Showing Posts For WiltedBrainz.9703:
Well, the sad part about the match up so far, is that it seems the 2 opposing servers made a pact. I don’t know whether to take this as a compliment, or be peeved on the low down side dealings. You won’t see the 20+ other mixed group of people behind me messing around dancing and dueling, but I assure you they were there.
Next is the thief that was in the guild PvP that was glitching inside Quentin Post the other night. If that is your way to get ahead then have at it. But you rob your server of it’s integrity.
Now to the thief that was inside ET’s Citadel trying to gank ppl. You are obviously NOT supposed to be there, but found a way to get there AND managed to not aggro a single Legendary. I doubt that Anet will do anything about it, but here’s hoping.
I will post the 2nd part after it renders. I saw the thief by the zone in spot inside out main keep. He ran past 1 legendary w/o aggroing them. Proceeded to run to an area where he took out a few ppl. One being the guy who made the videos. At 10 sec is where you can see that he is out of bounds in our area. Note the red door placement.
So in closing, let’s try to fight without the alliances. I would rather lose to people that have skill, and /bow them for the fight, then this BS. It is kind of sad that 1 server has to fight off a treb nailing Anz, while SF is on one wall and Ferg on the other OBVIOUSLY working in sync with each other. If you think we are that much of a threat, then try to get better as players, not be underhanded. Also, Ferg, if you have to ride on another servers coat tails to get ahead, shame on you, L2P!
Very fun time the last 24 hrs. Everyone on every server was having fun I think? Congratz to the ET commanders for the leadership on EB. Double Gratz to everyone for showing that our server is alive again. I am glad to see the only /dancing is just ppl taunting each other in the distance. I have gotten a few /bow from both servers, and returned the favor a few times myself.
So from GUNS guild, we salute you all for the great battles! Hope to slit your throat on the battlefield soon!
Wolf, it was a pleasure having you visit us on ET!
That was an epic battle on SM around 3:30am EST. ET fought off both servers for around 25 min, in the lord room. You all wanted in. Nice try on trying to divide our forces by tagging ET Overlook. You might have succeeded if it wasn’t upgraded. I am still proud of ET holding off as long as we did with what little numbers we had at that time. I was the thief sealing up the walls behind you all. I also can’t believe I was alive as long as I was, running that arrow cart in the lord room. Good fight, but we just got outnumbered with both servers pushing lol.
@JudgeD Stay on your server post. No need to come and condescend to us on our tier. Quite frankly, I don’t think Kain was THAT good. You just overwhelmed us in numbers. One of my buds transferred to your server for a week to do his map completion, and was telling me how you all are bragging about how good you are in your new tier, I wish you gl, but keep it on your own battlefield plz.
Now to the rest of you all. THANK YOU! I haven’t had this much fun in WvW in quite a long time. I hope the battles continue throughout the week to give everyone new to the game, on all 3 servers a chance to experience WvW in a positive way.
I don’t want to sound like a d$%k, but there is no sense in salting an old wound. It’s like having your ex hang out at your house when you are having a date with a new woman.
GL and hope to slit your throats on the battlefield!
I smell a deal with the devil atm, @ Anz with SF on the one wall and Ferg on the other and they aren’t attacking each other. lol I feel special. Well I am glad to see that the server is showing promise. I hope to see some epic fights this week. ET is still outnumbered, but our quality of player is putting a beat down on the opposing servers hardcore. GJ ET, and nice to have SF in our fight this week. Ferg should be happy Kain isn’t stealing the map. Now maybe we can have some nice matches. BTW, is the untouchable treb on SM REALLY necessary? Oh well, GL to all, and hope to slit your throats on the battlefield this week.
I thank you StormWolf for taking the time to notice the labors we endure while taking objectives. I see this type of behavior constantly from all ppl. We did a nice sneak attack on SM tonight, and managed to show that we can take these big keeps. So in closing, to the ones from OREO and DARK guild who think you are leet by outnumbering us by 10-1 odds, and dancing on our corpses when we pwnd your huge zergs all week with minimal numbers, I feel sad for you. But to those of you in Kaineng who /bow us after our brief ownership of SM tonight. I applaud you for your sportsman like conduct. Hope to see more battles with even numbers in the future, and more fun.
I am glad to see that with what little we have, we whomped on Kaineng hard. I can’t wait until we get more ppl. GL Everyone!
This is nice to know, I better not sneeze when promoting. I hope the person is honest?
Hello GW2 community. We are the guild GUNS, and we would like to extend an open invitation to all active players in the community. We are part of a muti-gaming community named Oblivious Gamers. We supply our own website, Teamspeak, and groups who game on different levels. There is a no drama, and enjoyable atmosphere that we maintain. We just ask our members to have fun, and respect the other people in the community.
As some of you might have noticed, our server Eredon Terrace has been struggling due to the mass exodus of people moving to other servers with a better foothold on their WvWvW activity. We have quite a few top notch commanders from different guilds leading our troops on the battlefield, but would like to see more people join our server to help with the territory holdings. So our guild GUNS wants to find competent, and highly active people to start up a WvWvW group that will get together and help these other hard working commanders out. With the amount of people we have, and how much we manage to take, I can just imagine what we would have if we had a few more dedicated soldiers?
We would also like to find out if any other guilds on our server would like to ally with us to make larger groups to make the strategic pushes against our foes. We have a 300 man Teamspeak server that is based in Chicago, that anyone with us can join. It has nice quality, and admins. Any interested people can reply to this post, or look me up in game via mail/ whispers.
Hope to see you all in game……..
(edited by WiltedBrainz.9703)
Western PA here, and same issue. I couldn’t send mail to anyone in game, logged out to restart, and now I can’t connect to the servers. hmmmmmm.
This whole event has been a train wreck. Not only were the pre-events bugged until almost 5 am for me, they do a one time event that a lot of people missed out on, or got disconnected. I expected more bang for my buck. Such a shame.
Way to cap everything during an event guys. Too cool! lol
Good job ET on the map. We have some good commanders that stuck with the server. It’s nice to see the low man whoop the bullies arses. We do this good with 25 ppl against 70+, I can imagine when we get to capacity. I can see where people get butthurt on WvWvW. I wish we had more functions on reporting questionable players. I have noticed a few players bouncing back to life after they had a finisher thrown down on them, only to take out 10 people AFTER they are dead. A guardian that blink warps around the field 1 shotting people, and a few other things. I guess you will always have someone take the easy way out to look leet. If that is the case, I feel sad for ya. But to the rest of you guys on the other servers fighting fairly, I salute you. Hope to see you on the battlefield.
I got plowed by bots, bots, and more bots on a WvW, not sure how that script targeting works, but it sucked. ET is too dead to even take that as a legit victory. I played WH for a few years, but I won’t be WvW much on GW2. When you have 100-1 odds, it is not fun at all. Sorry for the negativity. Just calling it as I see it.
I myself cannot get into it. I like the concept, but because the server transfers let people pile up on one to dominate, we are left with a server where WvW is not an option. Now they have botters in the WvW. Nothing like getting plowed by 6 hunter botters while trying to get to an objective. So, unless ANet does something to eliminate the bots, and uberpopulating a certain server to get the buffs, WvW will not be in my future.