something until it is fixed.
I play a Sylvari Ranger (mainly use a longbow and my 2nd set of weapons is a sword with a war horn), most of the personal story lines are either easy or middle of the road. I am level 64 or 65 and playing Durmond Priori story line. Also I am playing at the level I should be, in other words if the instance says recommended level 55 then I play either at 55, 56, or 57, or 58 . Whether it be up close and personal or ranged I really don’t have a problem. I just look at who I am fighting, and make a guess should I try to pull that enemy to take him on alone, or should I just go to him. If I get overwhelmed because I got agro from to many enemies then I just run. Enemies basically will only chase so far. Have I died, yeah a few times, is it just killing the enemy through : go in hit, die, rez, go in hit die, rez, etc? No. My crafting classes are leatherworker and cooking. I almost always have a piece of food active on me (usually for gaining power per kill or reducing the amount of time a condition will last on me). I also almost always have a Boost on me, I seem to have a lot because of drops and completing world events and what not.. don’t really remember where they come from though… Sometimes it is for magic find sometimes it is for health regen or what ever I feel like using at the moment. I wished I knew how to make a video of what I do and how I play so I could upload it and show you what I do and how I do it.
In My opinion the hardness level should not be reduced.
And since I know this is coming up, no I am not an elite level gamer, if I went up against the great gamers I wouldn’t even be lunch I’d be a simple, cheap, entre.
The main skills are set because of my weapons , but the skills on the right side are Healing spring, Flame Trap, Frost Spirit, Seed Turret, and Summon Druid Spirit
There was a previous poster who thought maybe those who were giving feedback about how easy the game was, might be warriors but I actually find warriors and much more difficult to play then a ranger. Stand back and let the stuff fly, then if one of the enemies get close, either swap to my sword and war horn or if there are to many just run in circles. Or if you have to, run away so you can fight another day. That is easier in story mode since the enemies normally won’t respawn, but out in the open world that can get deadly fast, since running means getting more and more agro lol. Which I have done a couple of times. But normally if I run I loose the agro from the problem guy and pick up agro from a lesser creature..
Not sure if this helps but hopefully someone can work with it.
For the last 3 or 4 instances for the personal story my friend has been unable to join my story line. I am able to join his, but for some reason he can’t join mine. We are partied up and, we make sure we both are in the same server/etc.. so that I can turn my camera and physically see his character, but when i go into the instance it doesn’t offer the instance to him, i just go in alone. I am playing a sylvari ranger and he is playing a human elementalist. (not that it matters but both are male characters). I was alerted that this might be a bug, any ideas if this is a bug and how to fix it? Am I totally out of luck? btw up until just a few instances ago, we were able to join each others personal story instances just fine.
heading for bed . will check this in the morning
I’m in the Retribution quest.. ankittenep getting Large red words that say : That content has been disabled, try again later"
what content? all i am doing is using bow and shooting arrows at the enemy ..
For the last 3 or 4 instances for the personal story my friend has been unable to join my story line. I am able to join his, but for some reason he can’t join mine. W are partied up and, we make sure we both are in the same server/etc.. so that I can turn my camera and physically see his character, when i go into the instance it doesn’t offer the instance to him, i just go in alone. I am playing a sylvary ranger and he is playing a human elementalist. (not that it matters but both are male characters). I was alerted that this might be a bug, any ideas if this is a bug and how to fix it? Am I totally out of luck?
In order to buy this recipe you have to talk to Mura Lasherclaw, but I can’t remember, what merchant does he stand beside. I know that merchant is only available after some quest is done. I think it was escorting animals or something.. Hopefully someone can remember as I am working on updating the wiki with this info.
I was talking to mura lasherclaw he sells the cattle bag recipe. Here is the problem, I bought the recipe, double clicked on it, and I’m not sure if it gave me anything. I do have the Wrangler’s Bag in my Production window (under Leatherworking) but I’m not sure if I had the Wrangler’s Bag before or not. Can anyone tell me what does the Cattle bag do, how many slots does it give, is it under a different name etc.