The Prestige [pTg]
Does TC even WvW?
Of course they do. The question is do you do anything of value in wvw besides drop spikes for loot?
I like when a Choo zerg laughs after they jump a team of camp flippers. Some real winners you got.
That was my fault, sorry was being petty cuz been seeing lots of enemies doing emotes and told everyone to do it.
Also there is 15 Choo in there right now.
Not exactly a ZERG, guess it could be, we are running tagless too so don’t have any Rallians with us atm.
why is all BG in this thread anyway??
don’t they have their own thread. missing us already?
This is hilarious after having 20 SoR posters in the BG/JQ/DB thread all week. And even more funny after how many SoR transferred to JQ to be with BG. And still funnier after knowing that you yourself posted in the BG/JQ/DB thread.
You have an odd sense of humor, though not on topic at all.
Good fights over SM this morning. Good showing SoS.
So here we are, chatting a bit, walking by Durios, when…
I peed a little.
So here we are, chatting a bit, walking by Durios, when…
I peed a little.
Funny part was someone was joking about “watch their be like 30 TC inside.”
Just to correct some misinformation about BG’s EU:
We never, even at the height of DEYS, had numbers as large as IRON has on the field. We will offer good fights as always, but we are not nearly as population heavy as people make us out to be. Our domination of this week’s matchup is simply due to the other two servers fielding much less numbers than usual or expected, and our core WvW force showing up regardless of who’s available for a fight.
I like when a Choo zerg laughs after they jump a team of camp flippers. Some real winners you got.
That was my fault, sorry was being petty cuz been seeing lots of enemies doing emotes and told everyone to do it.
Also there is 15 Choo in there right now.
Not exactly a ZERG, guess it could be, we are running tagless too so don’t have any Rallians with us atm.
It’s okay, was just a bit frustrated since we tried giving a couple of your stragglers a fight and then kaboom dead lol
The Yak Parade is coming It will be in SoR BL at 8PM Server Time. Expect us!
So here we are, chatting a bit, walking by Durios, when…
I peed a little.
Funny part was someone was joking about “watch their be like 30 TC inside.”
yea sorry about that. I knew we had more than you at that point. And I got whispered by some guy saying “Hey SoR at Umber” I got a evil grin and said get in Dur real quick >:D
Alas my time in EB is up for the moment. Apparently my son wanted food lol. Will be back later. Was fun CHOO!
Ooo and when we dropped on SoR guys at QL… I literally had no idea you were there.
(edited by Kreaven.3172)
Fun ZvZ tonight
well darnit, aren’t you boys and girls behaving? ; )))
Unless you are claiming that tsym now runs spies inside SoS,which i wouldnt put it past some people.
TSym aren’t really the sort to go in for spies. More likely to kick someone who’s even on SoS without a darn good reason, let alone encourage them to spy. The only time I ever even heard anything close was just them wondering what the reaction was in the opposing TS after wiping certain groups. One of the classier guilds in WvW.
Threads are MUCH more civil.
Threads with SoS tend to be civil.
But yeah, part of it is probably just the new opposition. Outside of hacking, no-one generally knows players from the other worlds enough to really start getting personal/troll. It’s why the only real drama you see is when you get worlds from different matches on the thread.
Well it seems that even you arent 100% sure that tsym wouldnt go for the underhanded option.
I dont really care though,personally as far this match is concerned i expected more quality,not a boonstacked zergfest.
I consider it lame and boring no matter which side does it,be it mine or sor or tc or the huehuehue squad.
So here we are, chatting a bit, walking by Durios, when…
I peed a little.
Funny part was someone was joking about “watch their be like 30 TC inside.”
yea sorry about that. I knew we had more than you at that point. And I got whispered by some guy saying “Hey SoR at Umber” I got a evil grin and said get in Dur real quick >:D
Alas my time in EB is up for the moment. Apparently my son wanted food lol. Will be back later. Was fun CHOO!
Ooo and when we dropped on SoR guys at QL… I literally had no idea you were there.
Ya we were curious why we didn’t get instantly melted actually haha, that explains it.
Was really funny cuz we were just joking around in TS, i had to blink a few times when I saw you guys, appeared out of thin air haha.
aww that’s awesome!D
i’m there in my dolyak spirit!
Thanks to TSYM and GSCH For coming out and parading with the DOLYies tonight Pies and tonics for all!
Im kind of on the fence who i’d like to face next week.
On one hand, I like SoR because (I don’t mean any offence by this), but SoR is very easy to kill; and because there are so many of them it’s basically a lootbag fest. You eventually get overrun by sheer numbers so there is room to learn better strategies to deal with overwhelming numbers.
