Showing Posts For Wolfvox.7854:

I Don't Want To Turn Off Team Chat...But!

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


Anet do you EVER think of what some of your changes are gonna do? i.e. Linking?

The concept of Team Chat is great and if used properly, it would be a great tool. To be able to broadcast to all maps that your T3 Garrison is under attack and needs help would be great!

Not the case. All 4 maps now are cluttered with messages about Pizza, Soiled Panties, Our BL Needs Help, What’s In Your Refrigerator, Homework and How Bored You Are.

If you ask politely to only use team chat for call out emergencies…hold on to your chair! You, your whole family, pets and everything you hold dear might be attacked by Kid Invinceable! Flaming, swearing and all the other things that go with "Don’t Tell Me What To Do, I’ll Do What I Want!

We have TS/Map/Squad and Party. Not everyone has TS. Most Commanders still type out instructions for those ppl who don’t have TS. Kinda hard to see with all the clutter.

If Team Chat name was changed to say EMERGENCY Chat: and hold any abusers accountable for adverse behavior.

Just my opinion but as a LONG time WvW Player and that is 75% of my playing time, I do not have faith in Anet when it comes to WvW. Some of these blunders should never have happened in the first place. You have to be able to see the forest thru the trees!

Anet smoked Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


I would have told them to get off the map and go to the OS if they wanted to duel! But if they were developers shouldn’t they already know that?

WvW Since HoT Was Released

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


Like I said…“Forest for the Trees” Some PPL are just so one sided and willing to be force fed whatever Anet is clueless about dishing out for the current week. It is really useless to post anything on these forums. All I was trying to say was that I didn’t know why MAP LIMITERS wasn’t an option. It wouldn’t hurt to try it and I know they can do it.

So I will let everyone else post their thoughts. I’m done. Flame on PPL get in your last jabs! LOL

WvW Since HoT Was Released

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


First off I tip my hat to Anet for trying. However…I don’t think they can see the forest for the trees!

The fun factor for WvW has steadily declined since HoT was unleashed! I don’t care what the POLLS say…they are wrong! This LINKING is NOT the answer. It seems like Anet is dead set on bouncing the servers around till something fits!

For the life of me I don’t know why the servers are not just left as a singular entity and put an adjustable or floating map population limit in place. This has been suggested already many times and never really addressed by Anet.

Something like this might cause the ppl who like mindless Zerg/Blob/Mob fighting to change servers but that would be a choice.

I’m on a low WvW pop server and before the linking we at least had a few chances to win some weeks…of course we got stomped on the others but at least it was competitive sometimes. Since the linking we have finished second every week. I feel bad for the other HOST server that finished last every week. The server that finished first every week…I think I’ld be bored.

Any ways, this linking is not the answer. And Anets offer to BLOW UP the servers and start over isn’t the answer either. In fact I think that was pretty childish on Anets part to even suggest that!

POLLS should not determine WVW's future!

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


Anet…first off let’s not use the terms WVW Population or WVW Community. There is NO WVW Population. At any given time anyone can be in WVW just like all the other areas of the game. It’s a SERVER Population. The WVW Community is the vast number of players who want to play WVW. Let’s see who is voting in the POLLS. At spawn there are 2 ppl in the corner practicing their emotes, 3 by the Laurel vendor talking about Game of Thrones, then the 4 ppl crafting and the others zipping in and out to use the bank/trader and finally, you have the boat load of ppl who really dont play WVW or know too much about it. They just come in to get their dailies and are gone. Sometimes leaving at a bad time to let other ppl die in fights. I wonder how many ppl just bought the game and are voting and possibly changing the future of WVW for the rest of us after they leave the game to go play DOOM or any other title of the month. WVW has been in a downward spiral since HOT. You have no idea how many ppl you chased away by just perm contesting the wp’s in the home desert bls. That was a bonehead move! Your quick fixes after the fact seem lazy to me. This forced “merger” called being linked has not accomplished a thing. The week AFTER the spring update was great. I saw more ppl coming back talking up WVW and it was a pretty fun week. You didn’t give it enough time. Then came the linking, then came the q’s, then came the zerg/blob fighting on most maps. Not too many nails left to be driven into this WVW coffin. Hire a full time admin person, give them a computer with a survey email address. You have all our email addresses. Send out REAL surveys to ALL the ppl. Yeah you are gonna get some stupid responses but i’m pretty sure you are gonna get some constructive stuff also. Not everyone uses the forums. Not everyone responds to the polls. I even know some avid WVW players who knew nothing about the polls. If you are gonna Dictate what is good for us like the link/merge just do it. Our opinion’s won’t really matter. I hope all the ppl who voted to keep the linking are enjoying DOOM after they log out of GW2 after a mindless zerg/blobbing romp for 20 minutes.. You could have left the servers alone and intact by using a map limit number. You know exactly when to shut off miniatures. Why couldn’t you do this with players on a map, oh wait…that’s already being done? Well how about adjusting the numbers then? Anyone who didn’t like the play was always open to transfer, instead half of us ALL got transferred whether we liked it or not!

