Showing Posts For Vesir.1546:

Is lag no longer a concern?

in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


The amount of computations needed at the server side e.g. which targets your AoE or cleaving attack hits grows exponentially with the number of players in the same map area.

Please stop spreading this piece of misinformation. I know that this is a direct quote by Devon Carver, but there is no sane reason to believe that the need for computational resources is indeed exponential. As I tried to explain in another thread, it is much more likely that the growth is quadratic. While this still may be to much to find a viable real-time solution, quadratic growth is substantially different from exponential growth.


It is not misinformation, it is the reality of our system.

then your techie’s picked a pretty bad system for a game with this kind of game type attached to it.

Guild quit due to lack of WvW content.

in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


You can get supply from enemy dolyaks… its just random and you can’t go over 10 max (you get 5 supply if you are lucky when you kill a dolyak)


in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


Perhaps it’s time to just post how it’s done and everyone can do it. Exploits that are used often tend to be fixed faster.

my guess is that it has something to do with extending the camera view on the person who uses the AC so they get better angles… but that’s just a guess

Wish wvw was more like.

in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


WVW needs a Darkness Falls. That is all.

But why?

because it would bring more people into WvW for the losing server, while the winning server will have people taken out of WvW to go into this DF area, therefore making WvW much more balanced

Its funny, thiefs get all the whine post but

in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


the thief whining comes from the fact that thieves can stealth.

Arah Path 1 Final boss door -- bugged still =(

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


ya, it bugged a couple times for my grp as well. now we wipe on purpose on the last boss and it hasn’t bugged on us yet when you kill him on the 2nd try

Arah path 1 is seriously ridiculous..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


you know, if you burn the 2nd boss in jotun path it won’t spawn adds (the first shot after he comes out might spawn adds since he needs to be burning before his ‘cast’) it’ll just spawn little lava puddles where the oozes would be.

4th boss you can pull out of the guerrilla area, (personally pulled him out of the area with him only getting 1 guerrilla up that we had to kill again)

last boss you could just have someone stand literally on top of the jotun with a reflecting crystal and it’ll automatically reflect every orb making the fire ring obsolete since it never even gets close (problem with this is that it has bugged out before after we killed him not letting us into the observatory to actually ‘finish’ the dungeon which is frustrating)

Giganticus Lupicus needs to be nerfed...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


There are plenty of games that I can play that the don’t punish me for being good or efficient.

that sentence confuses me. if you and your group were ‘good or efficient’ lupicus wouldn’t be a problem.

i’ve done lupicus many times, he’s fine and doesn’t need a nerf. let there be an actual prestigious armor set out there. If only we could take away the gear people got from shard farming…

(inc flames)

Arah, Seers path, Is Simin functioning correctly?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


ya, dwayna is bugged, i’m assuming that was the path you meant

Arah Exp Mursaat Path golem suit event bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


the mobs are invincible now, which is the only bug but it’s still doable, just make sure you use swiftness

Arah Dungeon post-patch.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


beaten him many many times, and the most recent time we only had 1 person get downed (not defeated) once, so keep trying guys. it really is all about execution and knowing what/when/where to dodge

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


dwayna is bugged in that path, the other 3 work though

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Though you can easily do it with PUGs, given you explain the tactics to them and allow them to take a couple tries to get it down (some faster than others)

That’s very true. ANet said that explorable modes were meant for a coordinated group of individuals. Generally that means a group of friends talking over vent, or something similar, who pay attention to the game.

Requiring an out of game program like Vent to do ANYTHING in the game IS BULL.

You SHOULD NOT need VENT to do any part of ANY game. It should help, to be able to voice chat, sure. But it shouldn’t BE A REQUIREMENT.

I’ve stated over and over again, I clear everything with great ease and have never used voice chat in gw2.

Inci the only thing i have to tell u is: Giganticus lupicus

don’t need vent for Gig L

source : killed Gig L without vent multiple times

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


SBI have been playing a great game and they deserve to be in the position they are in no ifs or buts.

Speaking as someone from HoD, this bit is right on. SBI should be proud of how well they’ve done this weekend. They’ve put up a hell of a fight, and I can’t say I’ve seen a server play a cleaner game. Aside from the debatable validity of hitting garrison trebs with 90 degree ballista, I can’t say I’ve seen a single exploit/glitch/cheat using SBI player or guild.

They’re in first place because they’ve fought hard. I could sit here all day crying about how ‘ET has an axe to grind’ or ’we’re being 2v1-ed’, but at the end of the day SBI is a class-act of a server and probably the best competition we’ve seen since launch.

Hat’s off to you guys, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the week against you.

i believe the ballistas are intended since there should be nowhere on a map that siege equipment isn’t able to be hit by other siege equipment

Glyph of Renewal bug?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vesir.1546


i’ve used it and it works, the thing that might be confusing is that the pbae effect is around the person casting it, not his/her target

Please fix this Arenanet, we should't have orbs bugging out

in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


the orb carrier doesn’t even have to actually die, all he has to do is drop it and have someone else pick it up and it’ll bug

Please fix this Arenanet, we should't have orbs bugging out

in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


sucks, they also need to fix it so theives can’t get inside keeps. had a thief from your server try to ninja our orb at least twice last night out of dreadfall.

but this is much worse than a wall jumping thief (and i’m even from SBI)

Possibility? Top EU vs Top NA servers

in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


ya, would love for arenanet to see this

Possibility? Top EU vs Top NA servers

in WvW

Posted by: Vesir.1546


i actually like this idea, only problem would be the servers and lag (where to host the zones or whatnot, i’m not tech savvy)