Showing Posts For WakeskaterX.6947:
Also it generates revenue from a small team. That’s always good for the game. If they can bring players back to the game with a smaller team of devs, they’ll make a lot more money in the long run.
I’m certainly hoarding some bbs myself.
Couldn’t you just autobestow yourself any skin you wanted? ^^
If I was a dev I’d just do a quick recolor of the Super Greatsword Skin and rename it Super Duper Greatsword and just run around confusing people as to where it came from. But it would not be available because only I’d have it.
Ultimate April Fool’s Joke.
The jumping takes a bit of getting used to, but it’s pretty easy once you do. Dodge jump ftw and the Frog Boss is so stupidly easy once you get the rotation down. I solo him with no problems after doing him a few times.
In fact he’s easier solo because he has less HP and you don’t have 3 people who don’t know what they are doing
Idk, I probably sympathize with Josh because I make games really hard at first but that are easy once you know exactly what to do. Old school games that kids today don’t favor as much as when I was a kid. Mabye that’s why I love SAB so much.
(edited by WakeskaterX.6947)
@Zax. Ah, K. I really hope they don’t wait too long between iterations though.
No no no!!! <:o Not this month. At an unspecified time. Certainly not in the next month.
Ohhh…. I thought this was an event for JUST April. I thought you guys would be releasing each world each week. (I thought that was a super tight pipeline but idk you guys might be able to work magic.)
This makes a little more sense then. If my vote counts for anything KEEP IT! SAB is really-really (not really, really but really-really) fun. It could be a whole parallel game to GW2 as well with different stories too.
So… what is the April 1 – April 30th thing then? I think that’s causing most of the confusion.
make yellows. It’s the only way to make any decent money from the TP. Buy yellow patterns and make those when you get to those 8 rare mat per item stage of each tier of crafting. Instead of using 8, get the pattern that uses 15. You make more money and you get 2-3 times as many levels on discovery. And they actually sell.
And don’t forget opportunity cost. If you use mats you could sell for 15s and make something that costs 5s in the end, you just lost 10s, in addition to the time, and the cost of gathering tools.
That’s chinese, no hiragana or katakana there highly doubtful it’s Japanese, if it is I have no idea what it means.
I had made a post on about what my Ideal MMO would be and one of the sections was on Crafting:
you can check out the link here,
But what I want to pull from that post is the ability to have a wide variety of results based on the skill of the crafter. With GW2 being a heavily skill based game requiring good timing on skills and planning for various fights, I think a crafting system in which Crafting results are determined by skill based minigames would be interesting and a lot of fun.
Being able to find high level mats and then put them at risk to gain a special reward for your skill in crafting would be a lot of fun. Many games (and it seems GW2 employs this a lot) facilitate risk vs reward because it makes doing something worthwhile. Not many games use this system in regards to Crafting however and to me at least it is a shame.
I don’t mean you have a % chance to lose mats no matter what, but that your skill level would determine the result of your crafting. For example, a click based mini game comes up with armorsmithing and you click to “hammer out” the ingots for your armor. If you click every icon that pops up in time and with accuracy, your armor would be say: Masterful Iron Haubark, as opposed to Iron Haubark or if you suck at the mini game, Weak Iron Haubark.
Now, I don’t really think GW2 has the resources to put this in the game at this time, which is a shame, because I think this would make crafting not only worthwhile to turn a profit, but fun as well.
TL;DR: Crafting needs more risk vs reward involved, but not based on luck.