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I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


I don’t understand why it matters though. You left the game roughly a year ago so you had to expect and accept that you would miss out on all of the content until you got back. Whether or not there is an option to purchase episodes or not doesn’t matter in this case.

I added emphasis. Now I am back. But I don’t have access to content. I am asked to buy it like this was a DLC or something. That’s not right at all.

Yes I expected to miss on “ocasional event” (christmas, valentine, w/e). I didn’t expect to miss permanent content.
Imagine you played idk what MMO. You go away for a while. In the meantime they add a new map. When you come back you cannot access that new map unless you pay. This is garbage.

That’s why I asked, why do I have access to the new PvP map then? I wasn’t active at that time, so I should be denied access if we are consistent. May I shouldn’t have access to the new traits either.

GW2 wasn’t supposed to be pay to play crap where you have to buy each patch like its some kind of stupid DLC.

An example for why it matters:

Imagine you are using Microsoft Windows. For some reason you don’t have access to your computer for while or chose to run Linux for a few months (the reason doesn’t matter at all. It is your choice.).
Now for some reason, you wanna go back to MS Windows. Sadly, you missed Service Pack 1 and a few other patches. This awesome patch added new features, fixed some bug, w/e. Wouldn’t you mind if you had to buy all those pacthes, one buy one, even tough you already bought your Windows licence a while ago? I would go crazy.

(edited by Xaqq.7562)

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


I am in the same situation as multiple players here.
I didn’t player for ~1 year and now I’m back. I am mostly a PvP player and I never even finished the normal story. However, I felt insulted when I saw that some story episode had to be bought with gems.

This is really fels like being treated as wallets, nothing more.

Someone said this:

“I logged back on after 1 year afk, why don’t I get treated the same as people who stayed with the game keeping the population up and money rolling to ANet over that time legitimising the expansion?”

Might want to roll that around in your head a few times.

Yeah why not? I cost literraly 0$ to Anet while I didnt play for 1 year. All while you costed some server resources. So you ended up costing them more than me, yet you get free content and I don’t? Sorry, that’s bullkitten.

When I originaly bought GW2 I bought the game, and access to patch. Its like if you had a Microsoft Windows license, missed a few patches and had to buy them back. All you had to do was update your installation. Well you didn’t, now buy the patches you missed. This is kittened.

Maybe I should buy access to the new ranked arena system? Or the new PvP map? I wasn’t here when it rolled you, why should I have free access to it? /s

Ranked Arena starting condition

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


Sorry Ronpierce, but this is a failed system. Here is why.

Each game have ~2min preparation time. If someone leaves at this moment, it should cancel the game. To compare with LoL, if someone accept the queue, but leave while champion selection, the game is canceled, and doesn’t start 4v5.

This is a similar mechanism i’d like to see implemented. Someone accepted the queue, but left during game preparation: cancel the game and give him a debuff or something.

Ranked Arena starting condition

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562



I want to ask why is there no check to make sure both team are full before starting a 5v5 ranked arena?

I mean surely it’s fun to play 4v5 for the whole game, but this is ranked, so it would be nice if Anet could add something like 15lines of code to check for team size before allowing the game to start.

I wont comment much on the fail team balance (2thief/3mesmer vs 2warrior/3engee anyone?) because this may be harder to get right, but making sure each team have 5ppl logged in isn’t that hard.

I see no reason why this hasn’t been implemented (except lazyness / kitten pvp mentality).


Remove the solo q LB

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


Leaving Skyhammer (a bugged map) is not a ridiculous reaction imo.
SoloQ is not competitive, so yeah, doesnt matter what they do about LB. It took them 1year to come up with that (must be really hard) so i doubt it will be removed.

So today patch

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


So today I logged on gw2, and oh, a patch. I was thinking: great, maybe they fixed bug / issue about pvp.

So, the game launch, and yay, a new interface when selecting character.
Then, I go play a bit, and oh, Skyhammer is still bugged (teleport spells -_-").

So, the community of pvp player have been asking for fix for a while now, and this is what we get? A shinny new interface and a bugged ingame minimap.

Are you kidding your player or something? Is gw3 under dev and you want ppl to quit gw2 ?

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


ANet is not even able to write a random map selection correctly. What did you expect?

Why is it always temple?

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


Its a nice and balanced map, but playing ~1/2 game there… well, you want to play somewhere else.

Why is it always temple?

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


I’m really wondering, how is it possible to fail a random map selection?

PSA: Massive lag spikes on Skyhammer map NA.

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


So we already knew the map was kitten for competitive pvp, now you’re telling us it’s even more unplayable because of bugs. Great news. Keep up the good work Anet

Improve SoloQ (not gameplay / class related)

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562



I believe that the current SoloQ system is broken, for quite a lot of reason. This post is about ideas to improve it. This is not about gameplay or the current meta.

I’ll try to list my idea, starting from the one that requires really few changes to the system.

  • If a game isn’t 5v5 when it should start, delay it for a minute. If it’s still not 5v5, cancel it. Sure, it’s not nice to lost time, but it’s way better than playing 4v5.
  • Do not group a profession more than twice in a team. This would help in avoiding stupid team setup
  • Add a way for a team to cancel a game before it starts. It could bring the dishonour debuff to the whole team, or something. This would avoid playing game you have NO chance of winning. It could be used when a team has, for example, no bunker and the other team has 2.
  • When someone disconnects, stop the game for 2 minute (or less if he comes back faster). After two minutes, the game continues.
  • If a team played 4v5 for more than X minutes in the game and lose, forgive the lose, but still count the win for the winning team. I believe dishonour would prevent abusing the system.

The last idea is probably the more “complex”, and could lead to problem with queuing, but its worth mentioning to have feedback about it.
Add a way for people to check for role they can fulfill: point holder, roamer, damage dealer, condition dealer.
It could allow for more balanced team setup. What do you think?

PS: Also, please remove SkyHammer !

Helseth - Rant Of The Week! Topic: Spam

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


Watched his rant — agreed.
For Anet dev, spell are to be used to deal damage: NOTHING MORE. No spell are to be used for a dedicated effect: fear is not a CC, its a damage spell. All area spell are casted in order to deal damage, not trying to control the flow of fight. Its basically: dmg dmg dmg…

But Anet is ignoring the community. Great compagny, really.

Its sad to say, but gw2 is broken: way too much bug (this is really funny when talking about a “competitive” mode).

Plus, I read that Anet banned this guy for telling a joke: only truth hurts guys, looks like he was right about the game being kitten right now.

I wonder when the game will be fixed? Maybe never, it seems easier / more fun to add pve content than trying to balance pvp. Quitting till then.

(edited by Xaqq.7562)

Why Skyhammer in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


Hello ANet.

Is there any reason why you chosed to make Skyhammer available for SoloQ and not for TeamQ?

Playing Skyhammer leads to more 4v5 than on other map. Looks like some ppl are starting to leave when this map is picked up. I can’t blame them and will likely start doing the same.

The map is broken: too many spell are bugged on this map (lol at shadowreturn).

Also, this has nothing to do with Skyhammer, BUT IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK TO PREVENT GAME FOR STARTING WHEN ITS NOT 5V5?

Here, is how to do it:

if (game->numPlayer() != 10)

I am both 837 and 32% - same player!

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


The reason the MMR matcher is “unfair” is because some people are scared to play, how do you want the system to work if everyone is scared to play? Hum? About 60% of the people in the Leaderboards have less than 30 games played. That’s nothing. That gives the system nothing to work on accurately.

This Ladder anxiety is so much common in every other game that has competitive Ladders that I grew tired of hearing about it.

This problem originates from players thinking they deserve X rating but are afraid to find out if that’s really true, because if it happens to be a “lie” how will the rest of the community look upon them if they don’t meet the expectations said players have set for themselves. It’s usually a sympton of lack of self-confidence in one’s habilities and skills to achieve their goals.

You should just stop caring about Leaderboards, I don’t see anyone taking Leaderboards any seriously, especially with our current meta. It’s a game, and not everyone is a pro player and what’s wrong with that? You can still be an above average player and that means you are better than most of the people.

It’s “unfair” because the algorithm is kittened. Probably written by an intern in a few days -_-". Seriously, someone posted screenshot of players ranking in both team: One was ~all players < 100 while the other was 300-500. Not sure where the “data” problem here is.

This is without talking about the real balance between team setup: an awesome joke.

The game was better before solo queue

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


Team arenas now have such ridiculous queues that they basically don’t exist. On top of that, duo and trio queueing is no longer viable.

I basically agree with what you said, and particulary with what i quoted.

List of Things Wrong With sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


I’d say my biggest complaint would be tab targeting. It either doesn’t change targets when I tab or I tab into a pet. I also never tab into the guy right in front of me; it always seems to be the people behind me. I wish you could enable a setting that prioritized player characters. I try mostly to click on the people I want to target nowadays.

We need a better way to target this is true.


in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


underkingkong, I don’t want to troll you or something, but comparing basilic venom with guard / engee bumps and necro fear.. lol

I think uber was referring to using basi venom into the stolen necro fear which is even better than any that a necro has. How about scorpion wire onto the glass? How about using shadow return to port back up after getting knocked off? Thief can be great on this map.

Like has been said above. ALL professions have a way to be effective on this map. You have 1.5 min to switch characters or your utilities or whatever when you see it is skyhammer. If you refuse to adapt you have nobody to blame but yourself.

This map is FUN and the expanded map rotation in solo queue is great for keeping matches interesting. I hope they keep it and the map doesn’t become a casualty of QQ again.

Well, the stolen fear is very good indeed. Scorpion wire, did you try it? It fails randomly way too often. Shadowreturn is totally broken on this map. It really is kitten. You can teleport “toward” a broken glass, but you can’t go back… kitten logic.

This map is fun indeed and I don’t mind getting bumped all over the place, or making ppl fall, but imo it should’nt be here for competitive pvp.

(edited by Xaqq.7562)


in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


underkingkong, I don’t want to troll you or something, but comparing basilic venom with guard / engee bumps and necro fear.. lol

No Matter what i do...

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


A good start would be balancing team setups. This would make game more interesting, and less HJ like.


in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


I agree, Skyhammer has nothing to do in SoloQ.
Eventually in a team tournament, where people can actually communicate. But in soloQ it just doesn’t make any sense.
The randomness of the team setups (which is a kittening plague) is even more important here.

Also, this map is more bugged than others… so much for competitive PvP.

People just want a fair match in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


I don’t know how the matchmaking is done but it clearly sucks.
It looks like eitheir all player of Team A have a best ranking than the whole Team B, or the opposite. This lead to stupid match which ends-up (most of the time — 80% of the time for me) to something like 500-200 and 100-500.

Interesting, close game seems over with this new soloQ system. Its either: you win like you were a full team against PUG, or you lose like you played 3vs5.

I don’t mind lose 500-400 or something like this, when the game was, well fun, because balanced. However, stupid 5minutes games when you know you win/lost in 2minutes of playing is… kittened.

SoloQ leaderboard is invalid

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


…But I guess it would be hard to proof it without being a dev, it would have been a big overlook though to let that system through with a possibility to sync.

Well, are you sure they care? I mean, it’s been nearly a year now, and you still get stuck in PvP maps quite often when using teleport skills: they didn’t fix it, and it would’nt be surprised if they don’t fix queueing.

Hotjoin invading tourneys...

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


_ OK nice tactic (and they do something else)

Haha, I really love that one too -_-"

Now the #1 Solo will not play for a month

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


Class balance is what it is… could be better but not that bad (maybe except for good spirit ranger). Problem is, IMO setup balancing. Team are way too random, and its kittened to play a game with 3/4 players having the same profession. Switching character is not always a solution, because it takes time (yay to insane loading time since patch).

Hotjoin invading tourneys...

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


Yeah well, solo queue tournament are nothing more that HotJoin with people of your rank.
Its mostly random (lol at 3 thiefs, 1 warrior and 1 ele – all bursty- vs a balanced team.

Looks like it was too hard for Anet to try and balance setup :/