Showing Posts For Vickley.6103:

From Eu looking for a NA server

in WvW

Posted by: Vickley.6103


Apologies if this has been asked recently, I had a quick look but couldnt see anything. Im from England, but for the short period of time I have played in the past it has always been on NA servers and have always found that i prefer them. Now i have come back to the game I was wondering if there were any servers out there that had strong EU coverage? Or maybe some EU coverage in general would be good. I have deleted all my characters so will be transferring somewhere to start afresh so I thought id find out peoples opinions before i did so.
Thank you in advance

Do older people play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


yay, people who know what spectrums are and don’t just look at me weird when I start talking about manic miner, and can feel the pain of trying to get the volume and tone on the tape player just right before you could play the game!

Do older people play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


All the responses so far make me so happy, thank you. I really was expecting to get some kind of abuse or rude comments. I think I shall like playing this game

Do older people play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


30s is older? :-O

I suppose I should of put it into perspective. Like I said I haven’t played the game too much so far and so haven’t spoken to many people. Those I did speak to though we’re around 17/18. So I suppose I meant older than teenagers (although there is nothing wrong with teenagers. Like I said, just curious that’s all)

Do older people play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that…… I don’t remember my age.

You whippersnappers need to stay off my lawn anyway

Oh that did make me giggle. Thank you!

Do older people play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


32 here.
3 days ago was my birthday

Oh and happy birthday for 3 days ago!

Do older people play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


How old is older? I’ll reserve sharing my age until that’s sorted out lol

I guess I meant around my age? I hadn’t really thought the limits of “older” through :p they do say you’re as old as you feel I guess?

As for everyone else, thank you for replying. It’s nice to feel like I’m not past playing this game yet

Do older people play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


As the topic says really, im just curious as to whether older people play this game? Personally, im 33 and literally just starting out on the game and so I havent spoken to many people yet. Not that it makes a huge difference to me how old people who play are if the game is good (which i am yet to find out), but i guess i was just being nosey about the demographic :x

(EU) Old New play looking for a guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vickley.6103


Hello! As the topic says, i am an old new player that is looking for an EU guild. This means both that i am old and am a new player, but also that I used to play a little many moons ago but didnt really get very far (i was obsessed with making alts for some reason so never really got past the starting zones). So, i hope that wasnt too confusing. I am trying to find a friendly, active guild where people interact and get to know each other. I dont know if huge guilds that are basically just created to get large numbers exist on this game, but im not interested in those kinds of guild. Games are always more fun when you nice people to play with

I havent tried much PvP in this game, except for WvW which i did enjoy very much although i suspect it has changed hugely since I played last. I am interested in PvE too of course.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope it hasnt bored you to death too much

Age range?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


On a slightly unrelated note, I’m glad I’m not the only older person who plays this game

Issues with creating characters?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vickley.6103


If this doesnt get fixed soon i may have to resort to going and watching X factor! shudders haha.

Players age, and Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


Im 31. I gotta say, this is one of the few mmos where i dont feel old enough to be everyones mum! (So either there are more older players, or this game just attracts a more mature crowd)

Eta: Im not in a guild though (havent really found one tbh) so i cant coment on that perspective, just from my interactions from floating around

NA Low Tier, Euro Coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Vickley.6103


Thats really sad about Kn, a friend on TC used to say how much they enjoyed playing against you guys. I guess you had a mass exodus when you dropped down a tier?

NA Low Tier, Euro Coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Vickley.6103


No much help, but would be interested too.

UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: Vickley.6103


As a total outsider who has nothing to do with any of these guilds, I think this thread shows the members that are left of EMP and changes in leadership in a really good light. I wish you all every luck in recovering from these recent changes and coming back even stronger

Bah, rubbish English.

(edited by Vickley.6103)

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


Well, i can tell the typical mmo player these days wants hand holding by these replies.
No grinding, no this , no that..

Why bother even playing? Warcraft has made gamers soft. MAde them comfortable.

There needs to be risk vs reward..
You Need to be able to try your hardest to not die or you lose xp.
We need a mmo that takes months to get to cap. It needs to be hard.

Look…This one is pretty easy, wow is pretty easy, and everyone is bashing content, to casual, blah blah blah.

We need a AAA mmo for real gamers.

Hello brick wall!

Remove Xp from Crafting Already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


Unlike most people , i like grinding a little for levels.

I think this is the key point here. If the majority of players like getting xp from crafting (myself included), why should it be changed to suit the minority?

Loving this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vickley.6103


Totally agree. Great game and I can find so much to do! It’s nice to give Anet some praise for a change. Keep up the good work folks!

EU Guild moving to US Server - looking to take other guilds with us

in WvW

Posted by: Vickley.6103


This sounds very exciting! Have sent you a pm Inuko.