Showing Posts For Wiella.8567:
We still have a spot waiting for a player, don’t miss your chance!
The deal is still up – we have a spot for one trial in today’s raid!
As an exception for this week – there will also be a raid tomorrow around 18:30 UTC, so there is still a chance to get on board! If you are interested – simply contact us here or in-game, we will come back at you with details.
We are expanding our raid schedule and therefore we are looking for one or two new possible members for our roster. Don’t miss your chance to join!
P.S. Next raid is happening this Wednesday @ 18:30 UTC so you still have time to get in!
We’re still looking for one more memeber for our core setup!
Also information in the post have been slightly updated.
I’ve got this bug on my ele as well.
It doesn’t allow me to queue at all though, so PvP is pretty much closed for me, at least Unranked/Ranked – I still can get into custom arenas I guess, but its kinda pointless.
When I try to queue – dialog pops saying I’m missing build components, I go to mists, open build panel – it highlights DEFAULT builds combobox. I even tried using one of those (selecting) – it equips weapons/sigils/rune/amulet but problem doesn’t disappear. Quite frustrating issue.
At the same time on other characters I don’t get this dialog even if something is missing which is pretty hilarious.
Also our closest raid is happening tomorrow at the evening, so you have a good chance getting in since we didn’t pick anyone for trial yet!
We Get Sheet Done [Nice]
Good day fellow Guild Wars 2 players! I came here today in search for one more member for our guild roster.
[Nice] is an EU raiding guild consisting of highly experienced players – a lot of us been playing since initial raids release – focusing on weekly raid clears and achievements, including challenge motes. Even though we highly value personal player skills we especially value friendly and fun atmosphere in our runs.
I’ll say it straight – if you’re not a fan of random trash-talk, jokes and memes OR if that stuff distracts you from raid encounters (yep, I know a few people who can’t concentrate on encounters with TS, imagine that!) – it is time to leave this topic as we are not the guild you are looking for. We do like to joke around and chat a lot on the teamspeak as the raid clears mostly don’t require any effort and pose no real challenge at this point – not falling asleep on the other hand might be quite challenging.
[Nice] guild was started at the release of the Bastion of the Penitent raid wing. Guild roster was filled by our fellow raiders from different raiding guilds. In first two weeks we managed to clear all w4 bosses on challenge difficulties and been clearing all wings on a weekly basis since then. We intend to continue our runs and clear all future raids and their challenge motes as well.
Our roster is pretty flexible due to all members having multiple geared and raid-playable classes and theoretically we could accept any class, but since we want to keep that flexibility we do require you to have multiple playable classes geared for raids.
I’ll leave the details for our interview later, but shortly – we are looking for someone who would be playing on a cPS, cDPS and DPS roles depending on the wing/setup we will go for. Having some extra raid-ready characters like druids or being able to take over some situational roles is also a big plus but isn’t a must.
Currently we raid every Wednesday @ 18:30 UTC and clear all available wings in one go which takes around 2~2.5 hours. Raid start time might be changed in the future depending on the new raid releases, but it is set for now.
One more important thing which you probably should have expected by now – you have to be able to listen AND speak in English in our TS3 which we use for our runs as communication is the key to success. If that is something you cannot do – unfortunately we’re also not the group you are looking for.
So if you are still reading this, interested and want to try joining our roster or ask some more questions – go PM me or any of our officers right now! either here or in-game:
- Wiella: Wiella.8567
- Susi: Niela.1935
- Asmi: Legilimens.6451
We will contact you as soon as possible.
(edited by Wiella.8567)
@Raiyah, Good day!
Answering your question – yes, we are looking for almost full-time druid for our core raid group right now.
Generally we try not to swap people onto different classes/builds (even though all our members have at least 3-4 playable classes/specs) unless it is dictated by the boss mechanics. So everyone are mostly playing classes and builds they are comfortable with – that keeps our runs smooth at all times. That is why we are looking for one specific role even though we could make use of pretty much any.
Also, everything you’ve described so far looks quite solid, especially the set of the classes you play with, so I would surely like to speak with you. Will you be online today and free for a talk for like 5-10 minutes around 18:30 UTC time?
Still looking for last member for our roster.
Also updated the requirements on the builds/classes to clarify what we actually want you to have available for raids.
Generally our stance on classes/builds can be simplified to this statement:
“We want you to fulfill one of the common roles in our raid group (currently Druid) while having reasonable fallback class/build option(s)”
(edited by Wiella.8567)
Still looking for a druid.
Closest trial will happen this Friday @ 19:00 UTC.
Don’t miss your chance to get on board!
Still looking for a druid for our core setup.
There is still time to get into trial raid this Saturday.
Druid spot is still open.
Druid spot is now available, don’t miss your chance.
Applications will be accepted until Friday evening.
Still looking for one chrono (for non-tank spot).
Trial full raid clear run will be happening on Saturday @ 19:00 UTC.
Primarily looking for a chrono.
There is a solid chance to get in for this Saturday trial run if you apply now.
Just a reminder -
I strongly recommend reading the first post carefully, most of the information you might want to know about us and raids we do is already available there. If something is not covered or you feel that you’re ready to apply – don’t hesitate to contact us directly!
We now have one spot open for Chronomancer!
Druid spot is under a question right now, but I left the requirements in the post.
(edited by Wiella.8567)
Bump, recruitment for the last spot is still open.
Thanks for all the replies!
We got a few applicants for trial runs and druid spot will now be closed.
But there is still a chance to take over one chrono spot!
Possible classes we are looking for have been updated, don’t miss your chance to apply and join our trial run next saturday!
Apply today and you will be able to join our trial run at the evening, if you pass the interview that is
Bump, saturday test raid is really close and there is still have a solid chance to get on board if you pass the interview! But before whispering me or Jay make sure to read the first post carefully.
There is still a chance to get in, don’t miss it!
We are recruiting again!
This time we are looking for a second chronomancer for our core raid team.
There is still some time until the first trial raid, don’t miss your chance!
First trial raid will be held tomorrow @ 18:00 UTC with applicants responded so far, though there is still a chance to get a spot in if you are willing to join our ranks
First trial raid will be rolling this saturday, there is still a chance to get a spot.
Yep, I got it and sent a response in PM here
Don’t miss your chance to become a member of our team!
Fractal Guild [FG]
Despite our guild name – which is a remnant of the past – we are a group of players focusing on consistent weekly clears of any existing and future raid content.
We have started our raid activity at the first day of Spirit Vale release and have been successfully conquering raid content since then without skipping a single reset. We have also completed all raid challenges like “Slippery Slubling” or recent “Demon’s Demise” and will make sure to complete any new challenges coming in the future raids!
We also invest into building guild hall to have it constantly at max level to make all existing guild perks available for our members. That being said, investing into the guild hall or representing is not required at all as we honestly believe that it is something that guilds should never ask for.
Looking for
We are looking for players who can dedicate their effort and time to consistently clear all existing raid encounters, conquer new ones in the future, execute challenging raid achievements and also dedicate time to test out new strategies when it is needed.
Currently required classes/builds:
- None
So far we have a fixed setup of 10 people and recruitment is closed.
I will post updates here if there will be any openings in the setup.
We want you to fulfill one of the common roles in our raid group right now while having reasonable fallback class/build option for new raid wings or possible strategy changes, that is why having a properly geared off-class which you can play on the same or almost on the same level as your main character is a must.
Having more than one off-class is not required, but it is highly recommended and increases your chances to get on board.
Quite a few people misunderstand the goals of our raid group, so I would like to explicitly specify those. That might be important for people looking for a slightly or totally different experience with raids.
Our main goals as a group are:
- Consistent and safe clears of all raid wings on weekly basis
- Efficient conquering of the new raids and raid achievements
- Chilled, layed-back atmosphere in our runs
We are not looking for extra challenges that do not give appropriate rewards, so this is what we are not going to do at any point:
- Execute any “glass” strategies
- Any kind of record runs
- Low-man boss kills
Let me emphasize first point again – we are against “glass” strategies which could fail miserably due to either RNG factors or encounter environment.
