Showing Posts For Wing Leigh.3795:

Ranger Pet Buffs Showable

in Ranger

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

I’m gonna just promote my idea again. Show the pet as another party member. It already is one. Just stick the pets portrait up there next to your other party members. Then you’ll see any condis or buffs on your pet. And Anet surely has the code to do this already.

Just my 2 cents

nice idea
But think of a group full of ranger… 4 ranger and their pet are 8 pictures and additional your pet too gives 9 and that’s for the large party interface is immense
That would be so if they would just add the pets to the party interface without modifying it so the owner sees it only

I used to play guild wars 1, and that’s exactly what they did, was just make the health bar smaller and under the person’s name.

I often put my Monk Heroes with Ranger Secondaries, and I had groups of 8 in the OG Guild Wars with pets.

Trust me, it’s not that bad.

We need more pets!

in Ranger

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

Charr pet? You want a pet that’s not only stronger and faster than you, but smarter as well? I don’t see how that’s supposed to work…

It’s called a joke…

We need more pets!

in Ranger

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

Well, I for one want a Doylak so much.

To add to my point, almost everything I mentioned has been tamed.

Rockdogs, Griffons, and Raptors by Ogres.
Doylaks in GW1 were ridden by Dwarves and are tamed to transfer materials now.
Every hatchling Wurm is neutral unless provoked. And if they are anything like Devourers then if you raise them at birth they will be alright with you.
Grubs stay neutral in most Sylvari areas.
Thundershrimp are ALWAYS neutral and I remember seeing a very tiny one with a particular Quaggan.

And let’s face it. Everyone wants a Charr pet. Haha.

We need more pets!

in Ranger

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

Raptors, Doylaks, Griffons, Thundershrimp, VERY Tiny Wurms, Rockdog, Bats, Barracuda, Grub, Mosquitos, Firefly, Marmox, Siamoth, Skale, and Char-

Nevermind that last part.

So far there are very few actual pets, and 3-4 reskins of the same pet. It’s annoying and I’d like some diversity in my pets, the main thing about rangers..

There are 13 different models in Guild Wars 2, excluding reskins such as Red Moa to Pink Moa.

There are 25 different models in the original Guild Wars, excluding reskins such as Jingle Bear and Polar Bear.

What do you think? Shouldn’t we at least be even with the original game?

Even if it was things like Crocodiles, Flamingos, and Albino Rats, it’d be a nice change of pace from the very few pets we have to select now.

We need that D:

in Ranger

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

To make ranger fearsome you want to extend the casting duration of “Point Blank”

I do not understand..

I need cheap items to flip in AH!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

I am keeping this short.

I find myself hating having to cheat the player base’s economy like this, but I need 7 more gold for my Black Dye I plan on buying.

I am wondering what items I can start buying at the AH and sell for a higher price. A list would be nice.

I am sorry if this is against the rules, I read nowhere about it, I will not start if it is against the rules. Notice I said, “Not start”, meaning I haven’t yet lol.

A list of cheap mats would be nice, or cheap items in general. A couple days of waiting for a profit would be fine, as long as it’s a reasonably good profit. Thank you all!

Profession Advice for a New Player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

Appreciate the insights.

Is there a particular class that’s less gear dependent than others? I.e. are guardians / warriors more gear dependent than a necro / ele?

For the most part the caster frames are more reliant on others to tank. But even then, everyone can facetank a little due to a natural heal, just don’t do it in dungeons.

In PvE you’ll find you’ll be killing AI Creatures quicker then you can imagine.

Achievement Entitlement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

When players run out of things to do, they try to become entitled to believe they are the best. Wearing Obsidian Armor and Glowing White gloves in GW1 meant you spent hundreds of plat for the same gear, and people did it constantly while complaining. People did this for some sense of “Time Sinker” and something to do while waiting for their next fix of content/ lore or new gear to farm.

Finding yourself turned off by other people’s opinion is pure bandwagon. If someone complains that a boss event I did was boring, I say “Not to me” and continue on.

People find themselves searching for the next thing to do, and the pessimistic attitude may be the only thing that stops them from doing much more negative things, such as spamming, flipping in the auction house, and generally stopping playing. Some people need to complain about everything, who are you to stop them?

This whole thread seems to be revolved around the fact that YOU care about what OTHER people say on the internet. Do not let your opinion be influenced by others. That is all I can really say.

*Spoiler* Help Me Get Over This!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

Tybalt.. sniff
I miss you!


Charr Guardians and the Flame Legion.

in Lore

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

Monks are primarily healers. They were a caster that stayed in the background and wore light armor. Typically they dealt next to no damage, but kept allies alive.

Guardians and Monks are two different things.

Why Don't the Asura Rule the World?

in Lore

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

The way I see it is, you’d be greatly outnumbered in a military situation, and outmatched. And further more, outnumbered.

Having each race turn on you, from Charr siege machines, to Norn in bear form that are the same size as your golem army, mixed with the agility of the smaller races, you’d be at a war with everything.

Considering they cannot even control their own machines 99% of the time, I doubt militarized approach would be possible.

However, an economic drought could give Asurans victory through the methods the earlier posts suggested.

Stunlocked By Cannons In Vindar's Lagoon.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

Looked back, and I was in a corner where they couldn’t get me. I am rescued, but the pain (sniff) the pain will always be there.

Stunlocked By Cannons In Vindar's Lagoon.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

I was doing some map completion, and just general ranking up when I didn’t notice the red ring around my character.

I got hit from a cannon that I’d been avoiding the entire time. No biggy I thought, only 1/20 of my health was gone, and it regenerated before I even could get back up.

