Showing Posts For Wowlock.8176:
I kinda think it was convinient for Anet to just use the same dragon instead of trying to make a new one from the start.
I mean otherwise the whole Wild Hunt thing wouldn’t make sense for Sylvari PCs as they are either being lied to or the supposed dream interpreters were wrong.
Meh, they can put that twist on but I doubt it will matter since all the PCs combined into one hero at the end.
Children that are building machinery that’s capable of affecting global security should definitely never be supervised and taking their doomsday devices away is just mean.
And the old thieving asura who after seeing all the threat that Mordrem presents , still acting as a moron and keep trying to back out of his promise until you have to remind him that his race almost got wiped out because of the same attitude. All the while trying to steal the credit of Taimi who actually do something about the threat.
Guess who I am gonna trust with that device ? Certain not selfish morons like Phlunt.
It might be a bold move to cut her out of the picture …but she won’t die unless they want to remake the whole Sylvari race stories and so on.
Hell the whole Lion’s Arch thing still makes no sense in the Personal story.
Sure a challenging content was fine but it also was a lot painful unless you picked a full damage and mobile built. No casting allowed and if you are melee, good luck not getting caught by the Wombo-combo of ‘’ stun + before you can get up 20k damage hit you with Slow and Poison. Die. Respawn at the same location. Rinse and repeat until your gear turns red or you kill the mobs ’’
Yea, that is not something I would call an interesting fight.
It looked pretty though.
I kind of hoped that Phlunt the Thieving kitten would die in the assault… Alas…no such luck.
At times like these I really hate not having the option to say whatever I want. Hell even a Ferocious response would be fine …and my norn is full NOBLE !
Just wanted to kick that guys head in or let him get eaten by Mordremoth.
(edited by Wowlock.8176)
I logged in to play the Dragon’s Reach Part 2 and the Divinity’s Reach part was fine along with Taimi’s first part of the quest…but after that , the Dry Top and Chasing Taimi quests had some impossible lag that won’t allow me to do anything. I logged in and out 3 times now and each time whenever I try to finish the quest , I keep dying to mobs because I get lagged out and when the lag pass, I am already dead.
I don’t know if it is just me or the patch messed something again.
Was the LAG… I still cannot do anything without getting caught in the lag and dying because my character can’t do anything while mobs swarm and kill me.
Good thing the repair is free but that doesn’t make it any better when it happens in Story Instances.
Also Screw Councillor Phlunt and his stupid face… I wish we could had the option to follow Taimi’s suggestion and attack the annoying kitten…
Well I destroyed the Dragon Totem in the Coiled Watch even chain…yet the story still says ‘’ Destroy the totem ’’ ..
I freaking did ! What more you want ?!
Warrior Rifle and Ranger Longbow (at least) allow you to max range AFK. You’re juuuuust out of reach of his roar.
Good thing I kept my rifle ! My only threat during the fight was getting crashed because of the framerate dropping like hot cakes. And not to mention the Skritt Queen fight… my god I didn’t even realize if I hit her or not.
So there.. more zerg where you barely know if you are doing anything other than getting a gold or silver medal in the end
I want people to die Game of Thrones style.
A ‘Green Wedding’ of Marjory and Kasmeer you say ?
At least it would make an interesting premise rather than ‘’ Oh while you were fighting this mini-boss, a Vine got her with no warning or indication. You just have to accept and move on…and try to feel anger but we know it is hard to care about a character that barely had any screen time. ’’
I am more sad about her potential than her actual death really. Also this event has the dreaded possibility of turning Jory even more redundant since she already had the plot of her daggers from a child ghost , with E , hell even surviving Scarlett’s attack at the end of Season 1 and now her sister dies as well..
My god, even for a Necromancer , that much angst can’t be good for her character…which means it can’t be good for us either.
You know , what if all this ‘’leaders are targeted’’ was just a redherring and we ARE the actual target ? I mean we are the commander , we killed Zhaitan , we killed Scarlett. If I was an Elder Dragon, I would try to kill the guy who basicly did everything while others just sat around.
Just food for thought
Hell , it is better than being called ‘’ HERO ! ’’. I am the Slayer/Commander…hell even Warmaster is fine, at least it reminds me I am carrying my mentor’s memory.
I find that weird too. I mean we are the Pact Commander, we helped her 2 First-borns to complete their Wyld Hunts. Hell if you are Sylvari , you are basicly her child. The whole ‘’ How can you get an audience ? ’’ stuff is just too redundant… unless everyone hakitten esia over the last year and forgot we are the reason they are still breathing. Buut as it happens, Npcs tend to act like that.