That being said, we are never against improving to make our boss kills easier and faster. So as soon as you are a member of our core team you are of course free to offer any kinds of strategy, setup or build improvements we could implement.
If you don’t like how anything mentioned above sound – we aren’t the guild you are looking for and you better off finding another one.
Our raid times are (UTC):
- Saturday 19:00 – raids clear, currently the only active day
- Tuesday, Friday 19:00 – additional two raid days for new wing releases
- Thursday 19:00 – possible extra raid day for new wing releases
You must be able listen and speak in English in TS – it is crucial for us being a successful raid team. Your English doesn’t need to be even close to perfect, but we want you to be able to communicate with everyone on the team with voice and not just in-game chat.
It is very important for us to know that you have put effort into building your characters, perfecting your gear, sharpening your combat skill and, most importantly, gaining experience with all existing boss encounters.
So we do expect you to know how to efficiently use class you are applying with on all existing boss encounters and have some practical experience with at least one of your off-classes.
It is a known fact that full ascended gear is not necessary for clearing the raids, not even close actually. But we do want all members to be around the same skill and gear level so no one would feel that he is carrying someone or being carried through the raid encounter.
That is why full ascended gear with correct stats, runes and sigils is a must for all our core raid members. These conditions are same for your main class and any off-classes you want to apply with.
Having a full set of appropriate infusions is not required but is appreciated and will be taken into account for our final decision about any specific spot.
If you would like to apply – PM me (Wiella) or Jay Em (Guild Leader) here or in-game:
- Wiella.8567
- Jay Em.5128
We will contact you as soon as possible.
After a short interview with me and Jay – if you pass it – you will be trialed on the actual raid bosses where your skill, performance and class knowledge will be evaluated.
(edited by Wiella.8567)
Also a weird issue I’ve seen many times now – Glint facets uptime simply keep resetting for some yet unknown reason in some places. For example Facet of Elements – activating uptime -> waiting 1-2 seconds -> woop! uptime resetted and I can activate it again.
The 100% chance to reproduce it – go to Bloomhunger boss in fractals – they ALWAYS reset they every second or two while you are fighting that boss. Also seen that in TD map a lot of times while running with squads.
Tried to find out why that might happen but so far it seems to happen 100% of the time in some maps/places (like Bloomhunger fight, but not before it) and bug out sometimes at some maps (like TD) and then it just sticks to you until you restart the game I think. It is hard to say exactly because it happens randomly and I always noticed that too late to find the possible cause of this.
(edited by Wiella.8567)
It is pretty hard to say exactly because it heavily depends on your playstyle, but I’ll give it a try.
Here are three measures which I think are most important for new maps – mobility, survivability and damage – I’ll now use them to rank some classes i’ve played new content with:
Full zerk Reaper (gs/staff) – piece of cake, but it’s kinda lacking damage (even in full zerk unfortunately). Yeh, I can’t stand low-damage builds just because it takes too long to solo veterans and champions (and that is the main part of soloing new content). It might be the choice if you want to get through content without even getting any scratches, otherwise I would recommend something else.
- 7/10 mobility – almost no swiftness, just one short-range dash in reaper form
- 10/10 survivability – almost 20k HP in zerk, form, summons, good healing capabilities
- 6/10 for damage – damage is descent, but mostly melee which limits you a lot
Full zerk Herald (s+s/hammer) – was tough at the beginning but felt just perfect as soon as I got a grip of the class. And it is surely one of the best to go for events with right now if you want to get maximum out of em. It is also one of the most required classes right now so it might be a good choice. Plus it gives you an opportunity to try something actually new.
- 10/10 mobility – unlimited glint swiftness, shiro superspeed, malyx jumps
- 7/10 survivability – descent HP pool, good healing and defense capabilities
- 10/10 damage – insanely good melee and good range hammer damage
Full (or almost full) zerk Tempest (staff) – that is surely tough even after playing a lot with it – you can just be randomly insta-smashed to downstate if you are not ready to react. It is worth taking some vitality instead of ferocity or precision to make your life times easier on new maps. But it is an ele after all – you have tons of utilities at your disposal which is always good.