Our old T2 opponents provide more competitive battles and the fights are generally more even; but the flip side is, there is not as much loot. Numbers hurt them as well as they don’t have the coverage.
I’m curious as to what BG and JQ can bring. Don’t really care about the points, but I’m curious to see how other servers fair in straight on battles.
Im kind of on the fence who i’d like to face next week.
On one hand, I like SoR because (I don’t mean any offence by this), but SoR is very easy to kill; and because there are so many of them it’s basically a lootbag fest. You eventually get overrun by sheer numbers so there is room to learn better strategies to deal with overwhelming numbers.
Our old T2 opponents provide more competitive battles and the fights are generally more even; but the flip side is, there is not as much loot. Numbers hurt them as well as they don’t have the coverage.
I’m curious as to what BG and JQ can bring. Don’t really care about the points, but I’m curious to see how other servers fair in straight on battles.
You do realize you are losing to alts. You would suck vs bg and jq and even more to a SoR that cared. As soon as SoR saw SoS in the match-up, they decided to do better things.
Ok guys, week is coming to a close. I did not get to command to much this week but I did get to have some fun. Over all, I guess I would say I had fun. There were certain times of the day when things were competitive.. which is also the problem. I love you SoR but I want my DB/FA back. Nothing beats the rush of an entire week of wondering who will win…. So yea I want my balanced Tier 2 back lol.
Ok shout outs
Sea Of Sorrow’s… Well to be honest I don’t got much. Not cause you didn’t bring it, cause lets face it you did. But because when I was on I pretty much left ya alone favoring to go after SoR. I hope you taught SoR the meaning of Trebbing from OL.
Sanctum Of Rall… Man you guys brought it this week. Whether you say you did or not, I felt the pain. Never more so than with IRON… kitten IRON you guys seriously hurt… like alot. I have never wiped so much in my GW2 Career lol. The few wins I did get against you I was following Nightlight and Odinzu.
Tarnished Coast… To you I make a shout out to the server for keeping it real. Going into a week knowing whats going to happen is never easy. Hats off to everyone who kept there heads up. Especially the morning crew, I know you guys felt it more than most.
Good Night all
Im kind of on the fence who i’d like to face next week.
On one hand, I like SoR because (I don’t mean any offence by this), but SoR is very easy to kill; and because there are so many of them it’s basically a lootbag fest. You eventually get overrun by sheer numbers so there is room to learn better strategies to deal with overwhelming numbers.
Our old T2 opponents provide more competitive battles and the fights are generally more even; but the flip side is, there is not as much loot. Numbers hurt them as well as they don’t have the coverage.
I’m curious as to what BG and JQ can bring. Don’t really care about the points, but I’m curious to see how other servers fair in straight on battles.
Anyone who believes they faced a full force SoR is delusional. But by all means, please continue to underestimate your enemy.
Im kind of on the fence who i’d like to face next week.
On one hand, I like SoR because (I don’t mean any offence by this), but SoR is very easy to kill; and because there are so many of them it’s basically a lootbag fest. You eventually get overrun by sheer numbers so there is room to learn better strategies to deal with overwhelming numbers.
Our old T2 opponents provide more competitive battles and the fights are generally more even; but the flip side is, there is not as much loot. Numbers hurt them as well as they don’t have the coverage.
I’m curious as to what BG and JQ can bring. Don’t really care about the points, but I’m curious to see how other servers fair in straight on battles.
Anyone who believes they faced a full force SoR is delusional. But by all means, please continue to underestimate your enemy.
Sorry we can only gauge your strength by what we experience.
Fight Club going on right now.
PM me in game @ mynameisred
Thanks for the duels, was good fun. Shame I didn’t have time to have a tie-breaker fight with you.
Thanks to TC & SoR for a fun week, no really. Refreshing to see such a vast majority playing and commenting in good spirits though I expected no less after last matchup with TC and from a server like SoR where TSYM are a key guild.
To the chest thumpers: Why so serious?
Sanctum Of Rall… Man you guys brought it this week. Whether you say you did or not, I felt the pain. Never more so than with IRON… kitten IRON you guys seriously hurt… like alot. I have never wiped so much in my GW2 Career lol. The few wins I did get against you I was following Nightlight and Odinzu.
Lol Thanks mate, I must say that we did have a massive advantage when facing you guys as we had the organised force, with a number of our Uber Rallian allies supporting us. Whereas you guys were a mixture of people from a number of guilds. Considering that you did give us loads of hard fights.
