Showing Posts For Vincent.9621:

Golem Hold vs Baruch Blob vs Augury Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Hi! [Way] is still fighting baruch so I thought it would still be relevant to post

Warrior PoV!
We should be able to have a ele PoV soon ^^

It was fun <3

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

06.12.2013: Kodash - Augury Rock - Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Boring matchup. Hope to not see you in a while, Baruch! :[

It goes both ways :)
Thanks [Way] for the fights today. It was our first real GvG in quite a while and we had a blast! Fun times
As an ele, your asura grenth hood thief/thieves were kittenly annoying :P Well played <3

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

06.12.2013: Kodash - Augury Rock - Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


have yet to find a roamer happy about this matchup being extended for a week.

yes, no zerg from whatever server is hesitating to usually kill a lonely roamer unfortunate enough to cross its way, but in my experience (may differ from yours, yes, thats cool, no problem with that) BB in special is going any length to hunt one down. especially in the nights when they seem to fight empty maps. (that fun?)

It’s not even BB special…
If you’re a roaming guy, you get used to people chasing you 1v5+, or 1vzergs. Some days it will happen more often than not but still…
Sometimes I call it a good day if I can have at least 4 or 5 good fights, lol

Praise the nerfmentalist! Cheers

yesterday a bb commander with his zerg chased me and a comrade of my while our zerg was in their garni. ( we played tagless lvl 21 and 26 warriors ) was very fun to support our server this way keep the upscale chasing up, BB. was fun to watch

On the same way I remember having 5 bookah chasing me off through half of the map! Imagine all the points your amazing group lost while doing that!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

06.12.2013: Kodash - Augury Rock - Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


have yet to find a roamer happy about this matchup being extended for a week.

yes, no zerg from whatever server is hesitating to usually kill a lonely roamer unfortunate enough to cross its way, but in my experience (may differ from yours, yes, thats cool, no problem with that) BB in special is going any length to hunt one down. especially in the nights when they seem to fight empty maps. (that fun?)

It’s not even BB special…
If you’re a roaming guy, you get used to people chasing you 1v5+, or 1vzergs. Some days it will happen more often than not but still…
Sometimes I call it a good day if I can have at least 4 or 5 good fights, lol

Praise the nerfmentalist! Cheers

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Week 7: Kodash - Augury Rock - Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Well, our home borderland is empty all morning (except when the karma train visits), and then full all the rest of the day, but it’s mainly full of unorganized people.

It’s sad having a full border and watch how we barely have 1 tower or something like that, knowing that you cant map jump to help
As for siN, we usually raid in other borders though there’s no particular reason (probably the queue in BB border helps!)

Anyway, weekends are usually our weak spot, im afraid we might not have enough to be able to come back this week like the last MU ^^

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Week 7: Kodash - Augury Rock - Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


kitten , we should hire some forum warriors from Vizunah or SFR, our matchup threads are always empty :c

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Week 6: Kodash - Baruch - Riverside

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Thank god the matchup is over so we all get rid of kitten ResQ guild in obsidian ^^

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Week 6: Kodash - Baruch - Riverside

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Lovely ResQ people ^^ Hope at least you had fun since it was pretty sad…

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Week 6: Kodash - Baruch - Riverside

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Here I go with another mashup!
The first fight two fights are vizunah and elona, but from there on its riverside and kodash! (I understand you couldnt tell because youtube quality is dumb :D)
I will have a mega download link sometime later in the day to anyone that wants to see the video as it was actually intended (quality-wise)

Thanks for the fun fights everyone!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

Week 6: Kodash - Baruch - Riverside

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


1 hour-long fight in Riverside Garrison.
The perma-rev lord mechanic is really dumb….

Then again, porting people inside garrison from the base is also broken, but meh
It was fun!

Sorry for the bugged longview taking, we tried to get out when we noticed the cap circle was there but we couldnt react on time and a PuG took it :/ It wasnt on purpose and it didnt count for the tick, so its all good I guess ^^

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

Vizunah Square vs Baruch Bay vs Elona Reach

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Vizunah’s Bay on Elona border taken!!
Took a kitten lot of time (and quite some people too :P)

As soon as all the carts went down it was just a matter of time…
Though I do admit instabuilding 2 ACs on the other side of the middle gate was a smart move! Too bad our thief saw them fast enough ^^

Great funs!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Vizunah Square vs Baruch Bay vs Elona Reach

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Nice fights today @ Viz! I almost felt sorry for that Elona Guy! (We lost that fight, but so #worth)
(And no, Im not running a full zerker Ele build in WvW)

Keep up the cool fights and lets have a nice week!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Vizunah Square vs Baruch Bay vs Elona Reach

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Hopefully the 5-6 people constantly chasing me are having fun at least :c
I for sure am, making you run that far away from your zerg <3

If someone is up for duels or whatever during the week, I’m up for it!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

08-11 | SFR-BB-RS [Gold League @ EU Week 4]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Nice match up , a lot of skill full gvg combat. I loved it , beter then al that zone blob fights in other match ups. Kudo’s to BB and RS .

