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Daily Acheivement Point cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wraith.3504


I just found out about the daily achievement points cap and I can only say that I am disgusted. I have had the feeling that those of us players who have been with this game since its inception date, are getting more and more punished. This is a perfect example of this. First they slap a cap on infinite achievements such as dungeon master, fractal master, and salvage master. then they take away our monthly achievements, then I find out that the daily achievement point also have a cap. I was told that this was so “new players could have a chance to catch up,” and that this was the standing explanation from our beloved developers. To me this seems to be a way of punishing the older players for being loyal and regular players to allow new players who have not been around since the beginning to feel more involved then they actually have been. This is becoming obnoxious in the extreme, as the punishment for being a long time player character has become overwhelmingly repetitive. It is time for this practice to stop, because it is unreasonable to limit the growth and advancement of older players to give a leg up to newer players. It is time to remove not just the daily achievement cap and for the developers to stop the inane actions taken to limit long time players. With less and less festival content, and lower and lower achievement points per capita in most tracks this mentality of removing rewards for older players makes no sense and helps drive older players away who have been in game since the beginning. Time to stop the removing of rewards and allow us to play the game that we love as it was meant to be played and stop punishing us so new players feel less kitten.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Wraith.3504


It also promised that absoleutley no content in the game would be a tedious chore.

It lied.

GW2, What ever you promised to be, you need to keep it, screw this “1%” minority that are into e-sports, and raiding 24/7 this isnt WoW just abbandon that entirley and focus on the people that “do” care about the game, and “do” care about it surviving longer than 3 months.

Can we please, PLEASE go back to what MADE GW2 special in the first place.

Going forward, GW2 needs to abbandon this “challenging group content” kitten and “e-sport pvp ladder” system and just focus on what MADE GW2 special.

Its a game, people can play at their own leisure for fun, with nothing overly complicated about that at all.

Season 2 did this ALOT better than HoT did.

Going into Season 3 and future expansions, I would seriously hope A-net goes BACK to what made the games CORE gameplay special.

I want a game that isnt just another WoW clone, dont become another wow clone, A-net.

So must to agree with in this post, I think it is time to realize that since Anet acquired GW2 from NCsoft the focus has been more towards the top 10% players, leaving a 90% player base saying “what the hell! I want my game back!!” There was a moment when I was very excited about HOT, and then it turned very very tedious and monotonous.

The content that exists need a complete power balancing, and OP enemies of Maguma need to get nerfed, not the PVE player base. The worst part is the PVP player base was why they Nerfed the builds again, and they completely killed the playability of the Revenant and severely hurt the Chronomancer as a result, not because they were too much PVE-wise, because they were too much PVP-wise. This was an foolish tactic, if you want to cotton on to the PVP players based separate the skills and skill abilities from PVE to PVP. I agree that sometimes what makes a PVE build perfect, would indeed make a PVP build OP. Still, when you are fighting 10 to fifteen overpowered enemies in PVE you need more power unlike PVP, were is is 1v1 or 1v2.

Another point of contention is the grinding of materials, Mastery points, Hero points, sepcialization advancement, and other tedium. I actually feel as though the dev’s were trying to make up for the less grand from the first three years to be more grind now. It is sad, and I know a lot of players who are not longer going to even be around for when season three drops later this year. They have become so disenchanted with GW@ because of what they did with HOT that they no longer wish to play. That number is growing daily so Anet should start attending to this issue faster. Stop worrying about E-sports and Elite 1% players and remember it was the Casual life blooders who made this game great. When most were talking about the “friendliest player-base” they were talking about the causal players of the first three years not these fools who make up of 1%.

Get your heads together Anet and stop this now or just retire the game after HOT because if things keep going the way they are you are not going to have a player base worth putting a Game out for.

Many people left because of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Wraith.3504


Ulion said:

“The difficult of HoT is fine for me just adapt a little bit until you get use to your classes defensive trait lines. The lack of overall content was disappointing. Still Wvwer have good reason to be upset with stale content.”

There is more too it then simply adapting. I tried to adapt and then we get nerfed again. It is time for Anet to nerf themselves some and start to realize that they may have gotten a little crazy with the “new challenging content” rallying cry. The maps in themselves are challenging to find your way around, granted I would have liked to see more of them. Still, the enemy base, numbers and strengths are OP. Also they have an endless list of powers and abilities that the player base does not have. They need to stop nerfind our builds, and start nerfing the OP nature of the enemies.

Many people left because of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Wraith.3504


I am afraid that I must agree with Random Wolf on this thread. I have not only heard of people leaving the game because of HOT, I have known several players who did. These were not fly by night players either, they were good solid players better than I. I do not think that the only problem with the game exists withing WVW, but also PVE. I know that the rallying cry for “more challenging content,” was used to try to entice the elite player base into staying. There were other more casual player who are okay with it, but for a larger portion of the player base the new PVE content has been a real disappointment. It seems that they are doing everything they can to take any enjoyment that Casual players might be able to get from the game. I for one do not like the idea of going into an area, and being forced to play a certain way. When I go into the elitist new maps that represent Maguma, I find myself having to run when I want to fight because the enemies are so massively overpowered that most of the time if I get in a fight with anything over two enemies I am doomed. Now most will respond with change your build, adapt and change you play style, which I have done, but I still spend way too much time dead for my liking. So what does Anet do I ask? They nerf a lot of our abilities and force us to change everything up again, not because they are attempting to fix the massive in balance of power in PVE, but to fix PVP for the new league systems. Did they perchance nerf the OP constitutions of the enemy base in Maguma…No. They actually destroyed the playability of the Revenant, the one class that was made for the Maguma maps. I find myself wondering if this is just a post ANET buying out NCsoft situation, because much of the pandering to elite, and elimination of casual player decision came after. I also wonder if they are ever going to seperate the PVE build system enough from the PVP skill system like was done in the first game. That would solve some of the whining coming from the PVP players. WVW is entirely garbage, and that cost the game another large group of players. The maps are too big for the amount of players allowed on, and the content should incorporate more of the mechanics from the Maguma gamer, i.e. gliding being a big one. Still, I hope and pray my patience, and the patience of other casual players like me holds until Anet realizes that it need to calm down some of the enemies on the new maps, because the maps themselves are awesome. It is just too bad that I will not play them often because they are underpopulated most of the time, and as a solo casual player, I refuse to enlist an army of strangers to play a game I used to be able to play solo, or with a few select friends. Also for all those out there who are stupid enough to keep telling people like me to go find another game, keep it up, if enough people leave you too will be finding another game, because without a player base Anet will not continue this game.

Not getting credit for my achievements

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wraith.3504


I have had nothing but trouble with living story achievements lately. I have been playing catch up lately with living story content that I have not done yet. Three days ago I went to do the “Butterflies and Viscera” achievement from the Entanglement Chapter of living story, and though my other guildmate, who also needed said achievement got the achievement, I did not despite being the instance starter. I reported the bug, but have not heard back on what is happening. Today I went in with three others guildies to do the Exposed Weakness: Redux achievement and having a flawless fight were no boons were transfered I was again denied credit for the achievement. This is not the first period of time were credit has not been given for achievements which I know I have accomplished. Still, not getting back to the players is a sure way to alienate people from the game. Is there anyone else having this issue, and how do I get it fixed. I have a bug report of both instances, but have not heard anything yet, just wondering what I can expect, because this is not a good thing to put players through.