So impressed with TC, the movement and coordination of your allied forces is one of the best I have seen, in a similar situation t1 Vizunah would just have those forces spread out all over the battlefield. I was shocked speaking to Odinzu and finding out he was commanding with Team chat, its amazing that the TC militia fought and moved on the commander without voice comms.
One of the things which is so great about SoR is the quality of all the Allies on the server, this I can see is the same for TC.
Well it seems that even you arent 100% sure that tsym wouldnt go for the underhanded option.
I dont really care though,personally as far this match is concerned i expected more quality,not a boonstacked zergfest.
I consider it lame and boring no matter which side does it,be it mine or sor or tc or the huehuehue squad.Then don’t WvW?
Completely tired of all the whining.
SoR has way more people than SoS, TC has more people than SoS.
We knew this all along. No one chose this match up.
I’m not even sorry, I hope you guys have a better matchup next week, we tried to keep it light and still had way more people. Everytime you’re unhappy you don’t need to immediately open the forums and let us know what a crybaby you are.
None of our faults this matchup happened, if you’re going to QQ to anyone, do it to Anet.
I am reffering to the boring habbit of t1 servers copying one another and going the boring cookiecutter route with guardians and hard cc.
Why exactly do you feel offended and what gives you the right to insult me?
If its about SoS kicking you out of overlook again and you are kitten ed,then go vent your anger somewere else.
I am reffering to the boring habbit of t1 servers copying one another and going the boring cookiecutter route with guardians and hard cc.
Why exactly do you feel offended and what gives you the right to insult me?
If its about SoS kicking you out of overlook again and you are kitten ed,then go vent your anger somewere else.
Who insulted who?
Get your facts straight.
And good for you guys, I have no idea what you’re even talking about but you sound proud of it.
Very much enjoyed this match up.
SoS Oceanic still a force to be reckoned with. I was shocked to see how well organized you were and how strong your fight was, stay classy.
hi Kayku! i wanna come tag along tonight if you guys will be playing ; ))
Thanks to TSYM and GSCH For coming out and parading with the DOLYies tonight
Pies and tonics for all!
Good fun tonight on SOR. Asked people to leave the doylak train alone or join them in their caravan tonight. Fighting an unarmed foe just doesn’t feel honorable. Had some fun with TC instead.
I am reffering to the boring habbit of t1 servers copying one another and going the boring cookiecutter route with guardians and hard cc.
Why exactly do you feel offended and what gives you the right to insult me?
If its about SoS kicking you out of overlook again and you are kitten ed,then go vent your anger somewere else.Who insulted who?
Get your facts straight.
And good for you guys, I have no idea what you’re even talking about but you sound proud of it.
Yes it was obvious you had no idea what i was talking about and in what manner the first time you quoted.
Sober up and sit and read what you quoted a few times before you go on and on to rant about how tired you are about SoS qqing about SoR size.
And perhaps you will realise i never said anything about the match or SoR zerg size in what you quoted.
From my point of view you just logged in looking to pick a fight and call someone a degrading name and i happened to fit your bill.
And yes i am proud i repeled another SoR zerg with golems from takeing overlook,too bad you werent there.
Go home grave you seem drunk mad incomprehensible.
tc vs 3 of us in greenlake and they are in and still feel the need to drop some siege. nice
Good fun tonight on SOR. Asked people to leave the doylak train alone or join them in their caravan tonight. Fighting an unarmed foe just doesn’t feel honorable. Had some fun with TC instead.
a golden dolyak! :OOOO
and lol @ “Rawr Imma Bear”
Fun final night with you guys, SoR. Here’s hoping we all get our wish and land in more “even” matchups next week.
Thanks to TSYM and GSCH For coming out and parading with the DOLYies tonight
Pies and tonics for all!
Good fun tonight on SOR. Asked people to leave the doylak train alone or join them in their caravan tonight. Fighting an unarmed foe just doesn’t feel honorable. Had some fun with TC instead.
seems really fun, I wish I was there :’(
any video about this?
I had a lot of fun on this our last night together. We’ve learned a lot and made some changes. I want to openly apologize for the puking on corpses tonight but zhaitaffy and beer does strange things to me.
SoR: Please bring your “A” game next time. You might not mean it as an insult but I want an honest look at what “T1” is about. Don’t worry, you can’t break us.
to that same point…
TC: Where the hell were you? We knew we’d likely lose but I know that this week was like half our actual strength.
SoS: You guys are really tuning up. I’m enjoying the fights more and more each time we meet.
hi Kayku! i wanna come tag along tonight if you guys will be playing ; ))
Sorry aka, not running this morning.