And special thx to OdS , got some nice 1v1 battle against you guys

I know the MU is over but I wanted to leave this here!

Vid coverage of the [sin -RNV] vs [FeaR-VU-dw]
(Sorry for the quality, youtube’s kitten ^^)

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

08-11 | SFR-BB-RS [Gold League @ EU Week 4]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Holy molly the fights @SFR border right now.
Special thanks to the River guilds for the fun! At some point we got extremely overwhelmed by your numbers ^^
Thanks dw,VU and FEAR and the rest! Really intense and fun :)

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

1/11 PS/ER/BB [EU Premier League Round 3]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Thanks everyone for a nice week!
Even though I missed the chance of some more morning-evening roaming (kitten you uni) I had fun ^^
Great guild raids too~

Have fun and see you soon!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

1/11 PS/ER/BB [EU Premier League Round 3]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Fun times in Piken BL today!
Sad we couldnt take down the garri waypoint Garrison capping area was way too large for us alone ^^

Great matchup so far, specially compared to last week’s!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Week 2 EU : Vizunah - Jade Sea - Baruch Bay.

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Perfect patch timing for us in Jade Sea ^^

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

Week 2 EU : Vizunah - Jade Sea - Baruch Bay.

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Got to admit today I’ve seen 15 different ways of sieging bay, and it was stressful.
Decent afternoon raid, thanks for the fights. Dat longview took longer than expected to get :P

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Week 2 EU : Vizunah - Jade Sea - Baruch Bay.

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


This matchup has seriously become a joke Jade Sea borderland is pure kitten right now
Ah, I wish the 1v1v1 really existed….

And well, if they cant enter bay by golem armies, there’s always the sudden mesmer portal at 4am..
We had zero chance against VS, but a JS+VS is meh :I I really do wonder how we are still 2nd in points…

You shouldnt start saying that. Do you think we are not double teamed by Jade and Baruch sometimes? And Jade is never focused by both Baruch and us sometimes?

Don’t even try. There are certain times, or fights where you end up forcing one server to its limits between the two others..
This is different, and you know it. We can read the french forums as well as some of you might read the spanish ones.

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Week 2 EU : Vizunah - Jade Sea - Baruch Bay.

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


This matchup has seriously become a joke Jade Sea borderland is pure kitten right now
Ah, I wish the 1v1v1 really existed….

And well, if they cant enter bay by golem armies, there’s always the sudden mesmer portal at 4am..
We had zero chance against VS, but a JS+VS is meh :I I really do wonder how we are still 2nd in points…

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Week 2 EU : Vizunah - Jade Sea - Baruch Bay.

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Nerf golem armies please-
At least they now build rams to come back after we kill their golems… So annoying! :P

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Week 2 EU : Vizunah - Jade Sea - Baruch Bay.

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


I think you could complete a monthly champion slayer just from the amount of times the lord got ressed at Jade Sea Garrison today…
At some point it got really really tiring lol..

Have a nice week!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Kodash - Augury Rock - Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Never ending waves of kodash at Longview in their home BL! We thought you guys would never give up!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

20/9 Abaddon's / BB / Desolation

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Pretty cool fights indeed in BB border! Liado (siN raid leader) was breathless after some of the fights!

Wish my pc could handle such battles :c

One thing I do have to ask though… Why did you guys in Abbadon break Deso’s catas when they were almost opening inner bay? You could have waited then tried to sneak into a 3v3 inside bay!
Thanks to that for some of our guildies you’re now know as Trollbaddon!(small joke, no kittens involved) :D

Great fun~

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Rate the elementalist above you!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vincent.9621


7/10 The chest piece looks kinda weird, but I like the hair
Extra points for choosing my favourite place as your background though :D

Vincent D Lash – In the two versions, depends on which foe I have to kill
(PvP left/ PvE right)
Chose a snow-like background to match the colours, but yeah, I usually wear black/white or black/red


Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

RG Guild, perfect example

in WvW

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Yo! We have to duel more often c.c

But yeah I agree, I strongly dislike when im having a decent fight and someone comes to ruin the balance (note balance might be the 3rd person in a 2v1, there’s so many possible situations), so I dont do it myself if I see something like that going on.

Good luck!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


It’s gonna be a slow and long week for everyone, except maybe for viz’s omniblob (I loved the term and had to use it somewhere, sorry! haha)
I enjoyed being in #1 spot, maybe if we drop soon to t2 we will get a chance to get things straight and have fun again! Good luck to everyone
Expect 3 more pages filled with trolls, please try not to get baited <3

In the meantime, whoever wants to have a duel with a so-so elementalist, Im up for anything! Message me if you want~

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


see, there you go again. attack me for no reason. Another demonstration of the attitude that seams to be growing on SFR.

you assume I dont work with other players and am bad, with no evidence for it at all.

I run with other players, If a commander is doing his job, I’ll help as much as i can (shoutout for Wemil here, as he does great runs). If not, I’ll peal from the zerg and usually run with a small group of pick ups to take out caravans and enemy supply camps.

