Showing Posts For Wen Jie.8920:
Keep up the forum warrioring Ebay….. not like you guys will close the 73k+ gap anyways. Blame [vH] for your failures and anger. We laugh at it.
Rofl! Who said we wanted to? As of right now, we’re red and in second place this match. Meaning we’re likely staying right here. So go ahead, rake in that PPT and go back up that ladder with Mag and DB. Can’t speak for all, but I’m quite content where we are right now.
Reminds me of that story about the hobo and the wealthy Roman senator (don’t remember the source, might have been Biblical). A Roman senator pauses one day to speak to a hobo about life. The senator, despite being extremely wealthy, has several spoiled demanding children, a wife that loves him only for his influence, and all the other bothersome nuances that come with maintaining that type of lifestyle. Meanwhile on the other hand the hobo’s only trouble in life is that the senator is currently blocking his share of the morning sunlight. The senator walks away lamenting that a common bum has a better life than he does.
Enjoy your PPT, it only leads to suffering later.
o me miserum!
you’ve discovered the truth that we only zerg to fill the void in our hearts that comes from not being american.
Surely the EB forum coverage team could go out and hold ONE supply camp instead…
I’m particularly impressed by the one hero who has 15% of the posts in this entire thread
This website might interest you. Check out our matchups score history:
Do you notice any trends? Is it still cool to brag about night capping NA servers?
Seeing those zeroes pop up once a night makes me smile.
At least Kaineng tries instead of whining. Giving up the ingame battle for the forum battle is the coward’s way out.
Good job fighting no one!
Thank you! Here’s us celebrating our zerg killing a single person.
Surely the EB forum coverage team could go out and hold ONE supply camp instead…
I’m particularly impressed by the one hero who has 15% of the posts in this entire thread
This website might interest you. Check out our matchups score history:
Do you notice any trends? Is it still cool to brag about night capping NA servers?
Seeing those zeroes pop up once a night makes me smile.
At least Kaineng tries instead of whining. Giving up the ingame battle for the forum battle is the coward’s way out.
Surely the EB forum coverage team could go out and hold ONE supply camp instead…
I’m particularly impressed by the one hero who has 15% of the posts in this entire thread
Because you consistently ticked higher last week than this week, while going up against the #1 server. The difference is that TC comparatively left SoS alone last week and concentrated on honing our skill against SoR. That’s the nature of TC, and we pretty much did that against FA the week before.
We were not ticking higher last week than this week, but even if we are, you are by even more, which proves nothing. The tick could be you having more people, us having less, or most likely, both. Is it that implausible that the pugs, who are the majority of your server, just like they are ours, like winning more than losing? Our population is lower than it was last week for this reason, and yours is certainly higher.
*If you look at my original post, I said that I knew that the guilds and other people who care enough to post on the forums from tc hate this matchup. But these people aren’t the majority of your server. People wvw for fun, and the pugs on your server would not be swarming every map if they did not find it fun. *
Let’s be realistic. Everybody on tc claims that winning by this much isn’t fun. but that’s not quite true, is it? tc has more people on this week than in any of the previous two weeks. Even though it may not be fun for the guilds, or the people who care enough to post on the forums, for the rest, for the majority of players, playing is so much more fun and easy when you know you can’t fail.
The amount of QQ in this thread is unbearable. I’ll provide the inverse of your statement for you:
SoS has less people on this week than in any of the previous two weeks.
Know yourself before you claim to know your enemy.
I’m not here for an argument, but… why would SoS have less people this week than last week, when we were facing SoR?
An improvement in your population by your logic that participation= fun would mean that despite any SoS posts saying this match up was not fun SoS would actually find this match up fun.
Find this more fun than the (terrible) previous matchup? why not.
Let’s be realistic. Everybody on tc claims that winning by this much isn’t fun. but that’s not quite true, is it? tc has more people on this week than in any of the previous two weeks. Even though it may not be fun for the guilds, or the people who care enough to post on the forums, for the rest, for the majority of players, playing is so much more fun and easy when you know you can’t fail.
The amount of QQ in this thread is unbearable. I’ll provide the inverse of your statement for you:
SoS has less people on this week than in any of the previous two weeks.
Know yourself before you claim to know your enemy.
I’m not here for an argument, but… why would SoS have less people this week than last week, when we were facing SoR?
Let’s be realistic. Everybody on tc claims that winning by this much isn’t fun. but that’s not quite true, is it? tc has more people on this week than in any of the previous two weeks. Even though it may not be fun for the guilds, or the people who care enough to post on the forums, for the rest, for the majority of players, playing is so much more fun and easy when you know you can’t fail.
I’m not sure about this, but i think it could be that only one server on any map can have the outmanned buff at the time, even if the other server is outnumbered almost as badly.
That’s easy to test and not true.
you’re right, i’ve gone through some screenshots and found one where cd and us were both outmanned by sbi at the same time. But i do think that the buff works in a way that makes it unlikely for two sides to be outmanned at the same time, because usually i see it constantly change between servers. It could be if you’re outnumbered by a certain ratio by both the other servers combined, or something like that.
I’m not sure about this, but i think it could be that only one server on any map can have the outmanned buff at the time, even if the other server is outnumbered almost as badly.
also, could somebody from kome contact me? there’s a speed hacker, and i’m sure your guild doesn’t condone this.
Sorry but i just come in to ask help from SoS, i don’t know if any of you guys know somebody named “Colder Than You”? he is a commander just transfer from SoS few weeks ago. Now he keep trolling our chats and bring new wvw players to their deaths running to SoS zerg. also giving out our location to SoS players. i’m not trolling but, he’s making SoS name bad right now.
Colder THan You is Finale Reaper’s other account, and he transferred to sbi when he got bored of trolling us (siege-capping, calling us communists, etc…) . if anybody from sbi wants to party with me and tell me where he is, i’d be glad to kill him. I’ve already done so twice today.
I like the viewpoint of the OP, but I still think WvW isn’t all Zerg v Zerg. Sure, the Zerg is maybe the most visible (and even largest by sheer numbers) active group in WvW. It is just such an easy starting point for “random” players that do not care that much for “structured WvW”.
But you do also need your fair share of Protoss players, i.e., smaller, highly specialized guild squads that disrupt enemy supply lines, protect their own, create diversions, or just harass lost zerglings. And you also need your Terrans, that are building siege and are upgrading bases to build a strong defense. Of course, thier deeds are not as visible as the next Zerg bashing at a door, but they are just as important.
In my opinion, only a server who has healthy balance of Zerg, Protoss, and Terran players is able to succeed in the higher brackets.
Zergs are overpowered in GW2, just like in SC2 ( j/k)
One of the problems with Protoss is that while their “deathball” is incredibly powerful, as soon as you start splitting it up their combat effectiveness crashes. The same thing happens in wvw where a large group of 20-30 can easily clump together and stack every boon on its members, as well as get a tonne of area healing and condition removal, while smaller groups have trouble with the same thing.
One comment I would make about mesmers. If that person is using a staff, it is very easy to get stuck under the ground using the #2 skill that makes a clone and ports you backwards I’ve actually been stuck under the ground using that #2 staff skill numerous times. The only way to get unstuck is to use a waypoint or if you’re lucky to have another mesmer nearby you to open a portal. I’ve actually had to create a portal for another mesmer to port out of the ground also.
It’s easy to accidentally blink under the map with phase retreat, or blink into walls (and then fall under the map) with illusionary leap. I’ve even seen an illusionary leap go through the wall of SM. But that doesn’t mean you should go around attacking people from underground or portal 20 people through the wall after you.