Showing Posts For VunDola.7596:

Insane lag spikes server end or just me?

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


msg length 15.

WvW Condi Reaper Theorycrafting

in Necromancer

Posted by: VunDola.7596


track reward from pvp/wvw for the dungeon tokens is a slow but steady method if you cant be bothered to do dungeons.

Greatsword Viper Reaper WvW Roaming [Video]

in Necromancer

Posted by: VunDola.7596


i would suggest trying parasitic contagion over weakening shroud if you ever try reaper runes.

Greatsword Viper Reaper WvW Roaming [Video]

in Necromancer

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Love the video. I find this a really interesting build, the new deathly chill [broken op lol] provides a lot of interesting options.

1 thing I wonder if you thought about was why geomancy sigils on both weapons? It is redundant and can be swapped for sigil of ice or mischief for 1 of the sigils. Also, did you ever consider using reaper runes for more offensive power for more burst power or did you find you needed to -condi duration due to the lack of condi clear compared to using staff.

Reaper ownage WvW Bleed Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: VunDola.7596


This build works but I personally don’t think its the ideal/optimal condition build in this patch.

WvW Condi Reaper Theorycrafting

in Necromancer

Posted by: VunDola.7596


1. Get ascended trinkets.
2.Consider nightmare runes over perplexity.
3.Take soulmarks.
4.Take Suffer! shout over plague signet as you already have plague sending adept trait in curses.

Then it would be ok. IMO Rise is still pretty good in certain situations, it is essentially protection without thieves or mesmers being able to steal it. Rise excells against 1vX matchups as well as mesmer, ranger matchups.

I would also take foot in the grave to give you a stunbreak since you arent taking plague signet anymore. I feel like you should not be spamming 1111 in reaperform as condi necro in most fights but rather in certain situations like cleaving or when you are camping shroud to survive (which is not an ideal situation).

(edited by VunDola.7596)

Deathly Chill 3 bleeds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Jethro, it actually works in wvw if you TEST IT OUT.

Deathly Chill 3 bleeds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Seems a bit over the top in this gamemode, but I mean they buffed trap thieves as well. So I guess they are really liking the condi builds in wvw.

Triple Trouble: I think it is too hard

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VunDola.7596


I actually think your suggestions on making world events easier are some of the best I’ve seen on the forums – props for that.
I have a few counter-arguments though that I’d like to bring up here.
1. Arenanet has specifically addressed this point of making sure they do not gate the loot behind triple trouble content. Obviously at this point, we still don’t have any hard world bosses like this one, or HoT season 2 (or whatever they’re going to call it), so we don’t know where either loot is going. It seems, so far, like the tripletrouble loot will remain unrewarding to the living world story and therefore not a huge deal that some people will be missing out on parts of it. (I know, I know, people will still want to loot it – I’m the same way. I love to loot all I can in-game.) I think Anet made a judgement call and decided that if not every player experienced it for themselves, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. We’ll just have to see where they change it.
2. Time. Time is a huge factor in deciding what content to work on. It’s possible that Anet looked into making some sort of nerfed boss, and realized that it would interfere with them creating new pve content in a timely manner, which frankly wouldn’t be fair to the players who find their enjoyment in that caliber of content, because this tripletrouble boss is literally the only thing we have to do at that level. It’s possible they didn’t even consider it. It’s possible it’s being worked on right now and we don’t know about it. Basically, it’s easy for us to sit around and ask for all sorts of new content, but when you’re the developer, you have to prioritize and it seems like a nerfed boss is sitting rather low on that list if it’s on there at all.
3. While this may be hard to understand for people who don’t want to hop on ts to do triple trouble, the existence of a nerfed boss would devalue the prestige of completing the existing challenging content, for many organised tripletrouble players. This type of content is something the game has lacked for years, and let me tell you, for me and many of my in-game friends who are spending lots of time to do tripletrouble whenever possible, it has felt like our requests for a real challenge in the game have fallen on deaf ears for that whole time. This is the first time we’re seeing content that is really meant for those who want to dedicate a lot of time and effort towards completing content with a dedicated group of players who are just as skilled and invested as they are. To us, it just seems fair that that content would remain challenging so that other people would have to put in just as much time and effort to be as successful as we were. Obviously this is a rather emotional argument and so you can take it how you like. I’m just trying to explain what it feels like from our perspective because I think a lot of the people who are truly enjoying the tripletrouble experience are pretty silent on the forums.
Personally, doing tripletrouble has been the most fun I’ve had playing GW2 in years and a reason why I will keep playing for as long as they keep making them. I love so much about GW2 – the combat system especially – (which is why I’ve played for years without this boss!) and the fact that I can experience so much of that in a world boss environment has been incredible for me.
My advice is to give tripletrouble a few months. We’ll see more and more of the community become proficient at these fights and more open to helping less experienced players complete the encounters. My group has already taken a few different week to run tripletrouble with players from map chat who consider themselves more casual but want to experience the fight, even after killing the boss ourselves (read: no extra rewards for us, just the experience of helping our friends out). I’m sure you’ll see more and more of that over time.

Modified excerpt originally from:

Should Kodan Tonic/Combat Tonics be allowed?

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


It might be important to note that this aspect is also applicable in zerg/guild raids in wvw due to the fact that you often focus target on one or two targets. If the targets were using kodan tonic and dodged, you would put your skill on full cd instead of stowing it.

These small things sound like they don’t really matter but sometimes fights can be won or lost due to these things. If they continue with this trend of adding combat tonics and in the worse case scenario just use basic animations (see lowest quality character model animations) this means that no combat animations would be distinct and the level of skill in wvw would drop dramatically.

Should Kodan Tonic/Combat Tonics be allowed?

