Showing Posts For Vixtrolax.3915:
Two problems with the build.
First, you have no damage support. You don’t have the phantasm traits to let your illusions do damage, you have MW +20%, but not enough in Illusion to bring the CD down for any viable shatter build, and you don’t have any +% damage to any skills other than MW.
Second, you have some clone on death traits, and some shatter traits with nothing to back them up. These two types of traits generally don’t work well together (on death don’t proc when you shatter) so it’s generally not a good idea to take more than 1 of both.
I’d suggest you decide whether you want to shatter or not for damage, and then we can help you better.
the build is supposed to be a hybrid build not just relying on one tactic as in WvW you can’t always rely on shatters. Also found phantasms not that reliable overall in WvW and with high power/crit build they still do a lot of damage..
i thought mesmer was “boring” at first but played it more after leveling a couple of other characters and came to find they are easily the most fun class in the game… my suggestion is start of with staff/greatsword.. in the early levels that combo is a lot of fun.. once you hit 60 the options on builds really starts to open up then at 80 you can do whatever your heart desires.. Mesmer survivabilty is insane when specced for it
So my first build worked well for solo farming and larger WvW groups but i still can’t really get into the melee mesmer as much as I can the ranged mesmer.. especially in WvW.. I honestly don’t know how these people lock down others to get blurred frenzy off so often.. i’d say 75% of the time they break out of the immobilize from illusionary leap and any mobile class I just can never lock down long enough to get the whole duration of the skill off(my reaction time just doesn’t seem quick enough). On top of all that i miss staff.. it’s probably my favorite weapon in the game. So in lieu of that I decided to keep my berserker gear and work on a build built around range. I settled in with GS/Staff as maybe i’m just not that great at playing a close-in mesmer with mostly berserker gear. Once i finish out this set Ill try more of a knight gear setup and revisit melee..
The Build for WvW
The Build for PVE
Trait wise only difference is I swap to desperate decoy in WvW as in PVE i don’t get below 25% enough to feel the need for it.
So main difference between the builds is the utility skills.
My favorite rotation with this build is start with GS throw out your berserker—-> feedback bubble—-> mirror blade(which will give confusion)—-> run into the bubble and swap to staff—-> Phase retreat out to give chaos armor—-> mind wrack——>mirrior images—> dodge—->cry of frustration—->warlock—->chaos storm—->get in storm and phase retreat out for another chaos armor
looks long but is pretty easy to pull off and can do a lot of damage.. if after that whatever I’m fighting is still alive I switch to GS knock them back with wave, bring out another berserker and burn them down the rest of the way.
In WvW it works a bit differn’t and I’m still working on what sequence I like best but really will depend who you are fighting and if you are in a group or alone.
Anyway this is a great all around build I enjoy a great deal and is ideal for those who are having troubles with staying in melee range with a more glass canon type mesmer build. It also works very well for AOE farming
Again any suggestions I’d love to hear them.
(edited by Vixtrolax.3915)
Made a smal roaming video, was first unsure if I would post it or not buid mabye its of interest for somone
Its not a guide or tutorial, just gameplay.
amazing stuff as always!
hey Osicat didn’t read through all 18 pages so sorry if this was covered already but you by any chance ever run with signet of illusions just to see how much of a burst you could pull off? something like
throw out your duelist —-> illusionary leap —-> dodge(for clone)—-> hit illusionary leap again to port in——> Blurred Frenzy—-> Mind Wrack during Frenzy—-> once Frenzy is done Mirrior Images—-> dodge(for clone)—-> Magic Bullet to stun target—-> Signet of Illusions—->Mind Wrack by then frenzy should be almost back if whatever you are attacking isn’t dead
also if you have sword on offhand of the other set you could start with swordsman then switch to sword/pistol and continue the rotation and just drop the first dodge out
(edited by Vixtrolax.3915)
lol just noticed this was the same as the shatter cat build trait wise..:P
well build not bad. imo duelist discipline better than ret shield
and “Requires you to be in melee range for the biggest burst” its not a problem with all ur blocks/invuls and dodges
and for utility i prefer decoy and teleport. mirror images good
you are right forgot i could throw in duelist discipline.. updated build:)
oh also on the melee thing i just put that as a con because I’m so used to playing a ranged mesmer heh:P
(edited by Vixtrolax.3915)
so just rock the sb don’t even bother switching around weapons at low levels?
I wanted to have a thief character that would be pretty much exclusively a PVP character… any suggestions how to build my traits and what weapons to use starting out at level 1 trying to level in WvW? I was thinking something like sb with dual pistols as with no gear i’d probably want to stay at range.. any help would be great:)
how sad are these dailies making me?
Happy…so I guess negatively sad
Go to disseau plat there’s the area with the miners.. there’s always piles of them.. got the daily in less than 5 min
I look at a few main factors here
1. Does ascended gear give an unfair advantage to it does not
2. Can I do fractules without ascended gear? Yes you can…
3. Can I enjoy 99% of the games content without worrying about my gear..yes I can
Really fail to see the issue
Baby Quaggan Backpacks !!! well at least ill have something to buy:)
buy something to eat with your $100 or donate to the poor. not wasting it on GW2
Buy rice & pasta. The zombies are already here!
could be wrong but heard zombies don’t like rice or pasta much:)
Stuff will come over time. You have to remember the game is still new. The original GW was nothing like the GW of now. Many of the items you bought in GW, that were hot items or must haves didn’t exist early on. As time goes on, they will add and refine the items they have available. You may not want anything now, but I would guess that will change in time.
assuming i still play.. don’t get me wrong i think this is the best MMO out right now but if something better comes along I may not stick around or feel like i want to spend money on the CS in this game.
Buy gems and then sit on them for a while. Something will eventually come up and you will have the ability to buy them right away. I sat on gems for a while then the sales happened, I was able to buy some mini pets at cheaper than normal as a result. I also converted some to gold to help a guild member out when he was low on finds.
$100 will give you 8000 gems. Then you can wait and watch
yea was thinking of doing that but what happens if they never add anything worthwhile? could always convert to gold.. just wish CS was more fleshed out really needs more stuff in there
thank you StinVec at least someone understood what i’m trying to say
trying to support the only MMO i enjoy.. i’m so used to paying $15 a month for sub par MMOs anyway.. i’m happy to support this game just give me something worth paying for:)
think this is hurting the game a lot.. basically all we have to really set us apart from the next guy is our looks.. traits help a little but overall the only way to feel “unique” is putting together an awesome look and using the dye’s to prefect it.. they just don’t have enough options out there and it really kills the chance to really make any sort of unique looking character.
yea i meant spending the $100 on the item shop.. thing is even if they have sales there’s nothing on there i want.. i already have enough bag slot and bank slots.. i don’t need anymore character slots.. minis don’t interest mean, don’t care to pay for booster. In some other games there’s a slew of character appearance items you can purchase and would love a nice variety of actual armor/weapon skins i could purchase or something else to customize my character.. right now i feel they are losing out on a lot of cash by not offering a good variety of goods at the shop.
honestly after bag/bank slots i have nothing of interest to buy in the shop.. if they’d add perhaps new armor skins/weapon skins(NOT town clothes) maybe some other features to further customize my character i’d be happy to pony some more cash but as of now nothing of interest on the shop! please guys add more stuff to the shop!
(edited by Vixtrolax.3915)
sadly after seeing the 2013 planned information doesn’t seem like anything I’d hope for this game is a big deal or even on the table….. very sad indeed
Two of the biggest issues I have with the game right now is increasingly empty lower level zones(as which happens with all MMOs) and lack of skill progression. Yes the trait system offers some but overall it really isn’t enough when you compare how many options you had in guild wars 1 when it came to skill builds.
My solution would be this, add in new skill challenges across all zones that do either one of two things. Add in champion encounters in zones that actually grant you new skills ala GW1 or put in a system that allows you to improve your current skills in some way by defeating challenges across all zones in the game. This would give more variety to the current skill sytem and give players a reason to want to return to all the zones in the game.
For me the lack of skill progression is REALLY the #1 thing hurting this games combat for me and hope it’s something that is being looked into heavily in the near future.. That and some sort of build manager as GW1 had one and can’t fathom why they wouldn’t add this feature into guild wars 2.
Lastly as a more long term goal they really need to come out with some player tools and allow us to create our own content whether that be guild halls, housing, perhaps even instances(ie foundy system from NWN) to really push this game up above the standard themepark. Oh and some real drive behind both aspetcs of PVP would be nice as well:)
(edited by Vixtrolax.3915)
anyone else have problems with this?