Saving our energy so we can hunt TW tomorrow morning.
I had a lot of fun on this our last night together. We’ve learned a lot and made some changes. I want to openly apologize for the puking on corpses tonight but zhaitaffy and beer does strange things to me.
SoR: Please bring your “A” game next time. You might not mean it as an insult but I want an honest look at what “T1” is about. Don’t worry, you can’t break us.
Yeah, we can.
Last time we shared a week SoR ticking at +500 by Monday and roaming an empty battlefield. So this time we pulled our punches a bit. Funny thing is we did last match at first too. Saturday it was “quit patronizing us!” Monday it was “quit spawn camping us!”
If you really want a taste of t1, do some GvG’s with us. But we know better than to let you bite off more than you could chew.
Go home grave you seem
I am home now.
Building carts and trebs,and wish i was drunk mad.
Dont forget to bring the vodka on your way in.
Lol sor really do have their fair share of forum warriors… Still, for every disrespectful player/guild there was many times their number in decent hard fighting players which have been great fun to fight in a otherwise lopsided match. Interesting experience fighting tsym. Much preferred having you on our side lol.
Ps. Blackgate go away. Troll your own match thread don’t crap in ours.
Well it seems that even you arent 100% sure that tsym wouldnt go for the underhanded option.
I dont really care though,personally as far this match is concerned i expected more quality,not a boonstacked zergfest.
I consider it lame and boring no matter which side does it,be it mine or sor or tc or the huehuehue squad.Then don’t WvW?
Completely tired of all the whining.
SoR has way more people than SoS, TC has more people than SoS.
We knew this all along. No one chose this match up.
I’m not even sorry, I hope you guys have a better matchup next week, we tried to keep it light and still had way more people. Everytime you’re unhappy you don’t need to immediately open the forums and let us know what a crybaby you are.
None of our faults this matchup happened, if you’re going to QQ to anyone, do it to Anet.I am reffering to the boring habbit of t1 servers copying one another and going the boring cookiecutter route with guardians and hard cc.
Why exactly do you feel offended and what gives you the right to insult me?
If its about SoS kicking you out of overlook again and you are kitten ed,then go vent your anger somewere else.
You’re a very bitter person. Jayne would tell me to give you a hug but I just got up so no.
To the [Choo] Guardian SoR Legend I fought for 8-10 minutes…good fight. (I was the D/D Elementalist from [EZ].) At the end, my fingers were hurting. Too bad it ended in a draw!
What build was that anyway?
Yes i believe i am,20 hour shifts upgradeing towers that other commanders or even players arent defending tends to do that.
On the other hand i believe i am providing a decent challenge on each tower SoS has.
And as far the hug,wise choice.
If you hug me you might get rabbies ^^
SoR: Please bring your “A” game next time. You might not mean it as an insult but I want an honest look at what “T1” is about. Don’t worry, you can’t break us.
to that same point…
TC: Where the hell were you? We knew we’d likely lose but I know that this week was like half our actual strength.
How can you ask us to bring our A game when TC won’t bring it’s A game. Thing is I saw huge improvement from the TC that did come out this week. Your players melted last friday, but last night you guys were certainly tougher.
Get the people on TC who sat out this week some confidence. With your full force you can put a nice dent in any of the t1 servers.
For SoS, don’t get discouraged. Population is not something anyone can really control. I really hope you guys get mixed with servers on your level this week. (by level I mean population only).
Sad guild on SoR who doesn’t respect GvG, trebuchet firing at windmill destroyed, built another one under protection of Claimer on RI.
Sad guild on SoR who doesn’t respect GvG, trebuchet firing at windmill destroyed, built another one under protection of Claimer on RI.
And then this.
Sad guild on SoR who doesn’t respect GvG, trebuchet firing at windmill destroyed, built another one under protection of Claimer on RI.
My character looks more awesome than I could have imagined.
Sorry aka, not running this morning.
Saving our energy so we can hunt TW tomorrow morning.
heh, no need for sorrys, cause that sounds fun. ; )) if the little one allows, and queues depending, i’ll try to join!
@letoll I don’t really care how high you ticked I still want the pain. It wasn’t meant as an insult, I’m just saying don’t patronize us.
@yshyr I admit, I don’t know where TC was this week. I think an unintended consequence of this new matchmaking system will be that people know they might get an easier week next time so they’re more willing to sit it out. In the Tier system it wasn’t likely going to get any easier from week to week so you had to work hard knowing that.
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