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


You must be some sort of god to see the animations of a single person in a zerg of 50…

WvW is never only about playing in a zerg, please remember there are roamers as well as smaller skirmish fights that happen.

Should Kodan Tonic/Combat Tonics be allowed?

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


While its great that this new tonic has combat mode allows, many animations are bugged/not shown (ie dodge). An item that changes or hides combat skill animations means that the opposing player has less counter play and and cannot rely on telegraphs anymore to out play a player with the tonic.

Should this or any other combat tonic be allowed in wvw in the future? Does it mean that everyone in wvw will run a combat tonic get that competitive edge in the maps? Is this the death of the human female meta and the rise of kodans?

Please discuss ^_^

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Ley line run masteries dont seem to be unlocking?


[Video] *NEW* Condi Necro WvW Roaming Vol 4

in Necromancer

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Perplexity runes <3

Perplexity became amazing after patch.

Was it not always good?

It was good pre-patch, it is awesome post-patch.

how specifically? I dont understand

[Video] *NEW* Condi Necro WvW Roaming Vol 4

in Necromancer

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Perplexity runes <3

Perplexity became amazing after patch.

Was it not always good?

[Video] *NEW* Condi Necro WvW Roaming Vol 4

in Necromancer

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Perplexity runes <3

Opiniated ventings of a angry player

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Of course, we’re all entitled to our opinions and some of us might have more fun when we’re being rewarded. Still, I find it a bit sad that people need to be enticed with loot (or money in the real world) to do something they should enjoy doing for free.

Personally, I would find the overall game to be more enjoyable if they improved the rewards in wvw. Not because of “OMG GOLD” but rather that I do not have to dive into PVE content which I don’t want to be playing to obtain the gold I need to get X ascended weapon for my new spec or Y gem item to improve my quality of life in game.

I want to be able to spend as much time enjoying the game, doing content I want to do and still be able to obtain the items for new builds and specs which change with each update. I am not able to spend 1-2 hours a day doing my daily pve gold run, I understand many of you might be able to. But many more get burnt out by this after months of doing such thing.

+1 Props to you if you play with one build and never make any build alterations or try any new specs.

Opiniated ventings of a angry player

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Because you get a lot of those in roaming /s.

No offence but it takes me a week of pure roaming of about 2-3h each day to even get a full stack.

EDIT prices also drop last few months. I think now a stack is only worth 15g :’(

Odd. All I do is roam and scout and I get about 40-50 a day.

Maybe more to fight in EU?

40 bags/day X 5 days of a week = 250bags. I suppose some people are completely satisfied with 15g a week. I also suppose that with your 15g/week income you somehow manage to still scrape enough money to afford your 50g a piece crafting of ascended weapons and armour.

Call me old fashioned but I roam and play pvp because killing people is fun, not because I want gold from it.


And OP, after they make upgrades automatic (aka, not cost any money), the only gold sinks left in WvW are foods. That’s it. Pretty sure even your roaming can pay for food. If you want pretty armor, you have to PvE. Is that “fair”? Meh, sure it’d be nice to have some WvW-specific skins to work toward, or some extra gold/rewards. But on my list of priorities for Anet when it comes to WvW, I have to say that those are pretty low down.

It is the sad state of wvw that Anet have multiple major issues to address in WVW which include the reward system.

Its just that I find it so sad and appalling that the majority of content released is PVE based and Anet have made no attempt to allocate a larger budget/manpower to fix these problems.

Opiniated ventings of a angry player

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Because you get a lot of those in roaming /s.

No offence but it takes me a week of pure roaming of about 2-3h each day to even get a full stack.

EDIT prices also drop last few months. I think now a stack is only worth 15g :’(

Opiniated ventings of a angry player

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


I mean I find roaming fun. That’s why I play it.
PVE people find PVE content fun. That’s why they play it.
Raiding people find raiding fun. That’s why they play it too.

All these different play the game mode they find fun, I expect all these players to also want gold to fund whatever they want to obtain.
And yet only PVE players get any sort of decent gold. Why? I guess Anet decided ditch the idea of PVE, PVP, WVW as modes which can be played individually and try to salvage the mode which has failed the least (PVE) abandoning the other two modes to oblivion.

When/where it's best to find solo roamers

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


Roaming is dead, with the upcoming changes with stronger sentries and camps/automatically upgrading towers. Roamers will essentially be just walking around the map attempting to kill other players after which they promptly get rolled by a zerg.

Opiniated ventings of a angry player

in WvW

Posted by: VunDola.7596


I know I am just venting as a small scale roamer but with HoT coming up I just want to make my opinions aware like many others.

My main anger is at how veteran/long time wvw players are not ever rewarded properly. Anet seems to be very PVE and CASUAL focused with the HoT content, with a lower requirement of wvw ranks, towers automatically upgrading and many other changes.

While anet does want new players, how are they ever gonna maintain the playerbase of WVW if they never give us proper rewards. I feel very forced to play PVE content inorder to gain gold and the same social status as my other guidlies/friends online. Everytime I go into WVW I get reminded, “you can be playing PVE and getting gold 20 times faster”.

Some of you might say, you can net similar gold income by raiding/zerging/eotm. But this is the very epitome of casualness.

With the promotion of towers automatically upgrading and sentries/camps getting buffed. This essentially eliminates any solo roamers doing any camp flipping/sentry flipping and any small groups ramming towers. Does Anet expect roamers to net 0g/h like scouters and require servers to “buy them off”? Does Anet truly to become WVW to be large scale fights with no variety of small and medium scale fights? Will WVW players always be poor as dirt?

It really does seem like it.

I really do hate how Anet is eliminating large segments of the community. It is like they want to take their original playerbase, kick them out of the game and replace them with an entirely different demographic.

Again this is just a vent, please forgive me for poor formatting/grammar/offence.