You attack me saying I am bad, and dont work for the team, which is just an example of the assumptions SFR community is increasingly making with no justification. You assume i have no idea what I am doing and that I dont work for my server, when In fact I do. You label me as someone refusing to help, which I’ve never ever done, and in fact do the opposite.

Yes, you are pretty toxic to the community of the server, but your arrogance and ego get in the way of you seeing it.

You’re saying he attacks you based on assumptions, yet you attack SFR “godlike and toxic” guilds by assumptions as well.
You cant openly say SFR guilds are toxic for the server and expect not to get a negative response, specialy when you seem not to know (hey, assumption here) what the guilds in SFR try to do for the server.

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Can you all stop the 2v1 crap?
Yes EVERYONE does it, it’s taking advantage or your enemy’s bad situation. Yet, there is a different strategy for 2v1 situations, you can either attack the same thing and just spam autoattacks till someone dies and you’re able to cap the objective or you can tyr to sneak something for the tick while the other zergs are busy fighting each other.
I’m personally fond of the latter choice, like poking north bay on home server if I see VS trying to cap redlake (SFR home bl perspective). Orange swords are pretty cool for this, use them for your advantage-

-About sending a guild to secure a supply camp, I dont know why you are so kitten about it, it’s completely reasonable, specially if that camp is upgraded. Or may I remember you when our siN guys decided to keep you walking back to the supply camp 2 resets ago? xD (it was fun btw)
Why would I let some unknown amount of numbers take my supply camp and let them supply up just because they’re not many? What are we (or you, in an oposite situation) supposed to do, let you cap it? o-o

Anyway, we’ll keep trying to have fun out of the skill lag. Maybe you could do it too, instead of fighting each other just to brag/argue over it in the forums.


Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Oh god, you Coin and your sneaky attacks :o Thank goodness we were still inside hills when we noticed lord’s hp going down haha. Good job anyway, caught us completely off-guard.
@IRON: You didnt even give us a chance to breath tonight, so much action! Well done

Great communication and splitting between RNV-RG-Opt-siN, also great calls ^^
Looking forward to a nice week. See you on the battlefield!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Had a fun evening raid in SFR borderland today! Good comunication between VcY and siN.
Sad we had to fight on the same spot eventually (by 8:30 pm we started grouping up, wasnt it?), but overall it was fun ^^

Deso made an interesting push for points these days. Can’t wait to see what will happen next week. Reset tomorrow!

PS: I wonder if queues will get better this coming week for us. Hopefully the ones that just wanted to win T1 for a week will just back off and go back to farming CoF or fractals, and the people that actually want to WvW will start being noticed!

PS2: Offski stop pming me mean stuff during our clashes! :P

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Here’s hoping that they settle down to something more manageable :>


Thanks to queues I did spvp monthly, and that’s something I never thought I’d do haha.

Had fun this evening in SFR border. Kudos to ZDs for coordination and help!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Well done everyone tonight, though I missed all the start thanks to a crappy dc.
Had the most fun teasing each other through pms Offski!

If the week goes on like tonight this will be an interesting week! See you on the battlefield!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Nice duel there in EB with one awesome siN ele

Up for more later this week!

You guys where awesome as well ^^
Pm me whenever you want!
Thank god I could ask Offski for your names lol!


Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Guys, calm down :I

Anyway, we had fun yesterday after the little patch. We went to EB to lead a massive number of people lol, the minimap was kind of full of green dots haha

Reset today! Hope everyone is ready for some sick fighting!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Got to thank IRON for spending some time with my dead body after I got caught with your 40 guys in SFR borderland just now.
Sitting in my corpse actually made me laugh

Yea, u must also have seen, how ur becoming more and more like VS, the moment ur servers sees us, they run into bay,

Whatever happened to the old SFR?

I love how you turned my innocent joking post into a chance of spreading kitten to my server.
Grats buddie.

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


Got to thank IRON for spending some time with my dead body after I got caught with your 40 guys in SFR borderland just now.
Sitting in my corpse actually made me laugh

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


I swear the massive number of rednameplates is so scary now :I
Thought I could drop a picture as well o—o Deso on left, viz on right.

Insane blob v blob v blob today in VS border! Got to rank 6 then felt too sleepy to keep going :P

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:

(edited by Vincent.9621)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vincent.9621


@ SiN – I’m sorry for members of my guild trolling you on here for last night, we might not have had a massive turnout for reset but we had a (cough) ‘blob’ and we all really enjoyed the fights against you, the one in Arah’s was kinda epic from both sides

Thank you for bringing us a challenge, T1 has been fairly boring and zergy in the last few weeks but surprisingly I got little skill delay against you guys and felt like we had some fairly even fights (until guilds from both sides joined in). SFR are lucky to have you guys, probably one of the best guilds we’ve had the pleasure of fighting against.


Thanks Wrex, we really enjoyed every fight we had. No matter how many of you guys are around, it always feels like IRON people never end. ^^
Also, tell Offski my tab targeting loves him, everytime I used it last night I ended up with him on my target hahaha.
Though the skill delay is a real terror sometimes, [siN] tries to give the best out of them in every single fight~
We’re having fun guys, keep it coming!

Vincent D Lash – Elementalist
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay: