Showing Posts For Xaal.7235:
I personally don’t like the idea of being rewarded just for logging in! It looks like a desperate move to get players to log back in and play.
0 Times, I refuse to run the stories again for AP. It was very lazy of ANET to stretch out what little content they’ve just added by making us re-run the LS.
The change to the world bosses pretty much killed the game for me.. it was the only thing I loved to do!
I’ve also noticed the same when I log in for the first time, it’s taken up to 5 minutes to log me in, but once I’m in it’s fine.
I’ve a decent set up i7 core and I’m using an SSD, but my internet connection isn’t great at most I’ll get 7mb, I’m wondering if it’s downloading a load of data first.
Here’s a printout of eight screenshots that illustrate fairly well what it’s like to be a GW2 player in Europe:
ich komme ^^
sanglier lancé?
buenos dias, hay zerg?
where is oak?
rota is heute irgendwie geteilt
quelqu’un peut me redonner le tp pour l’ordre des soupirs?
Wo zoll denn im Zweilichtgarten eine Truhe sein?
champ krait
<Taidha Covington> will respawn in <6> min later, Teleport point <[Laughing Gull Waypoint]> this messade send by <>——8
wo rota?
salut le bus est où s’il vous plait
wer den gildenmissi typ gesehen?
somebody saw the guild mission boss?
vo ca. 8in der höhle unten
cua va ahora?
Krait champ + Truhe + Vista
That sums up pretty well one of the reasons why megaservers is a big fail in Europe, force to play with a bunch of people you can’t communicate with!
I stopped playing GW2 since megaservers ruined the game, but I keep popping back here with the hope of some good news but I see we’re still being ignored!
Two ways to avoid megaservers:
- Stop playing GW2
That’s exactly how I’ve avoided the megaserver mess
Since the megaservers went live, the community I was part of has died. My friends list now has hardly anyone online anymore, and my guild use to have consistently during the evening, 90-100 people online. That’s now dropped to 20-30 people.
I’ve just lost the will to log in these days, the final nail in the coffin is the strict world boss times. The loss of the dynamic nature of the world boss popping up randomly killed the game for me, that was the one thing I really loved doing in this game.
My biggest complaint with Tequalt is it’s spawn times and I’m in the UK:
04:00 – I’m sleeping
13:30 – Working
18:00 – On my way home from work
I basically have to keep popping on to the map to see if any guilds are going to spawn it. I don’t why ANET picked such stupid times, what were they thinking!! and I can never do Karka queen as that’s even worse times…
They would get rid of the megaservers
All world bosses have been ruined by the megaserver.
Fixed it for you!
I see the people that like that the megaservers make tge game feel more lively and yes it’s great for new players and people leveling, but that doesn’t actually help the gameplay.
Megaservers have restricted content by having to created a strict time schedule for world bosses. As a result it’s now turned into a boring zerg train where people learn only to spam 1 to get a hit. The temples, Fire shaman and ogres are always completed, since the patch I have not yet been able to kill Lyssa or Balth where I use to do this daily.
Recruitment is now a complete nightmare, not too bad for North America but you try that in Europe where you can have people that speak 10+ different languages and they’re all blocked by default from communicating with each other.
Due to megaserver on all maps it’s now impossible to know if a temple is open or not without going to the map.
The new boss schedule for me is a complete disaster. I loved the dynamic nature of the world bosses pre-megaserver, and I really enjoyed leading people on a world boss hunt as the bosses popped up, I can no longer do that and now it just feels like a grind! Now you can spend at least 10 minutes waiting between each boss.
I now have no idea when I can run Temples, Eye of Zhaitan and I’m not prepared to keep jumping into each map constantly to check if they’re up.
Since the megaserver went live I’m actually losing complete interest now in logging in anymore.
Weren’t they going to make a guild metaboss summon feature?
But still, Im still convinced that raids, no matter the size, needs to be instanced.
The cost of activating these bosses for a guild is massive!
Pre-Megaserver – I use to kill teq everyday,
Post-megaserver – I’ve only had 1 kill, failed every other attempt.
Megaservers have been a complete disaster for this game! I’ve had never seen so trolling in map chat before until now, I no longer feel part of a community and half the time I don’t understand what people are saying as I can only English.
I’m rarely in a map with my guild members when running world bosses, they’re often spread over many maps. Karka queen as an example the map I was on was full so no one in my party could taxi in, I couldn’t to their map as it was also full. On top of this other guild members were spread over different maps as well. How is putting me on a map with players I don’t understand and will probably ever see again a good thing?
I use to be able to run world boss hunts, I loved the dynamic feel of it but can’t do that anymore with the new schedule. My commander tag is completely pointless now, as I rarely do WvW.
Trying to run guild missions was a pain, we couldn’t taxi people in as the map was full, we were competing with our guilds to start guild rush and over bounties. Did no one stop and consider what would happen when you have multiple guild trying to do guild rush at the same time??
Whoever at ANET is responsible for this mess needs to be fired!