Hopefully Pale Tree and her mentioning of us will be accurate.
If anything, I would’ve liked to have somekind of trophy instead of junk I will sell to the vendor. I mean I bought a full Vigil Set and have Exotic items. Only upgrades I am gonna get are ascendant which probably never gonna drop from events or quests…so at least make the quest rewards meaningful with a certain item you can have at your home instance or a small skin …Something that I won’t vendor as soon as I see it.
I still want my Nord story instance Helmet that I won by beating a Son of Svanir leader. Story Book says I have it yet I can’t use it as a skin or even see it in my home, what is the point then ?!
Sadly, I might expect such cheap move from the story. ‘’Shock value ’’ and all. But for that to happen, either the Pale Tree must be corrupted or Canach somehow gets disconnected from it since The Dream is protecting the normal Sylvari while the rest tend to be open to Mords corruption.
Although I am expecting him to do some heroics and save the queen somehow. It is kinda weird to see a Sylvari ( a convicted one at that ) getting into the Shining Blade though.
So we’re the ones diving into the Pale Tree’s mind in this episode?….. Fascinating……
We follow Scarlet’s footsteps and don’t attempt to avoid the Pale Tree which would have given us actual data on the Eternal Alchemy…..
It didn’t drive us insane like it did Scarlet….. Probably because we’re not dumb enough to get a closer look at the Mordremoth corrupted Pale Tree in her mind…..
I don’t think we were falling into the Pale Tree but more so growing a fundamental understanding of the workings of the world that is Tyria. What has me curious is it seems almost like they’re playing Mord to be… like Gaia from Greek/Roman mythology in that it’s the heart of the world itself and of course the Pale Tree, being nature bound, is involved to some extent.
While I hope the Sylvari aren’t the culmination of Tyria’s defense against the Dragons, I am kind of rooting for the Sylvari being the result of Mord’s creation, the Pale Tree(s). But what has me curious is what significance the others have in the grand scheme of all things… I mean obviously they are pretty much climate change on steroids but in relation to each other, each dragon, I wonder how they fit together. We were told the Dragons don’t necessarily have allegiences with one another but I felt like the cutscene was portraying Mord to be, I guess the daddy?
Really interesting none the less. Looking forward to Episode 3 for more closure. I did get a lol though, this is totally a omage to Mass Effect.
EDIT: Just to add, it was nice seeing a fully animated real-time cutscene which is reminiscent of Guild Wars 1 in how it told its stories. The primary grueling factor of GW2 that really bummed me out was how they changed the way they tell their stories during cutscenes. But this conclusion was on par and it’s been what I had been asking for since Season 1 started, more visceral and entertaining cutscenes.
It feels a lot like the Old Gods from World of Warcraft really. Azeroth can’t survive if all of them are dead soo Titans imprisoned them.
Now Dragons wake up whenever the magic and leylines gets out of control or disturbed to consume the excess ..then go back to their slumber. That is the natural cycle of Tyria. The races that live on the planet are just small consiquences for Elder Dragons. They do what it is in their nature and they are not necessarily allies with eachother as they represent a part of Tyria ( mostly terrifying parts )
I am wondering how this will all end up since what we are doing as races living on Tyria, we are basicly fighting its nature and probably allowing something dangerous to built up but killing the Dragons ( or putting them back to sleep ) prematurely.
For your question about Mord , I think he is involved with Pale Tree since its in Mords element. He is THE jungle element, he claims lordship over it. And Pale tree + Sylvari basicly falls under his command…yet they are free. Mord probably doesn’t like that. Just like Zhaitan did with the Dead where he worked to kill more people just to grow his army. Think of how strong Mord can get when he gets a hold of the Pale Tree and the Sylvari.
If we assume the 6 orbs are dragons, then that means there are a confirmed 6 dragons.
Zhaitan, Kralkatorrik, Jormag, Primordus, Mordremoth, and Bubbles. If the Pale Tree is the center, and thus the dragons are rotating around her, it’s quite possible that she is in fact Tyria’s will incarnate, the equivalent of Hydaelyn from FFXIV (Hydaelyn is the planet’s will, and often speaks to the player).
Which sounds quite weird considering she was grown just over 25 years ago all the while the Elder Dragons were here even before Human gods.
So either Ventari found the seed of her previous incarnation or she somehow got really important.
Either way, I just hope she is just Mordremoth’s target because of his nature ( jungles ) and not to the whole Elder Dragons. I mean what connection the Pale Tree would have with Jormag or Primordus. Even Kralkatorrik.
