Showing Posts For Vinhoney.4517:
yeah, ranger too weak. needs like 2x pet damage increase or somethin’
hiyooo…. not sure if this is serious, but how about making key-binding character-specific instead of account? I don’t want to change key-binding every time I switch to a different profession.
Whoa there zone, the community’s ranger is not the same as yours truly.
…need moar buffz!!!
the same goes with the side nodes in legacy of the foefire. You can stand against the barricade in waterfall to prevent getting knocked out, but the one in quarry is separated from the node.
I presume the GCD is meant to prevent the usage of macro, or at least weaken it.
FFA DM! then make a giant forest map and increase the player base to 12.
hey hey, so the mesmer BUG that everyone’s talking about is the one that causes f1+f2 to take effect on the same set of clones right? Or is there another one? there’s so much arguing I can’t follow. and oh yeah, remove portal please. heh
you do not understand. the range pet will stay still and block the pistols’ bullets. if you are running, then call the pet back and it will run with you.
anyway, I doubt you play the same way I do, so if that doesn’t help then it doesn’t help.
duel: use spiders or devours to hide behind and attack.
tournament: ignore them. They will only damage you if you let them pull off the CnD, the pistol auto is really weak. If it really bugs you then get spider/devour for 2nd pet.
Ranked is fine. What they need is a solo-queue ranked and a premade ranked (and the 2 types don’t end up fighting each other).
They can give some sort of bonuses for the premade ranked (since that would be the less popular format of the 2), maybe QP, or small gem reward or something i dunno.
The only way they gonna attract more people to sPvP is to 1.) make the game solo-queue friendly, and 2.) give people a reason to play sPvP (kitten stuff like ranks would help) A new game-type would help as well as capture the point is not solo-queue friendly, which is why pugs almost always lose to premades even if the collection of players in the pug are better at pvp.
I like this idea. The solo queue application definitely would draw a lot of players in. I wish they’d change spvp to random arena like in gw1; it was so much fun even with the lf-monk problem.
Wow this is a pretty great idea. Losing first match is a really big turn off.
wintersday weapon skins?
1. agreed with the juvenile thing. however, the names are probably meant to be customized by players. the problem right now is that the name change doesn’t stick once you “switch” pet.
2. this idea is biased toward ranger. no other profession has its own mini-game/challenge, so it would be unfair if ranger has one. The 20+ pets alone already make ranger extraordinary. As far as I am concern, when Anet spends time on a project, they want most if not all players to have a chance to experience it, not 1/8 or even 3/4, or forcing players to switch profession.
3. This is personal taste. I already knew all the pets 6 months before the game released. I’m going to say that most people want to find their “perfect” pet right away and play with it rather than spend months on the draw of luck with the chance of never finding it because they didn’t explore every square of the world map.
What’s stupid is that the F2 pet skill is the only skill in the game that would cancel if you press it more than once. Why did they do this?
Cool, add me in please. 4pm-11pm PST
Your pve level is irrelevant. What glory rank are you? How many tourneys have you won with mesmer? if you have the confidence to beat anyone you see 1v1 with your mesmer then pm me. We’re a dedicated pvp guild with 6 players, but our log times fluctuate so we need more players to fill the untimely void. We’ve tried a few paid tourneys but our w/l ratio is only about 50/50, so that’s our situation, but we are planning to do them so you should as well.
stopped reading at “elementalist”
well, then I want illusions, minions, turrets, elementals, thieves, banners, spirit weapons to go away in downed state as well, so it’ll be fair for the rest of the professions.