Linking/Point System/Server Match Ups

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


That site has been around forever and has never been up to date or accurate. It keeps great tracking of the current match ups but not prior. Just look at History and Medals. Some servers weren’t even listed and you mean to tell me HOD and EB only have (3) medals between them? Dragonbrand and SOR have NEVER won a match? This is not what I was talking about. It has to be controlled and kept up to date by Anet so it’s accurate.

Linking/Point System/Server Match Ups

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


First off get rid of this linking/transfer! It was a bad idea that should never have happened! The quarterly update seemed to revitalize a lot of ppl in WvW the week before the linking/transfer business. Ppl were buzzing in a good way. Then the linking/transfer came and sucked the fun right back out of WvW for A LOT of ppl. I have always wondered why servers were in TIERS. Why doesn’t weekly performance make a difference? Wins/losses should be kept track of and used for the weekly match ups. Give 5 points for 1st, 3 points for second and 1 point for third. Loot chests would be hand in hand with the results also. Each week the match ups could be made according to how you are doing. If you have 10 points, your 2 opponents will be right around the same point total. Your server would be a number not a tier. If there’s 24 servers there are your numbers. You might be at the same number for a while but not everyone can be number one and not everyone is gonna be 24. Yes some ppl will complain that you will see the same enemies every week. Do you think in History the King of a Country at War sat on his throne wondering who he was gonna be facing the next week? Countries were at war with the same enemies for years and years and years! This kind of system would allow some servers to progress and some to regress. All servers could see point totals that would say how they are really doing and where they REALLY rank against all the other servers. But before anything happens, get rid of this linking/transfer thing and never allow it to see daylight again!

World Linking Beta

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


Since HOT came out, Anet has been bending the “unwritten rule” of not forcing gamers to do things they don’t want or enjoy because it makes them go to things they do enjoy. You can call this debacle a “linking” but it’s not. It’s a “forced transfer”. I’m totally disusted with WvW. A lot of my Guildmates and Server Mates feel the same. Been playing a long time and it’s become a trial now. The spring update was great, it brought a lot of ppl back to WvW and added a lot of fun back into WvW. I don’t have faith in Anet making the right choice for the players here. I question their common sense sometimes. The perm contested WPs in the desert keeps is a prime example. Anet did not think that this would not cause problems? They did not see the uproar a “forced transfer” would cause? Blobbing/Zerging is not wanted 100% of the time by MOST ppl. Our server had rules like “no dueling” on the Battlefield. I got “linked” with a server that berates you and your parents if you interfere or even get close to their “dueling area close to a contested Tower”. They make sure that you know you were not invited. I know a lot of ppl cry “I’m gonna quit…I don’t like this”. Those ppl will prolly stay and be force fed. It’s the Hard Core players who won’t say anything and just stop playing. Anet won’t know because their communication skills with ALL the players has always been lacking. Server populations do not make WvW pop numbers. The actual ppl on all the maps in WvW give the correct numbers and we all know that it fluctuates constantly. I think the best way to handle this would be by using map limits so it is fair for all (3) servers. if the maps were controlled by map limits it would be in place all the time and the Server pop would never make a diff to the WvW numbers. Have the enemy server map limits tune themselves to the Home BL actual map pop. There has to be another way. This “linking/transfer” is NOT the answer but for some it could be a deciding factor whether or not they continue playing GW2.