You know the sad part ? I didn’t care about it at that point since I knew they were gonna pull a crap like that. Frankly, after getting through all the death and destruction, I am more shocked on somebody surviving at the end of story missions really.
Appearanly Marjory was saved at Season 1 just to kill of her sister. Somebody at Anet must really hate Mama Jory to kill at least one of their daughters.
It is a waste of potential btw. I was more mad about the mini-boss before getting to this scene.
They have different appearances. You can see Dougal Keane in Vigil Keep (previously he was at Fort Marriner) – he even has dialogue of Almorra allowing him to not wear the standard Vigil uniform (while Crusader Keane does). It’s likely a relative.
And Tobias, if you did the storyline then Crusader Deborah does recognize you – she did when I went through it on my ranger. You had to talk to her as there was no changed spoken dialogue lines (such as in the cinematics), but there was recognition.
I am looking all over for the recognition dialogue since I don’t know how long it will take my alt to get to that quest just to see it. If you can just spoil it a little for me that would be great , thanks
More I read about it , more I feel like this is kind of a tough situation. I mean Elder Dragons needs to be stopped , that’s for sure but killing them outright ? From what we saw, they exist to consume magic from EVERYTHING , including us. And when they get enough of their fill , they sleep and let it sweep through to the world again.
What will it mean if we destroy the elemental cycle of the world ? Will the nature of magic start to go ’’wild’’ like it did 11,000 years before as said in Jotun writings ? Are we dooming the whole planet just to save our skins ? Because lets face it, a mortal’s lifetime is nothing compare to the whole cycle and planet. Sure a total genocide of all races is bad but we already saw what happens when mortals get their hands on powerful magic and it will get worse if there are no Elder Dragons to consume it.
There better be a way to contain the magic and so on , otherwise the whole Elder Dragon Crusade is just another way of going ‘long-way around suicide’
Thats why I like the personal and smaller stories better. It is easy to connect with and don’t have ‘’ you are doomed if you do, but dead if you don’t ’’ crap that will leave more questions.
Sadly, after experiencing Ascalonian Catacombs… I deemed it is not worth the effort. It certainly did not encouraged me to play more dungeons and rewards are not even worth the try. I mean if you gonna make the dungeons with such unbalanced damage and skills ( Gravelings with Perma knockdowns.. Bosses which pull you close from ANYWHERE you are and one shot you before you can get up )
I got a wipefest for 2 hours ..then had to quit. The next day…in a miracle I was able to lead the group from the mistakes I made a day before and finish the Story mode with only 1 wipe ! I was proud of that run. Next I wanted to ‘Explore’ the dungeon , couldn’t be worse than the story right ? Wrong….
After dealing with mobs who happen to always have the kitten Poison attacks or arrows and dying 7-8 times , we are faced with gravelings who can knock you down PERMANANTLY… I mean you won’t be getting up until you are get ‘downed’ by the mobs. After dying even more to them… by another miracle we were able to kill them one by one , dying in-between. So that led us to the first boss in Foefire’s heart with 2 elite mobs. You would think you can kite the boss and kill the adds before that right ? Wrong again. The freaking boss will Pull you close and LITERALLY one shot you….. I mean where is the opportunity to escape or dodge ? He will pull you , knock you down at the same time …then do his spinning thing without you are able to roll out of the way… Before you say I am squishy or something, I am a Warrior with at least 6k HP and 700-800 Armor…. and the boss still one shot me with that skill.
So please adjust the dungeons so people won’t get scared off by them after 10 minutes they are in ..or the Dungeon experience of the game will have a bad reputation from the start. Hell I can even accept just removing thekittenPoison from the dungeon all together, without changing anythingelse. Poison is so annoying and somehow EVERY mob inside the dungeon have it. No regen, constant dots ,stuns , knockdowns… it is not a pleasant experience to play dungeons but it feels like a self-torture as it is right now.
I might sound like exaggerating now but all I can say, try the place yourself and then tell me if I am wrong. Even with the Miracle , 1 wipe , run of the Story…it took over 1-2 hours. And I saw my friends get 2 levels in PvP and getting better rewards from it than the time I spend in the dungeon and the rewards I got.
So, long rant short…either AC needs MANY adjustments to damage or elite’s skills. Or the dungeons NEEDS to have something to make all this Suffering worthwhile. Because as it is… I am quite inclined to skip ALL dungeons I see as if they carry a plague. And I LOVE dungeons in MMOs. I don’t want to miss out on them but I can’t bear the suffering and annoyance for 2 hours of wiping because of the unbalanced skills and numbers with soo little to gain in the end.