Showing Posts For Willy Savage.5043:

What is currently the best PuG dungeon tour?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Thanks so much guys!

What is currently the best PuG dungeon tour?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

I’ve ran numerous searches across different engines and I can’t find a current answer.

Can someone please tell me what is the best daily dungeon tour to do right now? I’m just getting into dungeons and will mainly be pugging.


Can someone give me good thief streams?

in Thief

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

I’m new to playing thief and am having trouble finding great streams/channels to watch to learn.

Who out there streams and/or has a youtube channel that wants a new subscriber?

New player LF dungeons.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Are you on a North American or European server? If you’re on NA then I’d love to run dungeons with you on my alt.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Whenever I have nothing to do for thirty or so minutes, I run turret decap engie in hotjoin pvp and only post “lol” in the map chat when they can’t kill me.

A good pvp youtube channel?

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Thanks so much!

A good pvp youtube channel?

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Hey guys. I tried the search function but it didn’t work.

Would someone mind linking me to a youtube channel for engineer pvp videos? I really want to get into this space with my engineer and would love to watch people who are good play to get better myself. As of right now I don’t have much success running anything other than the dreaded turret bunker.


Dungeons ... before I turn 80, or after?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Message me in game if you ever have trouble finding a group. I’d be happy to join you anytime.

Should I be a Sylvari Ranger or Thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

What’s your play style?

Dungeon - classes once again

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

For whats it worth, I tried playing 6 different classes (all but guardian and engineer) and just couldn’t find a class that I loved. I walked away from the game. Then one day I had absolutely nothing to do and rolled an engineer for kicks and loved it so much that it brought me back into playing actively.

Also a note: I truly believe that playing an engineer has a higher skill cap than most professions, and therefore I was forced to learn the game mechanics in such a way that I didn’t have to when playing say a warrior (not meant as a shot at warriors, they’re just a different play style in my limited experience). And learning those mechanics has made me better at the game and also caused me to be able to enjoy playing other classes much more.

Would love to get help with roaming

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Thanks guys! I think I’ll give it a try tonight

Would love to get help with roaming

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

After spending a couple weeks perusing the forums for engineer roaming videos and builds and such I have decided that I really want to try out WvWvW roaming for myself. Only problem is that I have no idea where to start.

I’m afraid that if I used my PvE armor (exo berserkers) I’ll just melt away at first.

Can someone direct me to a line of thinking to what gear/build/tactics would be the most forgiving for someone who has never roamed before but wants to try it out. I’m fully aware that I’ll get destroyed so I by no means expect to be the wolfineer after a few minutes of running around.


New, Can't decide what class to play.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Try engineer

Leveling - More Fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

I’ll agree with you on the trait part. You used to start accumulating trait points at level 11… why they changed it? I have no idea.

Leveling - More Fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Leveling isn’t dull at all to me. Actually its more fun to level in this game (and its predecessor) than it has been for me in any other game.

I personally keep it fun by not doing the same thing for too long at a time. Here’s how I leveled my main (engineer):

Mapped the starter area
A guildie introduced me to EOTM, got tired with that after a few levels, did some personal story quests
Had some more fun in EOTM
Realized “hey, I’m a high enough level to try out that first dungeon. That should be fun!”
Realized that I needed traits and was too poor to buy them (got a few levels just tracking them down)
Back to EOTM a few times and did some personal story quests
“hmmmm I wonder what explorable modes are?”

before long I was level 80.

Now I’m doing the same thing on a couple alts… and having just as much fun!

TL/DR: Keep it varied and it shouldn’t be dull at all

GW1 = more build diversity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

This thread has done nothing but take me back to when I was 13, burned out with Runescape, poor (so I couldn’t afford a subscription), and parents who believe video games were a complete waste of time and therefore refused to buy me a WoW subscription for my birthday.

One day I was in Sam’s club with my mom and there it was, Guild Wars Factions, no subscription fee. I knew nothing about the game, but I took a gamble and bought it. Little did I know that it would be the beginning of the best video game that I have ever played. So in depth, everything I ever wanted in a video game. I spent countless hours over the next 3-4 years playing it.

The build diversity was perfectly complex for me at that stage of life. Honestly, I like to think that I was the first person ever to run the backbreaker assassin build and I laughed maniacally as everyone melted before me and then pmed me after the match saying “What the hell did you just do to me?”

Flash forward to now. I’m 21, work 60 hours a week in the summer and during the fall and spring semesters am a full time student, a member of a band, and have an extensive social circle and a serious girlfriend (shameless plug: She’s freaking hot. Go me).

I was perusing best buy one day and saw GW2, I had a few extra bucks and I bought it for nostalgic reasons. Instantly I fell in love with the lore again. After a weekend of playing I realized that the builds of GW2 were dumbed down a bit and the combat was completely different than GW1. I was bummed out at first, but the more I played, the more I loved it. It being simpler and geared more towards the “casual player” is perfect for me because when I’m at school, I might only play for an hour or two a week. Its perfect for me.

TL/DR: I played GW1 for a lot of my teenage years, and while build were more diverse in GW1, the play style and build diversity of GW2 works much better for me in my current stage of life.

p.s. Holy kitten the backbreaker assassin build was incredible.

What can i do in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Maybe this is a terrible idea for you but I’ve done it once (I only had 1 level 80 and 3 others close to 80), and I did it 3 or 4 times over the 6 years I played GW1.

Whenever gameplay got increasingly stale for me I would take a break, and when my desire to play came again, I would return to the game and make it as if my account never existed. I would delete everything and start from scratch. I gave all my money and gear away to random people and just started over.

The result I got was a refreshing feeling as I started to re roll my new characters, chase completely new titles (Legendary Survivor for GW1), and just experience the game for what it was.

When I did it in GW2 it had a little different of an effect (due to 1 storyline as opposed to the 3 full campaigns in GW1), but I discovered my love for the engineer, a class I have never played before, and the one I will most likely main for the foreseeable future.

Maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m weird, but I only care about the experience of games. I could care less with how much money I have or how pretty my gear is.

But I could never be happier with my playing than I am right now after completely re rolling my account in GW2. And I absolutely loved doing it so many times back in GW1.

TL/DR: If you’re bored and have tried everything and don’t care about material things such as gold and gear, maybe rerolling your entire account will be fun for you.

Feel free to message me in game if you want to know more about my experiences.

Is an FT build 'doable'? If so, how's mine?

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043 has a power flamethrower build on it that I am going to get around to trying out sooner or later. I’d give that a go. Theres lots of other great engineer stuff on there as well

New to engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

I had loads of fun leveling up my engineer. Here’s the gist of what I did:

Unlock forceful explosives first and play bomberman running in circles exploding things.
Unlock juggernaut as soon as you can and melt people with the flamethrower (yeah yeah, I know, there will be some DPS lost and whatnot but who cares, it was fun as hell)

Hope that helped

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

May I be invited as well? I don’t play much but I’d love to learn how to run through dungeons on my engineer.


Care to evaluate my build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Thanks guys! That’s helped a lot.

I ran 6/6/0/0/2 all day yesterday and was much better. I’ve gotten much better at moving, dodging, and anticipating enemy attacks.

Hoping to farm CoF a lot in the future so I can get berserkers armor. Ascended armor and weapons are a long ways off. My funds are minuscule and it’s going to take quite some time for me to build my wallet up to that points

Care to evaluate my build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Grats for 80 and hello!

So you say you want to master the engineer class? Then you should not be using the flame thrower more than for testing it and see how weak it is compared to an explosive traited engineer. The flame thrower just has a terrible dps on it’s auto. It has some average hitting skills, but in the end it’s more for the looks. It is ok if you are soloing, since you can trait for free stacks of might, however this trait will be weaker in a party where you hit the limit of 25 stacks.

The engineer class is imo the most complex and flexible class in GW2. It’s easy to play, but really hard to master. The main reasons why engineers are awesome, is because they can really do anything what other classes can do too. They are the best might stackers in the game, got good aoe heal, if required even reflection and invisibility. They are even great condi cleanser. They only lack in stability. However this awesomeness comes with a price – you need to be very fast on your keys, you have to work with finishers and combo fields and you have to understand how they work, to not mess them up.

So before I give you a suggestion about a build, I better ask you if you want to stay on the FT for solo play, or make a change and become an explosive engineer.


I want to make the change. I’m aware that FT sucks damage wise. When I play with friends and guildies I run a 6/6/0/0/2 build. But whenever I try something like that solo I get melted by veteran mobs.

Care to evaluate my build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Thanks guys! I’ll track down those traits and try it out.

Care to evaluate my build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Hey guys I just recently hit level 80 on my first character and am currently working on gearing him/chasing down traits/continuing to learn and hopefully master the class.

Currently I am running this build for solo PvE/Map completion.

I know I lose a lot of DPS, but I’m not quite good enough to run around and kill mobs easily without survivability.

Any tips on what I can do to get better?

p.s. I’m working on switching to exotic berserker armor for group play (just have to farm it)

Defenders of Orr (suggestion)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

I like where you are going.

Since its a completely different game mode… I’m gonna dream big.

I think it would be cool if you would start with next to nothing when it comes to armor, stats, utility skills, and traits. As you gain kills, you gain points to spend in an in-game menu where you can purchase runes, sigils, traits, and utility skills.

Once you are defeated (or victorious), and start another game, you start again with nothing.

Ok I know its basically kitten zombies GW2 style, but I think it could be really refreshing and fun to have mini-game type things like this.

Need advice on my server!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Come to Fort Aspenwood mate. We have tons of fun and I’ve never run in to a bad experience in PvE and WvW.

Anyway to level up alts quick?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Follow a zerg in EotM. Good exp, wxp, loot, and karma.

Drop the bags in your bank and open them up on your level 80 guy to get better gear.

Elixir Gun 5?

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

So yesterday I was talking to a guild mate about condition removal and the engineer. He told me that elixir gun 5 removes a condition even though it doesn’t say so in the skill description. So my question is this: Why the heck doesn’t it say so in the skill description?

Need advice building my engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

first off:
What conetent do you wanna play, and what do you want to do there?
Since I’m impatient as kitten, I’m going to assume “ALL” and get some builds going for you.
General facts: Conditions are subpar, especially with rampages gear when it comes to anything human vs AI. Go berserk all day long and keep a spare set of settler (for max survivability) or rabid (condi-dps) in your inventory for wvw.

I gonna build everything with exotic equip. If you wanna get more dps, upgrade to ascended.

PvE :
dungeons / open world / fractals
only one build, because there is only one role: dps

- Bunker / Support:
- Roamer:
- Decap:

- Roamer:

-All builds that run runes of the pack can be switched for runes of strength (they are extremely expensive, tho)
-All builds can be upgraded to ascended gear
-All builds that have defensive traits / gear / runes can be slowly tweaked towards more dps with increasing experience with the class.
-No build is set in stone. Switch utilities, tweak traits, adjust gear. Do it often and experiment with our whole capabilities to maximize your skills effectively and fast.

If you have questions about how to run these builds, what certain things do, and / or don’t see the use of certain aspects of the build, feel free to ask.

Disclaimer for Vets:
These are beginner builds, offering a bit more survivability than necessary. These builds are not considered meta, but will do their job if handled right. Please keep meta-discussions to other threads.

My only question to you is: Why would you trait formula 409 when you don’t have any elixirs equipped?

I’m not trying to be a smart kitten , I’m also a new engineer trying to learn.

Help for a new level 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Thanks guys! I’d like to get into fractals, so I’m going to give that a shot for the rings.

What is the difference in offensive and defensive? Aren’t the stats the same?

Help for a new level 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Hey guys and gals,

I recently just leveled my first character to 80 (yayyyyyy). I’m in the process of strategizing how to gear him up. I have my exotic armor already, and I think that ascended trinkets should be next. I have roughly 85 laurels and a little over 2000 wvw tokens.

Any advice on the most efficient way to gear my new engineer with ascended trinkets?


p.s. At this point I want all berserker stats.

A silly request - that darn Aegis

in Guardian

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

I think its there more-so for your opponent. So they never have to go “Why the hell was my attack blocked?”

[VIDEO] Banishing and 1v3s in EoTM

in Guardian

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Lol. No literally. I laughed out loud at a few of these.

Two handed weapons for warriors one handed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043



Unfair achievement system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

The only thing I care about is those fancy gloves I get once I get 600 more AP…. then after that I don’t see a reason to chase AP

dragonite ore-fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Ok I know this if off topic from the OP but why not just make it where when you consume a fractal skin that you get to choose which weapon you want unlocked?

New Engineer Help

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Great! I’ll start playing around with it and see what I can do.

The key to the HT is a couple of things:

1. If you drop it and then Immediately overcharge it, you get the water field immediately. OTHERWISE, you will get the water field on the next “activation” which occurs every 3 seconds.

I’d love a little clarification on this: are you saying that if I don’t overcharge the HT right away I will continually get water fields for as long as it is up?

New Engineer Help

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

pretty simple.
every skill that is a combo field will show that in its tooltipp (f.e. the healing turrets overcharge is a “waterfield”)
and every skill that is a finisher will also have that notification in its tooltipp. What you look out for in this case are “blast finishers”. these finishers usually create an AoE effect which can be a buff for you or a debuff for enemies.

combining a waterfield with a blast finisher (placing the field by activating the healing turrets overcharge and immedeatly using a blast finisher skill inside this fields’ white circle) will result in an aoe heal. every field can be finished multiple times, so the most common method is to:
1. placing the healing turret
2. instantly overcharging the healing turret (waterfield is active now)
3. exploding the healing turret (use its belt ability, it is a blast-finisher)
4. double tapping the shields’ skill #4 (2nd blast finisher in that field and an AoE knockback)
5. switching to elixier gun
6. using skill #4 on it (3rd blast finisher and a leap backwards into safety)

optionally you now can use elixier-gun skill #5 to fully heal you up and placing a light field. All your auto-attacks are projectile finishers with a 20% activation chance. If a projectile finisher crosses a light field he will cleanse 1 of your conditions if the projectile get triggered as finisher (visually displayed by changing the projectile into some kind of white lightning bolt) AND lands in its target. Therefore you’re able to not only give yourself a mayor load of healing, but for the next 5sec – as long as the lightfield lasts – all your auto-attacks that cross this lightfield have a chance to clear your conditions.

The above explained is only one of the more advanced self-preservation combo-chains for engis but for beginners the best option to train their reflexes for mastery-tier combo chains, like long-duration stealth, perma blind, perma burning, might-stacking a.s.o.

Thanks so much!

So can I essentially use just a chain like this to stack stealth with bomb 4?

New Engineer Help

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

One of the things I’m having trouble figuring out is how to make blasts on the water field. Can someone give me just a sample skill chain to do once I drop the healing turret?

New Engineer Help

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

Thanks so much. I find myself getting a little overwhelmed with all the different combos and roles I can play. But that’s also what makes it so fun for me.

New Engineer Help

in Engineer

Posted by: Willy Savage.5043

Willy Savage.5043

I recently just rolled and engineer and I absolutely love it! I love all the varieties of different skills and play styles that they have access to. I’m almost level 50 at the moment.

My only question to experienced engineers is this: What is the best way for me to really hone in my skills as an engineer? I’ve been doing a mix of world completion and personal story so far, but I find myself just melting everything I possibly can with the flamethrower or running circles spamming bombs

I don’t really care about leveling up fast, if I wanted to do that I’d sit in a eotm zerg and collect XP. My main goal is that when I hit 80, I’m as familiar as I can possibly be with all the tools I’ll have at my disposal.