Showing Posts For Wolfy.3708:

Python (3.X) bindings for GW2Spidy API

in API Development

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


Hi! I’m not sure if there’s any interest in this, but I wanted to develop something using the GW2Spidy API and Python, however the only wrapper that I could find was for Python 2.X ( I wanted to use 3). So I updated the wrapper I found to use Python 3.X, and you can find it on my GitHub over here!

I also included some very basic starting code so that hopefully anybody (even someone fairly new to Python) can use it! ^__^

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

(edited by Wolfy.3708)

The Nightmares Within: Tips and Tricks

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


I wrote two guides for the Tower of Nightmares, one about getting to the top (found here), and another one about getting more Tricolor Keys (found here).

I hope somebody finds them useful!

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

Improvement for visibility of LFG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


I definitely support this idea! Even though the LFG tool has been released to everyone now, there aren’t as many listing in the actual tool itself than I expected there to be. I think that this is the reason why.

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

Quaggan's Press - A brand new GW2 blog!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


I recently started a blog called “Quaggan’s Press”! It is dedicated towards helping the Guild Wars 2 community with various written guides. I currently have two guides, a Guide to Obtaining Charged Lodestones, and a Black Lion Key farming Guide. I thought you guys may want to take a look at the black lion key guide, because it will help you get the new Aetherized weapon skins! Thank you for reading, every view on my blog counts!

Link to Quaggan’s Press

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

(edited by Wolfy.3708)

Huntsman cannot craft "Soft Wood Planks"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


Ok, so after waiting 10 minutes, I tried again and it worked… Not sure what happened there.

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

Why doesn't Sunrise always look like this?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


I think it may be due to the post processing effects that a certain area has. This could make Sunrise look better in some spots then others.

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

Huntsman cannot craft "Soft Wood Planks"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


I have never noticed this before, so I can’t tell if its a new bug or not, however; when I go to a Huntsman crafting location, and try to craft a soft wood plank, the crafting bar progresses as usual, however my amount of materials (soft wood logs) does not decrease and the “I have __ soft wood planks” does not increase. I can still craft everything else at the Huntsman station, so I believe the glitch is specific to this one item. I have tried the following in order to fix the bug:

- Restart game
- Move soft wood logs from my collectibles to my inventory and vice versa

This bug is very annoying, as I am attempting to level Huntsman to level 400 so I can make the Gifts required for Kudzu. I hope this is addressed quickly.


Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

(edited by Wolfy.3708)

Please make SAB permanent [Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


If there is anyone from ArenaNet reading this right now… Please check out this reddit thread that was started for people to show that they want they Super Adventure Box to stay forever.

It currently has around 900 people signed!

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

Guild Wars 2 First Person View

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


Hey guys, not sure if you know it but first person view was actually in the beta weekends, but they have removed it since then, so I doubt it will come back.

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

Completing Story should award Precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


After getting my Juggernaut done.. this would be a giant slap in the face of all those who have worked hard to obtain theirs.

It’s hard to get for a reasaon, Anet will NEVER make it apart of the reward for story completion. Enjoy dreaming.

this is the WORST logic ever.
so becouse a design is severely flawed and badly made it should NEVER get changed becouse some people already had to deal with it and so should every one else have to as well?!
how old are you? 10?-13?..

seriously. the base design on how to obtain precursors are severely broken and have nothing to do with anything but LUCK!! which is just wrong, especially in a game like gw2 where they tried to design everything else so that its a “fair mans game” and luck should have VERY little to do with it.

and BTW: having to complete as example the entire world map, all puzzles, all storyline etc. 100% completion is a kitten of alot harder then anything else you can come up with and it is diffinately more of a “show that you REALLY deserve a legandary precurser” then just being “lucky” or RMT’ing your gold to just buy it -.-

So all of us who already busted our backs working for our Legendary just get the shaft because you’re lazy and want a hand out? No. It’s hard for a reason.

My age has nothing to do with this but since you brought it up…. I’m 28.
7 of those 28 years was spent in FFXI, in those 7 years I got to Stage 3 Relic weapon ( there are 5 grueling stages ). If you want to see how hard Anet could of made this.. look at FFXIs equivalent to a Legendary. Maybe then you’ll appreciate how EASY this games Legendarys are to get. Then maybe you’ll understand why I, and others, are against this.

The game actually makes you wait a week on the 5th stage to get your Legendary back from the NPC, a day on the 2nd stage, 3 days on 3rd stage… You have NO idea how easy GW2 Legendarys really are to obtain…

We aren’t talking about Final Fantasy legendaries….. We are discussing Guild Wars 2, so you cannot compare the two.

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

Fractal Weapons Attainable and Still Rare

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


Excellent idea. I have had my frustration in trying to get fractal weapons as well. I really hope this is something that ArenaNet looks at.

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

Completing Story should award Precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


All i would really like is that the precursor is earned through achievement, not tedious farming of gold.

At the current state of a greatsword precursor, if i was to farm 35g per week (about 5 hours of farming a week), it would take me 17 weeks to get enough gold.

And keep in mind that’s not fun completion/achievement, its tedious and boring farming. For 17 weeks or 85 hours

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

Completing Story should award Precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


Hello, I came up with this idea as I have begun my journey of creating a legendary weapon. However, after taking a quick visit to the trading post, I noticed that some legendary precursors can cost around 600g. This is way too high, and ArenaNet has said that they will attempt to control the market for precursors, however, if they deem 600g to be alright (as they have not lowered the price) I believe that is too high of a price.

I think that if a legendary precursor (perhaps soulbound if necessary) was awarded upon the completion of the personal story it would make a much more enjoyable experience because it would give people a way to work towards their legendary rather than farming gold for hours on end.

TLDR; Completing your personal story should award you with a legendary precursor of your choice, because the current cost of precursors is too high

Thanks for reading!

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

Mini-Pet Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


Hello, I just recently made a forum post about this here. It was closed and I was redirected to this thread.

I fully support your ideas, and to add to your concerns, you also have to re-equip a mini upon death and respawning or even when you die and an ally revives you.

Has anyone heard an ArenaNet response on this?

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

The State of Mini-Pets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


I honestly do hope we can get an ArenaNet response on this. I would love for some of these issues to be fixed or some of the features you guys came up with to be implemented.

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

The State of Mini-Pets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


Yes CalvinHobbes that is possible, however it does not address the issues of having to re-equip after death and changing instances.

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)

The State of Mini-Pets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfy.3708


Hello, I have never made a forum post before, but I felt I should make a discussion topic after seeing the current state of the in-game miniatures.

I personally find it very difficult to enjoy a mini that I have purchased because of the limitations in-game. Some of the various things that I believe should be fixed are:

- Having to re-equip a mini upon entering a new instance
- Minis having to be re-equipped upon moving them in your inventory/bag (very annoying when using the “compact” button to sort your items)
- Having to re-equip a mini after dying and being revived/ way-pointing

With these issues, the mini pets aren’t as enjoyable as I think that they could be. With a few simple adjustments, I believe that there would be a huge increase in the amount of players being seen with minis, and also a rise in the market prices of minis as more people would want them.

A quick suggestion to fix could perhaps be to create a mini-pet equipment slot on your character.

Thanks for reading.

Creator of Quaggan’s Press (my blog!)