Showing Posts For Wisdom.6028:
kitten it IS a requirement if you wish to do so! If not, there are 11 other possible dailies in which to get your daily requirements! All im saying is maybe perchance alter ONE POSSIBLE daily to make it worthwhile to earn, 2g daily shouldn’t be taken lightly.
I dunno, i am a bit jaded with my point of view…like players expect ports for something they can just as easily do themselves. Or like players expect rez at world boss fights (OMG). Its just more I’m against the mindset of players that expect to be handed stuff rather than EARNING it.
And dungeon runs? I can’t run them to save my life, but I still wouldn’t accept an easy out, because there are other dailies I can do instead. and gradually I am learning various dungeon paths because I want to challenge myself to become a better all-round player.
Just the same idea I already voiced when I heard gliding will come to Tyria:
Add a jumpingpuzzle-starter to the start of each jumpingpuzzle. You use this starter to receive a buff.
- Without the buff you can’t loot any chests within the puzzle
- With the buff you can’t deploy your glider
- You loose the buff upon using a mesmer portal
- You loose the buff when leaving the jp area
I understand that this post wouldn’t be well received but these are great ideas.
EDIT!! should be noted I’m only referring to the specified daily jp.
I love the fact that Anet has included a greater variety of dailies into the mix, none more so than good ol’ jumping puzzles.
One thing is I don’t like however is lazy players looking for an easy out by only asking for ports and not making any effort at all. You participate in other dailies because you have to, why should this be any different? I get that players have busy, hectic lives and whatnot, but there are plenty of other dailies they could do…
Anyways I propose Anet in the same fashion of disabling gliders throughout jumping puzzles ( for the most part), somehow blocks the use of Mesmer portals and portal creating devices for the dailies.
So in saying that…any thoughts or ideas?
Just pointing out that the bonus wintersday gifts you receive in BL chests are the old ones with old rewards.
In regards to Tempests north wind collection.
yeah it says you need Machined Warhorn twice, as opposed to the Tempests Loop item, which is what I received upon completion of elite spec.
hopefully this clarifies it a bit, there used to be a coztic itzel challenge here before the HP nerf. Honestly, I don’t understand why make elite specs so easily obtainable now but that’s another discussion for another part of forums.
Even as im typing this I flicked back to game screen, other players are completing this hero point by communing, yet I cant.
Not that big of a deal really but it is something that count toward map completion and therefore toward getting the elite spec gear collection completed.
I would just report that stuff you mentioned in pvp example, that’s so far beyond unacceptable, competitive gameplays one thing, but yeah…
for dungeon runs you could always put up a lfg for casual group, im sure there are a lot of players who don’t want to run full zerk speed runs, might be a few minutes longer than fully experienced run, but probably more fun in the end (and yeah, probably meet a few decent people in the process).
find a nice guild, there are plenty out there, not hard to find. but if you go around thinking everything about gw2 is toxic, of course you’re going to have a hard time adjusting.
yeah teq was pretty much just a daily chore, log in, afk on a map for 30 mins and boom show time, 15 mins later…success! I like how its more of a challenge now, and it makes me think about how I can rework my traits and whatnot to maximise my contribution…but a lot of players wont think like this. Like after patch hit, it was a joke, he downed way too easy so something had to be done.
Where you stand for early damage is where I was critting him btw, lot of players saying they cant crit, well, it can be done. But like were there other options besides double hp? Most likely. But ill still log in to try to best that smelly beast.