- 9/10 mobility – lots of swiftness, teleport, FGS
- 6/10 survivability – low HP pool, average healing, good defense capabilities, summons
- 10/10 damage – insanely good melee and very good range damage
I have all the classes unlocked already, but didn’t really play much in new maps with those (and probably will never play there with some) so I can’t really rank them, but I would surely not suggest going to new maps with warrior/berserker and, probably, thief/daredevil. The rest seems to be fine in general, but probably lacking descent/quick/AoE range damage slightly which makes them worse on some events.
I’m pretty sure I didn’t get those recipes from the box – just two items you have mentioned. But I got them unlocked on my weaponsmith (which was not even a character where I opened the box) – did you try checking if you have that recipe on your weaponsmith? – It requires 450 weaponsmith by the way.
If you don’t have it – you can always buy that box again for just 10k karma from Hobbs:
and see if opening it again (maybe on character with weaponsmith) helps.
Something should certainly be added to “eat up” the XP and provide something else in exchange. Masteries are great but really short-term.
I was expecting raid masteries take like 5 to 10 times more experience to level (like 10 to 40 million XP) because they specifically mentioned that raid bosses should drop XP books or something like that, but they ended up requiring just ~500k XP and 1 mastery point – that was a disappointment for me. I guess they decided to change something or maybe next raid masteries coming out with next wings will be much tougher to get – will see how that turns out.
And I know I rushed through content and because of that I got all XP I need in first four days of HoT but it was totally worth it I should say – I got to see stuff other people might still not be able to, I’ve got full map completion a few times already, I am working towards all new legendaries and I was fully ready for raids when they came out.
But now it is already slightly over a month of XP going nowhere. I still do a lot of events to get map participation and a bit of map currency (on new maps) but that is mostly required to get a full bonus from map meta event to get keys/currency to get mats for legendary. At this point I could have probably leveled all HoT masteries like three times from zero with all XP gained, but its just going to waste and that is kinda sad.
Some ideas on what can be done:
- Repeatable mastery tracks – they won’t require mastery points (or just 1 at the first time) and will give you spirit shards or some map currency or simply some mats as output each time you complete it. It would be the best to have multiple tracks available so you can choose something you need to progress towards – like the ascended account-bound mats from new maps for example.
- Simply return spirit shards for each level up like it was working before so you can get them again after you finish up with masteries or probably even can switch back to leveling up at any time.
- Give increased event bonuses instead of XP – like double karma/gold OR simply some bonus mats OR spirit shards. It is still much better than nothing, right? Otherwise it feels like all you are doing for event is a waste of time because you don’t even need the reward.
(edited by Wiella.8567)
I really doubt raid section will be added to LFG, but something surely has be done and pretty quickly before some new stuff hit the world section again.
There were plenty of offers made already which might provide some solutions:
1. Map-wide LFGs – it shouldn’t be bound to map instances but all instances of specific map – for example Verdant Brink or Spirit Vale – that would also solve raids LFG since you can enter raid instance and see that LFG section there.
2. In case (1) solution is not an option – some separate section for world bosses / meta events should be added, people will use it to run bosses like Teq and TT, meta events on new maps and probably even other world boss events started by guilds.
3. In case (2) solution is not an option – create section (or 4 sections?) for new maps as meta LFGs for them pile up in open world section and can’t be easily read with all other stuff rolling there as well.
Also a side-note – probably its a good idea NOT to select “Open World Content” section by default when LFG is opened because people often forget to select section and post their fractal/dungeon/PvP LFG message to open world content which makes it even harder to find something there. By always asking to select specific section you will ensure that people don’t get into wrong LFG and don’t waste their time waiting and others time reading those messages.