"FORCED transfer of worlds" rip 10 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


Server Loyalty is important. I’m on SF and the 5 weeks BEFORE “The Linking” we got steamrolled 2 times, came in 2nd 2 times and won 1 time. Yeah it sucks getting steamrolled but it is what it is. Then comes “The Linking”. We don’t even have a Home BL. I really don’t think Anet thinks these things through. I don’t mind Zerging/Blobbing but NOT all the time. This linking did not help at all. It just discouraged a lot of people even further. There are 10 positions on a dial, Anet goes to 10 every time. The impact is always extreme. Why not start at 1 and work your way up? Why can’t POP balance problems be controlled with a really strict slot limit on each map for each server or use some NPC Mercs that could be hired through supply to offset. And I don’t mean cannon fodder NPC’s, make them 1 lvl below Champs and make them available only to the servers that are outnumbered. Gotta be something. There has to be another solution. I hope this “linking” goes away never to return. I also hope some thought/common sense goes into any future changes. Up to this point, I don’t think that has been the case at all. The changes made to the DBL maps before linking were really nice. Made it easy to get around it was fun again. Those wp’s in the keeps were huge. Never understood why from the beginning we could NEVER use them in our Home BL. Never made sense. Anet…take a deep breath and think!

[Constructive Feedback] Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


First off, tip of the hat to A-net for putting so much work into the Desert Borderlands Map. Now take off the hat and slap them with it because they ruined our Home Borderlands! Map makes no sense what so ever. We did not need earth, wind and fire to fight for. Where are our wps? Takes way to long to get around. It’s like a Technology War. We don’t need that. We need a map with strategy involved to fight on. Fun factor in the Home map now is 0 for me, totally annoying and frustrating. You can not go to your home map now and kill some time and try to accomplish anything. For me, I log from the game totally annoyed and watch TV. I am not a casual player, WvW at least (3) hours or more a night but not now. I would’ve loved if they STRETCHED the Alpine map to the new size, put in the enhancements like auto upgrade, Sentry Posts that show enemies etc…and put all the hard work into other things like maybe Increased tougher (but not invulnerable) Guards that would be added as time went on, Siege Towers where we could breach the walls and try to get in over the walls, Moats with drawbridges with no way to enter the water without drowning (never could understand how heavily armored Warriors could swim around like they were in the Olympics! :-) Ladders that could be carried up to the wall and give you a chance to breach. Real SIEGE type stuff (built with blueprints and supply), no technology from the Asurans. The way real Castles were fought for. Like I said, a lot of work was put into that map but it squashed the fun factor in the process. I know I’m not alone in this thinking.

Can't get into the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


Just to add something, the ORIGINAL name of my post was “Arena Net I Challenge You To Respond To This”…they changed the name of my post instead. Does anyone even see my point on this?

Can't get into the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


Lot’s of free time since “the update”. Myself, along with DROVES of other people still can not get into the game! Why haven’t you guys made any posts of reassurance for us? I check the forums before each attempt to get into the game looking for any sliver that would make me feel better and confident about YOUR abilities to fix this debacle. Unless I missed it…you guys have not addressed this at all. You addressed the set-up problems for the people who just got the game. How about us old timers that have been with you forever? Can’t log into game, work arounds posted by other PLAYERS trying to help, don’t work for everyone. If I could put money on it, I’ld say the camera crap caused all this. My opinion only but “first person” is not needed in this game…this is NOT Duke or Doom. Another change that messed everything up when probably MOST of us didn’t want it anyways but were not asked. I’m really irritated right now… (3) days and counting!

After The Patch Aggravation!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfvox.7854


I don’t usually post here but I have a lot of free time now that i can’t play the game. I have not been able to get into the game since the patch. It irritates me that Anet does not have someone here trying to help or to give advice or reassurance.

There are a lot of helpful people here but it is NOT their job to come up with temp fixes for the countless droves of people of all operating systems and graphics cards to be able to get into the game to play. We should not have to cut and paste, window or anything else to be able to play the game. However I am reassured to the fact that since the update broke a lot of hearts along with the game mechanics that Anet found time to get some new items into the Gem Store. They haven’t fixed the game so I can play but if I COULD get into the game I could buy a new dye pack from the store which has been added SINCE the update. I’m sorry…that’s just not right.

When I moved it took me over (2) weeks just to get my email address updated. I can just imagine what we are going to be in for after the expansion. Don’t get me wrong, this is a great game and I really like playing it but it seems that Anet whose intentions I think are always good, drop the ball way too much. Like trying to churn out content every (2) weeks, make it monthly…slow down…don’t come out with updates that change every profession, half the weapons and 50 other things. This game is not going anywhere, It doesn’t have to be reinvented every time you turn around. Stick to the important things first. Can’t log into the game but they add a new dye pack…come on!