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Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vircomore.4586



When I hit the DR for the first time I was in no way farming dynamic events. In fact I was exploring the map of Blazeridge Steppes, getting all the POI, Vistas and such. All I did was do each event once when I was nearby.

What I don’t understand with the system is how are players supposed to use DE’s to level to 80? This feels a bit like a penalty to level, let alone gain karma etc.

I’ve leveled to 80, played more than 200 hours, gotten 100% on more than half the zones in the game, along with discovering every nook and cranny, doing every event more than once, and doing all the puzzles. I even talk to most of the NPCs. I have around 10 gold, several exotics including a level 80 exotic weapon, about 60k karma, and I’ve horded a massive amount of crafting materials (overflowed my collections tab with multiple items).

Never, at any point in all of that, have I been affected at all by the DR system. Including my time in the Orr zones over the last week…repeating events and exploring. How do you explain that? What I see happening on these boards…people getting worked up like crazy over hyperbole and a few unsubstantiated anecdotes and screenshots with no context, and nobody making any attempt to provide real proof, makes me very skeptical about the whole thing.

Also, like I mentioned above, I see the DR system as being a very positive and necessary thing for the game. I don’t think it is the evil beast that people are trying to make it out to be, and I don’t think it affects players unless 1) there’s a bug, or 2) they are playing clearly outside what the developers intended.

I have 50 mystic clovers, 100% world map complete, a majority of my 250 stacks of T6 mats, my gift of energy, gift of color (minus arah tokens), my fully decked out exotic gears, and a nice set of TA dungeon gear. I haven’t hit the Karma DR whilst gathering any of that prior to the patch a few days ago. Loot DR? Sure, because you hit it in Orr if you can do anything effectively or decide to participate in chain events. The system is punishing to legitimate play, there’s nothing weird about these scenarios. Unless they seriously expect us to play with major breaks in between of a given hour.

The burden of proof lays on the person who makes the claim (Anti-DR folks) – I provided some proof with some shoddy screenshots as I just took them as a wow, look at this. However, with some approach to detail here, we can probably gather more reliable details on what causes it, why it happens, etc. Once we have that solid data, it can become a discussion of if it appropriate or not. I’m leaning towards not though, just because it is currently affecting legitimate players.

The fact that this game has only been live for five weeks, and you are already more than 50% to a legendary item proves that ArenaNet’s anti-farming system is not strict enough. Legendary weapons should be the accomplishment of a GAMETIME, not something you crank out in two months.

So once you get your legendary weapon, what do you plan on doing? Your only focus in the game has been farming, so what will you do when the farming is complete? Are you just not going to have any more fun, and quit playing?

This right here is the mindset that ANET is trying to defeat. Fun comes before farming, and if the only fun you get in MMOs is earning that new item with that different-color name – then you’re playing the wrong game.

You realize that all you are getting for all this effort and all this crying is a few more stat-points, and an item-model that will tell everyone in WvWvW to kill you first.

Meanwhile there are people like me:

  • Still haven’t run every wing of each dungeon.
  • 0% towards any legendary weapon.
  • Only have one piece of karma exotic.


  • having a blast.

Please stop trying to make a job out of our video game, just because you don’t know anything but work.


in WvW

Posted by: Vircomore.4586


And before you call people out on sportsmanship – I suggest you try visiting any of the jumping puzzles. Meguuma has a dedicated force of people whose sole purpose is to grief the puzzles.

Transfer server now!

in WvW

Posted by: Vircomore.4586


Yep! Everyone to Henge! Our queuing will blot out the sun!

LOL @ dragonbrand camping puzzle with siege

in WvW

Posted by: Vircomore.4586


2 More days. And then Dragonbrand can pack up its 300k point lead and go against more appropriate opponents.

I can’t wait to see that.

2 karma and 1 copper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vircomore.4586


Before all of the GW2-naysayers tell you that the game is out to “get you” – this was likely a bugged DE and you may want to file a bug report with the name of the Event and the time you did it.

Granted – you are level 8 – you won’t be given much more than 20 karma and 20 copper for completing a DE at level 8.

As a level 80, I earn 243 karma and 1s 48c for every DE I do.

Tarnished coast wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Vircomore.4586


You should also be aware of the bug with W3 queues, listed in a dev post. As of right now, the queues don’t actually stay in order – so it’s possible to spam-re-queue and get in ahead of someone who’s been sitting in the same ticket the entire time.

Craft Dawn of Rage. Tell me how like I'm 5.

in Crafting

Posted by: Vircomore.4586


Yea, one of my guildies scored Dusk (the other exotic) from a random chest in a dungeon.

Downed: Is there imbalance between professions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vircomore.4586


Agreed. With the finisher system, there is no way for our #3 (Ranger) ability to even benefit us. Especially since it STARTS on a 12 second cooldown, so our pets cannot help revive us for 12 seconds.

At the same time, Lick Wounds is probably one of the best PvE survival skills in the game.

View distance of players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vircomore.4586


It’s even worse when you’re trying to defend a fortress in WvWvW from a horde of invisible enemies.

Literally all you see is a tidal wave of projectiles and spells coming from nowhere – and then you’re dead.

Ranger downed skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Vircomore.4586


I would agree that our downed skills are imbalanced in favor of PvE surviving over PvP survival.

Rangers! Tell us how you play

in Ranger

Posted by: Vircomore.4586


Level 80 Ranger – Sylvari

Preferred Pets –
Bear – Soloing
Eagle – Group DPS
Armorfish – Water Soloing
Shark – Water DPS

Preferred Weapons -
Shortbow – Most versatile single-target DPS.
Axe/Warhorn – Support.
Longbow – WvWvW. I wanted to like LB for PvE, but you can’t get range on much of anything.

Preferred Stats – (Shortbow)
Power – Condition Damage – Vitality

Preferred Slot Skills –
Healing Spring
Sharpening Stone
Signet of Cleansing
Lightning Reflexes
Take Root / Spirit of Renewal