- Rabbit event is not starting and thus reward is not obtainable
- Friend of the pup event/vendor have wrong rewards thus one is not obtainable
- Owl related stuff is kitten due to the frustration you have to go through to obtain it
Two items aren’t obtainable due to bugs (rabbit & pups), one is really hard to obtain due to the nature of the task (owl) and last two are not obtainable since they require all the rest to be done first.
Really hope this gonna be fixed with today’s update.
You might want to try out 64-bit client if you haven’t yet. It fixed all the crashes for me in new maps which generally occur due to OOM (out-of-memory) issue except some rare ones which I never got so far (lucky me?).
To get it you need to go to your account area on Guild Wars 2 site and download the 64-bit EXE file from there. It DOES NOT require you to re-download the game, you just put it near the old 32-bit EXE file in the game directory and run the game using it.
It is true that it is in beta but I had zero issues with it so far, so I would recommend trying it if you are actually crashing a lot.
If you don’t want to try it for some weird reason – you can lower game visual settings, that helps as well but you will be forced to play on those low settings on new maps all the time.
(edited by Wiella.8567)
Also tried flying towards different points – no result. I don’t even understand what is referenced there as a “mushroom ledge” – there is nothing named like that and nothing with mushrooms around.
I’ve done dusk collection and can say a few things as a result:
1. I loved a lot of the collection parts, they actually pointed me at events and stuff I’ve never seen before in Tyria. So that was actually a small journey and it was fun. If that wasn’t a part of the precursor crafting – I wouldn’t bother doing it actually.
2. Some parts of the collection are hard to get and might take time (not talking about mats here), but most of them can be done pretty quickly. I would say ~4-5 hours for all tiers not including waiting for world boss spawn times, at least for dusk and a few others I checked the requirements for.
3. While doing it I got a lot of parts for other collections randomly since I’ve got them unlocked to progress slowly over time. So while doing one collection you are actually progressing into others.
4. Mats are the downside at the moment only if you buy them off TP. I bought mine off TP because I’m saving the ones I’ve crafted for the new legendaries and also wanted to see the difference – it cost me 1.3k gold, dusk was 1.2k gold at the time. Not a big difference since didn’t use buy orders which would give me ~10% discount and total price of 1.15~1.2k gold which is already cheaper the the TP pre price. I just didn’t want to wait.
5. I’ve also calculated the price if you are going to do it by crafting mats – it would be around 0.8~0.85k gold which is a significant discount from even 1.15~1.2k gold. Generally you save up around 300-400 gold for doing collection there. Is it good? Yes, it is. For just four or five hours of new awesome experience you are getting by doing all those small tasks.
So to summ up:
- Collection tasks are awesome with some small exceptions (some bugged stuff which is getting fixed though or already got a fix), so I really recommend doing those
- Collections do save you gold if you don’t buy mats off TP, but craft them – yes, that takes time but this is exactly one of the reasons why the prices are higher on the TP
Exactly the reason I’m not using this skin anymore – sound is now extremely annoying.
It should be trimmed down to play less frequently and be quiet.
Or just remove it at all – it is only fun to hear first few minutes of gameplay.
That was my first mistake there as well – statement isn’t really that clear and might be misleading – you need 5 deldrimor hilts and 5 deldrimor blades (which requires 30 deldrimor steel btw).
Thanks A LOT for that one!
Had a lot of crashes in DS lately which was a massive pain.
Downloaded client as soon as I heard about it and didn’t have a single crash so far with it in DS or anywhere else. Also got slightly faster map loading time (~1-3 seconds less). FPS seems to be the same.
To summ up – didn’t have any issues with 64-bit client so far and it surely solved the crash issue for me which occurred basically at the end of every DS map.
Yes, client now uses 5-6 GB of RAM instead of 2-3 GB, but this is not an issue at all. kitten , I would be fine even if client used 30 GB but didn’t crash because of OOM ever.
Is that accurate though? It has last year’s shiny foil and none of the new weapons from this year or the new mini.
It is surely not accurate for this year.
They have changed the drop rates for sure.
But yes, it seems that it was pretty accurate until this Halloween.
Real stuff starts to drop starting with at least 20-30k bags.
You cannot really measure the drop chances by just 1k of those bags.