But then I saw another red ring outline, and I was like “GET UP QUICKER”
As soon as I got up, I tried to spam roll, and got hit again.

This time I tried to spam the evade button before I was even up, but it was too late, I wakitten again.

Now I am sitting here, writing this while me and my poor drake pet get tossed around. I am waiting for the cannons to lock onto him rather then me so I can evade the blast.

Please fix this. If anything other then neutral Fireflies were in the area I could have died while being stunlocked.. luckily it wasn’t that story.

Either way, I am at about 2-3 minutes in (My Warband Elite Recharged as a reference of time) and I have gotten no rescue from this.

New ranger pet idea: Phoenix

in Ranger

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

Phoenix’s were in GW1. They had a rainbow phoenix which was really flashy, but cool.

I’m up for any and all new pets.

Vizu From Guild Wars 1.

in Lore

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

This character was a simple AI in another “Run through this” mission, but lorewise she was a great character.

If I remember right, Shiro Tagachi assassinated the emperor and many others at a festival. It is unknown why other then power. While in the middle of Usurping his throne, this little assassin in training shadowsteps behind the Emperor’s Throne, stabbing him in the shoulder.

Vizu was killed by Shiro, but he in the progress of murdering her, reinforcements cut him right down the middle with his own swords.

Vizu sacrificed herself to protect the Emperor’s legacy and empire from evil. Her spirit was made Lore on why spirits come back in this unclear to me around the time Shiro started corrupting souls and bodies of the dead.

If Vizu was strong enough to single handedly injure the most important enemy in a GW1 Campaign, and resist his temptation as a “Spirit Corruptor,” she should be an ally to us.

This would not be a straight up GW 1 reference. Most GW1 players when asked “Who killed Shiro Tagachi originally” would answer the “Kurzick and Luxon leaders” if anything at all. Many do not know the effort Vizu made.

However, this would bring Nostalgia back from the Gw1 era, and I would LOVE to see something back from that era. Factions was mine and many others people’s favorite campaign.

TL;DR: Vizu was the unrecognized Assassin which killed Shiro Tagachi in his mortal life. Shiro was the main priority who you would have to “Kill” again in a major expansion, Factions. Vizu sacrificed herself yet the majority of players do not know her contribution. This could be Nostalgia for GW1 players who remember yet not require GW2 players to play the first one to understand what’s happening, as many GW1 players don’t know her as more then an AI they did 3-4 missions with.

How do we play our own music in GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

It said in the pinned thread there was a way, but the link was not available anymore…

My internet is fine, but if someone can explain, that’d be nice of you.

Thanks in advance.

Expand On End Game - Add Underworld

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

I hated the Underworld in GW1. The only reason people went there is because it dropped “Globs Of Ectoplasm” which were worth 7 Plat, and helped towards Oblivion armor.

It was a grind, nothing more. The “Tense” I from it was spending 1 plat just to get in, it really makes you tread your feet, and take your time.

Too boring IMO.

Minion Masters Are Useless?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

I just started not too long ago, and I loved Minion Masters in Guild Wars.

Having 12 minions wreak havoc was great, and having an intimidating corpse exploiting Flesh Golem hit for 100+ damage per strike was even better.

But I am playing with GW2 Necro trying to make him minion based, and it doesn’t feel too strong. Or even strong at all.

I have been looking at threads and it seems Minion Masters are “Weak and Useless”

Is there any way I could play these in both PvE or PvP and have a somewhat fair fighting ground? A simple yes or no would answer my question. But going in depth would be great!

Thanks, and yes, I am inexperienced.

Rangers feel weak to me.

in Ranger

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

Thank you all. I will continue to play Ranger.

I’ve played many games where classes are broken, and Ranger being my first class I had to take the time to check if this was the case.

I am inexperienced, and I had no idea whatsoever that the game I am playing now alters at level 80. I just thought it sort of… “Scales”

Good to know there is diversity in this game!

Rangers feel weak to me.

in Ranger

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

How do you surive so easily with a ranger? I noticed one handed fighting with a sword I often rolled back and forth out of enemy strikes. But that can only work until there is a cooldown, right?

Rangers feel weak to me.

in Ranger

Posted by: Wing Leigh.3795

Wing Leigh.3795

Before we get started, I do not mean to make anyone feel bad, I do not mean to insult any classes. This is my first post on the forum, and I have only played about 3 hours every day for a week, so yes, I am unexperienced.

No matter what class I rolled, Guardian, Necromancer, Engineer, Mesmer, or Warrior, I felt all did their jobs better then the ranger. I lost the Warrior due to me not liking it compared to the Guardian. But I tried the Ranger, which was my favorite class in GW1.

It seems the emphasis on Rangers is being in groups, because my level 15 Mesmer would destroy single rangers in WvW, almost all the time. But when they defended keeps they often caused a problem due to their range.

The ranger seemed to only deal a reasonable amount of damage when I either used the fifth skill of the Warhorn, boosting damage, or when I used a sword. That isn’t necessarily bad, but with medium armor and a cooldown, it isn’t something to rely on indefinitely.

But I get the longbow and it just feels so weak.

I would love tips, confirmation that this class is either weak or decent and I’m just doing it wrong, and I know I am bad at ranger. I have not found my strong suit for it quite yet.

I personally prefer having a devourer for an AoE to shoot through, and ability to move away from targets while being a ranged dps. I like the swords output, and the Warhorns Hawk Ability, but often get hurt too much due to weak armor. Any ideas what type of playstyle I should attempt?

Thanks ahead of time for answering.