Right now, while halloween is rolling, it might actually be worth opening them since you can get:
- 450g+ priced tonic (I would say 1 per each 20-30k bags)
- 70-250g+ priced refractors (it was 1 per 100-200k bags, but it seems drop chance was raised and it is more like 1 per 10-20k bags now)
- 40-60g+ priced karka helm skin (I would say 1 per each 10-20k bags)
- 10-50g+ priced gifts (they were really rare before like 1 per 300-400k bags, but right now its 1 per each 10-20k bags)
- 1-10g+ priced weapon skins and mini (drop a lot, 10-20k is enough to get all of them)
- 1-10g- priced recipes, corns and loot to just sell on TP or vendor it
But unless you are going to actually open more than 10-20k bags – I would suggest you to just sell them on TP – you will certainly get your profit then.
But just to point this out – it is still RNG. You might not get anything even from 100k bags. Or you can get tons of stuff from just 1k of those bags. That can happen.
(edited by Wiella.8567)
Just exactly what I was talking about with a friend some time ago.
I was hyped going into fractals till the level 100 and also got all the 150 AR required almost straight away (after trying a few new levels first of course) and… I was disappointed.
I should say – I really like almost every change in the expansion, except some changes done to the fractals. Before expansion I was doing all daily fractal categories every day for like a year as it actually felt rewarding – I got tons of ascended stuff, gold, skins and fun doing them with friends.
Now fractals just feel tedious. Like a second job. It sometimes takes the same time to make 1 fractal dungeon when previously I was able to do 3-4 in the same time gate. So instead of 4-5 daily categories I now barely manage to do three. Unless you actually have a full damage specced and perfectly playing setup. Even then it still takes much more time. Bosses have much lower damage and MUCH higher HP and toughness which results in really long and boring fights. There is no challenge in that at all. Hell, why killing a 5-man content boss should take much more time than 10-man raid boss?
About the rewards – I guess its fine, I think it was actually improved overall – it’s just hard to tell straight away. I don’t even mind having a bit less rewards if the time fractals take will get back to something we previously had.
On the daily categories – I agree with OP, unless new ones are introduced for levels 51-75 and 76-100 – those categories will soon be abandoned by players. That will surely have a negative impact on the community.
- No one has ever or is going to be banned for the Mossman or Mai Trin exploits.
- It actually is griefing actively trying to prevent people from playing how they want to, even if how they want to play is exploitative or cheesy. You won’t get banned for it, but it definitely makes you a kitten regardless of if they, too, are kittens. There’s something in here about two wrongs don’t make a right.
- They’ll be fixed soon.
- I know that no one will be banned for that. But is it actually an excuse for using an exploit? I don’t think so. And I am not sure why you mentioned that topic.
- On the opposite side – they are doing the same to us (a a guild group) trying to force us to play the way they want to. This can be called griefing as well. Also we are not forcing any playstyle on boss itself like a lot of groups out there, we only avoid people from using exploits in our runs.
- Hopefully character switch will also be fixed.
Only if you’re a Guardian (even though most of her and Horrik projectiles are unblockable) or Warrior.
Horrik’s cannon attacks and Mai Trin spinning projects aren’t blockable, but dodgeable AND avoidable by moving to the sides, so it is not an issue. Mai teleport though can only be blocked.
It is pretty easy almost on any class if you know class well enough. You just need right traits and utilities to block/immune some attacks and simply avoid the rest. It is doable even without crazy vigor uptime or special endurance food.
That’s a lot of self-righteous text for someone who openly claims to actively ruin runs for people looking to do the fight the more accepted way.
“… for someone who openly claims to actively force people to avoid game exploits and play properly instead of using those exploits in a mind-numbing manner” – Fixed.
I might also add that I “force” people to kill The Mossman properly on the ground instead of spaming 1 underwater… Hopefully that isn’t too much for ya
Aside jokes – you really think that letting people to use exploits does any good? But I guess you prefer using them and will self-righteously defend them at any cost in-game and on forums so arguing on this matter will lead nowhere.